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Replying to holyiumWell, just think of it, wouldn't it be nice to create your own game. Many people yes do enjoy playing games but it's nice to see what you can accomplish just by creating your own. I don't understand how making a game is "sad" as you say but I'm just saying, that's what other game companies like Nintendo do. Yes, I'm sure they all play games BUT they do make there own.-reply by Zeffa1234
Building Your Own TV / Movie Projector ( Very Cheap )
iGuest replied to golgothurteen's topic in Hardware Workshop
why the fresnel lens and bulbs for Diy pjs.difficult to get in Nigeria? Building Your Own TV / Movie Projector ( Very Cheap )I am a Nigerian. I believe, having the right parts for Diy projector one could have the very nice image. It’s good to build something with your hands and be happy to see it work. The idea of”do it yourself" is even good for people like us. We may keep cash to buy the commercial projector, but we can't enjoy it like our small TV we often watch programs at home. I understand that, watching commercial projector everyday will not last. Recently, I build (Pj) one for myself and I see that it can last even watching programs with it everyday. The best of it is the parts. I am lack of Fresnel lens, good reflector and bulb. They are not common in Nigeria and to import, is not simple like any countries where trust is upon everyone. I suggest those who are advertising Diy Pj parts on the websites should have branches, even in my country. I will like to hear from anyone that is concerned. Thanks. -reply by Dennis -
i have to agree - what is wrong with firefox ??Firefox ProblemsI like firefox for many reasons , but its not normal then fresh installation of latest version (08/2009) is taking almoust 100 Mb from ram what this browser is doing with such a large memory usage ?? -reply by andy
Optical drives are gone from my computerSystem Does Not Detect Dvd/cdrom DriveI have a Dell 8300 running xp home. Both my optical drives have disappeared from my computer and don't work. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, changing the ide cable, deleting the lower and upper filters out of registry, since I have 2 seperate drives and both stopped working at the same time I seems unliklly that both drives failed at the same time. I cant get into local group policy because it is home. I updated my virus protection and scanned my drives and nothing. Any suggestions to try would be greatlly appreciated.-question by Rob
I fix xbox 360's as part of my job requirement. If you've had any red light errors, it's due to overheating. Get a watercooling kit. That is the only way to keep the Xbox360 cool. Or just buy a new xbox 360. Once you get the error, and after it's been fixed, the error WILL reappear, the moment the unit starts to heat up. Overall, the Xbox360 was badly engineered. The main board Solder joints are the crux of the problem, and there is no way to resolder them. Get the Water coolor, unless you live in Alaska and play at night when it's really cold. Lol
Privacy protect is a front for scammers and spammersPrivacyprotectI received a typical 419 spam in my yahoo mailbox, with a few interesting twists. As usual, Sani Abacha, Felix Houphet Boigny, Mobutu Sese Seko and a few others have left vast sums of money salted away for their descendants and a kind gentleman has offered me a 50/50 deal to get the money out of the country. This time, however, the country in question is Malaysia, and the gentleman is a Russian: Mr.Boris Fiodorovitch Malayshev. I checked the full headers of the message, and looked up the whois info for the contact address left by Boris Fiodorovitch... And it leads back to in.Com hiding behind PrivacyProtect.Org. So, PrivacyProtect, claiming to be a service to protect its clients from scammers, spammers and phishers is in fact serving as a front for those scammers, spammers and phishers. My advice would be that if you are neither a scammer, a spammer nor a phisher, then you don't need the service and should stay well clear. From what others have posted about unauthorised charges on their credit cards, it seems that if you're not with PrivacyProtect, you're against them, and you'll become their prey. Stay clear, stay safe.
