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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Guru huh? Let's see if we can crush your hopes and dreams...1 -- sweet sig, but the text could be better. maybe move it, or blend it differently or something.2 -- text again. the drop shadow doesn't look right when the rest of the sig is flat vector stuff. there could be a better render too.3 -- erm...what happened? none of it seems to really fit, and there's a bit too much glow.4 -- I can't even tell what that is. O.oSorry mikey. <3
  2. Ghetto poo huh? Haha, thanks for the comments becca dear.
  3. The first one has a 1px black bordere on it. Thanks for the comment.
  4. Whooo hooo feedback. [1]Duly noted. I tend to forget about filesizes with broadband...thanks. [2]Consider it an inside joke. [3]Yes, the cropping look was on purpose. And I know the sone Conc sticks out a bit...it's this light background...when I posted it on gamerenders that text was nothing more than shadow in the background. I'll fix that later, thanks. [4]w00t. (Yeah, I had to make a new ava to go with the graphically-new me. That and I'm also turning it into a CS spray, because I used my old ava before, and people kept thinking it was a U, or not even a letter. -.-) Thankies for the great feedback. I appreciate it. <3
  5. Normal: [LINK] Animated: [LINK] I like the normal one better, myself. EDIT: Oh, sorry, didn't see the no-text version part. BLANK: [LINK]
  6. Starting to get my groove back... Mad skillz yo. Rate/comment/criticize.
  7. I honestly don't remember which brushes I used...it was 5 or 6 sets.That one's animated, btw...forgot to mention. Just glows slowly.I was told recently that my text is too distracting, so I'm trying to tone it down a bit. Almost to the point of not being seen, like the sigs from a guy named MaynardsTOOL.
  8. Typical Metroid blast sig: Johnny's signature word, "word.": (looks almost like Dooga's guy, doesn't it?) Button for upcoming graphics site: New avatar: Rate/comment/criticize.
  9. I give it a 7/10.The render looks transparent, so the bg overlaps it, which doesn't look good, the text could be better, and I think a 1px black border would have fit better. Nice bg though.
  10. Exactly how I am. Nice guide pcf, I'll keep it in mind.
  11. Wow...these are really really really old...whoatemypig -- erm...no, you can't have any of them. and you don't "realy need that sig thanx".trystim -- I know. The text used to be too big and distracting. That's changed in the new ones, for the most part.
  12. Hehe, I knew someone would say that. Trust me, I know. I prefer it without animation too. I just went and did it anyway because gamerenders is having an animation-themed sotw.
  13. Completely redid the first one...this one took me about three times as long. Better, right?
  14. Hm...I can't really tell what's happening in the background, but it doesn't seem like much. Other than that, nice job though. The motion blur on the text is alright.
  15. perham -- thanks. it was made in adobe photoshop, which you can find tutorials for around the site.mayank -- yeah, I know...this bunch isn't so great.CF -- hm...vectors...I completely forgot about those...they were even my "thing" at one point too. I'll have to get my groove back with those. As for fonts, I haven't downloaded any yet...just brushes and renders. I'll probably get some for my next set.Mike -- Yeah, consider the first one scrapped. I didn't spend enough time on it.Thanks for the comments and criticism all.
  16. Heh, nice to see you guys too.I meant for them to be smaller than my old sigs, but I guess I had the resolution too high and they ended up being bigger...I was too lazy to change it.Thanks for the comments/input guys.
  17. Thanks for the comments guys. I agree, the first one is the one I like least, but spent the most time on. Go figure. I'm thinking maybe I should have had some sort of background with a render or something from the beginning, and the lines would come on top of that. Might go redo it later.As you said Plen, the second one seems to be missing something...I think it's the fact that the render isn't very involved in the background and vice-versa. They look great seperately, and okay together, but they'd look better integrated.The third one I won't comment, cause I like everything, except how I somehow cut the very top of his head off (it didn't look like that in Photoshop)The fourth one I can't complain...I like the shiny glowy crystal effect dealie. ;)Yes, I comment my own sigs. I'm just cool like that.
  18. Sinedots, yep. I honestly don't know/remember how I made it swirl, it was a sort of fluke. Let's just say it's an artist's secret. ;)Thanks for the input TF.
  19. So I started sigging again. with animation. Rate, comment, criticize. Like the good old days.
  20. Hm...I've been working with CPanel for years now, never noticed there was an extraction feature...Nice post.
  21. I didn't die...I just stopped making sigs. Doesn't mean I can't look though. I'm still around, just more as an administrator now.
  22. Congrats to T17 and it's members. Glad to be a part of it. [ Although at the current second we aren't quite at 10k yet, because a few new members were fakes. =/ ]
  23. Haha, I just voted...great stuff Plen.
  24. Bottom font could have been a better one, but very nice. Loving the blue.
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