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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Wow, very nice one Pete. The only thing I can find wrong with it is the font, and the monotone coloring. Fix those up and you're good to go. ^-^
  2. Hm...I can read it just fine...Arcanis's forums.Anyway, thanks for the compliments Arcanis. ^-^
  3. Hm...thanks for all the suggestions. The fifth one says Insomniac, and the tenth one was more of an explosion thing than fireworks. Nice idea though...not that I think about it, fireworks probably would have looked better. They're all doodie? O.o Anyway, yeah, thanks for all the comments. I appreciate it. ^-^
  4. Hrm...sounds like good advice...I'll keep that stuff in mind. ^-^
  5. Ah. Simple and sleek. Looks nice. Good job.
  6. Hm...I've already posted tidbits of information here and there, and it may seem a little childish, as I'm still just a senior in high school, but meh...I'll do it anyway. Basically, here's my current situation:Moved here to SoCal from Houston last summer. I'm a shy guy, so after a my junior year here, I still don't have very many friends. I have people I "call" my friends, who I talk to during school and such, but nobody to hang out with really. Not too long before school ended, this girl at school found my MySpace, and we started talking a lot more on the 'net, but like I said, I'm shy (well, not really shy in the "scared" sense, just that I don't talk much) so we still don't talk a whole lot at school. So, we've gone on a couple movie dates so far, but it's kinda awkward, because I'm so quiet. And anyway, the relationship's evolved, and I've pretty much told her "Hey, I love you." (not in the "I wanna marry you sense", but more like "I think you're completely amazing."), and I've joked about us dating once or twice, but she doesn't seem to be responding. I also recently found out that she was seeing some other guy, but that ended quickly...So basically, right now I'm stuck. I've told her how I feel, but she like....doesn't respond. (Not, literally, but she doesn't say yay or nay, or whatever.)I also have the problem of me not having a job or a car, so taking her out and such is kinda difficult at times.So here I am, stuck, with an amazing girl staring me in the face, but it's going absolutely NOWHERE. We also only have one year of HS left, but we both plan on going to the same community college for a couple years...Bah. I dunno. I'm caught in a sticky situation, I have no clue what to do about it, and the clock's running out. That's my story. O.o
  7. Hm...just noticed I said certain things in the past tense...my ex-girlfriend IS chinese, PLAYS gunbound, and her little brother always WANTS to play with me. @Nguyen -- Haha, you too huh? But man, don't you hate it when you give people games and they never play it? T.T
  8. Hrm....interesting story so far...I just have a question beforehand... Do all asians play Gunbound? I mean, I'm not trying to be stereotypical or anything, but my ex-girlfriend was Chinese, and she played it, and her little brother always wanted to play with me, and I have a LOT of Asian friends, who pretty much all play Gunbound as well. It's a fun game though. Anyway, I don't think I'll give anything too detailed until you finish the story, but I just wanted to say I've had the same problem lotsa times. This K girl sounds similar to this girl Kayce I like a lot in like 8th grade...I really really liked her, but I was too afraid to talk to her about it...my best friend also liked her, and she kinda liked him back, so that was kinda tough. And currently, I'm having a similar situation...There's a girl I really really like, but we barely talk in person, not really because I'm shy (I've grown out of that) but more like I never know when the right time is to say certain things. We talk a LOT on AIM though...and I really REALLY like her...she's like AMAZING...and we've gone on movie dates and such, but I just can't seem to take the extra step. I think part of my problem is that I don't have a job or a car...needless to say hanging out with her would be kinda difficult in most cases. This is also our last year in HS, so we don't have much time left to set it off. We're planning on going to the same community college for a couple years though, so meh...hopefully I can hang out with her more there. Anyway, I look forward to the rest of the story. ^-^
  9. Hrm...I take it that's you in your avatar? (Which I'm guessing it is, because I read your blog once upon a time, and the description sounded similar...) If so, I don't think you look ugly at all, Becca. You're actually kinda cute. @truefusion -- I agree that most people who like the same music are usually similar, but there are definitely special cases. O.o
