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Everything posted by BuffaloHelp

  1. AH! Well, since my site has one main index with two links I have my preload.js called in index.htm. And when the visitor decides to choose, let's say door 1 or door 2, the images are already preloaded before the visitation. I made it so for the simple factor of surfing pleasure. And since my graphics and images were small sized that I preloaded the entire image content even before any visitor views that page. It's like instant load. Therefore I personally would not need the status bar showing what images are being loaded. But now that you mention it my coding is very elementary and does not tell me what is going on. I am going to utilize your coding for my next project. Thank you for your post. function PreloadImages() { if (document.images) { var imgFiles = PreloadImages.arguments; var preloadArray = new Array(); for (var i=0; i<imgFiles.length; i++) { preloadArray[i] = new Image; preloadArray[i].src = "icons/" + imgFiles[i] + ".gif"; } } } PreloadImages(img#1, img#2, img#3, etc); This was one of the codes I found on the web. Interesting condensation.
  2. There is no penalty for leaving my computer on all day with Xisto forum page loaded, is there? I hope not. I leave this forum on all day long until I have to close programs to do my video editing and such. I know there is no penalty...but is there a reward for having logged into Xisto, hum?
  3. I don't do codings well but to a novice user such as myself, would it not be easier to make a file called "preload.js" with the following code? img1 = new Image(); img1.src = "images/nameofIMAGE1.jpg"; img2 = new Image(); img2.src = "images/nameofIMAGE2.jpg"; img3 = new Image(); img3.src = "images/nameofIMAGE3.jpg"; img4 = new Image(); img4.src = "images/nameofIMAGE4.jpg"; img5 = new Image(); img5.src = "images/nameofIMAGE5.jpg";And just call "preload.js" from your <BODY> tag just like any other JavaScripts? This not only works with any amount of array, short or long, but I guess I see the disadvantage if you have growing number of images. But it's easier for me to edit on this script.
  4. I have seen many packages advertised and now I am getting curious if I made the right decision. So I leave this up to you hosting members and like. Which would you rather have: Free Domain Name or Free Hosting Service? Now there IS a prerequisite for these freebies: Free Domain Name --You are required to post 3,000 posts to keep your name, whatever the name and domain it is, otherwise you lose it (ref: quarrel.net) Free Hosting Service --You are required to post very similar to Xisto forum. Now my future poll would be (if someone else doesn't already snatch my idea) to run a poll with selections such as: I rather have free domain name and PAY for hosting or I rather have free hosting service and PAY for domain name. Then followed by: How much is too much for Domain Name or monthly hosting service charge?
  5. hype Excellent work for finding free domain name service! Although I wonder who was the initial poster of your quote? I thought about getting a free domain name but I rather pay $4.98 per year (I made a posting to another thread http://forums.xisto.com/topic/21214-domain-names/ regarding to this price and the registrar) to register and own it as mine rather than have some company hold my business name/company name as a collateral for postings on their forum. Call me lazy, but for quarrel.net in order to receive a free domain of *whatever*.com I have to earn Q$6,000. According to its site a posting or a review earns Q$2. That means I have to put up 3,000 posts per year to keep the name. I am willing to buy one less cigarette ($5.18 USD currently) to keep my domain name registered to me. What kind of nonsense would be filling the forum if one person has to post 3,000 per year and multiply that by all active users? Gees... I can see THAT forum going down the tube really fast. I rather have free hosting service over free domain name. We should start a poll, don't you think?
  6. Actually I have one of Randy Bowen's Superman statue. And since the time of the purchase it rose 3 times the initial purchased value. And it's all thanks to Seinfeld's love affair with Superman. So, natrally I began to dig into little bit more of Seinfeld's life. But I'm a Superman freak. The classic case of the phonebooth syndrome... I'll admit that I have Superman's statue but I won't admit that I also have 45 posters and painting of Superman. D'OH! Most of them were autographed by the late Christopher Reeve (George Reeves was the original Superman "The Advantures of Superman" circa 1976).
