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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Hey that's pretty darn good Johnny. One of your better signatures in my opinion.


    Perhaps, though, the brushing on top of the render doesn't quite feel quite right - might need to be a bit "less straight", so it gives off a smoke instead of a light feel as to match the background better.


    It was actually originally meant to be light, and then it added to the effect. Meh.


    Looks good Big Jo. Do I not see text? Maybe it's not finished? o.O


    Good effect so far, but finish it strong -_-


    There's a J in the bottom left...didn't want to detract from the effect.


    @Everybody -- Thanks for the comments.

  2. Hm, I believe Johnny said everything most important already.


    As he said they all kind of look alike, and the text is also plain, but meh.


    Oh and yeah, the cutout on the renders in the two pop out sigs..well..hint: use the blurr tool, it was givin to you for a reason -_-


    Nah, unless Adam cut those himself, those are good-quality renders, from what I've seen. Shouldn't have been choppy in the first place.

  3. Hm...pretty nice...just a few things:


    They're all VERY similar. Try changing things up.


    The text isn't bad, but in all of them it's slightly pixellated, which probably means anti-aliasing was set to none. Try a different AA setting.


    The text is white and doesn't really blend. Lower the fill, and maybe add an effect or two like drop shadow. Some cool fonts would be good too.


    The colors aren't bad at all, just a little repetitive...try some multi-coloring or some different color mixes.


    The renders for the popouts are choppy...not sure why that is...must be something to do with quality settings or something.


    Anyway, those are pretty minor details...the thing I'd focus on would be the text, but you're already off to a good start there...love the quote text on those, btw.


    And you've already got a lot of things down, by the looks of it... render placement, brushing, effective pixel text, pixel borders, reflections, popouts...so yeah, doing great, just up it a notch. w00t!


    I'd love to see you improve and tear these other kiddos up. -_-


    Any questions -- Ask me. :lol:


    EDIT: I was just checking out the quote text again...I think you inspired me. We'll see. -_-

  4. Ugh...tough call....I've been gunning for both of these sigs all along, but didn't think I'd have to pick one or the other. I think I'll stick by biscuitrat on this one, because:


    Biscuitrat --

    Simple, but that's not a bad thing.

    Very color-coordinated.

    Text works perfectly.

    Nice render usage.




    Nice bg.

    Nice text.

    Render's good, but the blending's slightly odd.

    Looks kinda pixellated around the edges.


    So, like I said, tough call. Don't stab me.


    1:0, Biscuitrat up.

  5. Xisto Sig Tournament #1, Final Round

    [::Biscuitrat vs. Truefusion::]

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Simply choose the sig you like best, and tell why you're voting for that sig. Please give good detailed reasons, as this is a tournament battle, and we want it to be as clear as possible. Please, NO POSTING if you aren't voting, or already have. Any posts other than votes should go to the Tournament Discussion topic.

    First to SIX votes (best of 11), will be declared the winner, the winner will be announced, and the opponent will be eliminated.

  6. [1]Must I remind you that this is not a chatroom? You have your very own applet thing for that on your site.


    With that aside, your deviations are very impressive. [2]I love that last one the most. Was that the work of c4d?


    [1] Christ, get off my back...be a moderator, not a hissyfit. People joke.


    [2] In the description he said it was c4d, just forgot the d.

  7. [1] Yeah, and you misinterpreted this.



    *Computer stuff...there should be a monitor

    *Mission control...where's the radar? Actually, I have no idea what you meant by this.

    *Telemarketer...One, I've never heard of one that stands up, and two, where's the microphone?


    [2.5] I was just showing you what he cut. Jeez.


    [3] What he had to work with.


    [1] No, I was joking, and yet again, you misinterpreted things. -_-



    *There could be one in front of him, that you can't see in the pic.

    *I meant controlling his space missions or whatever it is he does.

    *This is space and the future, get with the times.


    [2.5] 'Kay.


    [3] Not really, but okay. :P


    [4] <3 Nguyen

  8. [1] And you say I misinterpret things. Humph!


    [2] Actually, you can tell it's a dj table because he has head phones on. [2.5] If you want to see what sprite had to work with: /search?q=toonami&tbm=isch&gbv=1&sei=dOgZWOnDJarLjwSxj5OQBg


    [3] Amazing.


    [1] Yes. I do.


    [2] Headphones could be anything...computer stuffs, mission control headset, telemarketer?


    [2.5] What about it? O.o


    [3] What is? O.o

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