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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Yay splinter cell. Rate/comment/criticize.
  2. Yes, more spidey sigs, and maybe my best. This one is just a quickie I did as an example for my latest render, but I figured I'd post it. I wasn't sure about those web thingies at first, but I decided to keep them. Might release the PSD for this one. Definitely going to be releasing the PSD for this one. Looks like this is also an unreleased render, so I might cut it nicely and post it up. Rate/comment/criticize.
  3. Personally I try out different lighting, different shapes, layer modes, layer styles, lots and lots of text tweaking, that kinda thing. Maybe that'll give you a headstart.
  4. These all reflect typical work by Saint Mike. Nothing new, nothing innovating, nothing exciting, and it was never really that attractive to begin with.Think outside the box mikey...don't just do the same stuff over and over with different brushing and a change of renders.I taught you better than that.
  5. AcidGlow? From GR? You stalking me? :lol:Great animation work, but that's to be expected.(Love castlevania. <3)
  6. Nah...she's probably never going to -use- it, but she does like to use my work to show off to her friends. She must think I'm good or something. :lol:And mikey, the season 2 thing is probably the only thing I've ever copied from you in my life. And I just used the phrase...I'm not actually going to conisder this season 2. :PThanks for the comments all.
  7. Yes, that's right. Johnny has a heart. and parents. and mad skills. This is the result. I'm thinking I might put Johnny2 like that on my new sigs, as I'm sort of doing season 2 now. Might also release the psd for this one as well.
  8. I was gonna go with the second one at first, but I also like the look of the first one better. The text doesn't fit at all though...maybe try the embossed from the background look. If it doesn't work, try something else. But definitely not that blue color, and that font is lame now.
  9. Wow, nice find dontmaimyourself. I didn't even know there were font recog. tools. O.o
  10. Not bad mikey...these ones look better than your usual stuff.[1] Not really liking those lines across her face, but loving the bg. The text fits okay as well.[2] Like they said, the bg is kinda lacking, it looks like you have something there, it's just not like -boom- cool, you know? And I wouldn't say remove the scanlines, but lower the opacity a bit.Like I said though, nice stuff. Keep it coming.
  11. What butters said. Try using imageshack...they don't have galleries, but I'm pretty sure the images stay forever.I just use my Xisto hosting though.
  12. Something like that. But Mike, never ever ever say there is no effective way except "blah blah" to use a render. You should know better than that...anything's possible.
  13. Every day:Xisto.Google.Gmail.Myspace.Deviantart.Gamerenders.Steampowered. (if you count the browser that shows the news from Steam.)[Torrents site(s) that shall not be named.]Jargon Johnny (my site)And some other sites I go to often:DGEmu.Last.FM.Gamefaqs.Filefront.And some I visit every couple years:Runescape.Neopets.Newegg. (always looking, never buying. someone get me a new computer and I promise I'll be a better staffie. )
  14. Points for being different, but I can't quite say it's one of your best. I think you should work with lighting and colors a bit more to make it flow more smoothly.But then again, you never take my opinion seriously anyway. :PLove ya mikey.
  15. http://www.dafont.com/de/ DaFont is a good source for pretty much all the fonts you'll need. That's where I get most of mine, aside from a large pack I downloaded recently. Also, the render looks misproportioned...when you size renders down make sure you hold shift (or make sure the link icon at the top is clicked) and use a corner handle to drag it down, proportionally. There's also a bit of a high-contrast spot on the right there...you can fix that by selecting that area and using adjustment layers, or by lightly brushing over it with a darker color. Not bad for starters.
  16. To add to what mike said, http://www.good-tutorials.com/ is also a good place solely dedicated to photoshop tutorials. They currently have 9722 of them. Also, avoid heavy filtering tutorials...too much use of filters can produce very very bad looking stuff. As a beginner, you won't really notice it (you gain experience in seeing what's good and what's bad as you go along). Saint Mike, KuBi, even myself, started making bad filter stuff. Stick to brushing till you're confident you know what looks good. Another good way to learn sigging is to find free psds available from other graphics designers (you can find some on gamerenders, although most people charge for them. pm me if you want some...I've bought full rights to a few nice ones). It shows you how other designers go about setting up their different layers and effects and such. Much more useful than a general tip or a tutorial that only allows you to do things one way. Anyway, very nice stuff for a first attempt. Keep it up.
  17. Great siggies...some of the better ones I've seen at Xisto lately. Nice to "see some more faces" here in the graphics section too.[1] Pixel stretches aren't bad, but they've been sorta played out. But with all this smudging nonsense going on lately, it wouldn't be bad for a comeback. Nice siggy, but the animation goes a little slow, and it seems like there's three different fonts which looks kinda odd. Also, it doesn't really matter, but I'm pretty sure the left render isn't Warcraft. I could be mistaken.[2] Can't complain here. Maybe a font change for the Elune text, but other than that, not bad.[3] A little too dark/monotone...maybe some faint reds/purples/blues in there would liven things up a bit. Nice background though.[4] The brushing and text could be better on the right side, but overall not too bad.[5] Text again...seems a little pixellated/too small for the sig. I like the dots running through it though. Also, that little face on the right has been a little overused...Mike seems to like sticking it in every tech sig he makes. [6] Change of font again on the Elune, and you're good to go.I can't really say welcome back, because I don't remember ever meeting you, so I'll just say welcome. :PNice work.
  18. There's an effect that does it in seconds... filter => noise => add noise, and crank the percentage up a bunch and turn off "monochromatic" (black and white) noise. You have to have something on the layer first, but it doesn't really matter what, so you can just use render clouds or something.If you want to have it animate like KuBi's, make a new layer and do the same thing, then jump to imageready and go to make frames from layers in the bottom animation box dealie.Not bad though KuBster, I guess. I'm doing imageready in my graphics class right now...working on rollovers (onOver) and click (onClick) effects on images for webpages. Of course I already know all this, but hey.
  19. Not bad Kubster, but IMO, if you're without good brushes or renders, go for simplistic. It comes out much better.Unless of course you're good with the "defaults" style...some of the people on NOS could produce some really sweet defaults stuff.And I've never really been able to impress a non-graphics person with grunge...they always seem much more interested in what I can do with tech or vector or whatever.
  20. Wow mike, one of your better ones...this one doesn't have a so-so background or sloppy text and color choices. Way to go. Just keep doing that for yours sigs and you'll be a cool kid like me.
  21. Something like that. The colors could blend a little more smoothly, and overall the sig could be less "hard" and more "deep". That's just my opinion though.
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