  7. HA HA HA!!!! It's alive! It's alive! "The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire. We don't need no stinkin' water; let the ** ** burn"
  8. I don't know what manilla folder is but I'm assuming you're talking about the filing manila folder with one "L"? Well, I uploaded few sample images to my old account and here they are. The images are readily available with any Windows program. I do not claim to own the graphics or imply that it is not copyrighted. I am simply posting an icon to my own site to get an idea if this is what you are looking for: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ These are stock folder pictures found on any Windows program. They are copyrighted, therefore, by Microsoft. However, if you search them there are stock icons that you can have it for free. Cheers. PS, in few short days, I will be removing them from my site.
  9. Regarding #6Seinfeld is a Superman freak. On American Express commercial, the pin number punched in spelled out "Jor-El". Seinfeld has Superman Statue (Randy Bowen's limited edition) in the back ground where he keeps his games and video tapes almost in every episode. His refrigerator has either a drawing of Superman by a child or Superman magnets. Some of his story lines and characters revolved around reference to Superman or about Superman. Do you remember the running episode where he ran into his old high school buddy and raced at the end? Well he hugged Lois, his girlfriend. Here's another one that unofficial proof that Seinfeld is nut about Superman--Kramer (we now know him as Cosmo Kramer) has Superman's alter ego initials "C.K." for Clark Kent.
  10. Is there a God? Well, I cannot say that I question that myself because I was spared from premature deaths so many times so far that I do not question that. I almost drowned last year when I was caught by the undertow that dragged me 5 miles out to the sea. There was also a time when my car spun 3 times after hitting a snow patch going 80 miles an hour. I have fallen from 3 floors high and walked away with only a scratch?so on and so forth. So, I have my own personal reasons that I do not question, ?Is there a God?? But then again, you could say that I am the luckiest s.o.b. Perhaps. When I was learning Pascal, my teacher told the class some interesting factoid about Pascal and his other researches. She, my teacher, told the class that Pascal was not only one of the greatest mathematicians but he was also a brilliant philosopher. She told us a brief story of Blasie Pascal?s Wager. And let me get my note and write down the formula for you. If you will, given that: This by the way is very famous wager that mathematicians are always debating about. The everlasting question of, ?can mathematics really prove everything?? p of course represents the probability of existence. ?u represents the loss from believing, meaning if you believe in God you probably have to exclude some activities. That sacrifice of denying oneself of ?worldly pleasure? is represented by ?u. 0 is simply a zero. Zero for not believing IF there was God and you did not believe therefore zero reward at the end. 1-p is the whole truth minus the probability of God not existing. Since the probability is measured as 1 out of 100 and such, the probability is always less than 1. v is the for the ?value? or the reward you will receive when you believe in God. ?x is for the punishment you will be spared from, i.e. compare to none believers. If God happen to exist and you did not believed in God, the punishment would be x. So, Pascal wrote out this equation sighting that v (the reward for believing is infinite) As you can see, in the first equation if God does not exist and you believe that God does not exist (which you would gain so much of worldly pleasure) + God happen to exist times the ?value? or the reward for believing in God would turn out to be a negative answer. And the second equation solves as: Although there?s a probability of God not existing but you believe that God exists and God happen to exist, you will be spared from God?s punishment for not believing. Well the bottom line is that IF you believe in God and live your life with God?s guidance you will be rewarded when you leave this place. And Pascal concluded that if there is no God but you still believed in God, you live your life spreading good deeds and when you leave this place you?ll be known as a good person and that?s that! So in the end, it ?pays? to believe in God (some sort of God, any God) because the teachings guides us to be good in nature and good to others. Sounds nice enough. *Formula sighted from Pascal?s Wager, [blaise Pascal, Pensees, Infini-Rien] Now on to the great question, ?why are we here?? You know I see it just about every day that when new games come out it?s about the issue of life or death. Take a look at all those Counter Strike, Doom, Halo and etc. They are basically about life or death with a purpose to eliminate. When Sim Life came out it was the spawn of old games like, The Civilization, World Sim or any game that let you create your own world and you had the power to build, rebuild or crush to make something different. What if God is like that? Some sadistic sense of humor that impulsed him to create this so called Earth and he?s just clicking his mouse away, creating disasters and letting us to research technologies to gain higher points? And if we are created in his image or by him, wouldn?t we do the same thing or at least possess the similar destructive sense of humor? Probably that?s why everything we create is either lethal or kills something. Or may be this is some kind of test. Many cultures have ?the right of passage? ceremony where a young person must to though in order to be recognized as an adult. If that were to be true, then what you and I are going through in this life may be some kind of exam given by God, to see if we are able to pass. Whatever it may be, we are living in some exciting period in time, huh? Trouble sleeping tonight, My deep thoughts.
