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Posts posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Windows 7... One week after the public release of build 7000, it has gotten some pretty strong opinions for and against it. I personally am for it. It truly is a great operating system. It is a huge step up from Vista, and a great alternative to XP. I say alternative because it will easily surpass the Vista market share and most people would be upgrading from XP to Windows 7. One thing that truly guarantees its greatness is XP wont be sold shortly after Windows 7s release. It is about time that XP is cut out of sales, even though it is a great operating system, but it is just getting old. Windows 7, however, is a big breath of fresh air.
    When you first put in your Windows 7 disc to install, it is a lot like Vistas installer. This is not a bad thing. Vistas installer is very user friendly with a nice graphical interface, unlike XP. The setup is rather simple; you pretty much go through whether you are upgrading or doing a clean install, where you are installing it to, and youre done with the first part. It installs very quickly. On my desktop I did it in about 17-18 minutes, while my friend installed it on his laptop in about 40 minutes. After it restarts and loads for the first time, you setup your account, create your HomeGroup, and customize a few other aspects.

    So after about 20 minutes on almost any computer, you should be just about ready to being using Windows 7. If you dont have any drivers for your hardware, just go in Windows Update and it should find them for you. It will most likely detect your internet connection so it is usable when first booted up with no drivers. Once you have your drivers installed it is smooth sailing from there.

    Overall, the placement of things hasnt changed. However, you will notice the new taskbar, one of the biggest UI changes, right away. The taskbar works great. You can pin programs that you use often to it, and it groups programs together by default in an elegant way. To me, it is a hybrid - like a dock and a taskbar just had a baby.

    Of course there are other differences, like the completely redone Windows Explorer, or the all Aero Glass UI. But it still has many similarities, in a good way, to Vista.

    One thing that is quite different than Vista, though, is the stability. I am not saying Vista is an unstable OS, but when you compare it to Windows 7, it sure looks shaky. For being a beta build, this is very promising. I cant wait for the upcoming builds. Windows 7 is for sure going to be a hit.

    I see many people bashing Windows 7 even though they have not tried it yet. That is just wrong. Just because Vista was a failure, it doesnt mean Windows 7 will blow too. In fact, it is the exact opposite in this case. Windows 7 is going to be one of the best operating systems on the market when it releases at the end of this year. I have been saying this since the early builds that I have used in its pre-beta stage.

    The bottom line is Windows 7 is something to check out. It is substantially better than Vista, and a great competitor for XP. There is definitely an promising future for Windows 7.

    To view some pictures and videos:

    You may request screenshots if you want as well.

    I said it once I will say it again. It may look good now. but after it is relesed it may be like vista. Window-7 is still being worked and tweeked so until it is done and the 1st SP comes out and they have all the drivers and everything. nobody really knows how stable or goood it is.

  2. Most computers infected are from the commercial sector, with over 8 million PCs infected in various corporate office all over the world as of last Friday. If I read the article on CNN correctly, no one knows what the virus does, but it IS capable of sending information back to the origin to steal passwords and blah blah blah. Pretty crazy stuff... and the best part is that I'm sure not a lot of people even know they're infected, since it's a sleeper.

    got a e mail on all this this morning. So ashame some people have nothing better to do that to come up with some worm or trojan to to steal info or to distroy your computer. what ever happen to the day when you didnt need to worry of all this?

  3. First off, i'd like to start by saying that i have no problem with homosexuals or homosexuality, and i believe they should be allowed to get married.
    The whole topic of "Gay Rights" bothers me. Not in the way one might think. I do believe that gays should be allowed the right to marry one another, but i do have a problem with certain things being called rights.
    One's rights are abilities or privileges that cannot be taken by an individual or group of people, including the government.

    Things that are rights:
    Free Speech
    Owning firearms
    owning property

    Things that are NOT rights:
    adopting a child
    tax benefits
    social security benefits
    workers' compensation
    ceremonial marriages

    there's nothing wrong with gay marriage, but don't call something a right if it isn't.

    you left out one thing in the not rights,


    As fir gay marriages? that could go both ways. but then that would be a Bi Marriage wouldnt it? :P pardon the pun. but honestly. Some say it's a right others a wrong. I feel as if 2 people really love each other enough to want to marry. why not. who cares if they are both of the same sex. Just my feelings.

