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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Yeah that would be nice, especially now the Photoshop forum is building up B)


    For serious. B)


    When I joined in April this place was empty...now it's getting more and more new people each day. :D


    I love seeing all the new guys on the block though...the more the merrier.


    Hey, maybe when we get LOTSA people, we could start up something similar to IPBGaming, but for sigs. :P

  2. It's quite good BuffaloHelp. The items are nicely placed, and nothing seems overly imposing. I was just wondering what that streak next to the girl was? - like a sky streak or something?


    To be nitpicky, the left side is a bit heavier, with the render, and the text really should be in the centre.


    What Freaker said, basically.


    Looks very nice BH. You should do sigs. :P (I say that to everyone, but really though, you should.)


    Anyway, yeah, that streak almost looks like an island...it's like...weirdish.


    And CF (hm...I abbreviate everyone's name, don't I?) has a point about the balance...maybe if the woman were a little more towards the center, it'd look even better.


    But yeah, awesome job. ^-^

  3. Exempting me!? :PAnd yeah, I was thinking about battles...we need a subforum for it though. =/Have one for battles, one for battle REQUESTS, one for graphics requests, one for gifts, one for tutorials. Everything else would go in the main forum.Oh, and maybe one for Sig of the Week. We should TOTALLY have that here. I'm gonna ask Nils or Opa if they can set that stuff up.

  4. Thank you for your advice, I'm looking at fab images at depthcore right now. Beautiful art! B)


    I am also trying to get myself a good and preferably easy 3D modelling programe, just to get started.  B)


    At the same time I am trying to get into this Photoshop action as fast as I can. There's a lot of practice in front of me, huh? :P


    But, as I said approximately 2 hours ago -



    - and here is something:


    Posted Image


    It took me a lot of sweating and swearing, but I think I almost like it  B)


    This much for now. Have to go to sleep. Here it's waaaaay past midnight...



    Heh, yeah, Depthcore has some top-notch stuff there...and yeah, that's pretty nice for your first sig (it's your first right?) Keep that up, and you'll be pretty good in no time. B)


    wow this is really nice galleri, you got a lot of sigs and renders made. 70% of sigs looks really really nice, and 50% of renders looks really nice. How long you have use photoshop and cinema 4d? Can you tell me some site with good tutorials?


    Heh, thanks. I've been doing graphics for about 6 months now. O.o


    And I already talked to you on msn or whatever about the tutorial thing.


    realy nice :D


    Thanks, but try to avoid one-liners in the future.

  5. thats a very nice gallery. youve got a whole lot of stuff on there too. as im writing this im just watching the list of sigs getting longer and longer  :D  i think ive only made like 10 sigs... wow


    Hehe, trust me...the number of sigs I have only proves how little of a life I have. B)


    Your site does look very smart. Nice one. Some of the stuff you can do with Photoshop is amazing. Unfortunately I can only afford Paint Shop Pro, but I'm aiming to get CS2 by the end of the year B) . A nice site and I will try to visit regularly.


    Heh, thankies. And YAY! CS2!


    Not very fond of the banner, but it's pretty cool anyway B)


    Did you make the style by yourself? I've been meaning to do that but I'm so afraid I'll screw it up. I'm only good at tweaking with Wordpress, I'm afraid B)


    Man, Batman Begins was an awesome movie. It's so much like the cartoon that I'm in awe all over again B)


    Heh, the only part of the style I made was the banner...I'm too dumb to do any coding and stuffs. =/


    Yeah, Batman was pretty cool, but it had a huge plot hole...to avoid spoilers, just think of what that generator thing is supposed to DO, then think of what it would do to PEOPLE. :D


    WOW! :D


    You are a master of sigs. If only I had a clue how to do sigs like that.


    I congratulate you on your talent to make beautiful graphics so alive.


    I hope I can follow your path one day... You my master. :D


    Now, that I saw you art, I'm on a mission. To make something at least close as beautiful as you can do...  :D I have no idea, how :D But still :D


    Wish me luck... :P


    Hah, I'm not a master yet...on other sites I'm still considered a novice. Thank you though. :D


    Just read tutorials, and play around in Photoshop, and watch what techniques other people use on their sigs. That's all I've done. :D


    Of course, it takes time...I've been doing it for like half a year now. :D


    But trust me...sigs are pretty low on the art scale. I wanna get my 3d skills up. :D Try checking out http://www.depthcore.com/ sometime....they have amazing artwork there, of all kinds.