  11. I have seen few places where a name registrar company would take PayPal as a payment. Otherwise, you can (at least where I live) go to your local bank and ask for Visa or Master gift card. This gift card is preset by a purchaser and only good for that amount, i.e. a prepaid phone card. That way your credit card is safe and you only put the total amount of your purchasing. I have found Yahoo's (reputable enough?) promotion. https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/domains?p=CRUISE I do not receive any rewards by placing that link. It's currently the only link that will let you purchase a domain name at $4.98 a year up to 5 years. Offer expires September 30, 2005 PST (USA). You must be a new domain purchaser through Yahoo and require having a Yahoo account (email account) or you can sign up during your purchase. If you have ordering question, you may call Yahoo sales desk at: 1-866-781-9246 (again, USA toll free telephone number). Cheers. PS, although I may be in New York, USA, I visited UK for 3 months and I fell in love with the country, especially the mannerism. It sounds so civilized when you say, "cheers" instead of good luck. Don't you think?
  12. Do you mean a Windows icon? Where you might see a folder open or folder closed? If it's an icon you're looking for, what size would it be? I know you can stretch it out but keeping them proportioned would be better.You can download free icon software these days and extract them from your windows/system32/shell32.dll or any file that contains icons. If you are unsure where to look for within your computer, all you have to do is right click on any desktop icon, properties, and change icon. Windows icons are usually 64x64, 32x32, and 16x16. 16x16 are the small ones that you might find in, for example, your help file. I have my site's menu with the style of tree on the left hand side that looks just like Windows Help function. When a link is clicked it displays open or closed folder picture. Although I'm going to change that to + or - now that I think of it.Let us know further on what you are looking for. I know there are many 32bit icons out there that look really nice. And they are all free to download.Cheers.
  13. Some following views are relative to United States' labor laws. With growing trend of embracing technologies to make our lives easier, you would also find the huge gap between the people who know how to utilize and people are left behind. This gap has been wider than compare to 80s and 90s. By this assumption we will see that if the growth of technology does not slow down to have people catch up to it, you will have the next great big war. By war I mean the separation of people who uses and people who denies it. To keep it simple I have three examples to share: You have your cellular phone that can deliver your daily messages. You have your PDA and such to download the great works of Shakespeare. You can send your documents over the internet, paperless, eliminating the usage of fax or regular mail. So, why do we still have newspapers, fax machines and post offices? Simple--the majority of people (people who are not embracing technology but people who are in the labor force) would not give into the whole idea of total automation. If everything were to go automation stage what happens to people who had that job? If your phone can deliver your news, what happens to hundreds and thousands of working printing press factories? If your PDA can hold 100 years of literature, what good is it to keep your library open? Sending email and attaching documents if faster than waiting 3-5 days of mail delivery, why would the government keep funding post offices to be open? The answer is Union Labor forces. You see, in United States no Union Organization would allow the replacement of human labor over automated assembly line over night. Automation can benefit factory workers to aid to work better, more effectively. But replacement of human is not an option. Total automation will put millions of workers unemployed and with the current state of government debt this government cannot help all those unemployment compensations. It will be the biggest market crash since the Great Depression. And there is the nostalgic factor. Can you see yourself flipping though your PDA on one Sunday afternoon while having your brunch? Theres something about keeping the old tradition of folding and refolding until you get to your favorite section of the newspaper. Or, you doing the cross word puzzle with your sharply cut pencil or that new pen. And that nostalgic factor would make most of us inflexible to a complete change. Theres going to be people who still rely on keeping books the old fashioned way. Or that business man having his arm closed to hold a newspaper tightly against his body. And theres always going to be a card shop for that get well soon, Happy Birthday or Congratulation occasion because e-card just is impersonal. Only few percent of the population will let computer simulate into their lives. The rest will have to learn to accept and it will cause them stress immensely.
