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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Yeah, because there's a render ratings board, right? Nothing's showing, it's fine. The first one -- Looks good...the render-in-the-background looks especially well with female renders, so that's a nice touch. the way it's positioned almost looks like it's a different render of the same character, which is cool. the text fits well and the little touch ups are good. The second one -- Very nice. I think the fire could look more realistic, but there's a limit as to what exactly you can do with just brushes. I've come across the same problem before, and I've found there's not many easy ways to create realistic fire. So with what you have it looks very nice, I'd just say shorten the width of it to close up some empty(ish) space. the text is fine. Your best two sigs by far, saga. Keep it up.
  2. Almost like me when I first started....I was making 5-10 a day.Anyway, these look okay, but I'd say to spend more time on each sig. I'm not sure how long they took you, but I've found it to be that a good sig usually takes an hour or more.It's also good to have a checklist:RenderTextLightingEffectsBlendingColorBorderFlow/StyleI have a mental checklist that I go through every time I make a sig...it's a lot like that except I have subcategories like render placement or whatever.Anyway, like I said, not bad.
  3. Yay, this one turned out completely different from what I originally thought, like ALWAYS, but I think it looks good like this. I also learned a new defaults technique making this (the energy effect in the bg), it's pretty simple and effective, so I might make a tut for it. Anyway, this is to saga, because he's trying hard and getting better constantly. Hope you like it saga.
  4. Ooh, nice job Avalon. Looks great. 10/10 from me.
  5. He's been a dedicated member for a while now. Hope you like it, Ava.
  6. Oh, I meant to ask what happened...guess I forgot. That sucks though...glad you're feeling better.
  7. Truefusion's right.And this reminds me of one of Mike's usual sigs.
  8. Interesting change. I think it's as good as the first one, plus it makes the text look a bit better.
  9. Agreed. I would also avoid flat out black text on any sort of dark background. As you can see, the K is almost illegible.
  10. KuBster, I never would have guessed you'd get this good so fast. There's no doubt that your recent stuff blows your beginner stuff away, (though I'm sure it's the same for everyone) and you still have room for improvement. (who doesn't?)Keep it up.
  11. I never cared enough to remember your sigs mike. :(j/k, j/k. But I really don't remember it.That second one looks awesome too supa pimp, I just would have taken the pattern off the render. 8/10, it's a little simple.
  12. I agree with TF. I prefer not to comment gifts. Nice job.
  13. Yep, the second one is definitely much better. My only thing would be to make the font more readable on the side by moving it or resizing it or something -- the A and the R are somewhat hard to see.
  14. I actually don't like the text much, or the backgrounds. I think you've got a good sense of design, just not a good selection of brushes/fonts.
  15. Just noticed the render's identical on each side...and now I can't stop staring at it. Kind of odd.
  16. I don't like the blending with the render, but if that were better, that thing would look HOT. In a literal and metaphorical sense.
  17. *ahem* Actually, according to the following heirarchy of graphics design talent: Art samurais > Dolphins > Johnnicus "Johnny" Maximus > (insert random people here) > Saint_Michael > (insert more random people here) You can see that Johnny is clearly higher than Saint_Michael, so you would in fact, have to surpass Saint_Michael (which, by the way, is absurdly easy to accomplish) long before you would reach the Johnnicus Maximus. And if you hadn't noticed, that entire post was a joke to lighten the mood. I hope you get it. Notice from Anonymous Tipster: You better get it.
  18. Notice from Johnny: Mike, you of all people should know that in a rate the sig above you topic, you're supposed to rate the sig above you.
  19. I would've used a different image, as it looks too much like Mike's version, but not bad, I s'pose. Learning never hurts.
  20. Loving the cutout version (I love cutout sigs, especially abstract shaped ones like that.), although the edges seem pixellated or crooked or something. The background is way cool. That's also probably the best sig I've seen with that render in it...it's surprisingly hard to use. I'd say change up the text a bit to make it more visible, but other than that, it's a 9/10, IMO.
  21. Very nice mike. Can't find anything wrong with it.
  22. So he was a good guy and a commie?Is anyone against me saying commie? It's not exactly PC, I'm sure...
  23. Saw this in the tutorial topic. Can't really find any of my usual nitpicky issues on this one, so I'll say good job.
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