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Everything posted by Evolke

  1. I belive you can use somthing as simple as Notepad. If you don't already know how to save PHP Files in Notepad: Insert your PHP coding into a Notepad Document 'File' 'Save As' Save the File as 'whatever.php' Change the 'Save as Type:' to 'All Files' Then Open your intenet Browser Click 'File' then 'Open...' Locate your File saved as 'whatever.php' and Open it Then theres your coding.That would probably be an easy way to test your PHP coding without downloading any programs
  2. For those that do not know a Daddy Long Legs is a Spider. Though its not on that actually looks scary, or much like a spider at that. I did actually know it was the most poisonous spider I love them. They are so delicate. I love to pick them up and leg them crawl across my arm
  3. I definately preffer the second. In my opinion- a white background is the more professional look. The logo itself is very unique and recognisable.
  4. Well, I thought I would show off some of my work. So heres a quick taste of it Almost all of my work is with horses. Horses are beautiful animals to manipulate with. There is an enormous supply of horse stock right at my door, so what ever the pelt, or body postition you want a horse to have theres a 99.99% chance you'll always find it. Horses can have such a great intensity of emotion which I think makes them the perfect creature to include in my manipulations. As you can see I have included my copyright on all pictures. Theft is a crime. Don't even try to do it. Depplain Valley is my name on another website. A QUICK PROFILE ON THIS GRAPHIC Title: Hallelujah Program: Photoshop Elements 5.0 Time Taken: ~1/2 Hour - 45 Minutes Effects: Multiply, Various Brushes, Gaussian Blur, Colour Burn. Message: Don't give in. Struggle on until you succeed. Notes: This is one of my favourites. I created it after I was told two members from my community were involved in a head on crash. Both had children. A QUICK PROFILE ON THIS GRAPHIC Title: Reflections Program: Photoshop Elements 5.0 Time Taken: 2 Hours-ish Effects: Multiply, Gaussian Blur, Overlay. Message: Look at your reflection. Look at who you are, how you act and how you are effecting the world. Notes: Another of my favourites. Im aware many of the lillies are transparent. I have a second copy without them. Thats all for now. Ill probably post more soon. Enjoy!
  5. I also agree. I don't like the idea of my email being seen to all eyes. Even though I delete all email messages from people or companies I do not know. I'd just prefer it to not be seen.
  6. But can you imagine trying to actually swim in syrup? How horrible would it feel coming up for a breath doing freestyle? Syrup would cover your mouth and your nostiles, you'd probably have to stop to clear your airways to try and breathe!
  7. I do like water. Its refreshening. After a hard day of work I love a cold glass of water and ice.. then some Apple Juice :)Water really fascinates me. Just the way water is so perfect. It has the perfect density of 1.0, It has the perfect PH Level of 7 (Neutral). I find it amazing
  8. I've started learning it too These are a few of the websites I've used: <a href='http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;[x]</a> <a href='http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;[x]</a> <a href='http://de1.php.net/manual-lookup.php?pattern=tut.php%26〈=en&scope=404quickref;[x]</a> <a href='http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;[x]</a> I'd highly advise you look at a variety of websites. Different websites have different ways of explaining.
  9. I've only just started learning PHP. Im learning it through Tutorials on a variety of websites. Im just learning the basics, then Im going to move to the bigger stuff
  10. Im using KompoZer at the moment. Its fairly straight forward. Its somtimes a bit of a hassle but if you want a simple website its perfect A bonus is KompoZer has its own inbuild FTP, so you dont have to download as much
  11. I began learning HTML from Emblas. Emblas is simple to follow and its great help to get you going. From there try websites with a larger variety of HTML Tutorials. Try searching 'HTML Tutorials' on Google. To begin with I was using Piczo, and I was inserting my HTML into their HTML Boxes. Basically my whole site was mae up of HTML Codes. Now I have started using Notepad (On Windows) which is so much easier. Here are the steps to using Notepad for HTML: Create your HTML and paste it into Notepad. Save the File as 'whatever.html' It is very important you save it as '.html' instead of what Notepad automaitcally save it as '.txt' Now open your Internet Browser Go to 'File' then 'Open' Find your file (the example would be saved as whatever.html) then Open it And theres your HTML. You can now view what your code looks like.
