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Posts posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. I decided to actually make a signature for my trap account here, It's been awhile since I've done one. It's been awhile since I've made anything, much less anything completely from scratch. I almost always do some sort of manipulation of something else. But this, is completely from scratch. I started from a blank document, and I'm kinda proud of the way it turned out. However, I would love to get some opinions, some critiques if you have any. :P

    wow very nice Zeyo. I really like it, but for one little thing. your script is a little hard to read in your name. I would have used a little lighter emboss. also another font that is easier to ead. other than that I give it a 8.3 on the Echo Meter

  2. Well the Cub's have made a real big move, haha the now have Aron Heilman Frm the Seattle Marriners. Ex NY Met bum at that. I am shocked and hurt that the Cub would make such a move.

    The Cubs on Wednesday sent infielder Ronny Cedeno and recently acquired left-hander Garrett Olson to the Mariners for Heilman, who was traded for the second time in six weeks. Now that Heilman appears to have found a home, all that's left to settle is whether he'll be a starter or a reliever. For the record, Heilman, 30, an Indiana native who grew up a Cubs fan and now lives in Chicago, would prefer to start. But either role will do, especially since he'll be playing in his own backyard.

    Cubs home page

    The Cubs gave up Cedeno and Olson to Seattle in the deal which too much I feel for this washed up bum. He did nothing but Beep when playing for the NY Mets, never really was any good. Why would the Cubs want him is beyond me. I am happy he will finally get a starting role. I just hope it is Vs my Met's. Can we say Rag Arm!

  3. LOL..............
    That's a great incidence man....
    By the way i have won many prize for no price at all........
    You just have to keep in mind the to read terms and condition of the offer...............

    As the saying goes Nothing is free in this world

    lol like the song goes, money for nothing and chicks for free, yes always read the fine print.

  4. It happened to me, I was walking in a mall near my home and I saw a sports car and people were filling their names and phone number in an attempt to win the car in a lucky drawing. Since it was free I gave my name. Six months later, I received a phone call and it was a timeshare deal. They told me "you have to attend a 90 minute session " to get the gift. I started getting suspicious. Soon, I did some digging and realized that the 90 minute session is actually a 90 minute one one one session under a high pressure sales situation.
    At the end you get a travel voucher with over a hundred regulations. - you have to travel on a wed and return on thursday. you have to pay security refundable depost etc etc.
    So be careful and keep walking if you see a shiny car parked inside a mall.

    Oh man I feel for ya. been there done that hung up the phone. I remember one such prize I filled out once. I won but I lost too. They did not tell you, that you had to pay X amount for shipping and handling, plus sales tax. ended up costing me almost the price of the prize. a TV by the way. So yes people beware there is a scammer born every 30 seconds and a sucker born every min

  5. well I can honestly see both sides to this. On one hand you have a person who has done there time for a crime. then you have a person who is looking to hire. If the crime was small such as a mistermenor Yea hire them. but if it was something such as murder. I dont think so. it's sad that so many employers look someone with a clean record, when you have so many out there that are able and more than willing to do the work. Can't lie I did somethings in my younger days that cost me a job or two. But think about it like this. would you hire someone that was convicted of bank robbery to work in a bank? I don't think so. But would you hire that same person run your store if he or she had a background in that field? yes. I think so many look and see a record yet they do not look at what that may be. Stereo typing is the word here. They think anyone that has done any kind of a crime big or small is bad. They do not look or think are they now straight. all they see is someone that has done time.

  6. You know, and this is not gonna sound like me but. After reading all of these posts single my last one on this topic, and also Doing some reading from what NASA and NOAA have studied over the last 10 yrs, I now have to rethink my views of Globle Warming. Yes I still say that it is a phase that the earth is going throught. But I now have to add a few thoughts and findings of what We as humans have done to speed this up. Not only is the norhpolel becoming warmer but the southpole is becomeing warmer also. Water in places in the south pasific has risen 1 to 2 inches in the last 10 yes. yet there have been no changes in the Atlantic. As for what the human race race has done. Thats very simple, all our car planes have and is killing off our ozone layer that has protected us for so many millions of years. I do not claim to know anything of this, just what all I have read over the last few years on globle warming and what could be the cause or causes. But as I just said with the poler caps melting and water on the rise in places. and this is only a hunch. but sounds like maybe the Poles are becoming Reveresed. They have always said that this could happen at some point in time. Could all this Globle warming be just that? the pole switching. Just a thought on this topic.

