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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. Lol, those shows are all fake. That's pretty obvious. Assuming there *were* real ghosts they were chasing...Why is it that we don't all experience it as well? I don't think ghosts would haunt just one or two areas. I'm pretty sure if they were "haunting" us they would be all over the place. Kind of like Casper. And why is it that they are always in abandoned houses? It wouldn't make sense for them to sit in a house that has nobody in it. They should be where the people are.
  2. In terms of my contributions all I can really help with is website development for it and all. In terms of graphics and programming I would have to know what languages/programs we'd be using for that kind of stuff.Games are written in so many languages that knowing what one would be a huge step forward.I have basic knowledge of most, but unless I knew more about the exact project(s) and all there isn't much I could do right now. Which is why I would love a serious group. I am a quick self-learner but it's not worth my time if it's not going to go anywhere anyways.
  3. A common belief regarding ghosts and whether or not they exist/can be seen is that they are just electrical fields. I don't remember their exact explanation but it's something like how we have electricity going through our body, they claim these "ghosts" can be seen by looking for invisible electrical fields. I find it hard to believe still. Honestly, to me...Ghosts are like UFO's. They are things people claim to have 'seen,' yet there is no proof of them that couldn't have been photoshopped or made up. Almost every "true video" I have seen regarding ghosts looks like the ones you would see in movies or something. So to me, I think that the seeing ghosts is really just peoples' imaginations playing tricks on them. If you really want to believe that something is there, you will see it. Otherwise, you won't. As for me, I choose not to.
  4. Honestly I would love to have a *serious* section for game creating on the forums for ideas. A lot of the threads like this one end up with nothing but "I can help with quests" and stuff, but yet two things occur: 1)You can't find programmers/graphics designers, 2)Nobody even takes any steps into making the game(s) a reality.If anyone *really* wanted to attempt to make a MMORPG(or even a normal RPG to start) I would be willing to give any insight and help with what I could. There are many aspects of it that I could assist with, but I would need to see that people are really wanting to make it happen.I wouldn't want to waste a year working on a game just to have half of the people helping say "eh, this is too hard" and quit or something.
  5. I agree with most of what is said, but I don't agree with making new threads for every new idea. There are many ideas that are tied to one another and it would be much easier to keep them organized by leaving them together. About the post quality degrading, I 100% agree with that. I have been having to use "REPORT" all the time. People are plagarizing more than ever(usually with the 2-3 page posts), quoting the previous post without using "quotes," etc. It's like most people here are posting solely for the hosting, which I dislike. There is so much that you can learn and/or teach to others here, and it would be much more helpful if our posts were not flooded with worthless comments. I will do a little thinking in terms of various implementations that they can add to the forums to clear up the spamming issue, and report back to the mods as to what I come up with(if anything).
  6. Wait, KFC wasn't always known as "KFC?" I've always called it that,lol.As for me...Unless the downhill happened recently I haven't really noticed the difference.But I don't go there often either. Usually once a month, if that.They do have great lunch meals though, the single-person ones with the chicken, 2-3 sides, and a bisquit. I think it's like $3-4 or somewhere around there.
  7. HUGE +1 to you on that. I'm 22 and am in the same boat but for a different reason. I care about my future a lot. I know of many people who had their future set and it was destroyed because of a girl they fell in love with, and they threw everything away for the girl, and then ended up breaking up anyways. My biggest priority is school, followed by my career. Afterwards, that is when I am going to be more open to relationships. I just don't want to be like those who pretty much destroy their life for nothing. I'm not saying everyone has issues with their loved ones, but it's happened way too many times to people I know for me to take the risk. I would rather be safe than sorry. Not to mention I would love to marry someone in a field related to mine in some way. That way we would work the same hours and all. I don't want to be one of those people who works from 8 am till 5 pm, comes home to see my wife from 5:30 till 6, and then she's at work from 6 till 12 or whatever. I would rather be able to spend time together, take vacations together, etc.
  8. The thing to keep in mind about websites is that they will grow slowly. Most of them grow based on word-of-mouth.I am working on a site right now that is very small in terms of user-base but it's less than a week old as well. I fully expect it to take around a year to hit a 500 person mark. But I won't give up on it.The biggest mistake people make when designing a website is that they look at it and say "It's a failure." and give up on it. Don't do that.
  9. Those girls who feel that makeup really matters just have low self-esteem, is how I feel. I have found plenty of people who do not wear makeup. Just, to me...You were made a certain way, and you do not need to change that for anyone. The only person you have to impress is yourself, not someone else. Those who care about you won't care how you look.
  10. In terms of the "very easy to use" part...What about mod installing? Like, if you have, say 4 different themes, do you have to manually go through each one to install the various mods? That is one of the things that is pushing me away from modding anything at all in terms of forums: it's just too much work. I'm tired of having 50 people want various themes and then have to go through them one by one and re-mod each one with every addition and all.
  11. If you have a warning my understanding is that it will take extra time before you are accepted, if you are.They have to re-evaluate you, and a mod before was saying it's much better if you get the warning dropped *before* purchasing hosting.As for the normal time it takes to get your hosting accepted, it really depends. I had been a long time member of the community before I requested mine, and it still took about a day.