How To Dynamically Modify The Select Object? about add, remove...
iGuest replied to whistle's topic in Programming
How to pass selected value into scriptletHow To Dynamically Modify The Select Object?How to pass selected value <like selcting combobox item JSP> into scriptlet function loadFields(metadataModelId){ if(metadataModelId.Value == null) metadataModelId.Value = document.ContainerTypeForm.MetadataModelId.Value; <% for(MetadataModel model:modelsList) { if(model.GetId().AsString().Equals(metadataModelId) /// here it is showing error { fields = model.GetAllMetadataFields(); } } %> } -reply by venu -
OMG! Did your grandmother make it? Like alive? Sorry to ask but under those conditions... Now you didn't mention the temperature range she was in... Being in a sauna w/o water for an entire dayy (24 hours) would be like dehydrating in real life for like 3-5 days!! But saunas make you lose TONS of weight and water.. More water though. -reply by whattafizzle
Wpa Wi-fi Encryption Is Cracked
iGuest replied to Saint_Michael's topic in Security issues & Exploits
Encrypt sensitive dateWpa Wi-fi Encryption Is CrackedThat is nothing new but it is reason why use tools like TRUECRYPT that is FREE and VERY efficient and extremely SECURE! -reply by Mike -
I respect all types of music, but as an MC (rapper) myself I obviously listen to more HipHop (rap). I agree a lot of rappers talk about the same old bull****, money, drugs, violence and sex, but there are a lot of MCs who rap about other, more positive things, you just don't hear it as much because, lets face it, violence and sex sells, so of course such music is all over the radio and televison, saturating the market, And as for rap having no meaning, for many MCs thats just simply not true. Its not Rap itself that is negative, its the rapper in question.
What Is The Best Rpg On The Gba? what is the best RPG on the gba???
iGuest replied to Angelkiller's topic in Computer Gaming
What Is The Best Rpg On The Gba?What Is The Best Rpg On The Gba?Hm... The best RPGs on the GBA I've ever played are as follows: Golden Sun 1 & 2: The Lost Age Fire Emblem Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Megaman Zero 1-4 (This is an action/adventure RPG series. It's the hardest games I've ever played, truthfully.) Sword of Mana The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Mario Party Advance Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga All the Classic NES remakes are good, too. Though GBA has a lot of good RPGs, I would recommend playing the PSX and the SNES for better RPGs. Super Nintendo has a lot of RPGs you can't just look pass. And the PSX is pretty much the beginning of 3-D RPG styles. -reply by Celestial -
Net connectivity problemVista Unable To Surf InternetDear SirI have a Lenovo 7753Q Laptop with preloaded Window Vista Home Basic 32 bit. I m using my cellphone HTC P 3452 for internet surfing through GPRS. Now I want to surf net on laptop through existing GPRS connection available on HTC cell phone.I already have downloaded and installed window device manager, but it didnt work.Both my cellphone and laptop are equipped with wifi,usb and bluetooth.Pls help!-question by Pradeep Yadav
Uploading Image File Through JSP Code To Server
iGuest replied to welcome77in's topic in Programming
What is the target path of server when we create a file on server using jspUploading Image File Through JSP Code To ServerI am having a folder like in our application "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; Now I need to create a file in the folder, I tried like File f=mew File(" http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;); but the server does not recognizing the path, it says invalid directory,path tell me what should I give here File f=mew File(" ??????"); Please... Help me -reply by Asgar -
Halo or Half-Life??Half Life.vs.haloI think that they are both the same at gaming, good prices, fun, and all that other stuff. But Halo has online game play and SOME Half-Life games don't. I personally like Halo better because I just think its fun to play online with other people. I also like Half-Life BECAUSE the plot is easy to understand. In Halo you start out in who knows were and just start out from there. In Half-Life (the old one people) you start out in a cable car, thing on your way to Black Mesa. I agree with Bigcoolpunk too. Halo has a bunch of weapons that you can melee with. In Half-Life the only wapon you can really do some melee damnage with is the crowbar. The point is Valve: BIG company. Whoever made Halo: Very smart. -reply by chris
