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Posts posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Well the Mets really need him in the bullpen, as they haven't had a good bullpen since the Armondo Benitez (forgive me for the spelling) era. The Mets would always blow the game at the end, and it would really make me mad. :P

    Close enough. But they have had a lot better in the pen over the years. But to be honest here. It seems as that every other year it's the pen or the starters that have jokes. year before it was the starters. last year the pen. this year it looks as from that I see, it will be the starters again. I pray I am wrong on this but that is how it seems to me. If Omar Maniez will get off the phone and start to get some really good pitching. Well Can we say Beep for the 3rd year in a row.

  2. I remember reading an article a few months back about Nikola Tesla, if we'd followed his steps we'd see this type of technology everywhere by now, but instead, we chose Eddison's side to use wired power cables, etc...
    The only problem I can see with this 'Powermat' is electromagnetic interference. They would need to perfect this before it can be properly, and fully 'integrated' into people's homes...

    But what if we take this idea and expand on it?

    So, for example. We might have a single transmitter in the middle of a house sending out electrical power at a certain frequency... And then have all electrical components have a reciever which needs a 'key' of some sort to use the particular frequency, so power will not be stolen...

    This will revolutionise the Earth...

    Read it myself too. and as for

    So, for example. We might have a single transmitter in the middle of a house sending out electrical power at a certain frequency... And then have all electrical components have a reciever which needs a 'key' of some sort to use the particular frequency, so power will not be stolen...

    the power would not be stolen, you could or could sell it back to the power grid. Because you would have to use some sort of power to get it all working in the 1st place. even it was say Solar power. That power would have to come from something. Even Telsa knew this. and if I remember right. I remember someplace that Thomas Alva Edison played around with this idea too.

  3. When we apply a warning to an account, we also have the option of taking further action. For example, we can prevent the user posting for a certain number of days, or indefinitely. Accounts can also be disabled. You'll know if this happens because you get a message pop up telling you about it (something along the lines of "Your posting abilities are disabled until dd/mm/yyyy." I can't remember exactly...) Quite often the moderator will also put a note in the actual warning to say if further action has been taken, just to alert the member and other moderators.

    Yea even I had got one of them kind warnings once. Forgot now what it was about, something of not using a quote or something. but in the warning box it gave me a 10% and the message of something like I would have the warning until that mod saw fit to remove it or something along that like.

  4. Late February that is :P
    Ben Sheets would be great, as the Mets could always use pitching. But I wonder, if they get him, would the put him in the bullpen? I don't think he's been there much before, but I think the Mets could make it work. Maybe work him in like the Yankees did with Joba (but in the opposite way), and hope he does better then Joba did when he changed.

    Speaking of Joba, he's due in court soon :P

    NL West will be Dodgers all the way. The Yankees were very stupid in letting go Torre (Who made the '08 Playoffs?) and he is doing very well in Los Angeles. AL East will be up for grabs, as it always is. Now the Red Sox and Yankees have do deal with the Rays, which will make postseason hopes smaller. After all the Yankees, Ray, and Sox could fight over 1st place and the wild card, while some team in the Al Central takes the wild card away on the last day of the season. I really don't think the O's and the Blue Jays will have a chance, but who knows? The Rays were the surprise of '08, maybe there will be another surprise in '09. The Rays were smart and took a few chances on young players, and it paid off for an AL Championship.

    Yes they do have him, and most likely he will be in the pen. But and this is a major league but. We still do need some new starters. I will be willing to go on record by saying he will be given a shot come spring training along with a few others, because it is looking more and more each day that the Mets are not really trying to shore it up like they have the pen. But time will tell I guess. As for Joba? you would think as much money as he makes he would have his own driver. WTG Joba :P

  5. Hahaha well it's always a funny thing to hear when someone drop the cellphone in the toilet, and says a lot about the quality of you cellphone if it survives the accident.
    I'm pretty careless so it has happened to me a couple times. The first time it was with a motorola phone I put in in my back pocket then I went to the bathroom and forgot about it, pull my pants down in the toilet, the next thing I heard was a Splash and I said ohhhh s***, it was disgusting but at least the toilet was clean hahaha... It was completely death after that, it was one of those cellphones you can't remove the battery and it was new one of my first cellphones my parents almost kill me :P haha.

