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Everything posted by mikeyboy63

  1. Christianity says god made the world and everything else in 6 days. Creationism is blasphemy. Christian apologists admitting that their religion is wrong, but trying to hijack the credentials of science by accepting scientific evolution, which is blasphemy, then claiming that any evolutionary process is god's work. 2 million women miscarry each year due to flaws in the design and function of their reproductive organs. God doesn't design very well, does he? God, the abortionist!
  2. You don't believe humans were apes?? We're apes right now!!! We never stopped being apes!Never ceases to amaze me.....If evolution is wrong then there is no such thing as AIDS or the new superbug, or staph infection, that's killing people. AIDS wasn't hiding in a cave for a billion years waiting to walk out and start infecting people. New viruses and the like have recently evolved!Also, if evolution is wrong, you'd be an exact clone of your mother or father. The fact that you're a little different from them is what also proves evolution. Your kids will be different than you, their kids will be different, etc, and after thousands of years the changes can be rather significant. It's very simple.....
  3. Aren't you putting down scientific theories thinking that your 'beliefs' are superior? Aren't you violating your own pet peeve! Does it make sense to believe that something as complex as an omnipotent god 'poofed' into existence? The gradual organization of energies into more complex systems makes perfect sense if you understand science. I'm not a doctor, so I wouldn't critique medical science. You're critiquing science. Are you qualified? Is your pastor or minister qualified? How can you sit there playing on a computer and the internet, which could never be invented by your pastor, and use this instrument of science to say scientists are wrong? It's like flying 'around' the world saying to the world that the earth is flat! Hello! There is no point to your links. Of course, many species existed. The Indonesian apemen were on an island, cut off from the rest of humanity for tens of thousands of years. They didn't evolve with us because they were not mating with us! They were on an island! Lucy and other such apes existed. Nobody is playing a trick on you. How it all adds up is something that scientists are still working on. Imagine yourself to be a twig on a branch of a tree. From your point of view. looking down toward the branch, you're a unique twig on a branch of a tree. As you trace yourself to the branch you see that there is no break. You're a twig on a branch of a tree. You see no relation to any other twigs or branches on the tree, and one could make the argument that your perception is valid enough, though with some perspective, you're clearly related to the other twigs and branches of the same tree!. Likewise, as humans we see our own lineage and don't see monkeys in it. We see ourselves as human and were always human. Our perception is correct, but we were once much smaller, hairier, dumber, didn't speak, and before that we didn't walk on two legs, and before that we had tails, and before that we looked more like rodents, but we weren't rodents. We were human, and before that we came from the water, but we weren't some other fish. We were us always. Looking backwards, we never see the branching off effect, but it was there.
  4. rpgsearcherz- your little brother's teacher is wrong. We didn't come from monkeys. We ARE monkeys. Teachers are dumb. They also like to imply that we came from chimpanzees. There were no chimpanzees 6 million years ago! We're human monkeys and the chimps are another group of monkeys.
  5. Of course, for thinking persons, one must ask, "who created god?" Or did god just evolve? It's easier to understand how chaotic energies came to exist through a big bang than to accept as rational the presumption that a perfect being merely 'fell together' in the abyss. Generally, however, I agree with you. Humanity has religions because people need them. Eventually, humanity will outgrow them.
  6. The root of the word religion is rule. A religion is a set of rules for people to support and abide. Adding a god or gods that will punish you for disobedience is secondary. You don't need gods to establish a set of rules, and atheists do support the rule of law.So yes, atheists are religious in the sense that they oppose anarchy and support rules. They don't invent gods to scare people into compliance.
  7. A 64 bit processor processes 64 bits in the same time as a 32 bit processor processes 32 bits, meaning a 64 bit processor is twice as fast, in theory. Due to other factors, though, you may not actually realize a doubling of speed due to other bottlenecks, but it'll still outperform a 32 bit processor. Saint Michael has also pointed out some reasons above. Technically, it doesn't process bits faster, it processes more bits simultaneously. It processes 64 bits at a time, while the other processes 32 bits at a time. For the money buy AMD.
