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The real truth of the matter is that its fake. I knew FRZ (serpendium) met on rage zone before he released in java or even got it off the ground. Way before he even started working on it. Serpendium is a dude. Lets start with that. Second of all, on april fools he made the same prank of being "sued". In due case, he just couldn't keep paying the server prices and wanted to prove a private server could be made about maplestory. There's alot I won't say. But I do know that this is just a way to get out of keeping a server up without upsetting anyone. It's very easy to fake "being sued" -reply by person
COWON!!!Ipod, Creative Zen, Or Iriver?I'm surprised that not one person has mention cowon! these players have not only unquestionably the best sound but also one of the best battery operation times. I laugh that there are people here that have been bought into the idea that ipods are the best; while ipods are great machines and may be the perfect choice for you, you cant simply call them the best. Each and every person has their own perfect player, they just have to find it.I personally just bought the S9 and the player is fantastic! my friend owns an ipod touch and is envious of me -reply by sickley
I have been programming in RPG for over 40 years. I started out on an IBM 360/20, went to an IBM S/3, heard about Lattice and transferred all my programs over to a PC with a 600 lpm line printer one weekend. I have Lattice RPG-II compiler. I don't use SDA as most of what I do is with data files or text files. Almost all my work is what I call 'Data Manipulation', and it suits me fine. I have used it in Windows, but I usually just dump out to DOS and go to town. I have found there is very little I cannot do. Since I do not believe on the 'BLEEDING EDGE' of technology, I sometimes sometimes it is easier to dump a file into dBASE and then back out again as an SDF file. I also find WordStar helpful sometmes. Ocassionally I will even compile a program in Nantucket 'Clipper'. Simple batch files are neat. I have found very few files I can't **** information from. I think RPG has been given a bad name. Even with my early version (mid '70s) I can do a lot. Thanks for reading. -reply by James Schumacher
I would have to say a very depressing song is 'concrete angle.' sorry I don't remember who its by, but just look it up on you tube. (must watch music video!) Keywords: depressing songs
Daddy Long Legs Did You Know its most poisonous
iGuest replied to devildude93's topic in General Discussion
incorrectDaddy Long Legsit is not the most poisonous thing in the world, it is the most poisonous spider, it's venom cannot compare to that of a poison dart frog, poison is measured in something, I can't remember what, but that frogs vemon is more than a few hundred times stronger. -reply by adrian avalos -
The-west is way to repetitive and got really boring way to fast, as forTribalwars it is a great game but way to time consuming. I would likeTo play a game that does not take to much time but still is enjoyable.As long as you have a good clan system people would play your game. ILook for mmorpgs and text based games were the clan system is good.That is my main focus when I join a game, everything else falls intoPlace therefore if you make a good clan system people will notice yourGame. I'm sure I am not alone and us people who have to desire to leadGroups of people and look for games which accomplish this aspect ofGaming. If you do choose to make a game I would love to help you outWith organizing the clan system for it, if not it's alright. -reply by Mike
HELP! Reservation Reward ScamReservation Rewards - A Scam!We have been getting these $12. A month charges for at least the last 3 mo. Before I caught it today. My husband said he had seen the charges and found something on line to cancel it but he has NO CLUE who they are or what it was we were charged for. Can anyone give me a way to contact these people please? I can't believe they prey on people who just believe it was something they ordered but really did not! What a scam! As soon as I saw the charges today for the first time I told my husband he needs to deal with this and report these people and get our money back. I just need a place to start the process. Has anyone actually received any money refunds? Wow! Always some new scamers preying on the innocent! Thanks so much!