I'm running Vista, and I got rid of the old partition, and it's now marked as "Free", but I can't extend my main partition...Can someone help me? -reply by Revan343
I followed this tutorialCreate Your Own Smilies.Hi, I tried to follow this tutorial,but I only have MSPaint on my PC, so I did not no how to use all the tools. I think I made easier way for me. What do you think? I made the two smileys you said to make. I did with banana -reply by Lemon
Thank you.A Personal Letter To Tyra Banks - Cutting AddictionReading your story really touched me. I am 16 and I just stopped cutting about a year ago. I had cut for four years. Lately I've been more tempted than ever to cut and I thought that meant I was never going to be able to give up this addiction. Seeing your story gives me hope. So thank you very much. -reply by Becka
I have a legit copy of Cs3 but my CD drive is broken, how do I install from thumbdrive?Cannot Install Adobe Photoshop Cs3Hello All (especially Pantera), I have a legit copy of CS3 for my computer but my CD drive is broken. I used another computer to copy the contents of the installation disk to a thumb drive and tried to run it off there, but it asks me to insert the installation disk. How do I let the installation program know that the contents are on the thumb and not on the disc? THANK YOU! Alex -reply by Alex
Suggest Diet For Diabetic Suggestion needed
iGuest replied to mabhishekjhawar's topic in Health & Fitness
What is a normal max. mg. intake of sugar to maintain a diet or pre-diabetes controSuggest Diet For DiabeticI am a 67 year old male in generally good health, but recently have been told to cut down on my sugar to avoid increased levels of blood sugar, mainly to stay away from a future of having diabetes. I have put myself on a 1200 +/- Calorie Diet and have lost some weight, but still crave something sweet so I started eating Lite Yogurt 1-2 servings /day, which it's label says it has 100 calories and contains 15grams sugar. What is a recomended for a max. Daily intake?. Thanks. Marc Matthews -reply by Marc Matthews -
Getting 4 Wisdom Teeth Removed Tomorrow =/
iGuest replied to gisellebebegirl's topic in Health & Fitness
So how did it go? For anyone else with anxiety aboutThis, please don't worry. Most cases of extreme pain and or dry socketOccur because somebody didn't follow their dentist's instructionsPost-surgery. I too was nervous because I am 32 yrs old - wayPast the recommended age. Since my jaw and surrounding bones were muchHarder and dense by that time, I thought for sure I'd be in trouble. Not the case...They put me under IV sedation and then I woke up - feltLike no time passed at all. I was not too drowsy (was able to walk andStand alone) and by day 2 I was taking no painkillers. I am in day 3Now and just take a cpl ibuprofen every once in a while as the gums areHard at work trying to heal. It isn't all that bad! JustReleax and enjoy the time on the couch you'll have. Oh, and make sureYou ice! This is key for the 1st 24 hrs (but not after that!) toPrevent the painful swelling that can occur. Here's a tip: put on aHoodie and tie the hood tightly and slide ice packs in (wrapped inPaper towels) on each side. You can rest your arms or use them to surfThe channels. I busted out my wireless bluetooth keyboard and surfedThe web on my 42" samsung on the couch all day! It was true lazinessAt its finest. Hope this helps anyone who is nervous. You are going to be just fine! -
actually i have had an AMD 1.81 GHz computer and my computer is slow as balls. The computers at my school have Intel and they are way faster than my AMD and they are 1.7 GHz
Private servers are most definitely not illegal, if you sat there and spent money on the games and the expansions and you don't choose to pay to play on the Blizz servers that is YOUR choice, you OWN the game. Its Illegal to download the game not to play on the servers. -reply by BluntNeko
Need For Speed Shift The new Need for Speed
iGuest replied to *TBC*Killer's topic in Computer Gaming
Intel Pentium Dual Core @ 2.4ghz? Will it run?Need For Speed ShiftThanks guys for answering all our questions! Here is my problem.. I have a Intel Pentium Dual Core @ 2.4 ghz and an NVIDIA GTX 260= 856mb.Video Card, With a 700 watt power supply. Will I still be able to run Need For Speed Shift with this hardware, or will I need an upgrade? I mean my Procesor can even play Crysis,( it lags at some points, but it runs great till the point that I passed the whole game.) but I'm not shure It can play NFSS. Please Help me with this question. Thankyou! -question by importuner