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He confuses me..mixed signals!help?i really like him and i think he likes me back..Does He Really Like Me Or Just Playing With My Emotions? Please Help!okay so I have a huge crush on this guy.At first I thought he was cute and then I heard he thought i was cute,so that just made me start liking him or whatever.We talk and all but there are days he wont acknowledge me or say hi,and then there are days he does.He says he loves me and gives me amazing hugs.He gave me one of those hand kisses on my forehead.And the week before I gave him a kiss on the cheek,he was currently dating someone though.(I didn't know:/oops!) but my friend said that after I left he was like"wow,she's like..My best friend.." "I have a gf!"and while he said that he kinda touched his face.Like 5 days ago we sat by each other on the bus and it was night time.I was cold and he put his arm around me,while I had my head on his shoulder..He kept it there the wholetime,but we didnt say a word to eachother.Then today,he didnt acknoledge me at all.I know he sees me and looks at me all the time,and I know that he has some feelings for me.He's afreshman,15.I'm a junior,16.Maybehe's afraid to?idk! -reply by confusedgurl217
The Next Stage Of Human Evolution mutants or community?
iGuest replied to mitchellmckain's topic in General Discussion
You seem to be misinformed, abhiram, humans did NOT evolve from monkeys. That is a misconception. What scientists have demonstrated rather, is that we have a common ancestor with monkeys. Closer along the timeline is our common ancestry with the great apes. Further along in time than our common ancestry with monkeys, you will find rodents and so on, until you find the common ancestry of all organic life on earth. Everything is constantly evolving due to natural selection and the changing environment.The speed at which a species changes usually had to do with the length of it's generations. Thus, insects and bacteria, who have shorter lifespans than us,have an increased chance of evolving into new species in less time than us humans. -
I remember when I was at primary school (wouldnt be hard, I'm only in secondary school now) But anyway,lets just say, I would rather amputate my own pinky then sit through another one of those lessons. I guess it had something to do with my teachers. And the fact we had to sit in the same boringroom al day. It was so repititous, I think thats what really got me down. I still had to work hard though. I managed to get straight 5s in my sats. I used to fill in the time buy drawing circles and dividing them into 4 quarters. Then id color in a section every 15 minutes. It was like a little countdown. With that method, I was constantly occupied, so it worked for me. Another thing id just do was fix my eyes on something and just not move them. Like, just sit and think and stuff. You forget where you are, it passed tonnes of time for me =] Oh and there was the really fun part, we used to have rubber wars .That was just basically picking of pieces of rubber from our old ones and flicking them at each other without the teacher seeing. Funny as hell, but not recommended, get you in a LOTT of trouble lol. Secondrary school is better. We get to do more hands on things, meet more people, and you get an incy teeny microscopic bit more freedom. I think its only cuz our school is so big and there is not enough teachers to see what you are doing all the time though!The good part is I getto ride the bus to school (for free) every morning. Usually, the bus is extra late so we get to school around half an hour late sometimes. Anyways, just struggle though and take each day as it comes, thats alli can say really! Try your best to work hard and enjoy it (Whenever Possible, ;])
How To Copy File & Folders From Linux To Windows?.
