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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I WANT OUT!!SuicideCoward's way out I don't think so its the hardest thing to do God know I would love too checkout!! Ive got to the point now where I just don't wanna be here anymore Ive just had enough simple as that!! I just wish we could buy guns in the uk then my pains and troubles would be over in a second,I'm going for the sleeping pills myself I know its unlikely I'll die from them but if I take enough each night I'm hoping my liver and kidneys will just give up like the rest of me has. -reply by Pee'd off
  2. slow Windows 7What Do You Guys Think Of Windows 7?Coding a song in Windows XP from CD into flac took 31 seconds. The same song, the same program, took 59 seconds on Windows 7.I do not need Windows 7. Sorry Microsoft, I know you need to sell new operating systems again and again for your survival, but I do not need it.-reply by d65r
  3. You can Do it On Shared HostingHow Do U Make Your Own Subdomain ServiceYou can do this on shared hosting as long as the webhost allows wildcard subdomains. I know bluehost doesn't allow it but hostgator.Com does. See the http://scammed.us/ website for an example. Like any other site, you only need a dedicated server if your traffic grows enough to justify it. -reply by Andrew
  4. how much would i getSelling Used Games At Eb ok I'm sellling my n64 with 7 games and to controllers,I'm also selling my gamcube with two games, I'm also selling my ps2 with two games. I'm much would it be all together? please reply -reply by dude36
  5. Cs vs cs:scourceCS: Source Vs CS 1.6I donno why but scource in my opinion is way to easy. The recoil is hella easy to handle. Thhe only thing good about scource is the graphics, the hitboxes ****, the shadow of player is bad cuz they it gives a person a chance to prefirce you. I'm just say thats my opinion there some videos on youtube (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) says why cs 1.6 is better. -reply by PhewPhew
  6. Had this same problem. Date and time was wrong on my PC. This thread helped me find my stupid mistake XD Last night, I was overclocking and set my FSB speed too high, on restarting my computer it refused to boot... So I popped the battery on the mobo to reset it... And it reset my date/time to Jan 2nd of 2002 lol (didn't think about it). Firefox is working, so thanks again. I feel so dumb. -reply by Neverent
  7. Sonar 4 and reltek sound cardSonar 4 HelpInstalled Sonar 4 It can't play back , because it says to select a MIDI out put. I don't have a MIDI sound card just have reltek HD audio. Any IDEAs. MIke -question by Mike
  8. WORKING PS3 emulatorPlaystation 3 Emulator?yea I have a ps3 emulator. it works fine and it works great. I created it myself and also its own bios. -reply by Alex C.
  9. Cross-Browser compatibility tester resourceCross-browser IssueXENOCODE (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) - here, you'll be able to test IE 6/7/8, FF 2/3,Chrome, Opera 9.6, and Safari 3. As great as this is, what kills me is the errors that you get inside the sandbox which lead you to believe that those errors are a result of your coding rather than that of not being able to use the plugins needed for your content (which you can't get because of the nature of the sandbox testing). This resource has been such a help to me in trying to get my design right across a multitude of browsers, and my only con is that they should include more browsers (but, then again, it wouldn't be free if they tried the Browsershots.Org action). -reply by Lee Davis
  10. same problem as JIPMANIs It Possible To Create A Cell Phone Modem?Hi there! I feel like a total retard, because I got the same question like Jipman and trying to find a way to make a fax / modem-to-audio-in-and-out-hook-up. I'm totally frustrated over this because this can't be this difficult. The only thing that should be done is make some kind of adaptor between POTS and AUDIO (and reverse). One hour ago, I saw the DualJack system witch make the telephone line "wireless" and the other small box picks it up and makes it "telephone line" again (and reverse). How come people keep saying it is not possible? Somebody please tell me why you cannot modulate / demodulate between POTS and audio, but you can make it wireless with a DualJack-set?? Why I want to do this? For various laptop / fax / internet connection reasons. It also will work in robotics (without wifi limitations and so on) and serveilance. please help me out to let me live my dream! -reply by Jeff
  11. The magicJack is very good and works great. It is also awesome because it is helping people save a lot of money. The only issue I have heard about was that the magic Jack company was not providing very good customer service. -reply by Don Richards