  8. Racism is tribalismReligion is tribalism (though that isn't the intention)Nationalism is tribalismConservatism is tribalismTribalism is the instinctive fear of those who are "not of our tribe"Liberalism is an attempt to overcome tribalismTens of thousands of years ago when humans were hunters and gatherers, they had to follow the migration of animals (the food). A tribe would eventually deplete the local animal population (food), so they would pack up and move 10 miles or so where there were animals. As tribes grew larger they depleted the local animal populations faster, so would need to move more often. This would become ridiculous, and tribes would necessarily split into several tribes, each smaller tribe moving off in different directions. Eventually, there were so many tribes that when tribes moved, they'd cross into another tribe's territory. Hunters of each tribe would fight the hunters of the other tribe for territory. The more ruthless hunters would win. This need to fight against others who were of different competing tribes became instinctive. Over time, humans discovered ranching, farming and irrigation. They no longer needed to move around, and began to realize the benefits of joining together with nearby tribes to end war and to have the manpower to build great societies. However, humans still had an instinct to divide and to need an enemy to compete against. These "conservatives" feared people who were different, and would seek to rally the people to cleanse the tribe of those who were different. This hunter's fear of outsiders is the basis of racism. Several thousand years ago, when good men established the rule of law, even developing religions trying to bring people together, conservative haters would eventually take over the religion, govt. etc., using them as an instrument to root out people who were different. People who see through the differences, recognizing the sameness of all people, are liberals. One of the most obvious ways to determine that a person is "not of our tribe" is skin color. In countries where all the people are the same color, they divide by religious beliefs, or income class, or level of education. If all people were of one religion, they would soon divide into different sects; Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, etc. or Shiite and Sunni. It's instinct to divide and compete: tribalism. George Bush is a tribalist. Bin Laden is a tribalist. They each play the same role in their respective societies.Even atheists are tribalists, arguing with religion over the existence of god(s). Our founding fathers wisely recognized this folly and barred the recognition of religions by govts. Each person should enjoy their lives and respect the rights of others to do the same. To end the madness, support liberalism. That doesn't mean voting for Democrats, necessarily, but support social equality in whatever tribe you're in.
  9. See the red X by your name? That's there because you're an athiest and George Bush's goons are hitting the disagree button to discredit your opinions on all matters. Remember to hit the disagree button on other posters if you disagree with their irrational opinions against science and social progress. I know athiests aren't that petty minded, but you gotta fight fire with fire, my friend or Christian Al Qaeda will ruin your good name. Obviously, the question becomes, where did God come from? Who created an omnipotent God? That question is more incredible than where did life or the big bang come from. That a perfect being existed from nothing with no creator seems to argue against Intelligent Design and in favor of evolution!! God just evolved!!
  10. Expression Web is solid. Have you checked out the video tutorials? What used to take me 2 weeks now takes me 3 days. Make sure you know how to create a dynamic web template and use it to generate all the other pages in your site. If you're a college student, you can probably download it for free, not a trial. It's a special promotion by MS to get students to use it instead of Dreamweaver, which is the dominant and pricey alternative.
  11. Over 100 books were written in the middle east during and immediately following Jesus life and none of them, not one, mentions any Jesus. He was just some rabbi with visions of grandeur. There is no god.
  12. Just keep it cool for a couple of months. If you can encourage him either directly or indirectly to hook up with a different girl, then you should be ok.
  13. I don't know if she'd have him shot, but I could see her pushing him under the bus, figuratively if not literally. She could deliberately try to sabotage his administration to kill his chances of winning the nomination in 2012. Rarely does a sitting President fail to win the (re)nomination, but sometimes the party puts tons of pressure on a politician to not seek reelection. It looks like John Edwards doesn't want to be VP. I'd draft him and force him to turn it down. Few other politicians believe in change.
