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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Nope, didn't die... just the crazy people in the white jackets took my laptop away from me! So I'm on a limited computer time lately... had lots of it today though :P


    In all honesty, I had to return my laptop to the school for three weeks, so they could reimage it, and load in the programs I'll be needing for next year. I still have another 8 days to go until I get it back.

    As for the layout, I just noticed the Japanese characters in there. A neat effect, very sneaky!


    Aw...that sucks. Guess we won't be seeing you too much for another week or so, huh? DESTROYZ0RZ!


    I didn't notice the Japanese in there either...nice touch. -_-

  2. Ooh... nice! I like it. I think it's very striking, and catches the eye well with the bright colours. And yes, it does work well with the colours in the butterfly.


    And I do like the film effect on the side, but the images feel someone disjointed to me, like they are a part of it, but not quite. I'm not sure if I'm explaining well, but still, it's an interesting layout and I like where it's going. The 'White Tea' text is very good too!


    AW SNAPZ! Midnight, I thought you died or something. <3


    Anerways, the layout looks very nice. There may be a bit too much of that bright orangey color, maybe try a more "pastel" orange, but other than that, it's great.

  3. [1] Thanks! I made a Homer sig a couple of days ago, but it doesn't even look like my work, so it's best if I don't post it. :P


    [2] Hmm, using a lens filter and then brushing over it just enough so that a couple of rays pass through?


    [3] I tried to put a motion blur filter on it, but I didn't know how to make it so that part of the body is moving while the rest is not...look at Phyre's plane pop-out sig if you wanna know what I'm talking about.


    I guess I can apply the blur thing on this fingers....


    [1] You mean it's not newbish? -_- j/k.


    [2] Lighting brushes would make your life easier.


    [3] Select the part you want to blur with the lasso or whatever, and just blur that section. -_-

  4. The airsoft one is undeniably ugly. And it has poor coding as well. Tell you what - I can make you a basic theme (or try to) if you let me know what kind of content management system (PHP-Nuke, Cutenews, Mambo) you're going to use and some generic details about the site - PM me please :P


    BWAHAHAHA. They spelled "cheapest" wrong in the site title. -_-
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