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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Xisto Sig Tournament #1, Round 2-3

    [::Truefusion vs. Moonwitch::]

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Simply choose the sig you like best, and tell why you're voting for that sig. Please give good detailed reasons, as this is a tournament battle, and we want it to be as clear as possible. Please, NO POSTING if you aren't voting, or already have. Any posts other than votes should go to the Tournament Discussion topic.

    First to seven votes (best of 13), will be declared the winner, the standings will be updated, and the opponent will be eliminated.

  2. Xisto Sig Tournament #1, Round 2-2

    [::Cision vs. Phyre::]

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Simply choose the sig you like best, and tell why you're voting for that sig. Please give good detailed reasons, as this is a tournament battle, and we want it to be as clear as possible. Please, NO POSTING if you aren't voting, or already have. Any posts other than votes should go to the Tournament Discussion topic.

    First to seven votes (best of 13), will be declared the winner, the standings will be updated, and the opponent will be eliminated.

  3. Xisto Sig Tournament #1, Round 2-1

    [::Snlildude87 vs. Biscuitrat::]

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Simply choose the sig you like best, and tell why you're voting for that sig. Please give good detailed reasons, as this is a tournament battle, and we want it to be as clear as possible. Please, NO POSTING if you aren't voting, or already have. Any posts other than votes should go to the Tournament Discussion topic.

    First to seven votes (best of 13), will be declared the winner, the standings will be updated, and the opponent will be eliminated.

  4. The name is goofy. It sounds like doofus :D


    But I'll give it a go if I can break away from World of Warcraft long enough (so close to 57 and I don't have time to get online ><)


    *giggle* Yeah, it sounds like doofus. But hey, that might be the reason it makes it. People will remember the name at least. :D


    If I ever find myself with free time, I'll give it a shot. But no guarantees, I'm a busy guy. :D

  5. i believe a spin off of the cataur was done for the ps but don't know, i believe the cataur made a appeare in the nintendo version of final fantasy but i don't know which one since i never played them.


    Pretty sure FF: Chronicles was the only Nintendo Final Fantasy game, other than GB/GBC/GBA ones...don't remember seeing Cactuar in Chronicles, but I didn't play very far, because I got stuck and I SWEAR there was absolutely no way to continue. I'm an avid gamer, so figuring stuff out is usually easy for me, and I even use a walkthrough when I couldn't get it, but still nothing. =/


    That game's rigged.

  6. I'm not sure you'll like the manga I'm editing. It's shoujo (for girls)

    but the story is interesting. It's called W (Double) Pinch.


    It's about a girl, Arisa, who always gets bullied. She transfers schools

    a lot because of her parent's jobs, turning her into an outsider.


    But a transfer student from one of her old schools came for revenge

    after recieving a note about her whereabouts. Arisa doesn't know why,

    but her older brother told her that when she was young, she was a

    Super Bully Girl. She always bullied people around her, because she

    didn't like getting bullied because she was new. Arisa, didn't know

    that, because she had amnesia after her brother accidentally pushed

    her down the stairs.


    Now, she's a crybaby with no recollection of her past. Something happened

    when the new transfer student came. Under severe mental pressure, she

    switches with her old terrifying self, and becomes a bully again. She

    has this double personality, and switches back when a dog named Totomaru

    comes in contact with her.


    The story is a bit wacky. You can get the 1st Volume from Mangaprojects

    you can get it in their IRC channel at #mangaprojects at irc.irchighway.net

    Just get it from an fserve there. Also, you can get the release by my

    Scanlation team, MangaArt. (We did the next volume. We just continued

    what Mangaproject did.) You can get it at our IRC, at #mangaart at



    Actually, the work I'm editing right now is Volume 2 chapter 2. It hasn't

    been released yet, because it's still being proofreaded. *My proofreader

    is so picky, she can spot veeery small detail* >_<

    Not adding color. Manga is black and white. The manga artists use tones to

    give detail to the drawings. Even if it's black and white, the drawings

    are very detailed and beautiful. Being colored doesn't make it a good

    read. :D Try and read some manga and appreciate the Japanese art.


    Wow, lot of information in that post. Nice job. ^-^ The manga sounds interesting, and trust me, shoujo and shonen are all the same to me. :D


    I guess I'll check that out sometime. PM me when you have volume 2 finished...I think I might like it. :D

  7. Xisto Sig Tournament #1, Updates

    This is the first sig tournament I've ever held, so I'm going to need to make a few changes/updates to compensate for flaws or whatever. Just bear with me, and we'll make it work, k? Future tournaments will be much better organized, I guarantee.

    1. Sig tournament, round 1, has been launched. Please vote, but no discussion in the voting topics. Also, please try to be pretty detailed with your votes. Don't just say "I don't know why, but I like this one", as it's not very polite, and we want things to be clear to everyone.

    2. Okay, quite a people are voting very quickly. I had to raise the number of votes from 4 to 6 to make things a bit more steady.

    3. Sorry guys, new rule, each round will require one more vote to win. That means 1st round is 6 votes, 2nd round is 7 votes, and the last round, the championship is 8 votes. I didn't expect people to be voting so fast, so I'm doing this to make the battles last a little longer.

    4. Scratch that last one...don't need it.

  8. hmmmm im glad i switch out then it would have been a blow for me but it only has begun, but i see some nasty blow outs already so here is my prediction of the final four


    (saint-michael vs phyre) vs (johnny vs truefusion)


    Ditto on that. Then I'm gonna get my butt STOMPED by fusion. X.x


    Wow, this tournament's going by fast. O_o.


    I know...I had to raise the number of votes. Don't want the same 4 people deciding all the battles so quickly. X.x



    Notice from Johnny:
    Sorry guys, new rule, (Yeah, I know, lotsa changes. Gimme a break, I've never done this before.) each round will require one more vote to win. That means 1st round is 6 votes, 2nd round is 7 votes, and the last round, the championship is 8 votes. I didn't expect people to be voting so fast, so I'm doing this to make the battles last a little longer. I promise, next time we run a tournament, it'll be much better organized.

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