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Posts posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. things to remember1) im grounded so i can't touch the phone..
    2) im not going to take her to eat out or anything.
    3) im only 15 and i dont have a car
    4) i cant go to the movies or other places to take someone out for a date

    Been there myself my young man. with these 4 things you have a big problem. I take it your not grounded from the computer. If she has one try talking to here on the net. dont blow your cool or anything be a gentlemen and get to know her. then depending on how long you are grounded ask if she would do something together. you said you cant go to the movies or other places though. that kind of worries me. sounds like you dont wanna be seen with her or something. May wanna reply back and tell why you can't that would be a lot of help. But in any case if you wanna date this girl your gonna have to go out sometime.

  2. I agree with you Echo. I mean... heck.. wars can even start over just posts like this. Now why did you have to go and start WWIII on us. I blame you Echo you terrorist. Lol jk. Now we will see what happens when BuffaloHelp launches a satellite to keep an eye on all of his haters.

    Now BuffaloHelp with a satellite, thats a very scary thought. And your also very right on even a simple post or a news item can start something major. But a war of words is better than a war with gun's.

  3. a little late news but something that was sent to me in my e mails.

    Iran now has a Satllite in orbit



    NO I AM NOT A BIGOT! I only feel if a country such as Iran can do that. WWIII could start very very easy.

    The whole topic is very racist, all the way from post 1 to post 4. I'm very shocked that you think every country in the middle east is full of terrorists.

    I think you have missed the point Baniboy. This is not raceist Nor is every country in the middle east terrorists. We all know of how wars in the mid east start over nothing but land. Be it Iran Isreal or even the US. As I stated in thread 1 WWIII could start very easy over something like this. Racism has nothing to do with this at all.

  4. Any body know if I should keep posting every day for free hosting service? And where can I find the tutorial of setting Email sysem (SMTP)

    No need to post daily danny.......Don't worry about it. You'll earn virtual money called myCents for all your posts here. So post some good posts (big posts, no copying and pasitng) and you'll earn some myCents for those posts. You can use those to order hosting. So if you earn enough amount to pay the future invoices you can take some days(or even months) of rest. It is up to you. :D

    Only thing though Danny, I would if I was you make for a couple of days Quality posts, so you can have enough mycents to cover your hosting for the month.

  5. Well it has been almost a month now since Obama took office at the Cammander and Chif of the United States of America. It is a very tough job we all know that. But what I am curious of is how do you think that he has done in his 1st month in office. Do you think he has mad the right pics for his cabnet?What about how he is handing not only things here in the US but oversea's?Myself one and after hearing him on TV all day. Sounds as he is trying to Talk the talk but scared to walk the walk. He keeps talking of what he is gonna do, all I can say is DO IT!

  6. With Iran I think we have more to worry about them attacking Israel first before they attack the United States. However I think this is a big step for Iran and will put a damper on any relations that we are trying to achieve. Our biggest problem with Iran is the fact that they do not like Israel, and we have njo choice but to put our ball in Israel's court because lets face it ..... we practically created that country. But lets not jump the gun like we always do because we do not even know what the satellite is for yet. For all we know it could just be a weather satellite, or is it? lol

    Well knowing Iran it isnt a weather satellite. Most likely they are saying it is a communication or something like that. But hello this is Iran. Will bet my last mycent has a few cams pointed at Israel Iraq UAE and a few other spots.

  7. Yep, I just saw on the news that he admitted now to using HGH. This is a HUGE hit to the Yankees, but not to their wallet! They could probably break the contract, and A Rod will have to quit baseball. He will lose tons of endorsements, and will probably retire soon.

    LMAO No He is A Rod. Worst thing that could happen to the Yankee Pema Donna is that he will get a tap on the wrist and maybe lose 1 maybe 2 of his many endorsements. Why? He is A Rod.

  8. a little late news but something that was sent to me in my e mails.
    Iran now has a Satllite in orbit

    I dont know about you all but this kind of scares the living bleep out of me. I mean with all the wars and fighting that is always happening in the middle east. Having a country such as Iran having a Satllite of any kind worries me. Not that it is up there. but the fact that they can put one up. I mean if they can put it into space, they could put a nuke into the US. I know this may piss some of you off so I am saying this now. NO I AM NOT A BIGOT! I only feel if a country such as Iran can do that. WWIII could start very very easy.

  9. confused how? There is tells you how and what you need to do to get the hosting. True I do feel as it maybe should be moved higher up than at the bottem, so the new members wishing to get the hosting could find it faster and better. but as for dropping it all the way, no way.

  10. oh how I remember Ike, at last I heard there was still a couple of hundred still missing, but that was a couple of weeks ago. Well I myself feel as it will be a busy season along with Dr Gray. Also I think with how we are between El Nina and El Nino that there will be more storms on or near the east coast. I am not sure if you read the Farmer's Alamanac but they are calling for 7 threats to the US this year, and most are east coaster. Only time will tell though. Atlantic hurricane season will be starting on June 1, but I feel as maybe sooner. say middle of May. All I can say is this for you and everyone. HYSTHave your stuff together.

  11. I also found same problem like
    You have to check your check your database setting or database user and password. Then try to show us your website.
    Remember that, If you are going to show something to others, first check your creation whether it is good or not ?

    Yea check you database, Worse comes to worse reinasll it your DB.

  12. This started like early last year i think, so there might have already been a post on it...
    Anyone feel that the viewing limitations are a bit outrageous as well?

    honestly never really been to this site so I dont really know. all that I can think of is they may limit you for 2 reasons
    1 they want you to join there site and pay a fee to watch.
    2 the people that have the copy rights may ask for a time limit until they the owners of the video can get royalties from it.

  13. wow I just found these posts. How I would have loved to of been around Xisto in 05. that was the biggest year ever for hurricanes with 28 named storms. 1st time ever that the National Hurricane Center ever had to use the greek Afabet for storms. Also the year of Katrina, one of the most deadliest and costly storms in US history. Only 2nd behind Hurricane Andrew.

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