    Next two times that happened to me, the same story, I had the cellphone in my back pocket and I was a little bit drunk, the funny thing is one of my friends told me when he saw me going to the bathroom "Be careful not to drop the cellphone in the toilet" next thing he heard was Ohhhh s*** hahaha that one was a Nokia and the best cellphone I ever had. I took the battery out, let it dry, next day turn it on, it was perfect, and it when through the same thing two times and survived, that cellphone is indestructible... my best friend.. haha I hope all the cellphones were the same quality...

    Now I never put my cellphone on the back pocket and If I'm partying always ask somebody else to hold it (in the front pocket) haha for me! (Lesson learned)

    So I hope I'm not the only one that had to put her hand on the toilet to get her cellphone! haha :P

    LMAO I am so happy someone other than me admits that they have done that. Done it twice myself. Both times my Cell ended up in the trash. Don't care if it could have been dried out or not. I was NOT about to have my mouth near it knowing where it had been.

  6. Its been a while since I made Jam Drops, but I was flicking throug the recipe book and I saw them and I thought I'd share them with you! In my opinion they are best with apricot jam- especially home made! My grandmother makes a delicious apricot jam that works perfectly with the Jam Drops! Let's get started then!
    You'll need:
    80g unsalted butter
    1/3 cup caster sugar
    2 tablespoons milk
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
    1 cup self-raising flou
    1/3 cup custard powder
    And ofcourse your jams!

    1. Preheat the oven to moderate 180 degrees celcius and line two reasonably large cooking trays with baking paper.
    2. Using an electric beater, beat the butter and sugar in a small mixing bowl until the mixture is light and creamy.
    3. Add the milk and the essence and beat again until well mixed.
    4. Sift the flour and custard powder into the butter mixture and mix to form a soft dough.
    5. Roll two teaspoons (or larger depending on how big you want your biscuits to end up. I usually go small because they are easier to eat) of the mixture into a ball and place it on the tray. Repeat until you have used all the mixture.
    6. Press a hollow into each ball using the end of a wooden spoon and fill each hole with a quarter of a teaspoon of jam.
    7. Bake the biscuits for 15 minutes and use an egg slice to transfer them onto a wire rack, once cooked, to cool.

    And there you have it! Remember that if you have used more than the two teaspoons advised to make the biscuits you'll probably need to make the hollow you put into the biscut bigger than the end of the wooden spoon- unless you don't mind the edges being quiet dry in taste.

    Enjoy! :P

    Okay now I am very hungry. Have not had that in years, and honestly thought it was a southern US thing too.

  7. Source


    From one aspect, it's pretty amazing that you can save your ill-fated laptop from liquid death, but from another standpoint, it's common sense we don't usually think of when it happens. The article states to immediate pull out the battery and disconnect AC power as you tilt the laptop to the side with the most liquid to help drain it off of/from the laptop, take it apart, and clean the computer out (to include drying time) before finally assembling it back together to bring it back to life. What gets me is that they recommend you clean the components with tap water and rinse with distilled (or de-ionized) water... which is kind of a hokey concept at first glance (since we're so used to the idea of keeping water AWAY from our computers), but makes sense if you think about it.


    Read the comments... and the horror stories. The amount of information about recovering from a disaster like this is valuable in case the situation happens to you.


    I just recently restored a Dell Inspiron 1501 that my girlfriend consistently and stubbornly kept near a mug of fresh, hot coffee. Needless to say, there was a lot of spillage and one day, after incident #4, the laptop would suffer from irregular and random power downs. After taking the "piece of crap" Dell from her, I opened it up using Dell's awesome repository of laptop disassembly information and wiped down old coffee stains from the aluminum housing and wherever I could without touching the circuitry (since I actually did this before reading the above article). I cleaned out the dust, put everything back together, powered it up, and - yay - I had a 64-bit system in which to test Microsoft's new Windows 7 OS. :P


    So if you spill something onto your laptop, just keep in mind that it's a done deal that your laptop is toast. Try salvaging it. What do you have to lose... a laptop? :P

    Been there done that and yes it is toasted. But it also depends on how much is spilled as well. also if you use a cover over your keypad. they come in very handy for that very reason. Sounds cheap but if you can not find a cover Ciran wrap works great too. I myself use it on my keyboard to help keep out any spilled and dirt dust.

