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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Wow, I usually don't mind people leaving for their own seperate reasons, but, thablkpanda, you sound REAAAAAALLY arrogant, with false intellect masking it. It seems like you try to use eloquence to make it seem like you're above our level.I mean, yeah, sure, whatever floats your boat dude. If you think the missing "human link" is THAT much of a problem that you have to leave, so be it. I just don't quite like the way you're flaming other members, and spouting about how T17 isn't a good place for hosting. If you don't like it, please, don't even bother posting about how much you dislike the service, just leave. By posting that, you've sent the meteor crashing down that created this "crater" you speak of. You've said in better words that you don't like T17, and that somehow it's not up to your standards, and that you're leaving. Big whoop. Don't bother telling us, k?I understand life issues may get in the way (I personally have a new girl in my life that's flipping everything upside down, and I'm trying to juggle that in with all my other responsibilites) but if you can't take the time to make 5, 10 posts every now and then, I don't think you really need to be here anyway. I can make about 20 posts within the next 5 minutes if I really wanted to, and I could do it with general ease. I think what your problem is is that you got used to the lazy human-based hosting system, and you're not willing to go the extra yard to work for the automated one. If you have your own webserver, good for you. Go for it.So please, if you're gonna go, just go. Don't bother talking down on T17, or it's members, or you're just going to get yourself removed, which you may want, but you'll be removed permanently.And like Tyssen said -- Standing on a "moral platform" and using the "I've been here longer, so I'm better" card just proves your arrogance. He's probably a lot wiser than you give him credit for. +rep to you Tyssen.

  2. I really like the new sig this time around. As much as I like both, I'd go with the second one for posting...kinda like the one I have. (Is there such a thing as a standard sig size?)


    No, there's no real set sig sizes. It's usually between 300-450 in width and 100-150 in heigth though, as anything smaller than 300x100 is kinda small to be a sig, and anything bigger than 450x150 is a little too much on the large side. My size of choice is 400x100, as it gives me enough room to work with, but isn't so big that it annoys people.


    Of course, some people use special sized sigs, like tower (vertical) sigs, stripe sigs (like the "Firefox User" ones), or multi-part sigs (one big sig split into 2 or 3 pieces). There's also pop-out sigs and different shapes (circles, trapezoids, etc.)

  3. Have you tried the latest version of PhotoImpact? I think it's packed with more features. And about Photoshop... I think it eats big disk space, and it's difficult to understand.


    Well, someone shouldn't be using just a 10GB hard drive. :rolleyes: That's way too small...


    Also, it's not difficult to understand if you take each feature one step at a time. Tutorials help, believe me.

  4. ok that didn't work either.. is there a difference between the tryout version and the real one? cause this one doesn't have the box aywhere either. i downloaded version 7.01 and witht his, it doesnt say trial expired, it start from 30 days again. if you know any link where to download them, post them here.


    The trial version is definitely the same as the real version, and during setup it should give you the option of entering a serial...

  5. whats a good tutorial on rendering cuz the ones i see i can understand them but when i do it it doesn't look like it


    I have one in the how to's and tutorials section, and you can find a bajillion on pixel2life or good-tutorials.


    Wondeful! Do you think that I can make a signature like that in PhotoImpact?


    Hrm...dunno, never used PhotoImpact...


    I think the font matches great with the choice of colors you used.  Nice work!!! I personally like the smaller one but for no real reason...


    Yeah, the colors seem to meld well, I think.

  6. i didn't mean like just restratit.. but i meant Reboot..also do yuo think maybe you can tell me more about how to clean the registry? i never did that so i dont know how.


    Rebooting is the same as restarting. I think you mean reformatting. Anyway, you can enter "regedt32" in the Run command box under the Start menu (assuming you have windows). I also have Photoshop CS and when the trial ended for me, I had the same problem. Couldn't figure out where to put the serial. Eventually I just got PSCS again, and it gives the option of entering the serial during installation, that's the only way I know of so far.

  7. Sorry, I hate having too many responsibilities, and right now, between my own graphics projects, T17, IPBGaming, and RendersDesign, plus school, relationship, all that good stuff, I have a lot of that on my plate right now. Maybe later, but not at the moment. I might feel interested in making a sig or two per request, but I just can't staff up another place right now. Sorry.Thanks for the props Nguyen.

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