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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. [1] Congratulations to those who made it also! Hope to be working with you in the near future :P


    [2] Great to see you really got this off the ground Johnny.

    [1] No doubt. -_-


    [2] Likewise.


    Notice from Klass:
    I posted 1 Word so Klass changed it to the Cool Notice with alot more 1 Words added to make a Sentence. I hope I do not post 1 Words again or Klass will warn me.


    Lol, cute. -_-


    Congrats everyone!


    [1] Hope to see the Donation Zip soon.

    [2] I have a few domains I can lend if you want to have a website tourny?

    [3] Who can build the best website template? What team can build the best website template?




    [1] A week or so.

    [2] That'd be great, but we don't need it just yet. Still got lotsa things to figure out.

    [3] Contest? Hm...depends on how many we can get to enter.

  2. Johnny gave me a better definition a while ago but I misplaced it.


    Actually, that might've been in the shoutbox...I was babbling about the meaning of the word render and such. -_-


    And trust me, I'm far from a graphic guru.


    Well, looks like you guys pretty much covered it. I'll close this, and you can pm me if there's anything you'd like to add.

  3. [0] 3...2...1. Your style is still the same....


    [1] You don't have to worry about that. GMU almost never comes here anymore. He's always over at ipbgaming.com


    [2] Nah. It matches stewie's jello.


    [3] You hit the nail right on the head


    [4] I just stamp them all over the place, and somehow, they come out to be pretty decent. -_-


    [0] :o


    [1] Seriously though. And s243a, Klass, Nils... X.x


    [2] :P


    [3] You hit the nail right on the head about hitting the nail right on the head.


    [4] -_-

  4. This is just a basic guideline for your designer bio. Feel free to add or remove things as you like. You can look at my bio for examples.

    [center][b][size=7]-- (NAME) --[/size][/b][/center][b]Real Name[/b]:[b]Age[/b]:[b]Time designing[/b]:[b]Nationality[/b]:[b]From[/b]:[b]Current Location[/b]:[b]Favorite Styles[/b]:[b]Favorite Fields of Designing[/b]:[b]Programs[/b]:[b]AIM[/b]:[b]MSN[/b]:[b]Yahoo[/b]:[center][b][size=7]-- Choice Sigs --[/size][/b][/center][img=[/img][img]][img=[/img][center][b][size=7]-- Other Work --[/size][/b][/center][img]][img=[/img][img]]

  5. -- Johnny --

    Real Name: Johnny Rockett (Yeah, chicks dig my name.)
    Age: 17
    Time designing: About 7 months
    Nationality: Scottish/African American (Who else do you know that can rap in a kilt?)
    From: Watertown, New York.
    Current Location: Southern California. (SoCal.)
    Favorite Styles: I love color and uniqueness, but I'll do any style graphics. And oh do I love blue.
    Favorite Fields of Designing: Sigs, Fractals, 3D Abstract
    Programs: PhotoShop/Imageready CS(8), Cinema 4D, Apophysis, Terragen
    Favorite foods: Anything edible. (Inner fat guy. Fast metabolism.)
    Favorite sports: Football , Basketball
    Favorite music: Most things. Mostly rock. Despise country.
    Interests: Gaming, Graphics, Women, Dr. Pepper, Purple Lamborghini Diablos.

    AIM: "tookmyidentity"
    MSN: "theystolemyusername@hotmail.com"

    -- Choice Sigs --

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    -- Other Work --


    (Yeah, I'm a BIG FAT SHOWOFF. Sue me.)

    Notice from Johnny:
    4-13-06 -- Edited for newer sigs

  6. Here's the official list of the T17 graphics crew, and what they do (primarily).

    Saint Michael -- Sigs, Templates, Logos
    Johnny -- Sigs, Fractals, 3D Abstract, Renders

    KuBi -- Sigs, Renders, Wallpapers
    Truefusion -- Sigs, Splash, Templates, Logos, Renders, Hand-Drawn Drawings
    Cool Freaker -- Sigs (usually abstract)
    Frozen -- Sigs, Wallpapers, Templates, C4D, Terragen
    Snlildude87 -- Sigs
    Phyre -- Sigs (usually grunge), Textures, Templates

    (To the crew: If there's anything you'd like to add or remove to the list, let me know. I've also added all your contact info to my list, and I'd like to set some "foundation", so contact me when you get the chance.)

    So, there you have it. Everyone on that list is in the crew, for now. For more information, see the individual bios. If we notice a member slacking off, or lacking in their work, they'll be dropped. Also, periodically, we will be adding new members, so don't lose hope. More likely than not most of the original applicants will get a spot at some point or another.

    Now that the crew has launched, we'll be making a "starter pack", which will essentially, be a big zip file, with a ton of different art, categorized and indexed, free for use however you like. There will be Fractals, Free Sig PSDs, Wallpapers, 3D Renders, and some other stuff. Basically, any art that could benefit the community, that the creator wouldn't mind sharing, will be in it. Now, this will be a GFX Crew based pack, but I've decided to let the public contribute as well. If you'd like to donate to the pack, simply make a topic in the Current Projects section, and post up whatever it is you'd like in the pack. I'll add it when I start collecting everyone's donations.

    Teaser -- I've already been working on my own donations, and I can already tell you that there will be at least 60 fractals in the pack.

    To donators -- Remember, the pack will be free for any use. Don't donate something you don't want being used in a certain way.

    *side note* When I say heads, don't take it as "we're better than you". It's just saying that we're steering the group in the right direction.

    NOW, that's that. In the next few days we'll be settling everything down, and finishing up the sig tourney and SOTW. Soon after, we look forward to some really nice stuff coming out. Keep your eyes peeled.

