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Everything posted by Evolke

  1. I did play Neopets- somtime ago. But I eventually got bored with it. All I could do was play Game, my pets were bad, and our internet connection wasn't fast enough to do anything decent. I doubt I'd start playing again... it was cute but I don't have the time anymore.
  2. I don't think I've ever lied online majorly, I have about my age as in some cases. I don't really believe or support lying because like its been said, once you lie once, you have to lie a second time when you slip up from the first lie. I told a lie a while back to my mum, then I wanted to take it back, but she kept persuing the matter so I had to lie my way out of it. I told her about three different lies. And I really felt horrible.
  3. I love Rove. Its a great way to end the week (Nowdays its shown on Sundays) My favourite segment is 'Kevin Rudd'. Its hilarious! I love his laugh, and evil schemes Thats probably one of the greatest things about Australia, we can pay out our Prime Minister and its still a laugh. Mr Rudds appearance on Rove was hilarious to watch.. except for that very akward bit where he said he'd turn gay for his wife... thats creepy. Hah! I rekon he's a pretty good fella Mr Rudd. He's making so much prgoess with Australia and with the recent ecnomy chrisiss hes handled it pretty well. A very creepy thing just occured. I happened to glance at the TV where I noticed Mr. Rudd was on a discussion show. What are the chances of that?!?!
  4. That is apauling! Even though they say its difficult to plan a proceedure to evatucate disabled persons in and emergency, and it probably would be, these are human lives that are being toyed with... I can't believe that so many peoples lives would be at risk because emergency managers were unprepared. Perhaps its a topic thats just pushed under the rug? Though we do have to remember how many other problems there are in the world, Terrorism, Poverty etc. so really its would be difficult for the government to decide which matters to address first. Theres the possiblility of an event such as Katrina killing the lives of disabled people due to unorganisation or theres the possiblility of Terrorist attacks against a city of people each as harmful as the other. But I do think that to have a successful country, you need to have all the foundations right. The right economy, the right justice system, the right emergency action plans, everything within your country worked out before you begin addressing the bigger issuses.
  5. Pigs can WHAT?!?!... thats nasty :)I like number one. It really maked me think.
  6. Yes she has her problems- we all know that- but I do like her music. Her songs are catchy and her lyrics are fun to sing to. And really, shes a singer so really nothing in her personal life should change her as a singer. Shes in the public eye to sing. Thats her job. Her job isn't to be perfectall the time... its just a pity shes done some of the stuff she has.In my opinion Brit is a good singer. Just not a great role model...
  7. Evolke

    What Next...?

    I've just started trying to start my website. I haven't yet applied because I'd like to know what to do to manage my website before I apply. I have downloaded KompoZer and I'm in the process of trying to figure out how it works. What do next? Do need to download an FTP to transferr the pages I create on KompoZer onto my website? How do I do I link the FPT to KompoZer that? And what other programs will I need to set up and manage my website? Thanks in advance. (Sorry if this is in the wrong Cat. I wasn't sure where to post it)
  8. Wow! That is awesome! I looks great! I love the hip feel
  9. Wow! Very impressive! It looks great! :)The only thing I would worry about is the time it takes for viewers to load
  10. Better than Habbo Hotel? I used to play Habbo a while ago, but I stopped playing because I lost interest. But when I was interested in it, it was loads of fun. I haven't heard of Coke Music before though... so it is similar to Habbo..?
  11. I have many favourite book and I wouldn't be able to list them all. A few that come to mind are, The Art to Happiness by Howard Cutler. Which is a series of discussions between Howard and H.H. The 14th Dali Lama. Basically is about changing your views in life, and seeing things from another perspective. It definately changed me and my perspective in life. Nowdays when my mums grumbling about crazy drives on the road when were in the city shopping Im constantly sayig to her 'Put your self in their shoes,' but she never seems to fully understand... It really has changed me for the better.I recommend to anyone and everyone to read it! Anoher favourite of mine is Keys to the Kingdom series by Garth Nix. Its about a boy who advoids death by being given a key to a different realm on a Monday. The stroy progresses into a wild episode of adventure in another realm. The boy, Arthur, becomes the heir to a world he never knew existed and battles against the Days one pure human will. Its a great story but I'd only reccomend it to people with a vivid imagination. I 100% reccomend it to Harry Potter Readers!
  12. My favourite animal is a Sheep. I don't really know why I just love them. I live on a farm and I've cared for abandoned lambs so perhaps thats why. I also love horses
  13. Wow! Now thats what you call crazy.I couldn't imagine anyone doing that..
  14. I've just downloaded KompoZer but I've found myself a little stuck. I'd like to be able to View my website, but when I click Preview it displays my Coding Text rather than what the Code should be showing. Is there any way of Viewing it as WYSIWYG? As I feel that may be easier. I did think that KompoZer was actually WYSIWYG ... Im very confused :PAny users of KompoZer able to help me out?
  15. Wow! That is amazing! Hah! :)I can already see the benifits of this...
  16. Love is patience. If your there for her as someone she can always trust she'll appreciate that. In the future she'll care for you because you cared for her. If it doesn't turn into a love relationship I'm sure it will turn into a beautiful friendship! You've got all the right motives, and you sound like a really genuine guy Good-Luck with this girl, I hope it works out for you
  17. Wow! I didn't actually know that! I was under the impression that a Hacker was someone that altered with another persons computer in order to recieve personal or private information, Card Numbers, Phone Numbers etc. :PLearn somthing new everyday!
  18. I have a Samsung A-14... or somthing along those lines. Its not all that good. My and a girl I know agree that theres somting wron with Samsung phones that effects our service. I'd love to get a LG Shine. They are awesome
  19. Your right, mobile phones have come along way, but I believe they have a long way to go until chips in your brains. The development of mobiles has increased so much from the simple 'black text' but I feel they have developed too much. Its time for them to take an ease, before they sky rocket into the big stuff. But who knows?
  20. Thank-You so much! You can't believe how muc hthis is going to help me! I've been looking through the site, and asking for help for hours trying to figure out where to start, and its is exactly what I was looking for! Something that can show me where to even begin!!
  21. Im not really that much of a fan of either. Our TV channels dont show Rugby or the Soccer. But to play, I'd have to say Rugby or Touch Footie. Basically because of my past experiences with Soccer matches (being bored our of my bum). If Australian Rules Footy was a choice of 'Play' I' pick it for sure!
  22. Hah! :)Some people fail to see how bad their B.O actually is. Luckily for me, I live in in a small country town with no Public Transport. So I rarely have to put up with it. Maybe put your bags on the seat next to you so now one sits there... LOL.
  23. Im sorry to hear bout your Aunt.I can't say I've actually had that many bad experiences with Doctors. I live in a small country town, and we have limited Doctors, all of whom are transferred often but they are all wonderful people. Perhaps it is different in the City than to the Country...?
  24. I hated Dial-Up until our connection was switched to Satelite. Our Satelite service is horrible. Its no faster than Dial-Up used to be but it costs a fair bit more. Atleast with Dial-Up you can listen to a funky tune while your connecting...
  25. The guy is obviously a total jerk! But I wouldn't say all guys are like that. Some of the guys I know, are really nice guys and dont feed themselves on sex and sexual activities.
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