I just finished connecting two computers to talk to each other. Here is what I did. I configured the two computers to be on one subnet and also made the two computers to be on the same workgroup. I connected them together with a crossover cable and I was able to pick and transfer files from one to another. -reply by Akin Olayanju
Theroy of a ConManJesus? Real Or Evil Roman PlanningI have to agree with the postings of some but maybe along with the initial post of Jesus being captured and tourted is a very real possibility but there is also another possibility that I would like all of you to consider I call it the theory of a con man I want it to be known that this is just a proposed theory for the masses not a suggested truth I am only 22 I am not a scholar the actions Jesus did can be explained by a logical sense I am impressed that there are more people out there ready to understand that there are more possibilities than what has been given in the bible but anyways here is my theory of a con man The Theory of a Conman in early times the Greek government had found a way to control their populace by introducing a wide spread religion that would cover more or less the basis of natural occurrences thus leading to the many Gods of the Greek mythology the romans observed the control that this had given the Greek government and adapted the Greek mythology into a similar religion for themselves in doing so as not to cause to much controversy among the roman people they changed the names of the Gods and deeds of the servants and so forth a very cunning and cleaver coup by the roman government the roman mythological Gods held there place till the populace started showing signs of unrest the government of Rome had too see that their many Gods would no longer keep the people under control so they adopted Catholicism and made the roman catholic church stating that all the unidentifiable occurrences that they could not explain by use of the roman mythological Gods could be explained by the fact that their is one God that controls all who has no boundaries or limits which held for some time till again as will always happen the people of Rome started to question this reality a baby was born of a woman who claimed to be a virgin she claimed that an angel visited her and told her to name the child Jesus Christ in turn making Christ a miracle child and hey was raised on this belief as he grew older he realized people looked at him different than they did others now Jesus was an intelligent person in this that he saw that there is power in the fact that you can manipulate people through belief growing up with this knowledge had to be an advantage in all areas of life Cesar was at a stand still he could not figure out a way to gain full control of the roman empire again till he heard about Jesus and the gears started turning alot of people believed that Jesus was already a gift from God in the sense that the conception was unnatural Cesar had Jesus brought to him and laid out this plan before Christ about making the romans believe that Jesus is the son of God through proof by miracles that would of course be prestaged and promising Jesus a powerful seat as in being the son of God Cesar seen the growing force behind Jesus and felt that it was the wrong way to go he then decided that Christ must die to put an end to the Christian movement the only way thought fit enough to scare the followers of Christ was to put him to death in a very humiliating way which the worst form of capital punishment they had at the time was to be hung on the cross there is also another theory proposed by a Friend which states that Jesus was active in the rouse until Cesar feared that he was growing to powerfully and exiled him which would explain the 8 to 10 year absence of Christ then Jesus returns to finish what he had started and the order to have him killed was put forth and the form of death was the most insulting that they had being hung on the cross -reply by Timothy Noble
Current College student thinking about joining the armed services.Joining The MarinesI'm going into my second year of college and torn between finishing college and then signing up or signing up while I'm still in college. Right now I am set on either joining the Army or Marines. Can anyone give advice on when I should join? Also which branch would be a good choice?Thank You-question by kris
I need Rap Lyrics Can somebody write me some? plz..
iGuest replied to supyo's topic in Art & Creativity
baby I love u, I wanna hold u tight, ya I know everythings gonna be alright, I wanna luv not hate, cuz were gonna be great together, itll be our destiny forever, I know your the 1 for me... baby girl... your my whole world, and ill always treat u right, we'll luv each other, and we'll never fight, I speak my mind, only the truth, everthing will be fine, but not without you, your my whole world... Whooooole world... BABY I LOVE YOU! -reply by dezaztr13 -
yo girl u got your self a road to fame, baby,u got some game, once your at the age of talkin smack, talkin back, I bet your already there, the fame flowen thru your hair, sure u can rap, but can ya sing, cuz if u can, youll be rollin in fuc*in bling! bling! -reply by dezaztr13
I think that showing affection in High schools should not be banned. I mean, like when people are making out in the hallways, that's rediculous. They don't have to go that far in the hallways. I don't see whats wrong with a simple hug or holding hands in school. That shouldn't be a problem. But making out, should be saved for after school. A simple kiss on the cheek is okay. Teachers ban Kissing in the halls and showing "PDA", okay, I agree with that. But baning hugging, holding hands , a simple kiss on the cheek shouldn't be a problem!-reply by InLove
right now you get more for your mony with 360, however if your preparedto spend that extra bit ore you will never regret it. I,ve playedon both online and offline, and I can't see any difference in gameplay.The new xbox + ps are comming out in 2014, and xbox online costs ?26. It is now 2009, so even if you buy the new consoll the moment it comes out, you save (26 x 5) ?130. also new games and exclusives will come out in time for the ps3 so basicly in the end you save money and get the better consoll with the ps3 hoped this has helped
No! There are a "mermen". I'm a mermen before, and I feel in love with human.. But, the sea witch who gave me a foot, said that I will reborn if I change my tail to became a human. Many days before I agree with the agreement of our see witch. And after that I don't know what happen to my colorful world.My mother who adapt me didn't know that I'm a mermen. But, when my 14th birth day my one friend from my world told me the thruth...Till here.Sorry for I cannot mention the name of my world cause my Father (king) the ruler of all ocean punish me if I tell it to other human... If you canno't believe me it's okey, I'd like to tell it to you 'cause I trust you...GOODBYE...
HomePages FriendsHomepages FriendsI referred about 70 members and made payout back in Aug,2008 but still waiting for payment. Also now I see they noLonger serve United States if you try to search. When emailing them youGet no answer,just a standard email with your account info. You may beWasting your time with this site. Good Luck.