    Come one, come all. Come get your crew tags, made by Truefusion. I only did the colors. I've decided against the "color-coded expertise" thing, because some of us would have too many colors, and most of us would have at least 2. So, just take your pick of whatever color you like.


    // site for banners no longer exist

  7. Okay, so it was 3AM, right? Here I am, about to go to bed, and then suddenly, BAM! Biscuitrat pops into my head. So I'm like, double you tee eff mate? You know, kinda like Australia? And so anyway, I just spent 55 in the wee hours making dear Biskie a gift sig, because um...well, I honestly have no idea.


    I'm REALLY hoping I didn't make it too pink, or too...blah. If it's too pink, or too...blah, I'll definitely make a new one later. The original had a purple background with pink techy stuff, and dear god did that look horrible.


    Posted Image


    Now, making the gift sig now was a random thing, but I did have reasons for you being on my gift sig previously. So here they are.


    -- You're a really nice person. :D

    -- You make nice comments.

    -- You have your own style.

    -- You're teh kween of everything.

    -- You have a monkey, who I believe to be ebil, and Sandy, a clone of my best friend's dog.

    -- I give gifts to everyone and their momma.


    So ANYWAY, hope you like it...personally, I'm pretty satisfied with it.


    Wow, I believe this is the longest gift sig topic I've made, by far...you're special Biskie. :D


    (Oh, did I mention your sigs were the inspiration for this one? Tried to go simplistic...ish.)

  8. Okay, just to clarify a few things...1. On Monday, Saint Mike and I, (or maybe just me) will close the app topics and tally up the number of yes votes. The 4-6 with the most votes at that time will be accepted into the graphics crew. Everyone else will simply have to wait until the next time apps come around.2. Soon after the crew launches, we'll be making a "starter pack", which will essentially, be a big zip file, with a ton of different art, categorized and indexed, free for use however you like. There will be Fractals, Free Sig PSDs, Wallpapers, 3D Renders, and some other stuff. Basically, any art that could benefit the community, that the creator wouldn't mind sharing, will be in it. Now, this will be a GFX Crew based pack, but I've decided to let the public contribute as well. If you'd like to donate to the pack, simply make a topic in the Current Projects section, and post up whatever it is you'd like in the pack. I'll add it when I start collecting everyone's donations.3. The current tally for the GFX Crew applications, as of about 5 seconds ago, is as follows:KuBi -- 8TrueFusion -- 7 (If Nguyen's reason counts.)Cool Freaker -- 6Frozen -- 6Snlildude87 -- 6Phyre -- 5Rvalkass -- 4Sprite -- 4 (Macdre just commented an individual sig.)Rejected -- 3DJLuki -- 2Moonwitch -- 2Biscuitrat -- 1Cision -- 1(Sorted by number of votes, then alphabetical.)So at the moment, it looks like the new gfx crew members might be KuBi, Truefusion, Cool Freaker, Frozen, Snlildude, and maybe Phyre.But don't give up just yet. You all still have a chance at this. There's still a day left, and if people vote like they have been in the tourney, you can rack up 6 or 7 votes before applications end.Good luck to you all. I look forward to seeing the new gfx crew.

  9. I'm officially changing my vote, if not to get you into the graphics crew, then to at least redeem myself for my previous mistake.I now vote yes, because although what I said before stands true for the first stuff you posted, every single one of your recent stuff (starting from cmat's gift, to gmu/sandy's sigs) is perfect. Sure, they don't have grunge brushing and tech borders, but not all sigs have to be the same. Yours are perfect, IMHO.So there. That's my little speech. :D

  10. Hey there. Not bad for a first sig, but just a few things...1. The animation -- While it's a cool idea, it doesn't seem to come off just right in the sig.2. The color -- Nice color, but slightly monotone.3. The brushing -- Very nice brushing for a first attempt, but it covers up the render(s), which would probably look cooler on top.4. The size -- It's not TOO big, just a bit on the wide side. There's a bit of empty space on the left that could be cut off, I think.But like I said, very nice for a first try. You're already getting the brushing, border, text, color, and render usage down, which is pretty impressive.

  11. That's my doggie on her back rolling around. I should make one for my old cat too - I swear, she's twisted herself into a backwards circle before. It's crazy.


    Actually, we got her from a shelter. They found her wandering around as a puppy somewhere in Houston and we got her a few months later when she was an adolescent. A freaking goofy adolescent. And now she's fat, happy, perfectly at home, and she's so freaking spoiled she eats all her food on her special doggie bed (it's a thick carpet with a comforter on it :D)


    God, I swear she eats more than my brother, which is a feat in itself.


    Haha, that's exactly how my friend got his Sandy. And she got way big. O.O She knocks people over, cause she's way goofy and playful and BIG.


    And she eats EVERYTHING. I don't know how many burritos and sandwiches I've lost to that....VACCUUM of a dog. =/

  12. [1]Well, with Michael, you never really do know. [2]By the way, when I tried the style lines thing, it doesn't look like what Frozen had. I mean, with Frozen's, it doesn't look like a small rectangle. It actually looks like a pin.


    [3]By the way, there are no style line tutorials on good-tutorials. :D


    [1] Good point.

    [2] Not sure what you mean.

    [3] I doubt it'd be under style lines, that's just my name for it...and it's a relatively simple effect, so I'm not sure if there'd be any tutorials on it. But then again, people make tutorials on some pretty trivial stuff....

  13. Okay, first things first. I see you're using commas. That's a start, but you gotta need periods, dawg. I see like ten thousand places in your post where a period would do nicely. After the period, you need the question mark. I also missed your question because there was no question mark. Now, to answer your question.


    What pill image are you talking about?


    One of the members (I forgot who) made a nice red pill image, that had a nice glass/plastic effect.
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