  10. Rubber baby buggy bumpers.(Hm...Still looking for some more feedback...mainly from Freaker and Phyre. ^-^)
  11. Trust me...here, I'm Johnny, the "personality" mod, and sig designer extraordinaire, but in real life, I truly am nothing but a loser. =/Hrm...I sorta have the problem...since I was like 9 or so, I've never had any friends for more than a couple years, because I move so much, so I don't know many people, and I'm pretty shy...Needless to say, it's really hard for me to get dates...I've never gone to a dance...not because I'm scared, or didn't have the ability to get a date, just that I'm not a dancer. I dunno if it's okay to go without a date, but I'd say try to get one just in case. :unsure:Can't help you on the college thing, since I'll be turning a senior in HS next year...I feel your pain though bro...I want this next year to be different as well...I don't want to be the lonely senior, you know? And there's this girl I go on dates with and such, but meh...I'm having trouble taking it any farther than that... =/But meh...I'm gonna need to hook up with some friends like, speedystyle. :DBut that's kinda hard, because I'm really shy unless I know the person, but BECAUSE I'm so shy, it's kinda tough to get to know and befriend people. So usually, I'm only friends with people because they talk to ME first. You know what I mean?
  12. Okay, I found a whole bunch of comics on my compy that I downloaded and never got around to reading, and I thought wow, these covers would make some sweet renders. So, a little work, and poof. I gots me some renders. Don't think they've been done before (I hope not), but if they have, my bad. Here's the first three I've done out of those. (Sorry about the cutoff on that one...the stupid cover had those barcodes and such in the way...) Have fun guys. I'll be doing a bunch more later on, from Fantastic Four, Spiderman, Spawn, Green Lantern, and a bunch more X-men.
  13. I agree with TCM...I wouldn't give a girl flowers if we weren't dating, or at least good friends...and I have no idea why I'd ever want to bring her mother flowers...that's just a little creepy.And the friendship first thing too...I'd like to become a girl's friend first, before dating, so I can get to know who she really is... O.o
  14. Heh, as you get better rep, more people will reply. I was just a nobody there at first, but after posting a bunch of sigs and commenting on a lot more, people started to notice...now I get a lot more comments on my stuff... Have you seen Girly around there? Her sigs always get like 30 replies, because she's so popular as the "girl" around GR. She has like 40 thousand gifts. I mean, Jill's there too, but meh...she's not around as often. ANYWAY, excuse my off-topicness, the sig looks cool SM, but the text could use some working on, and the color's a bit monotone. Not bad though bro.
  15. Hm...don't think he used a smudge tool, but here's MY advice.The color is a little bland...I think the render would still fit nicely with a nice yellowish green tint thing? I dunno though...Don't really like the bg brushing...I'm sure it's not your fault, but the brushes you used aren't looking that great...maybe try Jashin's or Metal's.The render could be blended into the bg just a tad bit, but like I said before, the bg brushing doesn't look that great, so it might look a little funky.The text looks fine, pixel text pretty much always works, but I'm not too sure about the placement on this one. Maybe set them both of to the left corner there...Anyway, sorry if I sound like I'm tearing your sig apart here, just trying to give some advice. Keep it up though, you already have Saint Mike beat.
  16. Hm...looks okay, and nice touch with the flash, but it's a bit monotone, and the text could lose the bevel....also somethings odd about that beam...Otherwise though, nice job. ^-^
  17. Um...you say some weird stuff sometimes Mike. And 4th base is home plate.
  18. Why would you ever want to -hide- your love for a girl? That'll never accomplish anything...O.o
  19. I pointed out some of the problems with the original..I think you fixed it up pretty nicely SM. Still could use a little "zam", but hey, it's all good.
  20. Hm...you're gonna have to teach me how you got a girlfriend in 3 weeks. Anyway, the situation arose, and sure, it might have been tempting, but you shouldn't have gone through with it...it obviously just screwed things up for you...
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