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Posts posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. In the case of professional athletics it seems that the term overpaid should be kept in context. Think of things in the terms of basics economics. Every professional sports team is a product. It is the job of the owners and managers or whoevers f that or organization to make a profit. Teams that win more make more money.
    If I own a burger joint my product is obviously going to me hamburgers. so for my product to sell I have to pay a certain amount for materials I have to buy buns and meat. There is only a certain amount by which I can control how much my materials are going to cost me. Perhaps I have a cheaper burger that taste good but, Bob Burger Bar across the street is buying better beef and better buns and makes a burger that tastes great. Though his may cost a bit more he is still getting the business. So I may need to buy some better ingredients that the half stale buns from the outlet store.

    In the same way athletes are the materials that make a sports team. Even if they seem to make an obscene amount of money for what they do they are simply the material for that product. Athletes that help win games or simply put people in the seats are a higher value product. Soccer (Football) player David Beckham made a ton of money to go play for the L.A. Galaxy. The team still was bad but his name alone put enough people in the seats to pay for him. In the same way Bret Favre helps win games and gets fan excited to see the games. Thus he is an expensive material but one that pays off.

    Take in account as well supply and demand. Unlike the bun example I used earlier there is only one Bret favre or Micheal Jordan or whoever. There are only a handful of top Quaterbacks in the world. The best materials for your product cost the most.

    In the same way event tickets costs are subject to the law of supply and demand. Every stadium has a finite number of seats available. Those seats get sold at a rate that coincides with the teams ability to sell them. Sometimes those rates goup as material costs up or demand increases and sometimes (rarer) they go down. Ticket costs for the Devils Rays in Tampa went down when they could not get people in the ball park.

    So athletes get paid a bunch of money but still less than the profit margin of the teams in question. I think sometimes people gripe of salaries more out of envy than anything else. But, that is another topic entirely.

    True but in a lot of ways your missing the point here, yes it is a big biz but it is also a game. just like other Sports it is a game. this was the point I had been trying to make. These players want there money for what? a losing season? Take Padro Martinez. look how much he made while he was in a Mets uniform. Look at how long over the years he has been in NY as a met. most of the time he has been on the DL or out on a personal leave. Yet still making all that. I love my Mets but here is another, John Maine. He is good but not worth the ammount they are giving him I feel. That is what this topic I feel is really about. Players of all sports being over paid for what that do.

  2. People call my web designing "retro".I even stopped using javascriptclient side because of browser incompatabilities, but I think I'll
    change my mind about that again.
    The way I see it.My web pages may be "retro" but at least they
    are somewhat original and unique.
    I find that most of these available tempeletes are very,very generic and most of them
    seem to be built for blogs.
    For the better,or for the worse, I'd rather not use tempeletes.
    Much of what these tempeletes have done, is make it so a lot of
    people can call themselves web designers, when they don't know a thing.

    You know though when you say retro? Whenever I do a page from scratch there is always someone in the bunch that will saw ewww it looks so 90's aka retro. Honestly I like that style of a page with there frame sets. but now there so many people that find them sickening. But to each his or her own.

  3. Well I have been a memeber since Nov of 08 and this was my 3rd in that time. so I would say not offen. But I feel as there isnt a board on the net that does not get this sort of thing. It's all part of the net and boards. I have had it happen on mine as well, and I just do as they do here. report the offender to an Admin.

  4. How is your winter going? We have had so much snow that the drifts along the street are so high, we cannot see over them to get out of our driveway. Well, after this freezing cold and so much snow (2 feet on the ground right now after a good 8 feet has fallen), we are heading south for a couple of weeks relief. After that we will return home for a week or so and I am off to California with a lady friend for another 2 weeks.


    Everybody here, please keep the home fires burning and make the new members feel welcome. Warm fuzzies to everybody. For those of you having the same kind of winter as ours, I will try to send sunshine and warm air your way. :P


    Don't get too wild while I am gone. :P

    Well has not been as bad as other parts of the US here in new jersey, Yes we have had a little snow. totals of near 3 inches all winter. which for me is below normal. But has been very very cold. And I do agree with ya Mitch. Make them all feel welcome newbies and the oldies

  5. This is the pm I got yestarday on Xisto.
    This is really weird, and if she/he :P had looked at my profile, she could see that I'm only 14.
    So this is spam so that I send a email and then they'll collect my address to send me spam? Or something else?

    Have anyone else here at Xisto got a similar message?

    Also I looked at "latest visitors" on my own profile page, no person with such account name had observed my profile. haha! Not really suprised tho :P

    Got the same PM myself a few times. as told to me Bani. Forward that spam PM to an Admin and they can do something of it.