  8. There's velma too but I don't know if she's working and I think BuffaloHELP is there too but I'm not sure. :P


    To the OP: Don't worry dude it'll all be resolved just have patience and you'll see how things turn out at the end always when there is a matter that can be solved :D


    Just stop worrying and live your life and everything's gonna be allright... Now sing with me.. Everything's gonna be allright.. ...wait... am I still writing on this thread? :P :P

    Well I know I have not seen Buffalo in here in weeks. so maybe he is helping out too. I feel things will be resolved soon Sky, so just have some patience. I know myself when your working short handed it takes time to get things done.

  9. They are converting all TV to digital in February, so wouldn't that mean that the unused channels would also be digital?
    If not, *every* channel would be unused in February anyways since they wouldn't be broadcasting on them.

    So that's a very good question.

    well from what I heard on TV of this during my local news cast, Obama is trying to move up the date of the change from Feb to June to give more time for people to have cable installed or to but converter boxes. As for a TV Freq? I can not see the FCC even allowing it myself. They they FCC has been cracking down so much on ALL BANDS, such as AM FM Radio, internet radio Even the Amature Radio bands. "ham Radio" that I honestly doubt that will ever happen.

  10. Hehehe ....best way is eat what ever you want to eat because our body best knows what he wants and what it don't want.......so enjoy your fried, scrambled, boiled, poached eggs and be happy enjoy....because life is not so long to think abt what to eat and what don?t!!!

    I agree on eating whatever. I am not really an egg person, but do love one once in a while. fried, with red and green peppers and some onions. :P

  11. I have notice that there has been a lot of posts of Barack Obama but none on his wife Michelle.How do you think she will handle being the our first lady? Being the first lady is not just a titel but a lot more. she is the spokeperson for a lot of matters and also has her husbands ear.

    Myself I feel as she will have a very hard time not only in Washington but worldwide. Yes she is a very smart woman who knows her stuff. But the only thing that worries me of her is. well when her husband was running and she would be interviewed all we heard was.

    Barack says

    It would have been a lot better I feel if we knew what She says not that of her husband.
    There have been so many first ladies that have in all honestly ran the country better than there husbands. Like Jackie O
    Roselyn Carter. Nancey Ragan. Even Barbra Bush for that matter. All of these ladies have had a say of what happends and how they feel of world and the National Affairs. So How do you you think she will handle herself?

  12. Source


    I think that this new technology would actually make congested city driving much more tolerable in terms of the stress over potential fender-benders and other front-based hazards. Wouldn't work for us New Englanders with the winter driving though... City Safe would not be Winter Safe... not to mention hot-coffee-without-a-lid safe. :P

    well after reading the source it sounds all good and neat but, they have been trying to do this for years. Honestly though there is nothing that will ever replace human judgement. Only my feelings I am sure but that is just how I feel of this.

  13. Hi everyone.I'm from Manchester England
    Hope to learn and help in here, see you all around :P

    and hello to you too Pecky. welcome to Xisto. I know you will enjoy your time here. we have a very nice group that is always willing to help out.

  14. Most if not all laptop graphics card are fixed onto the mother board? If that is the case and your graphics card is gone then a new laptop would be the more logical option to take. If your lucky and its just your LCD screen then maybe you can verify that it actually boots up by connecting an external monitor to your laptop if it supports that?

    That is why I said

    Laptops now a days are built all in one, so if something goes bad your better off buying a new one