  7. Racism is way too much of a problem.Everywhere,people like to form cliques and
    exclude other people just for the sake of it.To make
    them feel more powerfull.
    I am an optimist at heart,and believe that one day there won't
    be any racism.The first step though would be to stop having wars.
    Nothing fuels racism like those.

    Seeing this really cought my eye. Being that I grew up in the souther part of the usa that is know for Racism, and now living in the north. I am only 47 but as a kid I can remember seeing signs whites only or colored only. To this day it still makes me sick. We all are the same on the inside, be you white black red or yellow. We are all equals under the face of the higher being. Networker is so right when he says

    The first step though would be to stop having wars.Nothing fuels racism like those.

    life would be so much better foreveryone if they forgot of color or handicap and just looked at a person for who they are and not what they are.

  8. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    Wow! Eight babies at once...

    I am certainly wishing the parents all the best with them, and I hope all are healthy.
    It is truly amazing what the medical world is up to doing. No doubt there was some 'enhancement' going on, because a multiple birth of this nature is incredibly uncommon.
    All the best to Ma and Pa, and the baseball team..

    Do I see a remake of the old TV show 8 is enough comming on? wow 8 kids. that hurts just thinking about, and JL it takes 9 not 8 for a baseball team. 10 if you count a DH :P

  9. Sarissa is an ECMAScript library acting as a cross-browser wrapper for native XML APIs. It offers various XML related goodies like Document instantiation, XML loading from URLs or strings, XSLT transformations, XPath queries etc and comes especially handy for people doing what is lately known as "AJAX" development.

    I had also never heard of this so I googled it and found this


  10. I think it is not so simple to fix the health care system.
    However to start with Hospitals should not be obliged to treat patients without insurance or payment (unless life threatening situations). But I don't think this is going to happen anytime soon.

    thing with that is ethics. that is why a person becomes a doctor or nurse. to treat the ill. if a hospial refused to treat someone, say with a minor illness, that had no insureance. that hospital could face a problem of being sued if that illness that person had became life threatening. It is a give and take thing the way that I see it. Yes it can be fixed, but it will take a lot and I do mean a lot of work. Not only from our giverment but from Doctors, Hospitals and Insurance Co. The need to rebuild so many of these HMO's that pay for this but will not pay for that.

  11. The condition and the symptoms of male menopause are comparable to the ones women experience and can sometimes be as worse. However male menopause does not affect all men, at least not with the same inclusion. Most males experience this around the age of 40-50.(In my opinion that means GRAY HAIR!.) When males go threw menopause their hormonal levels can go up and down, they can even experience a low sperm count, most of the time gray hair, lack of energy,Recovery from injuries and illness takes longer,Less endurance for physical activity,Gaining weight,Difficulty reading small print,Loss or thinning of hair,Sleep disturbances,Low libido and Lack of energy. I think the worst of all for males going threw menopause is lack of sexual drive! Yikes that sounds almost as worse at the female menopause!

    I would love knowing how you came up with this. being a male bewteen the age of 40 and 50 with a little gray on the roof and knowing other men of the same age. It is not Menopause as your saying but Life. Men age a little more quickly than a women. As for the sperm thing. A woman will reach her sexual peak at around the age of 40 where men at around 18. So you can see that. men age in that department a little faster, so yes that is why the count would be lower for someone 40 to 50

