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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. LOL @ this topic. OpaQue, you're hilarious. -_-Anyway, hrm...a domain...not sure. I mean, yeah, it'd definitely be cool to have a place specifically for graphics, but would that interfere with the traffic coming to T17? And what about credits? That's one of the problems we had with IPBG, right?And god knows I never leave the graphics forums, so I feel I might be neglecting T17 a bit if it moved.Not sure. It's your call. If you do go through with it, we should all think of really sweet names for it first. -_-I can't think of any at the moment. X.xBut don't do sigcraze. Sounds cheesy, and we're not limited to just sigs.(Hey OpaQue, you should do sigging too. :lol:)

  2. I don't wanna make you look bad on dA, so I'll say it here.


    No offense, but most of your images are like that, render in front, grunge background that has nothing to do with the render. The background should be black and yellow for Livestrong and maybe a Fractal background. Also, that text is a little plain, you can barely read it.


    Try using a dropshadow, black pixel with about 60 opacity, and maybe give it a transparency.


    But I like how good the render was cut out. Try using some of what I said above and post it, I would like to see.


    Ditto to most of what Blaque said...


    That "fake vector" look isn't that great, IMHO.


    C'mon big Fro. You do some really awesome sigs. How come your big stuff isn't the same?

  3. SHE saw it -_-


    I am a girlie ...


    And I love it, I mean, it's not like all the other ones I've made, so this is special truly :P And a fire - fox :P for a firefox user? THat's just heavenly :lol:


    Thank you Johnny


    Ha, np...you deserve it. Glad you like it.


    I LOVE THE SIG!! LOVE IT.  I've seen so many on here, that's now my favorite...


    Hey, thanks a bunch. That's what I like to hear! :o


    (Unless it's not true...but I don't think you're lying to me. ARE YOU!? -_- )

  4. Just to clear up the termonology here. A gift is given to people who the giver thinks deserves it. You can request a sig in the sig request forum and someone may make you one -_-




    Hehe, I have a list of people to make first. But we'll remember your birthday.


    Second ditto.


    Don't ask for gifts though...you already have some of your own, and I made you one. You can't expect everyone to want to make one for you. That's not how it works.

  5. The question is, will she appreciate your signature? Does she know what a sig is?


    I think someone has a crush :lol: na na na na na (childish tease).


    The sparkles around the photograph are bit too much. It takes away the beauty from the person. I would like to see a stronger background starting from the left, fading to the right like a gradient. Keep the same background. I think that will enhance the focus on the photo as well as balancing the whole sig.




    Is love in the air wassie? -_-

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