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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Okay, I've completely lost track of what I have and haven't posted here on GR...I think it's been a while though...I post all my sigs on GR when I make them, then post here occasionally...I'll just put up the ones I don't think you guys have seen...


    1. Posted Image


    2. Posted Image


    3. Posted Image


    4. Posted Image


    5. Posted Image


    6. Posted Image


    7. Posted Image


    8. Posted Image


    9. Posted Image


    And those are in the order I made them. You can tell I'm getting better...


    (I like 1, 2, 3, 5, and 9. The rest are crappy, I know... What's funny is that all my gift sigs for other people are a bajillion times better...)

  2. Here's some gift sigs I've done for people at gamerenders.com recently. I have a few more people on my list over there, then I think I might go ahead and make some of you guys gift sigs. Just don't get your hopes up. I'm lazy. Anyway, here they are:



    Posted Image



    Posted Image


    Sephiroth Obl.G:

    Posted Image



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    Posted Image


    What do you guys think? (I like Frozen's best...)


    BTW, if you haven't noticed, I've started making my sigs bigger.

  3. Okay, few things to point out...


    One, the most obvious one...don't drag your brushes. Try to use a different brush every time you click, so it doesn't look so repeated, or at least try fiddling with brush settings to make it shaped differently or scattered...


    Two, don't use that brown, especially in a monotone sig. It just looks bad.


    Three, don't blend the render so much. If you can't see it, it kinda defeats the purpose of it being there.


    Four, you can get better fonts from http://www.dafont.com/de/.


    And that's it for now, really. You can get to more advanced stuff later on.


    One last thing. Read tutorials. Read lots and lots of tutorials.

  4. These guys got most of it down...to add, work on text. Add more "effect" to it. Also, find high quality renders. That gundam one is really bad quality, along with some others.One thing you can never stress enough to new guys on the block: read tutorials. They help like you wouldn't believe.

  5. UM...I've got a few tips...1. Read tutorials, they help. Look at Saint Mike. His beginning stuff sucked (no offense) but he's gotten much better. Nobody's perfect though, so you just have to keep learning.2. Get good quality renders. Try looking at gamerenders.com's forums for some clean cut renders (there should be a couple of yoshi), with no white borders or anything. Or at least if you're cutting your own, try zooming in and chopping it a little cleaner with the eraser or polygon selection.3. Um...don't scribble. Try looking up some tutorials on brushing. You'll see what I mean.4. Try some more "fluid" colors...pink(purple?) green and white don't exactly mix well in most situations...5. Stick your name on it. Even if nobody's gonna rip it, at least tag your sigs anyway.6. Borders are your friend.Hope that helps a bit. I'm glad we're getting some new designers here. Maybe we can teach you guys to be pros eventually. I still have a lot to learn myself though...

  6. Pretty good. All i say is that the colors need to contrasting colors needs to be a bit more subtle. Red seems to be a very popular color here on Xisto....

    And pixel borders are definitely the way to go :P


    Pixel borders. All hail pixel borders!


    BTW, I noticed lots of people like red, hence my sigs are usually blue or green or purple. :P YAY FOR COLORS OTHER THAN RED!

  7. The best way to learn is to experiment. It would take months for someone to tell you what every little thing does. To start out, just go to http://www.good-tutorials.com/ or http://www.pixel2life.com/ and look up some tutorials. That's how I started out. Read a few tutorials, try a few things, and you'll learn the basics in no time.


    Yupyup. Gamerenders.com has some great tutorials there too. Might wanna try that out.

  8. Now that looks seriously nice, great way to contrast abstract with grunge!


    now give it a border, align your text centerdown (and make it a bit more visible if possible) and try to smudge or blur that diagonal line between red/white (bit middle on the left side)




    Agree, for the most part...


    And Saint Mike, borders aren't hard, you just don't have to always use tech borders...just look up how to do a 3px border. It's really simple.

