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Posts posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Okay as a lot of you know of my site I deal with the weather and everything. Today I was going to add a few little things to it such as a state by state evacuation plan which every state should I thought have posted on the internet. Well as I searched starting with my home state of New Jersey I was shocked to find it was a 404 error page could not be found or has been moved! I mean how stupid can you been to take away or even to move a site like this without having a backup site already up and going? I mean come on. That is so foolish to me. Well after I looked even more using a few more keywords some offbeat I did find a PDF file of a plan. but old and not very clear on what routs to take. Don't they know that there are peoples lives at stake here? Do they even give a rats Beep? Yes there are signed posted on roads of a evcuation rout but it should also be posted here in the internet as it is in other states.This has me so beepping mad. I voted for these people and I now find for what? nothing but Beeping BS

  2. Well, you've got to understand that this is in a completely different category of the job of a doctor or engineer. It's a lot easier to learn to become one of those things than it is to become an athlete. (Actually, for the most part you're born with it or you just don't have it, at the professional level)
    As for the increase in salaries, Daryl Strawberry was what? 10 years ago? The national average for gas then was like $1 :P Inflation always takes it's toll.

    Another point to be made is that people are willing to pay for the seats that pay for the players. Games at the professional level are regularly sold out, so why would they reduce the price?

    The Strawman played for the New York Mets from May 6th 1986 to oct 19th with the NY Yankees. by the way.
    I only used him as a refferance though. these people are playing a sport not a job but a sport. only differance between that a job is the word professional. thats the key word. but if you break it down it is still only a sport. I dont care if your a Daryl strwberry or a joe the plimber from hoboken. why get paid all that for playing a game. Look at the Yankee's with there 2009 payroll? over a billion dollors for gods sake. Trust me when I say that thay payroll will trickel down to people who at this rate will not be able to go to any games because these players are making so much money for nothing but a game, that the owners will have to put ticket prices so high even Bill Gates would have to think twice of going to a game.

  3. Its all about JOOMLA. THere is no limit to extension .There are thousands of compenents out there. The Joomla Cms has so many options. Just take a look in the Joomla extensions directory. Whether you are making a site to sell products, a blog, a family site or a photo gallery. THere is definetly something avaibale in Joomla. I use Joomla for my financial literacy site Friendly Finance
    I would completely advise Joomla over all the other CMS's. It can even be intergrated with non joomla extensions such a PhpBB or Moodle. Take a look!

    I have to disagree with you on Joomla for the biggener. True that do have some nice options and all that but for a noob. Best to start small. download some free html editor like coffeecup and just play around with it. your page may not be perfect but you would get to know the differnt coding and in's and out's of web design. Also too if you would like a real website. may I suggest using a templet. also real easy to edit even for the noob.

  4. Personally I hate dell laptops.
    Most of the ones i have used just.. dont work well! But thats just my opinion, most of the ones I have used were around 5 years old, and some that I repair now are brand new.. Such as one of those mini dell notebooks, it just.. died one day.. It was sent to me and the problem was that the battery was just completely dead.

    Dells don't seem to use the full potential for the technology, but they do offer good budget laptops. (except for the XPS)

    Good luck with your laptop.

    If I said what I really feel of Dell, I would be banned faster than S_M's spam. I have owned 2 dell computers in my life, both desktops and both junk. Both times I would call them to find out a problem I was having and they was like you idiot real your owner manual.

    Guess that's why I now own a gateway. never had any problems. and when I have had to call, they was very helpful and nice.

  5. I am also looking to get more traffic.
    Echo suggested using link exchanges. I signed up for one, but haven't done anything with it yet, maybe this afternoon.

    Good luck with your site.

    thank you Zeyo.
    Yes a link exchange is one of many ways to bring trafic to your site. Other ways is to have a good SEO , Good Meta tags such as keywords. Also word of mouth and haveing a good rep for what your site is about. that is the main key for making any site work.

  6. Every day I come to Xisto I see some new topics about "how to earn money online" and similar ones.
    And you can see the member has done only 1 post and it's mosty likely that you won't ever see him/her/bot again.

    Why do these topics get approved by moderators/admins? They are obviously spam.

    I think Xisto shouldn't let anyone that has done under 5 posts to make a new topic in any other section than introductions. So before they can start making spam topics, they have to post a little and that will mess bots up. Or will it? I don't know I'm not a bot :P

    Also S_M should drop that spamming :P it's really sickening people here! :D I'M SERIOUS!!! :P

    Bani I agree with you 110%. I too have seen all these how to make money posts. some are valid yes. but honest some I have seen are just true spam for there sites or a clear cut and pasting. Just a thought but maybe Opaque should think of making that part of the forum strickly moderated where the moderator could check into these posts to see if they are valided or just junk. Would not suprise me any of a lot of these 1 time posters are just a scam.

  7. Hey,


    Today I am going to show you all how to use Windows Explorer (NOT INTERNET EXPLORER) as your FTP client.


    Here we go:


    Step 1: Open up any window (eg. Documents, Pictures etc.)


    Step 2: In the bar at the top it should display something like:




    C:\Users\YourComputerUserName\Documents and Settings\Pictures


    Highlight that and delete it. Inside that bar write:




    * The italics represent:

    username: Your web hosting username

    password: Your web hosting password



    Step 3: Press enter and wait for it to load.


    There you have it, a fully working FTP client, straight from your desktop.


    I personally find it nicer than FileZillaPosted Image

    Was this for XP or Vista? I never saw anythink like what you discribed when I opened anything. I a pic also a doc. and nothing.

  8. Whos ur favorite football player and team.. My favorite team is Arsenal(any other arsenal fans out there) cos there the greatest team evr, aand my favorite players for them are robin van persie and thierry henry ....