iGuest replied to kanade's topic in Websites and Web Designing
How to find what files are located on a partitionHow To Copy File & Folders From Linux To Windows?.Hi, I needed to clean up some of the files in Linux parition /dev/sda3. When I run du -f it shows that /dev/sda3 is full and its the root(/). How can I find out what other folders and files on this partition? Thanks in advance, Ram. -
DUI (Labeled Loser)Hiring FelonsCurrently have a 3rd DUI (with Class 2 felony) in the past 15 years. Did not hurt or kill anybody, thank God. But did my jail time and attending AA meeting's and going to required classes amended by courts. Have been sober for over a year. Problem is now I can not find a employment with record. Kind of makes one want to crawl to the bottle, I ask society and the justice system. Let's not attack the person, but the problem. Problem of addiction to alcohol, prescription drugs or illegal drugs. Note, there are more people addicted to prescirption drugs(VICODIN, OXY's ring a bell) and illegal drugs that are driving under the influence on our streets than the drunk driver's.By the way DUI is not just being under the influence of alcohol (another label by society). MADD may need to re-focus with the breath to start vehicle, another revenue builder for state. We need more resources that helps addict's to recover and not a money maker for the sytem.-reply by Faith101
Help: Unable To Access Applications On Sony Ericsson Phone
iGuest replied to fera's topic in Mobile Phones
Hi,I'm in need of some help. I have a W850 Sony EricssonPhone, and I am unable to access the applications folder and gamesFolder. Even if I save an "executable jar file" in another folder andClick to install it. The error message reads "Operation Failed". ThisMessage appears even when I try to open the applications and gamesFolder. This has been happening in the 2 days.I have triedShutting down and restarting the phone, and a master reset. There isNothing on the PC software suite that allows for a reformat of thePhone.There is nothing of importance on my phone as I have backed it all, numbers are all saved on the SIM card.Please help me sourik -reply by sourik -
Configuring Ubuntu 9.10 to work with BSNL Broadband in bridge modeBroadband Dialup Connection HelpHello,Can anyone please help me by giving instructions as to how to set up ubuntu 9.10 to work with BSNL broadband in bridge mode with my username and password. This works in windows but in Ubuntu even when I use my username andPassword in DSL settings of Network connections. I use the sameProcedure that I used in ubuntu 9.04, but it does not work in Ubuntu9.10.Thanks in anticipation for your help. -question by Anil Sarwal
Which Win 7 version for networking like in XP?Having Problems Setting Up A Home NetworkI am about to purchase a new computer with Win 7, I need to know which version I should be getting that is comparable to XP Pro. I have older programs, and XP compatible printer, scanners, that I do not want to have to replace, too costly, will they run on Win 7? We have a business website, I currently access our website files (update them, make new ones etc.) via my "network places" on XP. When I open MS Frontpage, I click on "my network", enter username and password and all my website files are all there. Which version do I need to get to continue to update my website via networking? It looks like for networking I need to go with Win 7 Pro is that correct? Thank you for the help! -question by Karlee
the answerHow To Change Windows Xp Language ?https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/products/windows by the answer
The only way to lose weight in a healthy way is to eat healthy and working out. Sure people integrate a calorie deficit to aid the process of losing weight, but just NOT eating is not going to help you at all. In fact, you are slowing down your metabolism and your muscle will eventually break down, and any form of fat that you ingest your body will hold onto and you are increasing your risk for heart issues and fat deposits in your body. Eating breakfast should be the most calorie dense meal of the day. Chips and cookies, um no. Coffee does not count as a food! Its obviously a liquid. Whole grain and protein and fiber rich foods will keep you full and your metabolism revving. Honestly if you cant bring yourself to EAT a meal. Then I would suggest having protein or meal bars/shakes handy if you cant down a meal. You might want to consider seeing a psychotherapist or nutritionist because 1) you are uneducated in healthy eating/lifestyle and 2) it sounds like you are suffering from body dysmorphia. I understand your struggles for weight loss and image. I am 5'6" athletic and 145 lbs, and as a college athlete I struggled with thinking I was "chubby". Everyone called me skinny, but when I looked in the mirror I saw a whale. Has to do with my parents who kept a constant pressure on body image etc... but anyway, 3 years later I have learned so much about nutrition and accepted that not everyone is meant to look like supermodels. The women we see in the media like in victoria secret are naturally thin, petit, and tall. Proportions I could never achieve NATURALLY based on my bone frame and structure. Now if you go to a nutritionist, she can probably tell you that you are eating poorly and also do a BMI, skin pull test, and calculate your muscle index. The avg person could always afford to lose an inch or to, but losing inches can ONLY be achieved through fat burn, and fat burn can ONLY be achieved through exercise. GET IT? NOT DIETING and STARVING YOURSELF. Weight is nothing but numbers that have other factors and you have to accept. Water retention, organs, your boobs, you name it. Don't get obsessed with numbers on the scale, it means nothing. If you aren't pleased entirely with your image in the mirror, eat to live, and workout to tone and lean out your body. I would recommend you look up the southbeach diet for food ideas and learning to eat healthy. Its not really a diet, it just showing the right foods and proportions for a healthy lifestyle while avoiding fatty weight gain.