  14. I have "ask for ID" on the back of each credit card that I own (funny, I don't own any credits and credits are supposed to be a cash extended by someone else) along with my signature on the signature box. 7 out of 10 times I get asked to see my ID and I am very happy to cooperate. In fact, if the cashier doesn't ask for one I remind him/her that ID and signature should be checked. I had my wallet stolen and charged with $2,000 in a matter of 1 hour and none of the retail stores did not bother to check the user.So, using the credit card at a department store isn't that safe. Then what about using it online? Like Asad Haider said, what guards users from protecting purchases from online stores? Although Amazon is very trust worthy, Amazon would not have any idea that the card could have been stolen. Or if a key logger was used, it would not have to be stolen and it will be too late. There's got to be some kind of biometric device that can allow only one user to a one card/account. Have you seen new IBM's laptop? It has built-in fingerprint reader that associates passwords with each fingerprint. Forget the retina scan, imbedded RF tag or DNA tracker. Fingerprint method has been used for very long time and proven to be effective for hundreds of years. I had Citibank card that had my signature and my picture on the front of the card. That was good. But with all computer hacking theses days, it's easy for anyone to make-up a card with the same print. I say bring on the newest technology that reads a unique bio-reading that cannot be forged. Well, unless you lose your index finger...then that's that.My two cents
  15. I pickup my first guitar because it was just there. A friend of mine had his own band and it was during his break that I picked it up. And I fell in love with it ever since. His guitar was modified acoustic that had triple pickup. He wanted his amplified sound to be equal to the sound without an amplifier. He was fussy that way.I remember how it resonated around the body of that guitar and how it synchronized with my heart beat. So I convinced my father that my 13th birthday gift was going to be a guitar. Well, to make the long arguments later I bought my first guitar at 15 after working my best summers away LOL. I didn't know much about guitars back then and this old man at the Sam Ashe showed me what to select. He showed me what to look for when selecting an acoustic and that advice never stirred me wrong.I owned Takamine acoustic/electric and picked up Takamine classical/electric when I was done with my college. After studying classical music for two years, I had this yearning to pick up another one. Mostly I am self taught until I was in college. I seemed to be blessed with the perfect pitch and had the nag for leaning to play instruments quite fast (well at least that's what I was told). When my ex-fianc? left me I stopped everything for 7 years. I pawned my instruments and that was that. But you know life without your music just isn't the same. I re-required Takamine's acoustic and classical (both electric) recently and I'm beginning to remember what is like to feel that vibration through my soul. I remember when I first had my guitar I fell asleep holding a guitar. Well, life is full of repeats--just last night I had one guitar next to me and the other one held by both of my arms. Strange...
  16. 70? Dang I have to live until 70? What happened to "live fast, die young and leave a good looking corps"?Living long is good, I suppose. But it's the quality of life I am afraid of. What if I am to live until 90s but stuck in an elder's home or some kind of care center where I would be subjected to routine schedules of eating, walking, pooping and taking my daily medication? I rather live to the fullest with my own two hands rather than being fed by a caretaker or a nurse forcing me to live one more day...I guess I could take a better care of my self so that I could be on my own when I'm in my 70s. Last thing I need is my children changing my diaper. I saw my relatives doing that for 10 years until my grandmother past away in February. It was neither dignifying nor pretty. The stress of taking care of her just got to everyone. Don't get me wrong. We all loved our grandmother. But the fact that a proud woman who raised 11 children suddenly could not raise her hand to feed herself really broke her heart. And that heartache turned inward and out came the anger--anger towards anything that was breathing. I would like to be remembered as a grandfather who brought surprises on his visits and pulled out coins from the back of grandchildren's ears: not as a lunatic with foul language.It?s funny how I can express my hidden thoughts to large audience of strangers yet, I can?t even say to my own family...
  17. Do you realize Dodger hasn't said a word (replied) or participated on this heated discussion? I wonder if he/she posted this thread to get some hosting credits. You never know--start the spark and let others keep the fire going by fueling it.