  14. I think John Edwards is a great choice. I really think that they both care about the people who need the most help. I also like Wesley Clark to give Obama a military man as a running mate. I don't know how he'd hold up debating the Republican VP candidate, though. Debating isn't his forte.Obama may very well go for a female Governor. Several have been mentioned in the media. I don't know if it's a good idea, though. A black President is asking a lot of racist Americans. To also have a woman on the ticket might cause too many people to go into the voting booth and quietly vote for McCain. A black man AND a woman? This country is too backwards to vote for that ticket. Sorry to say, but true.I vote for Edwards. He's popular with many of Hillary's supporters. The southern accent will help Obama in the south.
  15. Virgin also translates to pure, or innocent. I don't know that innocent meant sexually chaste 1400 years ago, but it probably did. I just wonder where these 72 virgins come from. Were they human women who died very young while still virgins? Are there really 72 dead young girls for every man who earns them? Or does God wave his hand and create these virgins from nothing? Do we fornicate in heaven? What do you do on night number 73? I assume it's in the Koran since Muslims talk about it. The west didn't invent it, but maybe a Muslim leader did many years ago to provide incentive for his fighters to defend his land. After all, religion is a tool invented by the rich to keep the commoners in line.Kansuke, the pic is hilarious. Some people imagine enemies and hateful intentions everywhere.........
  16. To make this movie you don't really need to know about their religion. If they were Christian, would you need to know about their religion? Being Jewish is no different than being Christian. By that I mean it doesn't differ in their day to day lives. Culturally, they're part of the greater secular community. Your best friend could be Jewish and you wouldn't necessarily know it. What you need to know is the lies that were spread about Jews in Hitler's Germany. That they're all rich and fat, that they're like parasites taking all Germany's wealth and hording it. That they control the banking system, etc. That they're arrogant, considering themselves God's chosen people, and everybody else should serve them and be subordinate to them. That last sentence would be true for a small group of Jews called Zionists. Zionists believe that Jews are superior and should take whatever they want in the world, but few Jews are Zionists. Zionism is the model for Nazism. Nazism is Hitler's version of Jewish Zionism. Just replace Jews with Aryans in the rhetoric. In other words, Hitler was jealous of Zionism and created a similar belief system for Aryans, that Aryans are a superior race that should control the world.
  17. I clicked the link and your site isn't there. Did you take it down to make changes?
  18. That never occurred to me! Find bad sites and offer to redesign them. I think I'll give that a try. It's free. You can't beat free.
  19. Hi Castyna. I think the world is full of complaining pessimists so don't feel bad! Poland is a great country. I'm a bloody yank. lol. George Bush is almost gone!! Hurray! Are you going for a free site here at Xisto? If so, you can track your credits at Xisto.com/forums. You'll need 10 credits for a smaller site, 30 credits for a bigger site. Here's a tip: when you have enough credits to get a site, apply immediately since you'll lose all your credits when you get approved. So, for example, if you have 45 credits when your site is approved, you'll lose all 45 credits, or they may leave you a couple. So post enough to get your credits, then apply for a site and stop posting until after your site is approved. Then start posting again. Just my tip for the day. Welcome aboard!
  20. I know god(s) don't exist. We have detected all forms of matter in existence and god isn't made of any of them or we would have detected him. If there is a god(s), who created him? His mommy god and daddy god? Wouldn't the big bang destroy them? If not, why not? Because they're made of weakly interacting particles? If so, weakly interacting particles couldn't create the universe because they're WEAKLY INTERACTING particles!!If there is a god(s), and they continue to play cruel games with my species, I reject and condemn them. I am human and support my species!!If this god(s) wants me to worship him and be his slave for all eternity, I reject and condemn him. I will not be a slave for all eternity to any alien from outer space!! After all, isn't god an alien from outer space?If there is a god, nobody knows him. It's like millions of people who LOVED Elvis Presley, but how could they? They didn't know him! To live with him, to see that he was a drug addict, an abusive control freak, most people who claimed to love him would have hated him for who he truly was! What if god is an egotistical bore? How will billions of spirits serve him? Will we feed him? Wipe his rear end? Give him a pedicure? Billions of souls waiting in line for millions of years for their turn to give god a pedicure? How ridiculous is that? Or will we just sit around for trillions of years praying to him 5 times a day? 25 times a day? 2500 times a day? This sounds like hell!! I reject and condemn him!There is no god. It's a manmade fable.