  12. Reserv Rewards ScamReservation Rewards - A Scam!Replying to iGuestWell, those of you receiving your refunds I congratulate you as they absolutely refused to refund my money. This is the second time they have tagged my account, once last year on a plane ticket and just this past month on FTD buying my mother's birthday flowers. They did cancel my account but refused to refund the money. I have informed my bank of the scam and that this is an ongoing problem. Remember, they have your information now and will tag you again. The first time it tagged when I tried to X-out of their pop-up, this time I didn't even get a pop-up, it just tagged me. They tried to tell me the first time that they sent me an email and because I did NOT respond it automatically confirmed the account. I never received the email due to my spam blocker. These scam scum are operating just at the edge of legality so it is difficult to stop them. If the banks would put them on a block list it would make a lot of difference. I'm hoping my bank will be able to block them from doing this again as it costs me $12 every time these ****** illegally tag my account. I believe the proper legal term is unjust enrichment, they have taken money without authorization and without providing any service or other compensation in return.-reply by Melanie
  13. Rewrite imagesPhp Mod Rewrite TutorialTo solve this problem: IMPORTANT : there is problem withBrowsers, browsers don't recognize that folders you typed are not realSo there is problem with images and css style, so just includeAbsolute path This is only basic, if you really wanna do some serious work with mod rewrite visit:http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/misc/rewriteguide.html All you have to do is mod rewrite all your image, css and js folders as well: RewriteRule ^pictures/images/(.+)?$ images/$1 [NC,L] RewriteRule ^pictures/css/(.+)?$ css/$1 [NC,L]RewriteRule ^pictures/js/(.+)?$ js/$1 [NC,L]RewriteRule ^pictures/php/(.+)?$ php/$1 [NC,L]RewriteRule ^pictures/([0-9]+)?$ pictures.Php?year=$1 [NC,L] -reply by Chaim
  14. Okay, I got Ghostbusters: The Video Game. And after the installation is complete, I get this ridiculous message EVERY time saying, "can't mount W23ART.POD: File not found." And I need someone to give me some advice on how to fix this. I installed the game in the C drive. I have Vista, more than enough GBs, so please don't go blaming my computer, and everyone tells me to reboot,l and I've done that a record total of 23 times. I really want someone to help me, if you give me an answer, will you please put it in simple English, and make it easy to follow? Thank you for your time. God Bless. -question by Egon'sBoss
  15. since club live went to club bingMicrosoft Club LiveI joined sometime in '08 and received everything I had redeemed my points for BUT now that club live turned into club bing the prize redemption time went up to 180 days to receive your prizes... That I can handle what I cant handle is I had redeemed for 3 different prizes on the same day on 6/27/009 and I even got an confirmation email about those prizes now on 7/27/09 I was given my points back for those 3 prizes what I don't understand about that is one of the prizes they still have in their prize list that you can redeem for and the other 2 were just taken off the site about a week ago... So why was my points given back?? I have emailed them about this but as I found out in the past noone answers emails so I wont hold my breath on getting a response... I have also redeeemed out for another prize on 6/02/09 it is still in my account... And no I do not cheat I don't use the bots or macros or anything else to disqualify for the prizes I sit and play the games to earn the tickets
  16. save as what?How To Make A Very Simple Wap SiteHey everyone. May I know how do I save the codes? For example, if I'm building a HTML sites, I will save it as say, index.Html. If for this WAP site, how shall I save ir? index.Wap? Sorry, such a noob right here. And how do I preview it? Is it like any other HTML sites? Thanks. -question by mrytl3
  17. Wow beautiful ArticleHow Do I Get My Site The First Page On Google?GoogleBot simply does the work of a human moderator, so do not try to make it fool. Finally, getting a good page rank is a process and you have to try hardTo achieve this. That's why, instead of getting too much taxed up withThe idea of Good Page rank, rather, try to upgrade your site contentsPeriodically. It will definitely give you good rank. -reply by Yoga
  18. hey I am 15 and I have an idea for a game but I am solo. Its not a rpg its more of a causul game. I am usin this really confusing software named Maya. I can make simple tables and rooms but I have not figured out how to do grass or tile etc. If anyone would like to help me Please just write back - Meg -reply by Crazydrummergirl
  19. more shortcutsList Of Delphi Keyboard Shortcut - Very Useful1.Select text 2."Control + k" 3.Release every key, press "C" and will copy the same you selected before with out overwriting the copy in the clipboard. It's very usefull -reply by Luciano