HomePage FriendsHomepages FriendsI referred about 70 members and made payout back in Aug,2008 but still waiting for payment. Also now I see they noLonger serve United States if you try to search. When emailing them youGet no answer,just a standard email with your account info. You may beWasting your time with this site. Good Luck. Keywords:
Mobile Phone Design Flip Vs Non-flip which design is your choice?
iGuest replied to Albus Dumbledore's topic in Mobile Phones
flip phones are not really that good?Mobile Phone Design Flip Vs Non-flipif flip phones are more protected thentell me how the heck my amsung sgh-x496 and nokia 6085 both have a messed up screen and my old nokia 6085 never had anythingliek tha thappen? you make it sem like scratches are a bad thing on a non flip phones but tell me something. If you get a scratch on a flipphone what can you do about it? nothing that's what. With brick phones that have changable face plates and stuff you can just change the face plate if it gets scratched up. think of this now. How thick is the plastic over the screen on a flip phone? pritty sure really thin right? if you tap on the screens on a lot of them it can effect the screen like lcd screens. Now the non flip phones with changable face plates has like 1/4 inch plastic in front of the screen so I say the screen on the brick phones have more protection. how can somethign with 2 screens with 2 lights use less electricty then a phoen with 1 main screen? I know poeple with flip phones that can't go 2 days without charging but I could go a week with the nonflip nokia. Yeah there are some flip phones that are better liek the nokia 6085 I have but it still needs to be charged after 3 or 4 days unlike the 3595 that lasts a week. flip phone keys are not pritected.I hear peopel taking pictures of in there pocket all the time. Guess what flip phones can actually be locked too you know. Look it up for your phone. I say this really isn't a big deal though. You push 2 keys to lock your phone. You make it sould like it is something that is hard to do. They even have autoclocks on them too if you forget to put it on. -reply by james42519 -
How To Play World Of Warcraft For Free! 100% legal
iGuest replied to Huntzoru's topic in Computer Gaming
wow paymentHow To Play World Of Warcraft For Free!I can understand charging people to play the game but 15 dollars a month adds up after awhile how much money does the people at wow actually make? they should lower the price a little if you ask me. Maybe 15 dollars for two months or somethin. Just think 15 dollars a month times fourteen million people. 14000000x15 per month. equals 230000000 (TWO HUNDERED AND THIRTY MILLION a month they drag in for profits. now your telling me that there are that many people workin for blizz in the wow dept. That they need a paycheck that big for designing software/. I had found that my bro has been playin since 2005 and faithfully made his payments every month he had spent around 720$ on that game. And thats just the payments and not the disc sales. now tell me who is makin a killing. -reply by roach -
Penis tattooTattoosI'm a chick, so I have no idea how much it'll hurt, but you can't have sex for six months after you tattoo your genitalia. -reply by Littlemiss
i read the book!Freak The MightyFreak the Mighty is a book about a boy named Max and a boy named Kevin. Max has been diagnosed with Dislexia and Kevin was diagnosed with Marquio Syndrome, a disease that prevents growth of the outside body, yet the internal organs continue their natural growth. They go on many adventures together. I liked this book so much I read it 6 times.-reply by Breanne Halton
How Many Of You Actually Cured Myopia Naturally?
iGuest replied to amrit's topic in Health & Fitness
How Many Of You Actually Cured Myopia Naturally?How Many Of You Actually Cured Myopia Naturally?Can you ask your friend what kind of exercisesand diet he followed that finally helped him get rid of his glasses and share the information with us ? Also, how long did it take him ? -
abotu freak the mightyFreak The MightyFreak the mighty is an awsome book it is about a boy named maxwell kane who lives with his grandparents his dad is in in jail for murder and the book is about adventures they both go to. They both are disabled. together they are freak the mighty they fight gangs and slay dragons max gets kidnapped by his father when he gets out of jail and he takes him to a dark place where a lady named lorreta lee tries to save max but then maxs father (killer kane) starts to choak lorreta le but then kevin comes and saves them both then few days later it is kevins birthday and on his birthday he gets a siezure and goes to the hospital tehy say he is getting a surgery and he will be in the hospital forever and one day max goes fto the hospital to see kevin and nurses coming toward are crying then he figures ou that kevin dies they couldnt save him then max goes crazy and hides in his room for days then one day he has to go to school and he meets lorrett a lee and she tells him "Nothing is a drag kid". Think about it. And at the end freak gave max a book to write their advenyures in and he writes them and he says who knows I might even read a book. Question In the book lorreta says that "Nothing is a drag kid". Think about it. What did she mean by that? -reply by sukh