  21. First you need to know what the site is about. What's its purpose: to promote, to inform, to sell, or to communicate? To create a menu or navigation system you'll need to know the site's purpose. If the site is large and/or the content on the site needs frequent updating or is an interactive site, you may need PHP scripting. I'll assume you're designing a simple site.To design the pages, many web designers start in Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro, whichever graphics program you like. The Gimp is a good program available for free on download.com. They create a graphical representation of the site template, probably starting with the logo, then the logo inspires the graphical design of the rest of the template. Personally, I find it easier to create the logo and drop it in a div in a wysiwyg editor. I use the editor rather than a graphics program to get the look of the template since I find it easier and ultimately faster. Then I go into code view and manually clean up the coding. Before you can continue, you'll need to create a navigation system, so you'll need to know what other pages you'll have on your site. To proceed without being clear on page count, you can create a navigation system as a placeholder. You'll need to update it after you've fleshed out your site.Don't place your site on a permanent host prematurely. It may get indexed by the search engines before it's ready, and the search engines might not like what they see. It doesn't need to be complete, but it should have good content and coding.Other posters have laid out some ideas on how to proceed in general. I just wanted to address the nuts and bolts reality that for many designers, you have to actually start somewhere, and it will be in a graphics program designing a logo, which will influence the look of the rest of the graphical design.
  22. I focus on one small business sector within 50 miles of my home. I send letters to the owners introducing my services and giving them reasons to have me set them up with a company website. I just keep hitting the same businesses again and again and again. I just wonder how other web designers get customers?
  23. As I read your post, I realized that you are describing our current system with only a few differences. Right now, only the President decides to go to war, the people have no say. Welfare is almost impossible to get and it already has time limits. The hippy liberals passed welfare reform under hippy clinton. Only single unemployed parents can get on welfare if they can prove that they have been trying but can't get a job. If your dad loses his job and can't find another one fast, you won't get help from the govt. Starve.I fail to see why the govt. should pay for roads and education, but not healthcare. roads are less important than health. an education is less important than health. And why have a military? can't americans buy guns to fight against enemy invaders? I'm saying some of this tongue-in-cheek. It just seems odd and arbitrary how we decide that the govt. should pay for pot holes in the roads or whatever, but not pay other things. Most americans don't pay federal taxes. it's refunded to them. they do pay state, local, property, and social security taxes, but not federal, so the argument that taxpayers get stuck paying for things should be amended to say 'rich people' pay for things. If you're not rich, why complain? I don't cry for the rich. I hope to join them, and I'll be happy to pay taxes to help people when they need it most.
  24. It should be noted that this is a free list of directories, not a list of free directories. The vast majority of the directories on the list require payment for inclusion, though many are free. Since I'll gradually work my way through this list, I'll be sure to note the free directories and post it here when I'm done. Great resource, but thought the distinction should be made. Another poster mentions spending money on a program that will automatically list your site on thousands of directories. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND AGAINST THIS!! Hundreds of those directories are involved in attempts to trick the search engines and as a result, end up blacklisted, ALONG WITH THE WEBSITES LISTED IN THEM! Steer clear of these auto listing programs. Visit directories, confirm their legitimacy, and register your site manually. Several dozen listings in good directories can do wonders for your site's ranking in the search listings. Avoid link exchanges when given the option. A one way link to your site carries much more weight with Google and Yahoo!
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