    Da Bears. any player for Da Bears.
    and Soccer isnt that the game that the kids play, not a real man's game? ONLY JOKING!
    have not really kept up with it much anymore since Pele. he was the man.

  9. Usually the republishing of articles is a bad thing, especially for SEO and of course search engines as well, and so if your expecting your website to get a high PR you won't get it. Of course, the reason why these articles asking to publish there stuff on your website is that you will always be giving them a back link to their site and so the more articles you posts the more links they get and the better SEO they get. While it is good for them it is usually bad for you since you won't get anything out of it while those other websites do.
    Well what I like to do is if I plan to post stuff on trap and on my website, which I do, I stick with Xisto first, that way I can earn my points there and then I upload the article to my site next. Its a simple trick that benefits you both ways but if you post it to your website first then you have to quote it here on Xisto and not earn anything from it.

    Oh I got a laugh at this one. but I have to agree with S_M :P republishing is bad for a SE. they will look and see every site that has whatever republished and published text that you are searching for. when they find it you will have so many hits of pages. it makes it hard for the SE as well as the searcher to find what they are looking for.

  10. Anyway, My question is, what do you think of each series and/or movie? Which is your favorite? Which can you not stand? Opinions? Qualms? Rants?

    Well I feel as nothing can ever beat the org series. You can not beat perfection at it's best.
    As for the movies? The rath of kon by far was the best. pretty true to the org TV show but with a newer look.
    Worst one was the one with the whales.

  11. keyboard not working at all


    How To Reset Your Bios (guide)




    <p>Hi everyone, I had a problem with my desktop, when I tried to enter cmos F2 didn't respond, so I reset the bios and after boot I have tried all buttons and I found the right one, it was "my music" - strange, but after that reset when I'm asked to press any key to boot from cd/dvd... Keyboard does not work at all. In cmos works ok. If anyone can help me, may be I just have to change something in cmos settings... </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p><em>question by evilgeniusorg</em></p>

    1st what kind of PC is it? sounds to me as you have changed the bios from there org settings. Had that happen to me once or twice and there a pain to reset

  12. Yeah, I imagine it will be a lot more virtual. Where everything is a touch screen. Have you ever watched Star Trek enterprise? There is an episode where they pick up this PADD from the future, (29th or 31st century I forget which) Anyway, it pops up this holographic screen that responds to your movements, allowing you to navigate the information with a wave of your hand. I totally think that would be the coolest thing ever.

    29th Century. Yes I saw that. would be nice having a holodeck as on a pc. There some chat rooms that have that sort of thing but honestly the graphic bite the big one.

  13. I agree. I don't understand how somebody can have such an easy job (yes, I do mean easy, especially compared to a doctor or engineer who needs a lot of schooling) can get so much money. What makes them deserve more than a janitor? The fact they can play a sport well? If everybody who was good at sports pursued a professional career, we would have fewer skilled workers. For practicing every day and having a game once a week, they get multiple millions a year. I do that with swimming and pay to do it! And when you look at people who go to school for years to learn, they end up getting paid nowhere near that much. Even a neurosurgeon doesn't make that much and they start off at close to $1 million/yr. There are some players making 4 times that just starting out. I don't understand the industry at all. It is super overpriced and not worth it at all.

    Right! This is why at the MLB Winter meeting 2 years ago they put the halt to a lot of these kickbacks too like X amount for winning the Cyyoung and MVP. They know it is getting out of hand. I also put the blame on a lot of these sport Agnents that are getting 10 to 15 percent of the pay.

  14. I've sometimes drank camomile tea to relax at night before sleepingwhich it appears to help.
    The thing is lately if I have one cup it's fine, but anymore
    makes me thirsty.It's like it makes me de-hydrate.Not
    only that but it makes me want to go to the washroom a lot to

    Has anybody else had this problem with camomile tea?

    Tea coffee will do that too you. also will make you more thisty. why you get that way is due to your output. I have really never understood why. your drinking but you in all honesty are putting out more than your taking in. Tea and coffee are just flushing out your system.

  15. Don't you think athletes are way overpaid?It's ridiculous isn't it?
    Not only that, but the cost of tickets to see games is also ridiculous.

    Professional sports have leaned in the corporate direction for
    far too long, so that now only corporations can afford to see these games.
    The hardcore fan is now counted out completely.

    Add to this, teams are now having they're own expensive cable stations.
    Making it an even more expensive proposition.

    Also out the door is tradition. Teams name stadiums after corporations now,
    and wear several uniforms,to further bleed more money from the fans.

    What is all this teaching the kids?

    I think professional sports is a bit of a scam.

    YES! Way over paid and over rated as well. Back in the day someone like say a Darryl Stawberry was signed for 1 miillion. Now? a rookie gets something like 2.5 mil his 1st year in baseball. Same with Basketball with all the indorsements and everything. Kids today see this and say. I don't wanna be a firemen or policemen I wanna play sports. Hello Sports is just that a Sport not a Job. It's a game for god's sake.

    And another thing too. With all these high paid players, what do the fans get? Zippo. We go to see our favorit club. be it baseball football basketball or hockey and what do we get? Beeped with high prices for tickets and whatever. Soon if this keeps up you will not be able to go to a game or even watch it on TV due to these so called players with there high incomes just from a game. Yes I do love my baseball but I can not stand how it ( over paid players ) has hurt the game so much. It has even effected the minor leagues as well. Back in the day you could take a family of 4 to a game, Minor league and big league for less than 200. Now? that will barely get you in the gate!
    I say Boycot them all. let them all know we the fans hate these over paid babies that just want to play when or if they feel like it, who make a cazillion billion a year, just to go on the disabled list for a hang nail.
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