  4. I think Cano is too good for the Yankees to pass up. Speaking of which, are any of those injured players of the Yankees coming back next season? I remember the DL being filled with Yankees players (from what I remember quite a few out fielders) last year.
    Also do any of you guys play fantasy baseball? I'm sure we could get a league started up here. I played it last year, but gave up when my ranks were so low. I lost a bunch of people to the DL. And don't use Yahoo Fantasy, you can't see any details of the rankings.

    Not sure if they have or not, Tried to play it once a couple of years back over on yahoo but never really could figure it all out. could be fun though. Not sure of how many baseball fans we have here in Trap. Seems like it is more NFL and other sports. worth a shot though.

  5. well as someone that has mixed feeling in this matter. I really am not sure of it all.I mean something or someone had to have created earth and mandkind. If there is a god, or higher power which I do belive in. I feel as that would be the reason. as for a god? I really think it is how you look at it if you want to call that higher power god or not.

  6. Old and green... Icky... lol
    Do you got my chocolate marble cheesecake yet?

    Came here and didn't know what to order...
    Well chicken sandwich without mayonnaise and some beer.

    And that.. on S_M's tab.

    Yes the Cheesecake is in now. flown in all the way from San Fran. Very good also. already had a slice.

    as for your chicken sanmich will that be on white or rye? we have both.

    Specials today are

    Open face turkey

    friend clams

    BBQ ribs

    Prime Rib

    And S_M on a stick lol

  7. I'm webmaster of my friends site, it's been inactive for several months. I went a had to disable the forum because of all the spam and whatnot. People selling stuff, posting links to porn sites. Someone was even sending pm's to our real members. I think there was over 5,000 registrations, none of them legit. there was over 10,000 postings, all of them spam. It was crazy. I felt horrible. Even before this I installed a mass delete member script to help control it. But it was just so bad. I don't know how larger sites deal with it. Very good moderators I guess.

    Well I have switched Forum software and now No more spammer trying to Join. Now I am wordering what is it that Auto Spammers look for in joing a forum? When I used phpbb forum I would get maybe 1 or 2 of these a month. SMF maybe 2 or 3 a week now that I am using and have been for the last 2 weeks AEF I have had Zero joining ( so far )

  8. Yes, I have had a Yahoo account hacked and then stolen, this was back when Yahoo allowed you to use Caps for your nickname. called Rares. Someone had been messaging me begging to have that screen name and I would just click ignore or wouldnt reply. next thing I knew I couldnt get to the account. I tried in vain to get with yahoo and to get it back but never was able too :P

  9. *raises hand* I applied once, when I was desperate for a job and never got a call even though they were 'hiring' no big loss on my part. I hate wal-mart with a passion. I did their inventory for 3 years, i've seen so many different wal-marts. Some of the worst ones out there I'm certain. If there was a best well, It was not memorable. I've also seen some of the rudest people. On inventory day it's their job to help us, but they act like they can't be bothered! How the *bleep* do you expect us to help you if you don't help us! WTH?
    So yes, I hate wally world. I still shop there, I expect nothing so I am not disappointed. It's that simple. Thankfully having spent so much time in wal-mart I rarely have trouble finding anything. ^^

    Your so right on the money with this. I can remember going into WM and being greeted with a smile and how do you do. now your lucky if you ever even see a greeter. I also agree with you on finding things. One person tells you Ile 3 and another tells you no thats on 4 and it turns out its not on any but on 1 or not or they are sold out. I hate saying it being Org from the south But Wal-mart has become a disgrace in my book. Nothing but a bunch of faceless names and people in the market for money. I will say this to there defence though. They will hire the handicaped in a heart beat when no other place will. I will give them credit for that.

  10. well honestly I bought a little 3 in 1 deal from wal mart about a year ago Sakar which I had never heard of but needed a digi cam fast one day and didnt wanna spend a ton of money on it. I use it daily and very empressed with it Web Cam Digi Cam and Records AVI's. Paid something like $19.95 and well worth it I think. It has got 10X the use that I thought that it would in the 1st place and takes very good pics if you ask me.