  6. reading about all this and watching CNBC power lunch as I make this post. I can really understand why this has happend. with how Vista bombed I feel as they are cutting there losses. They Mircrosoft know they have messed up. Now there employees are paying the price sadly.

  7. I'll join.btw, how do you think the AL East and NL West are gonna end up this upcoming year (please be unbiased)

    Dodgers in the West and the AL East well my feelings are it is up for grabs. With everyone the Yankees have picked up there a maybe. but you have to take into account the rest of the team. Most are well Washed up and should give it up. Fla has the best shot I think though. All young and hungry after that joke last year.

  8. hey, they got k-rod and jj putz, that should really help their bullpen, although they lost heilman and endy.

    only K_Rod Puntz Redding. that is a start. They still need two more in there starting rotation. We know Padro if he stays, which I doubt, will end up on the DL like so many times before. Maine will be So So if his arm holds out. Remember he is comming off shoulder surgery. now you must think of the kids in the minors. will they hold up? Also too with Jerry Manual talking of dropping the worthless 100 pitch count, will all hold up? We know that Santana can go a good 130 140 pitches. if the mets coaching staff can work with there starters and there bullpin this year. I know and will say it here and now 2009NLC Champs.

  9. Let's see if anybody else is going to see this and join in.
    I saw today that some more players got signed for longer deals. I also saw that Ryan Howard is asking for $15 Million! That is complete B.S. and I hope that the Phillies don't sign him. He is hardly worth what they were paying him, and I could really see him getting injured for the whole season. Usually that happens to somebody who has been hitting tons of home runs.

    Well only a few months till spring training! I can't wait!

    less than a few willie, try Febuary. and yes that is a joke. he is not with that much. As much as I hate philly I hope they have the brains enough not to sign him. Been here romors the mets are still talking to Ollie Perze, and Ben Sheets. Would not mind having Sheets, even though he is one who also loves that Disabled list.

  10. I'm sorry but the tip about not returning your card key when you check out from the hotel is crazy... I used to work in a hotel at the front desk and that's not true, you card key doesn't have any personal information so it's impossible for a person to stole your identity if someone gets your card key, in fact it doesn't have any information about you except from your room number and that's just a number not even a name. The hotel makes thousand of cards they are all the same, and when someone check in you just introduce the card on the machine insert the room number and that's it, you don't have to return it when you leave, you can take it as a souvenir or whatever, but if you left it, it doesn't matter because the hotel reuses the cards, you just save them some money, but nobody can steal anything from that card.

    this is true for the most part. But if your using your credit card to play for this room. Is it not true when your day expires so does that card? without a CC payment how would they know when your days are up? what about if you left a day sooner? They would have to reemburse your card for that. Also too, where you may have worked that may have been

    there way

    but in some of these smaller countries they just may use a CC number in a room card.

  11. Every time I have had to send a ticked be it simple no hurry needed to emergcy they have always replied within 24/hours. but the last one I had to fill out the reply went into my spam mail. could maybe yours have gone there? I feel sure they send out so much e mails per day some e mails may look at it as spam mail. I do hope you will have better luck Sky. I will be willing to bet this is just a small glitch somewhere down the line.

  12. This may sound naive,but I think one way of dealing with viruseswould be to put law enforcement agencies and government
    in charge of them,rather than just individual profit
    making companies as it is right now.

    Computer viruses are a criminal entity, even a terroririst entity.
    If possible,find the people who are behind the creation of these viruses.
    Find the people who perpetuate them and make them thrive.

    Charge them with criminal acts and throw them in jail.

    well they do this now. BUT it has to be a very big virus that will has effected a goverment department a large bank or something like that, but for the small person like me and you they do nothing. we as computer users must be careful of what we download what mail to open and what to delete, what sites we go to. It is sad that there some out there that make these viruses just to do it. and there places like and will not name any antivirus software, but they charge a arm and a leg for what? something that you could have most likely avoided getting in the 1st plce.

  13. I understand all the copy written things there need and should be removed but, there are some things that have been removed such as some of the weather items such as hurricane and tornado videos that have been removed. a lot of them had been uploaded form such sites with there permission to use, yet they now have been removed. to me that makes no since though. if they had been a copywrite and uploaded with the okay of the maker and the site, why remove them?

  14. There are many good reasons why network admins control what software can be installed and run on PCs. If, as you say, your user and computer are being run from a network (ie. as a client) then you can't become an admin on your PC. If you really have a valid need for whatever software you're trying to install then I'm sure the IT department will install it for you.

    So true. As a Admin of a network myself I know dealing with some people that want to add bogus programs or things such as YIM or other chat software on ther pc when it would and is used as a for work.

