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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. all are good except for number 2 the render seems off, might be the hair looks to final fantasy 7 (blocky).


    Yeah, I know...which is why I basically redid the entire sig to make #3. :P


    I'll say this straight up. Number 5 sucks. Not enough effects, and I know you could do better. When I first saw it, I thought, "Wow, for a sig that was 'bolded-red' in priority, this one sure sucks." Then, I saw 6 and 7, and I knew Johnny wasn't "smoking the good stuff" while making it.


    The render on number 4 does not match the background.


    I don't like the blue "M" on number 10. It looks a bit off.


    For number 9, the render could look a bit better. Choose a real-life rapper for instance instead of a cartoon one.


    For number 8, the render's muscle is weird. He looks like skinny, but yet, built.


    Everything else that I did not mention, superb.


    And what ever happened to your tutorials??


    Yeah, I know #3 sucks...I was trying to do another defaults-only simplistic sig, like the one I did for Plague09, but it fell short. =/

    (That was the "prototype" Diana sig...before the red boldyness. B))


    4. True...I was trying to avoid a monotone sig, but I could've made it multicolor and had parts match, I s'pose. Meh....I blame Saint Mike. B)


    10. (hm...why'd you start going backwards) Anyway, yeah, meh...I like my blue M. B)


    9. I believe that's actually 50-cent...but yeah, I don't like that render either, but that's the only other musical render I have aside from that one 50-cent one that's like WAAYYYYY overused. =/


    8. I blame the original artist. ^-^


    hmmm maybe johnny hasn't had enough of the good stuff maybe thats why he was off today , well at least this group of sigs.


    with 5 though i would have made it more cutesy then a bad case of nightmares for a 5 year old


    The good stuff? The only god stuff I have is candycanes, gumdrops and pink unicorns. Homie.


    5. Lol... "Come here honey....come to Pucca...I won't HURT you." :D


    Thanks to you all for the comments. I 'perciate it. Now, back to KoRn. ^-^




    The renders on 2 and 4 are off. The rest look pretty good. :D


    Keep up the fine work. :D


    Heh, thanks.


    In general, I feel your text is letting you down Johnny. Maybe try some more complex text tutorials on Good-Tutorials or something?


    1 - Don't really like the brushing, but colours are good. Font is pretty good too, but I don't think it should be transperant.


    2 - Render and font look a bit out of place. Not particuarly liking this one... sorry.


    3 - Better than 2, the render fits, blends in better, and matches colour wise. Once again, the font ain't so great, perhaps a tech/San Serif font is better.


    4 - Brushing is nice on this one, though perhaps not the best colour for the render. I feel the text is too small and too transperant for the sig though.


    5 - It feels too dark, with black and red, with a grey stripe. I think it needs brightening to match the happy cartoon Pucca render. Somehow it's just not working so well as a "simple" style sig.


    6 - If you could blend the render in a bit better, this Chobits one would be quite nice. Maybe just make the font more outstanding too.


    7 - Not too complex, and quite unique looking. I like it, cept for the brown colour in the background.


    8 - Brushing looks a bit rough, but it probably wouldn't matter if the font/text didn't highlight it so much. It really needs to have a more independant effect (ie, text colour not determined by background).


    9 - Not bad, but feels a little empty up the top left.


    10 - Nice abstract brushing, good tech feel. I would just say make the text more dominant to fill up more space B)


    I know, I suck at text...


    Anyway, I'm not gonna make up excuses for all my shortcomings this time. I'll be a man and admit I've been doing crappy work lately. Thanks for the suggestions though.


    Alrighty, THANKS guys. You're all awesome in the facial area. :D


    Notice from Johnny:
    Merged my posts, because I left out two replies in the first one.

  2. top notch render posted it at gamerenders yet?




    You actually scanned that? Excellent quality!


    Scanned it? No, I cut it from it's original picture,


    Wah! I love it!! How long did the rendering take you? I doubt I'd ever have the patience to complete such a large scale project in Photoshop.


    (I used to have some kind of a fascination w/CCS a looong time ago =___=)


    Hah, it wasn't that long...that's a relatively easy one. Took about 5 minutes.


    Wow nice Johnny. CCS is awesome... I'll be using this one sometime B)


    Sounds good. ^-^


    So, thank you all. I'm pleased to serve. Even though I didn't really want to, I just love my ex to death. :P

  3. Okay, I've been too lazy to do more comic renders lately, but a certain master of persuasion (my ex girlfriend) wanted me to make her a sig, and unfortunately, I could find any cardcaptor renders. So, of course, to please said master of persuasion, I had to go and cut my own. :P


    So now that I'm done with that, I present it to you guys, to do, well, whatever it is you like to do with renders.


    Posted Image

    (You can also find it and the rest of my renders on my blog.)


    Have fun guys.

  4. Okay, I haven't really been making many sigs for myself lately, just lots of gifts. Anyway, here's another set of new ones:



    Posted Image



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    Posted Image


    Not my best by far. In a bit of a slump. I don't think they're TOO bad though. 3,4,8,9,10 seem alright to me.


