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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Not always, but this batch particuarly.




    Overused?? I have never seen you used 50-cent in any of your sigs before.


    By the way, "Fitty" sucks as a rapper. Just a little side not.


    Not my sigs, but on Gamerenders and NOS there's one render that I've seen batrillions of times.


    And the best rap is the old school rap, cause it was more hip-hop.

  2. By the way, Michael, what's with the HUGE whitespace on the left? You could get rid of that and I wouldn't have this ugly horizontal scrollbar at the bottom.


    He left the image the original size. Mike, when you're done cutting a render, control-click on the render layer so it selects all of the render, then go to image--> crop, so it'll make the image the same size as the render. Meaning no extra space, and a smaller file.

  3. I like the sig. Too simple though, but good nonetheless. By the way, the Buffalo in his name stands for Buffalo, New York...as in a place. I'm guessing that he provides help in Buffalo NY...not give help to buffalos.

    Let's see what Michael says....

    I asked for mine, and got it....


    I know where Buffalo is. I lived by Buffalo. B)


    And I had you planned out anyway. :P

  4. Okay guys, now we're gonna do a real sig battle. I'm gonna post up the rules, you post up your sig, and then I'll make a new topic with mine, and the rest of the members can vote. Remember, this is a 1v1, and the first entry is what I'm battling. Okay, here goes.RULES:Size -- No larger than 450x250.Render -- Gaming.Animation -- None.Due -- ASAP.Other -- Popouts allowed, but within the size limit.The battle will be first to 7 votes. Good luck in advance.EDIT: Actually, to give more people a chance, for every entry, there will be another battle, k? So even if you're not the first one in, post yours up, and you can still have a different battle with me. I know I have plenty of sigs to battle with. :P

  5. >_> Yes, but how could everything be wrong? I was the one who made it. If I thought that everything was wrong, I wouldn't have posted it and I would have fixed everything that was wrong. If someone thinks that everything is wrong, then they simply have completely opposite tastes from me and therefore should just say something like, "It's not the type of style I like"...? There's always going to be a difference of opinion, but you know. >_>


    (Sensing a bit of rage.... :P )


    Please don't kill me. I tend to be devil's advocate. B)

  6. we must be having the same graphics block, B)


    of course if you look outside the color the colors do fit pretty well, as they keep some of the original color of the renders.


    gotta love the abstract and grunge brushing


    Meh. Oh, and btw, nice job on taking off the anti-aliasing. It's just too bad the pixel font itself doesn't fit with the rest of the sig. :P

  7. wow thats a frist johnny bashing his own work

    thats just distrubing right there.  let me guess the pink unicorns talk to you as well?


    looking at number 2 again maybe adding a blur to it would get rid of the block like hair.


    Nah, it's not a "frist". I've never been COMPLETELY satisfied with any of my art. I doubt I ever will be. There's always room for improvement.


    Yes, the pink unicorns tell me of magical places where we can fly free forever and ever.


    And I did blur number 2, the hair was really pixelated at first. You have the render, look for yourself. :P

  8. I like the one with the render. Very mysterious...like moi!


    Oooo..I especially like the font. Although I would like it to be BuffaloHELP. It's all caps for purpose. And where did you get the buffalo render? I like that pose and I have been looking for one for ages. I have been using the buffalo picture from the back of the new nickel (American 5 cent coin).


    The color scheme is very soothing. It almost resembles my personality. Thank you Johnny!


    Wow, glad you like it. ^-^


    And np. You're an amazing (would you call it coworker?) an amazing coworker, so it's definitely the least I could do.


    I just updated them with HELP in caps.


    The render was originally this:



    Not that great, but the shape was all I needed.

  9. Ah, my buffalo friend. How are you doing? Good? Good. That's good.


    So anyways, I made you this gift here.


    Posted Image


    But then I also noticed it looked alright without the render.


    Posted Image


    The no-render one could always be used as a more professional one, I suppose, even if it's a little simple.


    Anyway, hope you like it, but don't lie to make me feel better. :P


    Everyone else: Rate/comment/criticize.

  10. Online dating removes that fear of outer appearance and "supposedly" get right to the point--is your personality compatible with the opposite?


    Haha, then wouldn't that mean it's okay to "date" an 80 year old man online because your personalities are compatible? Also a thought to ponder. :P


    But a lot of your post is true...online dating is a pretty safe place to be in the dating world. You never have to worry about appearances, or other real life shortcomings, and you can start and end it very quickly. It lacks the physical aspects of dating, but it brings safety and lets you actually get to know the other person. (Well, sorta. They could lie in every sentence they type. Never know.)


    So...good arguments for both sides then. Interesting.


    (I'm still mildly against it though, btw.)

  11. Yeah...the popout doesn't seem very effective this time. It just seems too...overboard. O.oThe bg has nice brushing, but I don't really like the colors, and the text is alright, but the pixel font is WAY out of place.This would be a completely awesome sig if the pixel text were gone, the bg colors were a little more appealing, and the popout wasn't so...popout.C'mon Mike, get with it man.

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