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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. SHUTTERFLY ...RESERVATION IS A SCAM!!!!Reservation Rewards - A Scam!They have been charging me for three years without me knowing.I didn't sign up for junk...And they say all they can do is cancel my account with them.Which it stupid...Cause I don't have one with them..I don't know how they are getting away with all this crap..Cancel all account with shutterfly... -reply by lizzie
  2. A Discussion About Whether There really Is a legit "work from home" businessWhat Is Google Cash Machine?Well after reading post after post -- investing in scam after scam -- I have come to the conclusion that the only people who have ever made money from home are the originial programmer of the site (he is rich) and about the first 100 or so persons who sold the scam.I have lost 1000.00's trying to make money from home. Would have done better investing in the stock market.So does anyone know of a legit work at home business that you can actually make money at, and I am not talking 25.00 a week or 2500.00 a week. Something along the average of about $ 250.00 to $ 500.00 a week. A realistic amount.If you know I am sure there are many who would like a chance to make some real money. Liz
  3. ApplicationThe Blue Flare ClanRS Username: jpof First Name: PaulCombat lvl: 61Strength lvl: 51Attack lvl: 54Defence lvl: 47Mage lvl: 40Range lvl: 34Prayer lvl: 24Best non-combat lvl: mining 64Number of Pk kills: a couple, not sure exactlyWill u respect all members in and outside of this clan? I respect all runescape players, and I certainly will respect clan members.Will you stay loyal to the clan? Yes I will, I thrive on teamwork, challenge, and structure. I will stay loyal. Other skills: Smithing 51. Crafting 47, WC 52. Hope to be seeing you all at the Blue Moon soon. -reply by Paul
  4. My mum and dad constantly argue about how much my dad should pay for me and my brother, when my dad takes me and my brother on holiday he doesn't pay my mum for a week because he has had us, is that right? and also my brother has just decided to move to my dads house because of family stuff, will my dad still have to pay income for me any my brother. And last but not least my dad has just bought a new boiler which costs about 1000-2000 pounds so my dad has stopped payin child support and refuses to carry on paying it: is this right as well, I know they are my parents but I really need a professional opinion so I know both sides of the story at the moment I believe my dad is in the wrong and my mum cant cope with no money, she has a little baby also to pay for with the babys dad (they are still together) my mum is working constant night shifts at a hospital just to save up enough money so we can go on holiday, we're eating microwave meals and cheap packet foods just to live, are eletric constantly goes out as we cannot afford to pay for it all the time I know this has nothing to do with my dad but he can at least help by doing what he is supposed to do and what the law says he should do by supporting his kids is that so wrong! HELP SOMEONE I don't KNOW WHAT TO DO!! -reply by Sian
  5. Any Ideas?Scene Name?my name is Ali (short for Alicia) and I am looking for an emo/scene kid name.Any ideas? Please reply ASAP! <3 thxxxxx
  6. what to doBatch .bat FilesReplying to brandon10092I copy and pasted@echo off:AClsEcho MESSENGERSet /p and=User:Set /p m=Message:Net send %and% %m%PauseGoto AThat into notepad saved it as ms.Bat and opened it again ti comes up withMESSENGERUSER:MESSAGE:What do I type after that -reply by zero-coo
  7. Dear Dave Smith: The reason why cerain browsers, such as mozilla and webkit use vendor specifix prefixes to CSS tags relates to the very way that CSS evolve. "Poor sheep. Proprietary is not equal to standard. ABrowser is not 'standards compliant' if you have to type in proprietaryCode to make it work, which is exactly what has to happen with Firehoax(Mozilla) and Chrome (WebKit)." Actually, it is standard compliant. It is defined way to integrate suggested standards into browsers. In order for a CSS proposal to become a W3C recommendation, at least two browsers need to implemet the feature. While a CSS proposal is in this phase, and browsers implement the suggestion, they use vendor spcific prefixes such as -moz-, -webkit-, -o-, -ms- .. Etc http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-CSS2-20110607/syndata.html If you for instance is designing a web application that for instance utilizes a css feature that is yet to become included "as stable" in browsers, you can add that default syntax that will be used if the browser has implemented it as a non-vendor specific feature. #box-shadow {-o-box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888;-icab-box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888;-khtml-box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888;-moz-box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888;-webkit-box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888;box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888; }
  8. When I tried this, the register page came with and error saying that on line 11 and 55, "op"was an undefined index, can someone help me on this?
