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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. You want us to open all of these? You may want to put an "or" in there...


    Anyway, nice tutorial, but the use of the blur could have been more creative.


    Lol, I'm sure you know what was meant.


    What's with all the sig tutorials now? *sigh* :D


    Why does it say Carnage though?


    There's "all the sig tutorials now", so noobs like you don't stay noob forever. :D

    Just smile and nod your head.


    It says carnage because the red one is carnage. Not spidey. :D

    That's why he's all bulky and such. And has Gene Simmons' tongue.


    Mike, I think it'd look better if the blur was turned down just a bit, and the text was different. The way you have it now ruins the "motion" in there.


    Not a bad tutorial though. :D

  2. i like to respond on the comics thing comics have vaule games do not, where do you see a super mario bros got for $10-15000 a shot. comics now are about collecting forget reading them collect them.  now only if i had a time machine i would buy like 100 issue #1 of some of the old stuff, i be like a freakn millionaire off of them.


    Nah...collecting comics requires too much time and effort. I could care less about "preservation" and all that junk...I just get them for the reading value. Some have GREAT storylines, and cool stuff.


    But I've been wondering, how do you guys do those cool pictures in your signatures, like the metal dude in this one?

    How long does it take you guys to complete one of those and how did you learn it all.


    [1] That'd be a render. Try looking up some tutorials on adding renders to your sigs. I have a really old one, I believe, but I'd recommend other ones over it.


    [2] I've been doing sigs for several months now, but if you mean how long it takes per sig, I usually spend anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the level of detail. It averages around 30-45 minutes though. And I've learned everything I know through reading tutorials, watching better designers, and experimenting.

  3. anyways like a said slap a milky way arch first and then blend it in with other star brushes, and thus you got your outspace iron man, curious though how you change the colors with out screwing it up, i wonder about that cuz when i do it, it sucks big time.


    Thanks for the suggestions, but you don't meet the required cool levels to change render colors. :D

  4. @Johnny - whoooo! Thanks so much! I think it's my best one ever seeing as I never try on anything I do. Funny thing was that it took me twenty minutes to draw my monkey. Twenty freaking minutes.


    See, put some more effort into it, and you'll be awesome. That one totally blew me away, so obviously you've got some skills. :D


    And hm...twenty minute monkey huh? I hate when that happens. :D

  5. Yes, I do mean Half Life-y. God, I'm so confused today.


    Don't worry...sometimes I feel I'm in a constant state of confusion.


    like isad earlier these tutorials are good for the beginners, yeah i agree that brush would look better with a camo style going with it.


    Well, the brushes aren't bad, but like biscuit said, they're too busy for the render. And making brushes that look like that is easy. :D

  6. This will be a seperate topic for discussing the week's entries. Remember, do not post anything but entries in the entry topic. This avoids clutter and makes it easier to set up voting. No flaming or whining in either topic.So, get posting. Talk about your entry or others...whatever you want. Just keep it nice and clean. Don't wanna go banning people over graphics, right? :D

  7. Okay, as described in the pinned topic, here are the rules for the SOTW contest:


    If someones entree has a mistake or breaks the rules, pm him/her, post in the discussion thread, or pm me. Pm me also if you have questions or concerns.



    The winner of the SOTW will win a prize.



    1. The entry must be your creation. You may use outside brushes or renders, but no ripping sigs, and no collab sigs.

    2. One entry per person.

    3. You cannot change your entry.

    4. Animation optional.

    5. Flash sigs (.swf) not allowed. Use only jpg, gif, bmp, or png.

    6. Keep the size reasonable. No wallpaper-sized entries.

    7. Your name must be on the sig somewhere.

    8. Nothing but entries in the entry thread. Discussion is for the discussion topic. Any other posts will be hidden, and your entry may be disqualified.


    When entries are finished, a new poll will be created where you may vote on your favorite sig. There will be no replies allowed, just votes. The people with the top 3 votes at the end of the week each get recognition, and the person with the most gets a prize.


    There will be one week of entries, and one week of voting. While the voting week is

    underway, the entries for next week will also be going on.




    Sig size min: 200x75

    max: 450x250

    Brushing: Any

    Text: OPTIONAL

    Render: OPTIONAL

    Theme: Any

    Entry due date: Entries will be closed for voting on 12AM (Midnight) PST, Friday morning, the 12th.


    So have fun, and remember, entries only here. Any other posts will be deleted and you will lose credits.


    Notice from snlildude87:
    If an admin don't quote other sources, why should other people?


    Posted Image



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