  9. Yeah I use clouds for multiple color balances as well....you get a better effect then a simple gradient...as for pixel stretch, I know how to do it but I've never seen a single time when it would be used so i've never really given it a try


    Here's an example, from a relatively simple one I made for a friend:

    Posted Image


    But they can still be used with brushing, like this (my SOTW entry this time for GR):

    Posted Image


    Well sometimes doing some filters on a background is nice, or if you have a specific effect you want to get with filters, like textured backgrounds or whatnot. I know with lots of tutorials where you make patterns etc, filters play a big part.


    Pixel stretch is being whored currently, anyway, so I would recommend staying away from it.


    Yeah, texture filters are useful in grunge sigs mainly. But not always.

    And I said pixel stretch is an example. :D I'm not using it that much either...


    With Fireworks, GIMP and Photo Studio 2000 (ArcSoft) I like to use drop shadows and glows for the text. As for images...rendering all the way plus I like the horizontal line effect to make it look like a TV screen image. At the same time, I'll experiment to see what other effects I can create. You never kow until you take the time to play around with any graphics program to see what it can do.


    Relatively simple effects, but useful just as well.





    Oh, and I forgot to add, borders are also essential in almost all sigs...believe it or not, a simple 1 or 3px border can make a huge difference on a sig.

  10. i like all of them, but i think that the blue one is the best


    Thanks. It's my second fave.


    really like them!

    i would like to know more about your current sig image though.

    That looks really damn effective.


    Thanks, and try doing a search for a popout sig tutorial. That should at least get you in the right direction...


    I like the green one the best, just because it's my favorite color. Did you just make one base signature and then change the hue/saturation and colorize these to create the different ones?


    Thanks, and pretty much...the gray one was an exception, but all I did for that was delete part of the mask on the hue/saturation layer.

  11. As Freaker said, you have some good brushing techniques. What I'm amazed by is the text. In my opinion, the text looks excellent! Text is one of my weak points...no matter what I do or try, my text always ends up being crappy...


    Same here. I've gotten countless replies on GR and RD about the sig being awesome, but text coming up short. Just don't have an eye for it, really.


    did you make those bg's with brushes? and are they grunge?  i like the background on all of them, you did a very nice job.


    Most of those are brushed, I'm not too sure about the very first car one. I can't pinpoint any brushing on there.


    And they all look grunge to me, so I'd say yes, they're grunge.

  12. It's also fairly easy to create your own renders...though it does take a bit of time. Just find a high resolution picture, use the extract tool, and touch up with the polygonal lasso tool and a soft eraser.


    Yeah, renders are way easy, just time consuming. I only make my own for contests and such, where I don't want the same render as everyone else. ^-^

  13. Filters are usually something you want to stay away from when creating sigs. There's many people out there that just go crazy with filters and make a sig out of that, but it doesn't look half as good as a sig that was brushed. Don't get me wrong, filters are handy and are extremely helpful, but they are mainly used for the likes of photo editing and texturing. The only filter I use with most of my grunge sigs are clouds.


    Johnny: How is it possible to make a sig without even touching the brush tool? o_O


    One of many examples would be pixel stretch, my friend. ^-^


    (I use cloud filters a bit too, on my color balance layers' masks for multicolor sigs)

  14. I say the first one the best...It matches with Samus' suit....seeing a purple Samus is just kind of weird...I think it's a bit too bright/glowy [i'm fairly sure that's not a word..but it seems to fit with what I'm trying to say...] Try knocking the brightness down a few notches. Of course, it could just be me...I like the darker end of the spectrum...


    Off-topic Question:: Whats that font you're using in your current sig?


    Or it could just be me. I like bright colorful sigs. Someone on Gamerenders said it gives me my own style. ^-^ The font on the Spawn sig is called Quer.


    I like the gray one best. The contrast of grayscale/isolated colors is really cool.


    I think lots of people like that one, although I like some of my other "selective saturation" sigs a lot btter with that style. It's cool though. Thanks.
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