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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. I've never said that someone sucked explicity like that. I might have told them to lose this or that, but never said that anyone sucked. Period. And since I don't say that people suck, your last and penultimate paragraphs are spam.


    NOW TO RATE THE SIG ITSELF. I like the beams coming from the top left, but the background doesn't match the render at all. I think it should be abstract or something...not grunge. I'm not feeling the border either. It looks like jeans at the top. You wanted us to look at the text, so I'm looking at it. What's up with the circles? They seem a bit out-of-placed.


    Your face is spam. It was a joke, lighten up.


    Man...I fix the sparkles and you dog me about everything else.


    All that is duly noted, but I'm too lazy to go and change anything. :)

  2. one of your bests?? You're bests with the word JOHNNY on it.. or overall?

    Because I've seen a better one somewhere that you made for someone else..


    Anyways it's O.K... cool as usual. I don't know if it's me but the gradient on the text looks misplaced and the blue on black looks good but I think the black space to the side overpowers it. This is from eyes of a crappy graphics maker haha...so don't blame me if I hate good sigs.


    One of my best, Becca dear. As in there's some still better. :D


    But thanks. :)


    I like it very much, but i dont think its your best. (After browsing your site)


    I agree with Becca, i think the font is a little out of place. The whole image is very curvy but the text dosnt look right there... it need to be at an angle or curved somewhere.

    I like the colour, but it is lacking detail in the background.


    If i needed to rate, ill give this a 7.4/10 (aganst your other stuff.).




    Hm...thanks to you too. :D

  3. How is that a newbie border? It might be a trendwhore'd border but thats it. The "light" has pretty good brushing, should have just a tiny bit smaller opacity. And those little balls...are they from a pixie dust brush? If so they arent very good... They should be deleted, or put an outer glow on them. 8/10 its not one of the best sigs youve made but its pretty good.


    Shhhh....don't pay attention to those. Just look at the text...


    (Yeah...I know...I'm gonna switch those out with some better ones in a bit.)


    EDIT: Updated. Looks much better. -_-


    I was already planning on changing those...cause we all know Nguyen would be all "It's crap. You suck. Your sparkles suck, the sig sucks, and you should die in a hole somewhere in Montana."


    Speaking of Montana...what's in Montana? I swear I've never met anyone from Montana. Who lives there? Native Americans and stuff? Buffalo Bill types?

  4. Think about it, the Big Bang claims it all started as a singularity, which is when all the laws of science break down, meaning....  their beginning is not scientific either :P


    Hey...Joshua...I think you just broke science. -_-


    Anyway, about this whole ordeal, you guys believe what you want. As for me, I'm just gonna go with the flow and work it all out at the end, know what I'm saying?

  5. Take it whatever way you want, mate. [1] I've no interest in anything sig-related and I'm entitled to my opinion and my right to express it. [2] I have to post on this forum to keep my web hosting but I'm finding it increasingly hard lately cos of the amount of stuff that I have no interest in.


    [1] True, but you were rude about it.


    [2] Aw...I'm SO sorry we're not catering to your needs, your majesty. Xisto has free spots.

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