  20. Replying to iwuvcookies>Anyways I saw a lightning flash and then my computer just> like shut down the monitor but the harddrive was still working> cause I could hear the fan and stuff. Then I coudln't connect> to the internet. It fried my modem. I was on that 56 internet> too. Lol. Oh memories. Did you learn why damage happened? Routine is to have direct lightning strikes without damage. In your case, what was the typically path of that surge. From phone lines? Of course not. Phone lines already have a 'whole house' protector installed for free. Completely effective only if it is properly connection to your building earth ground. Surges seek earth ground. Surges are electricity which means a path exists both incoming and outgoing through that computer - else no surge damage. Incoming on AC mains. Through computer and modem, down phone line, to earth via that telco installed 'whole house' protector. What is most often damaged? A PNP transistor on the modem that drives the off-hook relay. I still have many lightning damaged modems, all working, because I traced the surge, and fixed that transistor. Normally the power supply provides massive surge protection. It does anything that a power strip protector might do. Unfortunately, a surge can bypass the supply - especially if using a power strip protector. That protector can connect a surge directly to motherboard - bypass power supply protection - then obtain earth destructively via modem or Ethernet connection. Learn what causes surge damage. Then it is obvious the only protectors that provide effective protection. A surge earthed before entering the building does not hunt for earth ground destructively through household appliances. Cable needs no protector. If properly installed, it makes a short ('less than 10 foot') connection to earth before entering the building. Telco installs a 'whole house' protector on subscriber interface - for free. But AC electric means lightning down the street is a direct lightning strike to household appliances. Only more responsible companies sell a 'whole house' protector for AC mains. General Electric, Square D, Intermatic, Leviton, Keison, Siemens ... The Cutler-Hammer protector sells in Lowes for less than $50. No protector provides protection. Effective protectors connect a surge short to earth. No surge energy inside a building means no surge damage. Scam protectors (APC, Belkin, Monster Cable, etc - all are the same circuit) do not even claim protection in numeric specs. With no earthing, the surge simply wanders about the house looking for appliances to damage. Fortunately all appliances contain protection. Therefore scam protector may even fail. Get the naive to claim, "My protectors sacrificed itself to save my computer." Nonsense. The protector was so ineffective as to be damaged. No effective (earthed) protector is destroyed even by a direct lightning strike. The computer saved itself. But failed protectors get the naive to recommend it. Effective protection means nobody even knew the surge existed - not even the protector is damaged. But that means protectors properly earthed so that no surge energy gets inside the building.-reply by westom
  21. infection found in my own websiteAvg Anti-virus QuestionI updated my website long time ago, but now I cannot open in via IE, I immediately get a window warning from AVG "Virus found HTML/Framer". Everytime I have to heal it, but still I cannot open my website. I can open it via Firefox browser, but my website looks ugly there, also I'm worry about my customers who use IE and might not be able to see my website. Any ideas what is going on there? -question by Oksana
  22. Multiple Login HelpLogin SystemI have a website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and I want to try and make it easier for the user to navigate it. I am really new to mysql and don't really know how to do much on it but I currently have 4 databases set up and would like to make it to where people don't have to log in multiple times. I have wordpress set up with one user name and password and then zencart with another and simplemachinesforum with yet another and want to consolidate them into one database so that people only have to log in once to use all the services. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -question by Oscar
  23. How to I get the search to delete one of my resultsClear Google CacheI used to have an account with a networking site called 'netlog', but I deleted it ages ago. I tried to get in contact with them to remove my search from Google, and they told me to get in touch with google directly, I am really struggling to find out where to go, I am not the owner of the site, and my name does not come up in netlogs directory anymore, so why is that page still showing?? Please help! -reply by Mike Borkett
  24. agh...Try It Mabinogi.It looks indeed great, as a free game. But there is also a bloody problem about it.I live in Europe and I can only understand properly english, but the english version is only available for USA/North America. I got a bit too enthusiastic about the game, I think... -reply by Vikinglord
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