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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Dude, I figured it out myself, and that's basically how I do it. :-/ Whatever. I love my technique, and I did not use any tutorials for that, so -_-


    Dude, it doesn't matter if you got it from a tutorial or not. The rest of us can do it in about 9 less steps. Lose the pride, jeez. :P


    I mean, it's cool that you figured it out yourself and all that, but all you had to do was ask, and you would've saved quite a bit of time. Sometimes it's good to take the lazy Johnny way out. -_-

  2. Xisto Sig Tournament #1, Round 3-2

    [::Truefusion vs. Johnny::]

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Simply choose the sig you like best, and tell why you're voting for that sig. Please give good detailed reasons, as this is a tournament battle, and we want it to be as clear as possible. Please, NO POSTING if you aren't voting, or already have. Any posts other than votes should go to the Tournament Discussion topic.

    First to SIX votes (best of 11), will be declared the winner, the standings will be updated, and the opponent will be eliminated.

  3. Xisto Sig Tournament #1, Round 3-1

    [::Biscuitrat vs. Cision::]

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Simply choose the sig you like best, and tell why you're voting for that sig. Please give good detailed reasons, as this is a tournament battle, and we want it to be as clear as possible. Please, NO POSTING if you aren't voting, or already have. Any posts other than votes should go to the Tournament Discussion topic.

    First to SIX votes (best of 11), will be declared the winner, the standings will be updated, and the opponent will be eliminated.

  4. There's an easier way of doing it using blending options. Since you're using a render that has the background taken out, half the work is already done for you. Fill Opacity: 0%, Color Overlay: White - Modify Opacity, Stroke. Then just resize the image to your liking.


    That's how I do mine too. At first I did a different way, but after a while I figured out the easy way. So Nguyen, you made a big fat tutorial for someone else's idea that can be explained in a sentence. -_-

  5. Maybe the summer just ended, and some people are starting their busiest year yet...the senior year.


    Either that or Xisto is not interested in graphics. :-/


    It takes like 10 seconds to cast a vote, and even with school, you get at LEAST 3 or 4 HOURS of time. No excuse.


    I'm just getting irritated that a few days ago everyone was so into it, and now they seem to have completely lost interest.

  6. Yeh exactly. Being FRIENDS online is o.k but dating and doing the online dirty stuff is proper wrong.


    And I agree with what pensive-muse said.. [1] For all I know Johnny could be THAT 45 year old [2] paedophile (and good heavens spell the god damn word right -_- ) ... [3] oh yeh who even said we were friends -_- lol jk.


    ONLINE DATING SUCKS if you want to try it, go ahead and have some fun.. Just remember that it isnt't real and you might be dating a whole bunch of lies. [4] You COULD be in for an adventure and a bit of fun but [5] you COULD also be in a lot of danger..


    [1] I assure you, I'm far from it. I'm really 17, I'm really in California. My name is REALLY Johnny Rockett. :o


    [2] Close, Becca dear. It's pedophile. :o


    [3] I will now cry in a corner for the rest of my life.


    [4] True.


    [5] Not if you don't ever plan on meeting them in real life. :P

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