    now a days when your LT goes bad your well Beeped. sorry to say but its true

  15. Been having this sharp stabbing pain non stop in my chest for about a week in a half now. Live in small town in the mountains my Dr.s office is about 2 and a half hours away and with the weather have not been able to get there, So I started having this pain about a week and a half ago I went into the emergency room they ran some tests andtold me I had pluracy, Which is an infection in the linning around your lungs. They gave me some meds and sent me on my way. few days go bye nothing has chaned im still having this pain which is a 10 on there pain scale the highest. Second time I went in they tell me I have Pacriatitus give me medicine and send me on my way home. Oh stepping back a minute my first trip to ER was bye ambulance. 2nd trip was someone driving me. 3rd trip was by ambulance and they have run so many tests they tell me this time it was angina and something else. so off I go home again with different meds and feeling stupid cause they ER pretty much thinks im crazy and a druggie, So I decided I was not gonna go back no matter what I was gonna get to my doctors office come hell or high water. Which is open on Saturday, Monday And Tuesday. well this past monday and tuesday the weather would not permit me to take the trip lots of snow and cold weather and a long dangerous drive in the snow. Sunday I had a major like black out for a few hours I dont remember anything but I guess I was a horribble person was acting like I was drunk couldnt walk straight was slurring my words I didnt find this out till the next day what had happened and how horrible I was. i called to make a Doctors appnt. for this saturday mind you this was on monday. Well still having the pain i been dealing with it. Monday night I was walking out of the kitchenand just passed out face first on the kitchen floor room mates woke me right up and I was fine except for the same chest pain. the next day Tuesday night I passed out again going up stairs to go potty Room mates found me few minutes later and we decided it was time to go back to the ER Dr. Appnt wasnt until Sat. And roomates were worried I had a stroke or something. This is now Thursday 9:15 in the am and I am still sitting here in the hospital ( I got admitted Tuesday night) They have pretty much ran every test there is except a pet scan and bone scan and still cant find anything wrong with me they have me on all sorts of medication and pain meds and I just want to go home they have now cut off the pain meds and I would rather sit at home and be in pain than sit here in pain My kids miss me I miss them. And the doctor doesnt know if he is going to let me go home today yet or not and he has me on a Corinary diet which sucks terribly. Any way thats what I have been up to the last week or so. Anyone have anything similar or any ideas? I just want togo home. lol. Thanks Hope I dont get in trouble now im thinking that this should have been in the vent topic. Anyways Hugs all and thanks for listening!

    Geeezzz, doctors with all there high priced thinamajigs and they cant figure out what is going on. I will have you in my prayers. and I hope they find what is causing all this soon. Good Luck

  16. If you need one now in the UK AOL give them away free when you sign up for their 8mb broadband service....

    they must be junk if there giving them away or AOL is dying for people to join, but back to the topic at hand. You would honestly come out better getting a desktop. Laptops are nice but not worth the money. Now you have PDA's and all that to carry around. soon laptops will be like DOS. Going going Gone

  17. Well there are two things that could be causing the problem either the graphics card or the the screen itself and so the only way you know if you call Acer Tech support and tell them to send someone over to replace the graphics card or the screen. I would recommend that you say that your graphics card will be busted since they most likely will bring a new screen with them when the tech person comes over and fixes your computer.

    I have to agree, sounds as that could be the problem or problems. Not knowing and hoping you have not dropped your LT or slammed your lid hard a lot. it could be the card, eather way be ready to pay a price sadly. Laptops now a days are built all in one, so if something goes bad your better off buying a new one. :P been there with a sony I used to have.

  18. I can think of a way to form an anti-PM-spam script. They seem to be fond of the words "how are you", "interests" and "profile," and are fond of providing their e-mails and have no concept of spaces after certain punctuations. The concept of spaces part should be "optional," just in case they use better grammar, and should be detected more than once for better accuracy. The URL of Xisto can also be a filter, but it has to be limited and strict in its search; that is, nothing beyond http://forums.xisto.com/. The only problem with these filtering systems is if the spammers change their message from dating to something else. It's hard to detect all possibilities.

    Well if it is any help at all. I have noticed with the three Spam PMs that I have gotten since joining is that 2 of the 3 have asked to reply to a yahoo address. could this be a autobot signing up to send these PM's? hard to really track down I know. I mean there programs out to change up the IP Address so you can't block them. and so simple to just make another E mail,

  19. Well the baseball world is down one player as of today. Jeff Kent annouced his retirement from Major League Baseball this afternoon. Full story

    To me I was sad hearing this news. I always felt that he was one of the best players in the game. Always good on and off the frield. Keeping his name clean and out of trouble. I feel as he will be missed in the game. I am willing to be in 5 years he will be in the Hall of Fame. Good Luck Jeff, you will be missed.

  20. Hey i joined this form this month only but i think i am 1st choice of spams i got this pm two times in between.I am unable to understand that what could be the real purpose of this spam.How could someone take advantage if i send a mail on some yahoo mail id.

    as said before Avhigyan, if you get these PM's that are clearly spam trying get you to e mail them like the one's we have talked of. please Forward them to a Xisto Admin and they will squash it. Doing so will help keep our broard clean of this junk and user friendly for everyone. Spamming is a big money maker yes, but it is NOT allowed here in Tap17
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