    You know the deal. Rate/comment/criticize.


    (You can also find these and pretty much ALL of my graphics on my blog. Check it out. You'll like it. I promise. :P)

  5. I mean, how proud would you be saying "My first girlfriend's name was HotChick001" and I met her on starcraft."


    LOL. :P


    Whoo man, that was hilarious. Anyway, yeah, I've seen that on Runescape, and other games like Everquest and such. Chat rooms aren't much better. I don't see how anyone can truly call that a relationship.


    "I met this hot Dark Elf Enchanter, and we started raiding together, and one thing led to another and we ended up getting betrothed in the Halls of Icevale." :D

  6. Lol @ snlildude.  Indeed, he doesn't speak for all of us about what's going through guy's heads :P


    One thing I see very well in girls and people in general is their sincerity level, how genuine they are.  They don't have to say anything, when girls try to put on an act or a set routine for any reason it says something about how they handle life.  Almost that they're a bit manipulative.  If you aren't disengenuous and are earnest in everything you do and say it makes you a lot easier both to respect and to get to know.  I would find it hard to believe that other guys don't side with me in this and prefer girls to put on acts or charades.


    Humility is another big thing.  Genuine humility I think can be one of the most attractive traits a girl can have.  As my pastor says, humility is simply confidence properly placed, which is an interesting definition.  I think humility goes hand in hand with kindness and gentleness/kindness towards others as well.  I have met a girl before who had both an innocence and a kindness towards others that made her reach out to everyone around her in kindness.  I think THAT is a VERY attractive quality, and perhaps is tied to what people for lack of a better word call "sweet". 


    And another thing.  There's a joy in the smile that is infectious and infects you with their joy.  I think it can be seen in the smile and the eyes.  That's another attractive quality in a girl. 

    Hmm...  I just realized I was getting more into traits and what is attractive rather then what isn't...  Oh well :D


    I think some guys out there at least don't want to hear comments that are supposed to be sexy but actually are interested in getting to know girls, and such comments can be an instant turn-off.  Just a thought. 


    Oh, and vanity...  I know I already mentioned humility, vanity is the reverse of that and is one of the things least attractive, when someone is utterly self-obsessed and thus will have no empathy or feelings for others.  If they're totally obsessed in physical belongings, materialism, that should be another warning sign.


    Judging by what I've seen of the world I'm assuming this will NOT speak for most guys out there, but for me at least girls interested in the physical, physical relationships and especially certain relationships against God's will are an instant turn-off.  I've said before that if you attract someone by physical means you're going to get a physical person.  People looking for the physical pleasure are not looking for the alternative in my opinion, which would be a meaningful relationship based upon valuing the other person for who they are.


    Oh, and honesty of course is another big thing to look for. 


    Well, there's some more input into at least one more male mind B)


    I don't know that I count as a typical male though B)  There certainly are others like me though so I should be speaking for at least some others then myself *shrugs*


    One big fat [agree]. B)


    Pretty much hit it head on. Especially the humility/smile/getting to know them parts. Those are essential to me. ^-^

  7. LOL I must be completely dense or something! This is a post I wrote myself, but I still have to put it in quotes just because I prefer to write in Microsoft Word? That just makes no sense though. There has got to be something I'm missing here. This is the way I always write if it's going to be something lengthy. Is that against the rules? It is difficult for me to write a large post in this small box with such a small font. I have a very small screen - maybe that's why it looks so tiny to me. "Sources" just means it is where I researched the information. I put it there in case anyone wanted to read more about the topic. Maybe I should have just named it "Additional Information" or "Links of Interest" or something?


    Oh, areawe, I understand, you researched it from that link, but wrote you own article on it. I see. I'm sorry for any trouble we might've caused (I was part of the decision towards it being spam, so I apologize for that.)


    Next time, yeah, like you said, name it "Additional Information", so as not to confuse anybody. This was a misunderstanding on the staff's part, and we're sorry for that.


    Guys, can we find that post and restore it for him please?


    Alrighty, that should settle things. Sorry again.

  8. ha you are all wrong thats shadow the hedgehog, but now for my 2 cents. yeah i agree text doesn't fit well at least for that size make it smaller maybe also a suggestion that i found out myself on blendering renders, after you set the feathering to the render go to laers mask and then click on reveal selection, that has benefited me greatly when blending in renders.


    hmmm also keeping the render on top of the brushing is not bad, case in point read previous statement.


    but good use of abstract brushing though.




    Haha, you said blendering renders. :P


    And um...I already said it was Shadow. O.o

  9. ok so im crazy to, so i really need to get a girlfriend to ease my insanity, but where i live ther are fat ulgy combination of the two and and way to younger for my taste.


    actually now thinking about all eccentric artists are crazy, got some chopping off ears for their love ones, kill to make their are and some other stuff.


    Hm...so if you're an eccentric artist, what act of insanity might you perform? Jumping from tall buildings? Babbling in tongues? Taking your own manliness? :D


    (But I feel you man...I need one too. :P )

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