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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Doesn't seem all that bad... I mean, we do borrow all our renders, aside from a select few... my 3d or fractals for example...But anyway...hm....maybe if you redid that web thing and stuck it in a glassy bally circly thing like the old logo? Then we'd have an original logo that fits the site's name, but wouldn't have to change much. Or something.
  2. This is a long and elaborate post describing the details of my agreement with Cool Freaker on his thoughts about the sig shown in the first post, specifically that it's a very nice first try, but could use a bit more color and some text improvements. But since I can't just say "I agree.", I went and pretty much retold the entire opinion. Fun, right?
  3. *giggle* So true...you never really see dragons in DnD. Except DnD minis....I used to play those a LOT when they first came out a year or two ago. There's lots of dragons...I have "teh big red". Oh, btw, I agree with everything biscuit said.
  4. The basics of Levels. Nice job.I'm amused by the "Knock out Osama" popup I got when I visited imageshack to see the final picture...*giggle*
  5. That guy's my new idol.Nice tut, kinda simple, but it works well. Just looks a little too blended...
  6. That's not coffee, silly people. That's hydrogen sulfide! ;)That's a nice camera. Treat it well...
  7. Unless I'm sadly mistaken, that'd be a Mad Cat. I still have 3 FULLY LEGIT copies of M4 and the expansions (cdkeys and everything) wandering somewhere around here... One of the few games I've actually bought. With cash. ;)But then...I never play it...it's just lacking something. And pfft. I hate multiplayer...I get owned...and it's never much fun even when I'm beating people.But I digress!Great cut. Can't find anything wrong at all with it, and it's a perfectly useable render. Nice work. Do more renders.
  8. Do it soon or feel admin wrath. *evil glare*
  9. PFFFT. It's all Tiberian. And it's all CnC. And it's all NOD. Pfft. I should go redownload find my legally purchased copy of CnC Generals...
  10. So Becca dear, what exactly is your fascination with mastu(e)rbation?I like the second one tons better....if the AA were turned off for the pixel font, you'd have PRO work right there.
  11. Same here. @Phyre -- It is Tiberian Sun. And nice cut...but like you said, I doubt it could be used too much, as it's a logo, not like...a character, and it's a game-specific logo... But hey, nice job nonetheless. Now do some awesome character renders.
  12. Uh oh...not another FPS Doug. :PI agree with everything biskie said. ;)What games do you play, btw?
  13. Becca dear, you spelled masturbation wrong.
  14. Man, I always show up too late...they've covered everything I would've said...I thibk.
  15. Hm...I think this would be a nice place to put a "f'shizzle dizzle." [God I'm so unwhite. Kinda like black. ]
  16. Isn't that what it's all about?
  17. Magic wand would destroy it.@Mike -- Pfft. You're not even doing renders anymore, noob.
  18. *nod* Which is why I still don't do animation...can't figure out how to keep it from being all...uber low quality.
  19. Nue -- Check out the tutorials section for some decent tutorial stuff....there's also a bunch of information around the gfx section about doing sigs.No sig to rate just yet, so another freebie for me.
  20. [dude. we're getting a bunch of new designers now. I just hope they'll stick around.]Hey, those are pretty good...I'd say focus on working on text, and backgrounds, with a little border and render touchups. Not bad so far though. Keep em coming.
  21. I'm not showing off...I'm just showing him how to be awesome like me. Cause I'm awesome. Really awesome. I also agree with Ralphie on the "avoid filters and gradients" dealie.
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