  18. You know, speaking of broadband, I just got Vonage where you use your internet to VoIP? Now, my plan includes domestic long distance calls. But... what if the dialer software prompts my Vonage to dial to Europe? And the calling charge goes to my Vonage account where I don't have the international calling plan? Or even worse! It dials that awful XXX number and charges to my account without my knowledge? What then? Holy crap! I think I'm going to disconnect my Vonage at this time... "I say good day!" - FES
  19. What kind of punishment or torture is this? LOL This is not "what would you bring to an island if you can only bring three things." I get to have the same, any meal of my choice, for full year? It's paradise! And more ever, it'll be served to me and I don't have to cook or prepare it? I like this island and where is it? Allow me to explore this idea even further. Will there be someone serving this meal to me? And that someone can be a female? Okay, hold on... and she is, and I'm assuming, gorgeous? Holy crap, you mean to tell me I'll have food, wine and the beauty? (spaces out for good 3 hours in my imagination) You took the menu right out of my head. Nice salad to balance that red meat, refreshing drinks to down that meal or pickle my brain in alcohol and we're all set! Just imagin, you can do Atkin's diet by just eating the stake. You can do South Beach diet with salad and part of stake. Carb's feast diet with just the french fries... amazing! HA HA HA
  20. Is the sketch done by you or by someone else? I'll hold my comment until I know it further. I don't believe in giving a comment when the artist isn't going to read about it. It's not proper unless it was given to you. Then it becomes the property of you and then, it can be commented. Cheers.
  21. I was going to reply with:Tomcat, the star of the movie Top Gun, Navy's F-14 fleet defender designed and released back in 1971.Good thing I didn't.D'OH!
  22. Your art teacher drew this for you?As an art teacher, he/she sure did a horrible job. First of all, what art teacher does the hard outline style sketch these days? What happened to foreshadowing and contrast? Instead of sketching as a 3 dimensional character, it's nothing more than a flat cardboard box. I remember I received a C+ when my sketch was disproportioned. The rules of triangle and space point dimension are all out the door with that one. And if the art teacher decided to do finger rubbing to create shadows, the sketch should have been followed by dark background to create the contrast. Is the character standing on a floating point in space? The plane of field should have been introduced or implied with figure's shadow. That will create the illusion of the direction of light and casting of shadows to make it believed as a 3 dimensional character.What art school is this?
  23. Packard Bell still makes computers? It must be older than just "few" years. I wonder if the processor and the hard drive can handle XP? I am assuming that you upgraded to XP from the original Packard Bell shipped OS.If it's a true speed you are looking for, perhaps a new computer is in order. You can now pick up a brand new computer package under $600 USD from Dell.com. I can't even build a computer on that price these days. More information at Dell.com.Cheers.
  24. Dear Munchie Use this as a last resort to your problem: First, upload a simple index.htm or index.html file (whichever your extension choosing) and see if that page comes up as a default page. For example, you make a simple index page that says, "it works". You type your http://www.yourdomain.com/ and that page shows up. You now at least know that your file directories are intact and works as it should. If not, you may need Xisto to "reset" your directory. *NOTE: as a UNIX based directory listing, whatever or wherever your index is located, the default directory ALWAYS is /public_html. Therefore your parent directory's (where you see /public_html) index file does not affect your webpage display. Second, (again as a last resort) write a simple java script in your index.htm (.html) file redirecting to index.php. I understand that our server will support index.php as a default page (when no other index files are present--this is the key) but, again use this method as your last resort. If you have question regarding redirect script, let me (us) know. Cheers.
  25. TRAP17 is AWESOME!! But, before I go on and start celebrating with a bottle of wine I picked up from France, does Xisto allow form mailing via the server? I have noticed that some hostings would not let users use this feature fearing that it will lead to mass mailing application (just another way to send spam witout getting caught/costing money). If it's alright to send form to myself from my site, i.e. feedback, contacts, questions, and data capture, I'd like to write a detailed step by step on how-to's with formmail. I wasn't sure if this forum already had this how-to's but I couldn't find one. Unless, it was deleted to protect the reputation of Xisto? Anyway, hoo ray!
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