  11. I was reading the news and found that "Circuit City" is in Bankruptcy, is going to close 567 stores and 30.000 employees are going to be fired, that's quite a surprise, it looks like the situation is not getting any better. I really feel for those families, I hope the situation start improving as soon as possible...

    heard bits and peices of this tonight. I know most of the C C here in NJ are closed or closing and have been in troubled for the last few years.

  12. There were a couple of post-season rule changes that occurred during the owner's meetings in Arizona. All postseason games will be played to their conclusion. Owners also voted to use head-to-head records to replace coin flips when determining home-field advantage for tiebreaker games in division and wild-card races. Games would be suspended if they are called, regardless of how many innings have been played or the score at the time. A suspended game is resumed and played to completion at the same site. The change also applies to tiebreaker games but not to the All-Star Game. Owners approved the change three months after Game 5 of the World Series was suspended with Philadelphia and Tampa Bay tied 2-2 after 5˝ innings. That night, commissioner Bud Selig declared that the game would not be cut short, no matter how long it took.Play was resumed two days later, and the Phillies finished off the Rays 4-3 in the final three innings.

    So happy to see that put all that down in writting. that rule has been there for many years. but never really used due to 1 it was not in writting. it was really left up for the ump to decided. So many people blame Mr Selig of game 5 but it was not his fault. if it was anyone's fault it was both managers, and owners plus whoever was carrying the game on TV, All breaks down to money. You know it is said that it has, (base ball) has come down to dollors and cents, and not what it was ment to be. A Game. but oh well this topic was started to see who would win the big show this year.
    With all the wheeling and dealing and all. All bets are off. I am now thinking it could be a tossup for the NL East maybe in the AL East as well. You may get your subway after all. :P

  13. I do believe in some home remedies or natural remedies, they work good if you use the correct one and not some weird one that sound more like a urban legend than a remedy. For me for example I always use chamomile for stomach ache and it works perfect, or if your have a a sore throat you can drink honey with lemon and it soothes the throat, or Eucalyptus with honey is good for the throat as well. And the natural remedies are much better for your body, I truly prefer those.

    true like for a small minor burn. Aloe vara works wonders on small burns like a sunburn or a small kitchen burn. Also using Oat meal on a rash such as poison ivy also works. Great too if you have chicken pox :P

  14. Hello! Just want to say hi to everyone I'm new here! I'm a Graphic Designer, really happy to join the forum, a lot of topics, really fun! Hope I can learn a lot and share a lot of thoughts with all of you!:P

    Welcome to Xisto Parubilla. I know you will enjoy yourself here. yes we do have a lot of great topics of all kinds here.
    your thoughts and views are always welcome.
    have fun.

  15. Okay here is a debate for you all here.Just what is sexy in your better half? Is it there looks, how they act? Define sexy. You really can not do that. because each person is differnt in there own sexy ways. Some men and some women like someone who is buffed out to the max. some like that short and dumpy look. some the grung look. Myself I would define it as a woman that is smart witty who likes to laugh and have fun, but who also has her serious side to her. that is family first then other thingsJust curious as to what everyone here thinks sexy is?

  16. well not being able to use windows 7 I do not know for myself how it would be, only from what I have been hearing over the net and all the blogs. My personal feelings are it will be a vast inprovement over Vista. or Lasta as some call it. Very stable and most likely the most stable OS since win98. But you also have to take into account a few things too,1 It is a build, they are still working on it and all the drivers and things needed before the put it on the market.2. it only has been let out in beta now for almost a week. you really can not make any hard facts of a progeam in that short of a time.taking these 2 things I would say just to wait and see attitude like I have. I will say this. Just like I have before. that 1st SP is gonna be a biggy

  17. Well south is getting a little bit cool as well, here in Miami is in the middle 50's, not as cold as the rest of the country, but for Miami is cold, haha but I love it! Refreshing breeze! Ohhh I wish this last all year long! XD

    unreal that cold that far south. Makes me think though. if the US is this cold now, I wonder if we will have a cool summer. Time will tell I guess, but with these artic clippers coming down like this. yes there is one more on the way for the weekend, not near as bad as the last 2 thank goodness. I have to think that maybe this summer will be cooler than normal.
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