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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Well, fractals can be so different every time, so you can't really have a bad fractal (well, you can, but it's not too often.) but anyway, so those are really great. I love the second one. Maybe do some post-processing in photoshop to make them a little cleaner (cut out the midtones), or zoom out a little from apophysis to get more of the fractal in. Other than that, no problems at all. Great job.

  2. @Johnny - Lol, that does look like a thumb, but it's actually his cloak. That white part below it is actually his shoulder. This all from SM's anime render pack.


    @True- I'm trying to follow you guys with the brushing - it's just like painting, only I can't do anything like this in real life. I can make a fishie!


    @Phyre - It's because I have no idea what I'm doing half the time :D


    @Johnny -- I always thought that was his THUMB! :)


    @True -- Pfft. Dude, a fishie? You're pro.


    @Phyre -- I'm sure that's not true...

  3. This will be a seperate topic for discussing the week's entries. Remember, do not post anything but entries in the entry topic. This avoids clutter and makes it easier to set up voting. No flaming or whining in either topic.
    So, get posting. Talk about your entry or others...whatever you want. Just keep it nice and clean. Don't wanna go banning people over graphics, right? :)

  4. Okay, as described in the pinned topic, here are the rules for the SOTW contest:

    Problems:If someones entree has a mistake or breaks the rules, pm him/her, post in the discussion thread, or pm me. Pm me also if you have questions or concerns.

    The winner will recieve prizes to be determined after SOTW ends.

    1. The entry must be your creation. You may use outside brushes or renders, but no ripping sigs, and no collab sigs.
    2. One entry per person.
    3. You cannot change your entry.
    4. Animation optional.
    5. Flash sigs (.swf) not allowed. Use only jpg, gif, bmp, or png.
    6. Keep the size reasonable. No wallpaper-sized entries.
    7. Your name must be on the sig somewhere.
    8. Nothing but entries in the entry thread. Discussion is for the discussion topic. Any other posts will be hidden, and your entry may be disqualified.

    When entries are finished, a new poll will be created where you may vote on your favorite sig. There will be no replies allowed, just votes. The people with the top 3 votes at the end of the week each get recognition, and the person with the most gets a prize.

    There will be one week of entries, and one week of voting. While the voting week is
    underway, the entries for next week will also be going on.


    Sig size min: 200x75
    max: 450x250
    Brushing: Any
    Text: Must have at least your name.
    Render: OPTIONAL
    Theme: Any
    Entry due date: Entries will be closed for voting on Friday Aug. 26th.

    So have fun, and remember, entries only here. Any other posts will be deleted and you will lose credits.

  5. Wow....heres a site that could help you with your font disabilities. http://www.dafont.com/de/ [1] After you get a font from there [2] go read every tutorial at http://www.good-tutorials.com/


    [1] Some fonts. Not just one. :)


    [2] That would take forever. And most of that "forever" would be just wasting time. A lot of the tutorials are bad. Or repeats. Or broken links. But there's a few nice little goodies in there.

  6. Did you tell him you'd ban him if he didn't make it blue :D


    Yes. No, of course not.


    Nice sig, i love FLCL. The brushing is awesome, as is the render belnding. But why does it say "offline"? Awesome sig 9/10


    It says Offline because the render seems like it's about to shut down or whatever...and it's a computer...so it's going offline. O.O


    Thanks for the comments. :)

  7. well my suggestion to all will be that when ever you rate any sig then please rate it as well :)


    The real input should be coming through words...ratings are just numbers, and don't actually make you a better designer. That's why I've been leaving all my number ratings out lately.


    My suggestions on it would be to drastically fix up the text (Better placement, size, effects, colors, blending...), and some minor touchups on the bg and render blending.

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