  9. Prediction 2009Offering Free Astrology ServicesHi there, Here are my details for your review - DOB - 29th Sep 1979 Time - 2:00am Location - Delhi Please provide me the in depth prediction for 2009. Regards, Rahul
  10. Beng honest has been the wrong policyHiring Felons For the last month I have been waiting to start a job with Casey's General Store as an Assistant Man. From day one I told the Manager and her supervisor of my conviction as a sex offender. I had sex with a 15 yr. Old girl (consensual) when I was 20. I was assured that they understood, and they would love to have me work for them, even wanted me to apply for a manager position in another town close. Today I was supposed to go to the store and fill out my paperwork for employment. I was really excited to get back to work! Well needless to say, for some unknown reason they have changed their mind. I am exhausted and have lost all faith in the kindness of people. -reply by Blade
  11. FontCreatorIs There An Open-source Fontographer?You could use FontCreator. It has a 30 day free trial and then $79 for a licence. It is good value for the price and you can try it out at no cost. -reply by John *person*
  12. talisman onlineList Of Free Mmorpg..hi guys I ma playing Talisman online its cool try it: talismanonline.Com -reply by blackhawer5
  13. What is the solution to this problem?Word Document Corrupted?Hello, this thread is just what I need. I have experienced Word (2003) saving my doc off in some unknown encoding. I saved "normally", and the next day powered up, and 2 docs that I had worked on came up in the doc recovery window - one opened fine, the other brought up the document conversion/encoding window. (I already downloaded all the microsoft conversion stuff, to no avail). It appears that word is saving docs off in some arcane encoding, arbitrarily. Help! My husband painfully lost a large doc this way. -reply by Clare shemeta
  14. how to complete mission "shakedown"GTA: Vice City -- I'm Stuck In Mission "ShakeDown"in the starting when you are outside the mansion , in parking take a gun which shots 3 bullets at one time then step down move to left there is one stinger take it drive to north point mall in 2 minutes or few seconds more.When you reach there go in the mall and with the help of that blinking triangles on map locate shops which have glasses and shot on them they will break down.Now like this only break all glasses in the mall in remaining 3 minutes and then you will clear the mission.Remember there glasses on top floor also. -reply by kunjan
  15. The reason of the attraction is about 10,000 years ago a mutation happened to one person. A chromosome changed their eye color from brown to blue. This was the beginning. Others saw this a God, because you could see into the soul of that person. Which is hard to do with darker eyes. Remember this was a long time ago and people had a different idea of what a God was. So it became that people with blue eyes were godly. It is possible that that is why we are attracted to blue eyes and at the same time blame everyone with blue eyes to the problems of the world. I.E. Anti-aryan, blue eyed devil, etc. -reply by Ricky
  16. yeah, ms-dos batch files are still used for about everything, and can be modified to do just about anything, seeing as the mainframe of the computer is pushed behind batch files and dll extentions. -reply by rawr