  12. I Dont know whether it is right place to post this topic or not but I didnt found any place batter.
    Today afternoon we attended a security awareness session in my company where most of the people were feeling vary sleepy and the person in front of us who was giving presentation was vary boring we saw a vary boring 30 minutes movie where main actress was vary irritating then they told us that why security is important why we should stop tailgating (piggybacking) why we should stop sharing the password inside the team and why we should not used unlicensed and free version software inside the company and so many things but I know no one obeys these inside company I dont mean that every one is breaking rules(every rule) but yah most of the people are rule breaker even the person who was giving presentation was breaking the rule as it is against to the companies polity to take picture or making video inside the company and the movie shown by those people was made inside the company .I think it is impossible to obey all the rules inside the company because it is vary tuff to deliver the deliverables on the time with obeying all the rules and being a software engineer I think it is much important to deliver the project on time rather than thinking and wasting times on such small things although if it is matter of data integrity or confidentiality on vary high level then we should not compromise but if it something inside the team then I think we all trust on our team mates. I cant reveal the name of my company neither I expect from you people but if you work in any such organization then I will like to know your views on this topic.

    I know how you feel. seen a few films like that myself. where I work and well live also is very secure. You have to know a code to get in and out of my work. same with my apartment. with how the world is now with all the terroriests, robberies killings and other things, you have to have these. Its not like back in the 1950's when you could leave your work or home door unlocked and it would be okay. now you try that and you will have your things stolen or you would be killed.

  13. Echo I don't know why you've opened another topic for this, when I've seen 2 other threads that discuss just this problem, and this one even has a poll in it and you replied to it. The other one I can't find the link, but I'm sure that there was another post about this. This has been discussed over and over again. :P
    I don't like to repeat myself. Here's what I said there:

    I beg your pardon, But I was not the one that started that topic. and I only had agreed with them. and if you will read what I said at the start of this topic you will see it has to deal with mycents and post counts more than old topics. Hence reducing spam.

  14. I had to laugh so hard today. crusing around looking at the new posts I notice a few post that some had replied to dating back 2 or 3 yrs back. Maybe this post is in the wrong place I dont know and wouldnt call it a vent yet wouldnt call it advice, and yet not a suggestion too. I know it sounds funny but how about we all start reading the dates of topics before making a post. We all know that well and some will not like me saying this, but posting like that in out dated topis is just to get your mycents up, sadly but true. Idea here though on how to stop such posts. maybe set the board to move a topic that has reached a date, to a location that would be set as a post don't count? that way we could still have all topic yet would not have someone bringing up a topic from 2004 of my bf left me what do I do or something like that.Only a thought. maybe a good one maybe not. I really would like to know though what you all think of this. Maybe if we get enough people here who are like me and hate spam and worthless posting just to get your count up, something can be done.

  15. I think there should be more ads on this site. it means they can make more money so they can spend more money on the site to make it even better than it already is. i personally don't mind ads on websites they don't affect me and as i send above they give to company more money to spend on the website.

    We are earning from ads by showing them to the guests who shower in mainly from search engines. :-) Compared to that, showing it to regular members during posting and activity gets too much :P

    well you both have a very good point there. yes these ad's help pay the way for Xisto. and maybe there should be more of them. but this is just me though. I find a side with a zillion ad's on it a pain in the you know what. So maybe it is a toss up. not sure how it would work but maybe a seperate page so you can have even more ad's yet they would not take up the whole site?

  16. The medical system is broken. And the problem is no one seems to understand that is is.
    Here are a few things to do.
    First thing is to kick out insurance people from the medical world. You go to a doctor,you pay up. The middleman (insurance) does not add anything productive to the system but leaches on it.

    Second kick out lawyers and lawsuits. It is these lawyers who don't add anything to the GDP of a country. Nothing against them, they are needed in several areas. But should be minimized in health care. Unless the doctor really screwed up, one should not be allowed to sue the doc. Docs are paying about 30K a year in Malpractice insurance. They take this money from the consumers.

    It's not only that, that is wrong with healthcare but a lot of other things too. This all started way back when. Even before GW Bush. It's a little thing called inflation. Also you have so many people getting welfare, that can not pay a doctor or a hospital. they have to get the money someplace. You know if you live in a nursing home in the US you are only allowed 35USD out of your monthly soc sec check? the rest goes to pay for your stay. and then it still isnt paying all of your bill.

    they main problem is welfare. there so many here in the US that are ripping off hospitals and doctors when all they have to do is get off there lazy blank and get a job. I am not saying your fully wrong in your statement, your not. but that is the main problem with it. So many abusing the welfare system in this country.
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