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Posts posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. I don't think is going down, maybe they are doing some clean up getting rid of a lot of videos that are not legally there, but I use youtube a lot, and I still find the videos I want to see, I think youtube is going to last for a long time...

    Well could very well be that Youtube is cleaning up there act. They had been getting a very bad rep before with all the girl on girl butt kicking and stuff. thats most likely the case though. I think if they was going out of down we would have heard something more than romors. but then again with all the Tube rip offs they have you could be right. Youtube, myspace they was the ones that started it all. and you hear less and less of them both now unless it's something bad on the news.

  2. I would choose the monitor for the computer, I have red that HDTV can be really slow when doing a lot of tasks at the same time, and for me personally, I wouldn't be able to work on a screen that big, It would kill my eyes, I have pretty sensible eyes too much light too close for me... :P

    well really would depend on your computer. with these new quad cores and these bigger and faster processors are it really shouldnt matter that much. So if it was me, and I had a fast enough computer HD all the way.

  3. Well after watching the Presidential Inauguration Parade today, I have to say and I know this is gonna make me sound bad but it is My feelings only and mine alone.I hated it. Reminded me of a new years day parade with a bunch of stupid floats that had no reason even being there. If you watched it you know what I mean. Yes some of the bands that they had was very nice. Most of the people there did look as they was having a good time. But my problem with it all was one thing and one thing only. When He, Obama was walking down Pen ave to his reviewing stand. Way to easy of a target. NOT WISHING HIM ANY BAD LUCK.But come on. He is our 1st black American to hold such a high office. Yes the Secret Service was around and I feel sure most in the crowed was plain clothed agents but still. I feel as they need to watch this man a lot better than they did during his walk. Not letting him out of his limo like they have so many others. I feel as it is only asking for trouble. Now, I would love to know what you think of the Presidential Inauguration Parade today? did you like and appove of how it went or not and why.

  4. I say lift the embargo on Cuba. Castro is very paranoid about the U.Sand I say he has a right to be,just look at the bay of pigs.
    He can't forget unless everybody forgets.
    If Obama did remove the embargo I think it would
    really be seen as an act of good faith by the Castros.

    Fidel Castro may be a strong leader but there is no way he has ever
    appropriated a stance such as that used by a Joseph Stalin.
    He has shown no signs of being ruthless to the Cuban people.

    I admire Fidel Castro. I say give Cuba a break.

    I admire Fidel Castro. I say give Cuba a break.

    How can you admire a man that has kept his country so poor and behind the times for so long? did you know it is easier to get a computer in cuba than say a freezer to keep your food in? The autos there too, did you know most are 1950 and 60 models? Hatti is the pooriest country in the world by far, but Cuba with it's leader has put that island country on the map for it's bad economics. you just about have to know someone in goverment to get any job there, Why do you think so many try to swim to Key West every year?

  5. Barack H Obama, 44th President of the United States, has been inaugurated as the 44th President of the USA.In light of the demands on the States as the "World leader", and their current economic condition, what do you as an individual think will be the first major program for his government to implement?

    Personally, I think the Pres should focus on the unemployment issue. Getting the population back to work needs to be the first thing he does. With full employment, many other issues will go away. Jobs will create spending and lead to economic activities, people will then be able to purchase goods, foreclosures will return to normal, people will return to school and improve thoer lot in life.

    That is my opinion, but yours will be different. State your case here.

    First and formopst American 1st should be what he should deal with 1st of all. No more of this being a globle police department. We have seen where that has put us with Both of the bushes and Regan. Maerican should come first. Dealing with not only the unemployment but also the poor and disabled. Also brings ALL of our troops home from a pointless and worthless war that we should not have even got into in the 1st place.

  6. The Google Pack is one of the most useful things of all tiems. Anytime I get an new computer THe first thing I download is the Google Pack. IT cotnains the most useful programs, such as picasa, spyware docotr and extras like Googel Earth.

    Google Chrome Web Browser

    Google Earth

    Google Toolbar for IE

    Norton Security Scan

    Spyware Doctor

    Google Desktop


    Google Photos Screensaver

    Adobe Reader

    Firefox with Google Toolbar



    The pack is really easy to download and doesnt slow a computer at all. THe best thing of all its Free. You are getting applications such as Norton and Spyware Doctor for no cost whatsoever. I would recommend the Google Pack to any one whethe new or existing computer users. And if you dont like it it is just as easy to uninstall. What do other poeple think.
    well there are a few things that I have to ttally disagree with in that pack,

    Norton for one. Its beep. there are much better auntivirus programs that are free on the market than Norton,

    Same with the spyware dr. Hence AVG

    Screensavers. the one you have in your windos is just a good, and you do not need to download it.

    toolbar for IE. more and more people are removing IE for Firfox. another waist of diskspace.


    As for slowing your system down? on some older PC it will slow you down. Also if your on a slower conection as some still have. your skype and real payler will not load fully or buffer.

  7. What Echo was initially talking about was a bug-out bag. The best idea is to pack one with non-perishables and emergency items, preferably in a single backpack that you can just snag and leave immediately in the case of an emergency that warrants your evacuation.
    There's really not a heck of a lot that makes a bug-out bag necessary anymore... unless you were on the run, or lived in the woods and a bear came in to harass you and you needed to leave for a while, or whatnot. A bug-out bag, depending on how big it is, can last from a day to a few days, for one or more persons.