  12. This is a little off-topic but it does have to do with the forums themselves.How does AEF compare to things like phpBB, VBulletin, or SMF? I have not heard of AEF besides on these forums, which leads me to believe that it's not a widely used platform(meaning also a lot less support, less developers, etc.)
  13. Wait, so you're saying that the difference between being able to use openGL and directX isn't just software based? I was under the impression that they were both solely software. If it really is hardware, then yeah...I don't quite understand why the video card companies wouldn't support both, if nothing else so that linux users would want to purchase them as well. As for the "cost" of developing on Directx, and/or using it...It doesn't seem to be an issue, being that most game companies develop on Windows. Wouldn't it be possible to emulate directx for end-users to play directx games without it?
  14. This is a pretty obvious answer but....Just ask him. You can't really guess feelings. People have tried for thousands of years, but everyone is different.The only way to know is to have a talk with him and see what he says and go by that.
  15. Yep yep, same thing here. But on a religious level, ghosts are a possibility. More or less it is said that if you go to hell, your worst punishment is to watch those around you sin constantly on their way to hell, without you having any way of stopping them or slowing them down. In that, would that not be what ghosts are? Now as for being seen, I fully believe that it is false. Not from a religious standpoint or theoretical one can I see the ability to see ghosts as being possible.
  16. True this. I agree that it is a scientific thing. I, for example, can tell when it is going to rain *here* before it does. Is it due to health? No. I can tell because before it rains it always gets moisturized in the air. If you go out a lot before it rains, during, and after, you will over time be able to easily tell the difference in the feel of the air. For the thing of people with broken bones and stuff, it most likely also has to do with the moisture, in some way or another. As for when it gets dark, you can tell because the sun lets off a lot of different chemicals that your body needs(I forgot exactly what they are called now) to keep "happy." It is scientifically proven that if you don't go outside for a long time, you will become very depressed. Unless you have sunlight going into your house. So technically I guess "weather" can have an effect on your health, but it's only because of natural effects that it has on everyone. The only difference is that some have not learned how to interpret it yet.
  17. Okay, to clarify for some of you as to why SP1 is good...It has nothing to do with speed, and most changes you probably wouldn't and won't notice. It is mostly to do with compatibility.There were many things(gamespy and games and stuff) that would not run on Vista at all. With SP1 it fixed a lot of those issues. There are still some workarounds needed for various programs(like gamespy) but in general it's all pretty stable now.Security flaws were also fixed in the service pack. These you obviously would not notice.So don't expect SP's to speed up your PC or anything. They are just here to help fix issues. The speed of Vista is due to all of the junk it has in it, which Microsoft wouldn't take out.
  18. Very interesting article. If you are in biology you would already know about this though. Everyone is born with a tail, but it goes away as you form into a human.I don't necessarily see it as bad *or* good to have one though. As for the meaning, I really don't see one. I just think about all of the other animals(considering we as humans are technically classified as animals) and how they all have tails as well(most do.)So the question shouldn't be about why some people *do* have tails, it should be as to why the rest of us *don't*. If all other animals have them, why are we so different?
  19. lol, wouldn't it be funny if dogs and cats were alien lifeforms from other planets? Like, somewhere out there....In a land far, far away...There is a big dog king, and millions of other pets running around. I don't believe in aliens but...You know, if UFO's really did exist then that would be an explanation as to why we have yet to find why they come: They are dropping off more dogs and cats. Now, I joke about the situation and all, but you never know....Someone's far-off idea could end up being what the truth is.
  20. The creator of the Google empire is only like 23 as well. By the way, take all of these estimates with a huge grain of salt. I was talking to someone about it and they brought up a very good point...Without a source there is absolutely no credibility.
  21. Well we learn from our brain taking in new information. And they are working in getting real brains in robots as well, because not only would they make better learning tools, they can hold much more information than something like a hard drive. As for your question....AI can go pretty far. About the slapping thing, it is possible. Think about it like this: You program something with these settings : Sit, Stand, move hand left, move hand right, blink, extend leg. Now you tell it to do random functions. At some point it's bound to move the hand left, then right. Solely by randomized functions it has now essentially "hit" someone. But with robots that can read our brain...Yes, I fully agree that it would go even farther than my little example.
  22. @tripleNever heard of that one...I'll check that out as well.@rayzorYou don't need to disable the service. In the program itself just disable automatic defragmentation,
  23. If you already set up your account at Xisto - Web Hosting.com then all you have to do is choose to purchase a hosting package there and choose MyCENTS as your payment option, .It will take some time before it is activated though. Could be a couple of days.
  24. I haven't been in the negatives since the first time, and only a few people I've seen have negatives, so I'm assuming it is due to the post deletions.A recalculation wouldn't really make sense because if it was affecting one, why not all?:PSome of us haven't been having issues, so that wouldn't really make sense.
  25. Not a bad script. It's not 100% accurate as it depends on how often the same person loads the site and re-loads it(meaning, if it's still cached, it won't hit the counter again, but with F5 it will).Regardless, generally that wouldn't be an issue and it still shows how often people go to your site with a fresh load, . If nothing else, it helps show the retained users!I thought scripts for counters would be a lot harder than that to write though.
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