  15. I just received a sony handycam DCR-HC28 for Christmass and know practacally nothing video cams. This cam seem to operate with a cassett but does not have a memory stick or other memory devices. Can someone give me some advice or info about the camera and how best to get the most of it. I don't have a clue as to the degree of sophistication of this camera (I suspect its not very). Any comments will be appreciated.

    well 1st off welcome to Xisto Luggage. I know you will enjoy yourself here, and get all the info that you will need and a lot more.

    as for your Sony Handycam DCR-HC28

    maybe this link will help you. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  16. I found this awesome, funny, and true. Figured I'd share the ill-mentioned presence that plagues married and hitched guys all over the world. :P


    I think it's so true that men are most likely to bite the bullet in order to compromise and keep their relationships going smoothly. (I'm actually doing that right now, but not withholding a purchase of electronics.)

    so true too. funny thing though. the words P whipped come to mind though. been there myself.

  17. There is this guy i like with me in uni. we study different majors but often see each other on campus. i Have this huuuuuuuuge crush on him. and i did the biggest mistake of telling one of his friends. i'm not sure if he told him or not. but it wouldn't make much difference cuz i made it pretty obvious i like him from the start. the thing is, he asked me out on valentines to go have lunch with him. but something happened and we couldn't get on the actual date. he came and i wasn't there. and when i called him his fone was on silent so at the end we didn't get to go on that date. he later caled me and started apologizing sayin he came but didn't see me. it makes no sense that he would be the one to ask me out then not show up. so i decided to make a move and ask him out myself. he told me that he is pretty busy and can't make it. all his signals show he likes me. i see him starring at me, he seems very happy to see me and one of his friends started following me to see what i do and where i go and not becuz he likes me. cuz i never spoke to him before. i really dunno what to think anymore! does he like me or just like to play with emotions? i really need YOUR help! :P

    1st off you did the right thing of telling him of how you feel. If you had not have done this you would never really know what was happening. Secondly, Not knowing his or your ages, and how you said a huge crush makes me think both are young. You and him should get togther and sit down and have a talk together and see what is what. Yes he could be very busy, then he could just be a player. not really knowing what is what here any advice I could give would be moot. All I can tell you is this. People to play games and some don't. You did the right thing in being honest with him of your feelings. and that is something you need to worry of more than anything. how and what you feel.

  18. Well I gave my website a overhaul, more or less, after starting to upload my writings to my website the old fashion way I begin contimplating about how to do it more efficiently. So I bit the bullet, installed wordpress 2.7, uploaded some stuff and came to realize that I should have been doing this long ago. Although I am not a full time blogger, I came to realize that a lot of the stuff I posted on Xisto I could have posted a lot of my stuff in one.
    Which of course I have done, thanks to the help of predating blogs I got stuff from 2005 in my blog :P, I don't consider it dishonest since I have already posted it already here on Xisto. So for the next few week, and while in school I be trying to get as much of my good topics uploaded to my blog. So content wise I am set for a very long time, it is a just a matter of getting it all on there. However, the only content I wouldn't be uploading is my sigs, not because there is a lot of them, or the fact I could add a plugin to add a gallery, it would be the lack of content these sigs would have. Although, I am still thinking about the process of moving the blog over to the main page, but want to see how things go before I do that.

    However, knowing how SEO and websites work I have to think about it pretty quickly before I get too many visitors :P. In the mean time though, I be going through about a thousand of my topics and see which stuff I will be adding and what I won't be keeping and so I bring you my blog.


    So comment away and any suggestions from master bloggers about what I can do and of course looking for other websites to connect with and stuff.

    S_M has a blog? Rut row guess this means less spam. hehe Only joking. gonna have to check these out.

  19. I think the problem is in your Graphic or in your Video card. You just reinstall the grahpic/video card drivers reboot your computer and try again. If this is not the problem write us again and maybe we'will help u.

    I have to agree, sounds as a graphic/video problem. reinstall it. what about other games? or is this the only ones your having this problem with?

  20. As far as security goes, there was nobody within shooting range of the president today that was not "scanned".You needed to go through checkpoints in order to get into the Inauguration grounds (the Mall), and also a different set of checkpoints to attend the parade.
    You can bet that there was a Security squad on top of every building, that the rooftops had been cleared, there was likely no opening windows on the buildings facing the parade grounds, and they would have locked them otherwise.
    Helicopter surveillance all the time. Too many Police and Military present everywhere.

    Nah! They were safe, for sure.

    yea but just was not happy with how it all went. he was too open to the general public, for my liking. also there was other things that got me but this is not the thread place or even time to go into bashing.
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