    I would just worry about the possible considerations that would be an inconvenience, like having bottled water on hand when running water isn't available anymore, or having a heat source, batteries, candles, or whatever you need in case the power goes out for days (which was an ordeal I actually just went through), a revolution happens, or the war of the worlds occurs. :P

    We all usually learn after our first time what we miss, what we need, and what we take for granted when the sh*t hits the fan. :P

    Wrong! they are necessary. say you do not have a bug out bag in your car. your driving down a road in the middle of nowhere and you breakdown. then what? Your beeped. Also, what if you do have to Evacuate your home and go to a shelter for days if not weeks, they will not have everything you need there at a shelter. so it is best to H.Y.S.T Have your stuff together.

  8. Well that problem is solved by making the stream to open in a new window so you don't have to worry about refreshing.
    But i don't really think it should be, you can listen to any internet radio everywhere, so you can listen to the music you want.

    But it would be possible to make a CD for opaque to make more money: "Xisto: GREATEST HITS" :P And if you could buy that with mycents it would be great too :P

    *shhh, OpaQue, you'll pay me right? my idea!* :P

    EDIT: typos

    well yea, but then again Xisto radio. but bandwidth would be a killer there.

  9. Yes, and be able to request music too! When you want to hear something specific. I think it would be totally awesome to have. Since I no longer keep music on my computer, I keep going through batteries on my cd player. A music player here on trap would be just the thing. :P

    I would be against because of the fact I find those music players annoying especially when they auto-load every time you either refresh a page or go to a new link. On top of that it would slow down the loading of the website and with people on slow connections they will find it very bothersome and just stop coming to the forums. So a suggestion would be to use your own music while surfing the forums instead.

    Yes sadly that would be the only drawback, but there many ways to put a player here and would not need to be auto starting, even though I use one that is I hate them, because the slow down the page. and it also wouldnt have to be a

    music player

    maybe one of many internet radio stations. I happen to know of one that would kill to have a place like this.

  10. I've been close to too many tornadoes to actually want to chase them. I have however been to a storm chasers class before. It was rather interesting. One of the things I remember was an illustration of a tornado chasing a truck that was pulling a trailer. The tag line read "It's been chasing us for miles, we have to give it what it wants. Release the mobile home!"
    But yeah, there was one time I was sitting in my car at a car wash avoiding the hail and then all the sudden the sirens went off, then transformers started blowing and when lightning struck we could see the tornado a few hundred feet away. It was huge, one of the worst Fort worth ever saw. Scary stuff that.

    too funny I remember seeing that myself, then seeing a film of how a tornado hit a car lot. picked up 2 cars. threw one about a block away. all that was left was a part of a frame. the other car was put neatly ontop on the dealership without a scratch.

  11. As a follow up to the disaster kit listed above, what I would really like to talk about now is a evcuation plan. this is something that everyone should have. Not only in case of a bad weather storm but in case of fire or any other type of threat. say your in your bed asleep one nite and your awaken by the smell of smoke? You would leave the house the saftest way that you could. But what where would you meet the rest of your family? did they all know the same plan?This is why all of your family should have a safty drill. A drill to know what and when to do something in an emergency. Like feeling the doorknob, if it is hot to the touch. DO NOT OPEN IT! Fire is on the other side of the door. if your on the 1st floor and have a widow, break it and go out there. if your upstairs? have a escape latter than you can drop out your window so you may climb down. Have one for every bedroom on the higher floors. Also when you have your drill know how to use these ladders and use but be safe when your using them please. Once everyone is out of your home, have a place pre set where everyone is to meet, such as a tree or a neighbors yard.Main thing to remember is this. Be calm. panic will kill you. leave the burning home in a timely and safe manor. Dont worry of your belongings. They can be replaced your life or the lives of your familly can't.

  12. I don't want to disappoint you but I think I should warn you that I recently read that in fact the act of entering in Google is tough thing.

    The requirements they are looking for are high and tough too, but they are not impossible. Everybody that have enough power of will can get into.

    Also like the member mentioned before, I have read somewhere how those employs are treated like Gods :P

    That hits the nail on the head. have a friend of mine that tried to get a job a google. believe it or not just in the mail room. They checked him up down and all around to make sure he wasnt a spy or something from Mirosoft or someplace I guess. so you can guess of how they would check out someone who is dealing with software.

  13. I love animals, but there are still some kinds I don't like.


    Anyway, my favorite would be consider samoyed, they are the most adorable dog to me. :P

    I had been with this dog for a few months, I just kind of miss the time I spent with him. :P

    Posted Image

    I don't know how to make the size smaller. There is more in my computer. :P

    This is a picture I found on google. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Golden retriever is nice, too.

    See above pic. I rest my case on that one 100% so cute and cuddlly. thats just what I wanna be a big furball with black eyes.

  14. Try to look in some like google archives, or something like that.
    Contact the NJ gov.

    did look into the arcs and couldnt find anything. I did however find a PDF file but the road names and highways are not marked that well and it looks rather out of date. I have written our States EOC Emergency Operation Center of this as well. A plan like this Should be up 24/7 regaurdless of any problems or updating of any servers. Most southern states have a plan not only on that states server but on a backup one as well. This god forbid could get someone killed.
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