  12. How long did it take for you to learn the basics of HTML? It didn't take me too long. Although it depends what level of HTML your reffering to. Im not too sure how long it took me to learn and memorised the basics asit was some time ago.. probably a month or so. How proficient are you right now in HTML? Im building my website using alot of the HTML codes I have learnt. So Im fairly proficient. Which resources did you use when you were learning HTML (or are currently learning HTML?) I used vaious Tutorials. One I think is great to start with is Emblas. Her Tutorials are simple and easy to follow. From there, practise using the codes. Fiddle with them andsee what works and what doesn't. Once you learn to read HTML its much easier. How did you find learning HTML? I found HTML great. It was simple to follow and it works very well for me now. Im starting to learn bits of PHP to make my site a little more complex. To test your HTML save it on somthing as simple as Notepad (On Windows). Instead of saving yourdocument as '.txt' save it as '.html'. Then you can view it in your internet browse by clicking 'File' then 'Open' then browse for your file and open. If you ever get stuck with HTML, search tones of keywords of it on Google. Google always helps
  13. My favourite sports are:Volley Ball(Aussie Rules) FootieBasketball (Only somtimes)I don't really visit sporting websites too often because Im not a crazy sports person. But I'd visit one if I wanted to know the rules of a game. You could make instructions on how to different games. Though they would have to be very easy to follow and understand
  14. Im fairly sporty. I enjoy the odd game of Volley Ball, or Aussie Rules. And I love long distance running. I play a bit of Basketball every now and again aswell. I don't play any sports with a secific Club though. I just go to the Gym weekly, and do Ballet Lessons on Thursday.
  15. I've seen the First and Second Saw Movies... but I think thats all I could handle. They were exciting, but just creeped me out a bit too much :PSorry about your Nachos..
  16. Hah! I love it! :)Very nicely written, Im sure newbies to web design will be thrilled to have this as their guideline.... LOL
  17. Cool, Thanks! :PI wasn't planning on using a template for my website, but I've hada look around and there are some pretty neat looking ones. Ill take a look
  18. I haven't tried SImCity yet, but I have the Sims, Sims Unleashed, and The Sims2. And I love them! Theres so much stuff to do, and you can live your dream life, without leaving the comfort of your own home. :)Unfortunately my mums computer is the only computer in the house that has a DVD Rom, as she accidentally bought the DVD Rom rather than the PC Rom, so I can only play it on her computer. And its terribly slow. Otherwise I'd play it all day and all night!
  19. Great Tutorial! Ill defiunately be using this for Summer! I hope you don't mind I've saved a copy of this onto my computer to print out to use.
  20. I absolutely loved The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger played the Joker so well! He made it so realistic, and I loved every second of the movie! The way he kept licking the air as if tasting it was so much like you'd imagine the Joker to be. Heath did and excellent job. The Dark Knight is definately my favourite movie. I think I could watch it a hundred times in a row and not get bored of it.
  21. I don't really mind them. I prefer to get them over and done with. If Im sitting around waiting I just get nervous. So when we have injections at our school all the other people back away, not wanting to go first, and I march right in. Hah :)I used to have a pretty big fear of them when I was smaller. But I've gradually gotten over it. I try to think of which I'd prefer, suffering from the illness Im being protected from such as Cervical Caner, or have a little injection to pevent it from happening. Definately the latter!I dont really mind blood tests. If I have to have one, Ill just get it over with. I can't stand the little thing that you put over your finger, which pricks a little pin into the tip of your finger, which they use to measure your bloodsugar. They really really creepy me out! I'd much rather have an actual blood test than have on of those
  22. Welcome to Xisto! I myself am relativly new. I join a while ago, and never got right into it, but now Im beginning to learn how to set up a webpage I used to run Cross Country, nowdays Im more of a Track Runner. But Im definately a long distance runner. I've run a couple 5k Fun-Runs in our local community. How have you found Trap so far?
  23. I always delete messages from people I don't know. Just too be safe.As it is our computer has enough problems, due to its age (its about 5 years old) and it doesn't need anymore from a virus
  24. Whooaa! Thats crazy!Ican't even begin to imagine how much the same Domain will go for in twenty years time... CRIKEY!
  25. Yes. Straight forward I am a proud computer addict. Its not just the internet, or just the computer games I play, I just need to go on the computer. Or I feel bored, and really lost. That is a real addiction :)Im a huge sucker for online Virtual World, and games like the SIM's, heck Ill even play Age of Empires if Im bored enough. Hah! I get addicted to games, like strategy games, and computer coding, hence why Im trying to make a website. But I agree alot with what armondtimesbelize has said. When Im on the computer for too long I feel like Im just withering away. That Im wasting my life and I should be outside experiencing it.
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