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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Haha, you kidding me? I'm gonna have:1. AP Econ/Gov2. AP English 43. AP Spanish 34. AP Physics5. AP Trig6. Some other class that'll mean nothing, relatively. Art, of some sort, most likely.So that's 5/6 classes AP, and it's senior year (12th grade), so I have senior project to do, which includes a portfolio and an internship and all that good stuff. And I'll have limited compy time, somewhat.I bet I'll still have 10 seconds to vote though. X.x

  2. Hm...you said you were away and didn't post, that's probably the reason it was suspended. You have to post to keep your hosting credits up, if they go too low, the account gets suspended. Right now I'm seeing negative credits, so you'll want to bring those up to get your hosting back. Soon after you raise the credits back up, after 5 or so, you should get your account reactivated.(The reason you got no email is because it states in different areas of the site that you have to keep your credits up.)

  3. Uh oh...time for me to give sorry excuses for my own shortcomings. -_-


    [1]Conti! ...I think...and whoa thats a nice sig. The brushing is really good, and very complex. And it's grungy too, so of course I like it. :lol: And those vertical bars behind the text fits very well with the sig, IMO.


    A couple of thing's I'd like to point out:

    [2]-Border needs to stick out a bit more

    [3]-Text needs to be a bit more teal-ish to fit with the rest of the sig...[3.5]and Base 02? Everyone uses that now :P

    [4]-The render is very effective, but I think it could use some feathering/layer-masking around the edges in some places.


    [1] Conti?


    [2] I blame T17. It looks much better on a dark bg. Like gamerenders.


    [3] I tried to give it that "illuminated" feel like the render.


    [3.5] Heh, that one's on KuBi. I tried 2 other fonts before that one, but they didn't quite look good to him.


    [4] Trust me, it was hard enough making it stand out. Don't wanna blend it back in. -_-


    But thanks. I/we appreciate the comments.

  4. This will be a seperate topic for discussing the week's entries. Remember, do not post anything but entries in the entry topic. This avoids clutter and makes it easier to set up voting. No flaming or whining in either topic.
    So, get posting. Talk about your entry or others...whatever you want. Just keep it nice and clean. Don't wanna go banning people over graphics, right? -_-

  5. Okay, as described in the pinned topic, here are the rules for the SOTW contest:

    Problems:If someones entree has a mistake or breaks the rules, pm him/her, post in the discussion thread, or pm me. Pm me also if you have questions or concerns.

    The winner of the SOTW will win a prize.

    1. The entry must be your creation. You may use outside brushes or renders, but no ripping sigs, and no collab sigs.
    2. One entry per person.
    3. You cannot change your entry.
    4. Animation optional.
    5. Flash sigs (.swf) not allowed. Use only jpg, gif, bmp, or png.
    6. Keep the size reasonable. No wallpaper-sized entries.
    7. Your name must be on the sig somewhere.
    8. Nothing but entries in the entry thread. Discussion is for the discussion topic. Any other posts will be hidden, and your entry may be disqualified.

    When entries are finished, a new poll will be created where you may vote on your favorite sig. There will be no replies allowed, just votes. The people with the top 3 votes at the end of the week each get recognition, and the person with the most gets a prize.

    There will be one week of entries, and one week of voting. While the voting week is
    underway, the entries for next week will also be going on.


    Sig size min: 200x75
    max: 450x250
    Brushing: Any
    Text: Must have at least your name.
    Render: OPTIONAL
    Theme: Any
    Entry due date: Entries will be closed for voting on Friday Aug. 19th.

    So have fun, and remember, entries only here. Any other posts will be deleted and you will lose credits.

  6. is it mandatory that you kiss her?? sounds like your friends are pushing you to kiss her or are you in some way desperate for a kiss. You could wait later on. There's really no rush. You have plenty of time in your life to do that.


    Ditto. You don't have to kiss her just yet.


    (Whole thing sounds fruity to me. -_-)

  7. Uh well excuse me.. in england we spell it as PAEDOPHILE.. you americans spell it differently!


    and as to [5] doesn't have to plan a meeting.. you could be stupid and be tricked by the other person into giving your details to them..and they could either do the identity fraud thing..or come looking for you {and then start stalking you}.


    [x] England needs to learn English. -_-


    [5] Stupid, key word. :lol:

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