  17. When I click compile and c and enter it says I don't have the latest jdk file 5.0 or 6.0. I have update 16...
  18. This tutorial was straight to the point and helped me a great deal. Thanks! -reply by John Rivera
  19. SAme problemLinksys Router Disconnection Very OftenI have a linksys wrt54g2 model have very frequent disconnections.Seems that linksys is not good.Maybe I'll go for other lousier and better brands next time.Only when I thought linksys was the by far known best brand Keywords: linksys wrt54g2 disconnect
  20. I study in 11th grade and my crush in the 9th grade she doesnt know me how can i make her fall in love -question by man singh
  21. PHP Web Development companyHTM vs HTML: Whats The Difference ?Btw, the 3-character extension was a Windows only limitation. The web is based on Unix which has no such problem. -reply by benivolent
  22. gif publish - text problemHow To Get High Quality Gif Images In FlashHeya, awesome, this fixed my colours/resolution problem. BUT what I find when I publish is that my text (which is currently centre-aligned) gets shoved to the right... No matter what I do I can't seem to fix it! Any suggestions? -reply by biodagar
  23. Find your own answer ..Is Eating Meat Morally Correct?I think all people here are missing on one important point here. /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley3.Gif The moralQuestion of eating animals can not be completely answered since it has toDo something with 'moral' which is strongly related to feelings. Each individualThinks and feels differently according to his/her community, beliefs and logics so there will be thousand differentOpinions on this topic. I believe there are two different type of meat eating people: "One whoKill and eat", "One who do not even want to think aboutKilling animals or become part of it but love eating meat". Frankly I do not have problem with the first type of people, theyHave genuine reasons to kill and eat animals. You can find these peopleIn few undeveloped countries. With few exceptions, these peopleAre probably very well connected to nature and their living depends onAnimals. By witnessing the whole process of killing and eatingAnimals they know exactly what they are doing. They eat to live and takeFull responsibility of what they do with animals and nature. You willFind these people helping nature in one way or other. I have problem with the second group of people. I think these people as coward since they lack courage to even witness or become part of killing and meat production system. They make-up the vast meat eating humanPopulation. These people live in posh houses and are probably livingUrban life and are least connected to nature. Their nature might beLimited to few episodes of 'jaws and claws' on nature related channels.They believe or think that meat comes factory in nicely cleaned, packed boxes and do not get into details orAvoid to think on this topic. When asked they can give all sorts ofReasons like "animals are made for humans" "I eat farmed animals whichAre made for eating" "by killing animals we keep their population underControl" or they put forward number games like "earth does not enoughGreen plans to feed humans" or health reasons like "vegetables lacks inVitamins and minerals". If you give a knife in their hand and ask them to kill a smallAnimal they might look at you as if you are asking them to kill aHuman. If they spend couple of days in animal slaughter house they willFaint and will not be able to even sleep peacefully without sleepingTablets for couple of days. These people eat animals because they eatFor taste and do not want to spoil their meal time by thinking aboutThe animal or the pain it would have gone through. They can eatAnything if its tasty, yummy, crunchy which packed nicely in some fancyBox. Some people might find it disturbing but these people can eat evenHuman flesh if its nicely packed, fried without any blood stains sinceThey are hardly connected to sources. Their only worry will be "Is isSafe?" 'Is it fresh ?" "Is it high in protein?" "Is it organic?" One makes the riffle, other one transports it, one puts it on aMachine, other one feeds in bullets, one remotely pushes the trigger,Bullet hits the animal ( can be human ), other one transports the body to cleaning, one cleansIt, other one chops it into pieces, one packets them into nice boxes,Other one transports them to city food processing plants, one cooksThem,other one sells them. Finally we eat in food chain outlets with yummy taste. Cycle complete! My answer to the moral question is "You become part of whole process, at least take some time to understand it, witness it, feel it closely. You will find your own answer! no need to ask or tell." Open your eyes and senses don't live deaf and dumb life.. -reply by Harry
  24. VB 2005Text File Operations VB.NETHi, I'm a student and I want to know how to design a program that reads text files (*.Txt) without using a database, and the program should be able to retrieve files that contain documents... -reply by Sewe Oyaya
  25. I think I might have the same problem, I'm running an internet radio statio through shoutcast. I have been able to hear the broadcast when I started streaming last week. I changed my IP to static, now I can't load my station from my laptop which is on the same wireless network. I can stream to other stations, but not my own. Can a static ip block me from listening to my station on my network. No matter what server I sent it to, it will not play. But everyone else can log into it,except me. All I get from shoutcast is the name of the station and the file info that is streaming, but no sound. Any ideas Going crazy -reply by BlaQbyrd
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