  6. Well, Becca also makes icon bases and thingamajigs.


    *promises to avoid saying anything that could be remotely determined to be a thread hijack*


    Hmm...you're right. Saint Mike is something more of...eccentric?


    Johnny, you put Bison into his signature :P *paws*


    Eccentric's an understatement. B)


    And what about Bison? O.o

  7. Mmmmk, I just set up a WordPress blogamabob, called Jargon Johnny...I've added pretty much ALL my graphics stuff there, including the old old OLD ugly junk. I just finished on the banner...


    Feel free to visit, leave a comment, even register and post your own stuff if you like. I'll have to approve first, of course.

    Anyway, yeah, that's pretty much my gallery from now on. I'll post new topics when I update it with new sigs or whatever. ^-^

  8. Oooh, spiffy. I never meant for it to be a hijack though, seeing as very few people read over the posts themselves. Although...no one really clarified what the thread was supposd to be about, so my post was probably valid as well. Gifts for Becca all around was what I supposed it to be.


    And it'd probably get passed over again if I posted it somewhere else. Posts tend to do that on this forum. It's a bit crappy because I made it in Fireworks and had to paint the textures manually (thank god it has gradients ><) but I was trying to make it lightweight and not utterly ginormous with a little bit of sophistication.


    I want that guitar so much now :P


    Well, the topic was mainly for Becca to get her gift, and others to comment on it. I kinda sorta said that at the bottom there. O.o

  9. *cough* suck up *cough*


    Just because she's a girl, you do it for her right away. Humph! B):P


    I don't like this one very much though. There's no shine to it like your last one. Besides, it's way too simple. I know you can do better than that.


    By the way, is that girl from Nanaca Crash?


    I do recall doing like 10 gift sigs on T17 before Becca's, one of which was yours. I don't really see how that's right away. B)


    I know it's not one of my best...I'm gonna make a new one for Becca eventually.


    And I have no idea where that render's from. O.o


    Done! Here you go, Becca B)


    Posted Image


    Enjoy B)


    Um...not bad. 6.5/10.


    Well, ok, maybe I did. But isn't it just more <3 for Becca? I assumed the thread was just about a "gift for Becca". So there's yours and here's mine. She can have them both.


    I mean, honestly, is there anything wrong about me making something for Becca? I only made it because you made one and I was inspired. By now, I'm too bored to make another one so enjoy it now.


    See, but you DID hijack the thread. I mean, it's nice that you're giving her another gift, but you could have easily started your own thread for it. O.o


    I appreciate you showing some love and making people gifts, but try not to interrupt the topic next time, that's all.


    (And no, the gifts aren't staff only...Saint Mike isn't staff anymore, and he's making gifts. Anyone can make gifts, anyone can recieve them. There's no real rules to it.)

  10. Oh Becca, deary, I have something for you. B)


    I have quite a few people on my gift sig list, and I'm slowly getting to them...


    Here's yours Becca:


    Posted Image


    I know it's relatively simple, but meh...I spent like an hour trying harder stuff and nothing looked right. I'm in a creativity slump, apparently.


    Anyway, I hope it's good enough. :P

    (If not, I'll make you a new one sometime.)


    Everyone else: Rate/comment/criticize.

  11. There is a "stripped" version of Photoshop called Photoshop Elements, which is cheaper, but as they said, if you want a completely free copy of Photoshop, you'll only be able to get it illegally, but we can't discuss that on T17.I believe Paint Shop Pro is pretty cheap as well, but it's not as versatile as Photoshop is.As far as completely free and legit goes, I think GIMPShop would be best, but that's only what I've heard...I've never actually used it.

  12. @Mike -- O.o you can create brushes with any PS...and I think the price for 7 and CS(8) are the same. Dunno specifics though...@Mystic -- Hm...you must not be too familiar with PS huh? I've met quite a few people who preferred PSP over PS, but after showing them how to use a lot of the features of PS, they were instantly in love with it. I used to be the same too. I used to have Fireworks and Photoshop, but use solely Fireworks. But eventually I taught myself to use Photoshop and I shudder at the thought of going back to simplistic Fireworks. :PAnyway, renders are just images...you can use them anywhere. You can use even them in MSPaint, if you want. B)

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