Free eye exercises with animationsEye Exercise And Bates Method ResourceGreat eye exercises with animations that demonstrate it at eyetrainer.Org http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
TRIPOLARSuperpower India & China -arrival Of Bipolar WorldAgreeing to the fact that of TRIPOLAR world-US cant be in the picture all because of the following : - US is quiet close to reach the stagflation brim(highest level of inflation) - Mostly the US citizens live on future income due to highest usage of credit cards. - As far as the valuation of the macro volume - real estate , it will take time since the economy must carry enough balance between the curren account and capital account to justify it. - The exchange value is very much manipulated since US is the only decision maker to roll the ball of the world economy -Threat : US consumes 20 % of the oil resources and preserves 80% of it(to check GCC have 500 years still in hand to supply oil to the world) So where is the third party in the Polar world. It is none other than JAPAN. INDIA-Services(developing economy) CHINA- IT support(developing Economy) JAPAN -Manufacturing(developed economy) to add GCC will play as the nervous system to support the three musketeers...The economy ball will roll towards ASIA and MIDLLE EAST(Since the all of them are still developing and have wider prospects to develop)... -reply by Tanoy datta
if you need the best dvd ripper software,I suggest you see here.There are many experts' reviews.It help you to choice a dvd ripper better. -reply by dvd ripper
hello springfieldQuitting School...iI'm a thirty-three year old dropout who because of their intelligence could and didn't need any school because I had extenuating circumstances. Now I work as an independent agent for software companies righting programs. I live with my mother because its convenient for her and I. I pay the mortgage, electricity and water she pays the rest and I am covered under her dental plan. I am not one of those nerdy people I just do not get along with other people because I lack the emotional connection in which people use to interact with others. If you quit school do it because you need to but try to occupy yourself with activities during that time if you can't find a job take care of all the house work for your parents, if not that get a job so you may buy all the things you would like to yourself. Respect your parents always they're going to be your bosses for a long time, so give them rent to cover costs of when you are in your 20s+ and living there so they do not have to continue providing for you while they're under a pension.
Game Like Gran Turismo For Pc I dont have a PS, but I love GT :-(
iGuest replied to Amezis's topic in Computer Gaming
NFS ShiftGame Like Gran Turismo For PcNFS Pro-street sux the newest NFS is the best Need for speed game I ever played.Need For Speed SHIFT is a realistic race simulator and you really are sucked into the game when you are racing. You can choose many different cars and tracks to race with/on.You start with the simple races to see what you've got and work your self up to be a top racing-gamer.Check it out on you tube.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/: -
Is there a way?Yet Again....more Proof That The World May End In 2012....Is there a possibility that this could have been a mistake? Yes, I believe about this 2012 phenomena and all, but is there a possibility that it could have been a mistake? Regardless of other theories you may have, since alot of theories has already been disregarded because it has already gone pass the law of physics and all... Can there be other theories about this? Theories that is against the laws that has been passed down for generations. In this situation, even the disregarded theories may be able to help or support all this... -reply by Nizz
Hello,I am having 10 Computers(Workgroup) in our office, we have Internet bsnl broad band connection . I want to restrict the connection for some computers & others to access. Are there any Software's or any options to restrict the internet access from server(XP SP2). Can I have a option to restrict the internet access to clients from server itself.Note: Here I am not having any domain & Server OS.Kindly help me in this regards. I would glad & appreciate for immediate response. Regards
Hearing High Pitch Noise In My Head WHY does IT HAPPEN?
iGuest replied to Unregistered025's topic in Health & Fitness
I think it's emf..Elector magnetic Field. With all this wifi, radio, cell phones and tv air waves. I hear it all the time and it is annoying. Some doctors are insisting on tinitus..But, it's not! My neighbors and I discuss the loudness as it changes from time to time. We all can't have tinitus. None of us have blood pressure problems. So, I do think it is from all of this electronic stuff. -
Yeah I like your answer although it doesn't always work when you block the enemy,My advice is get either complete shadow items or poison or fire or ice and get the weaponsThat match those "elements" such as ruby amethyst emerald and sapphire.That's all my advice.And don't go to a high level place when your low level is really annoying when you keep dying.-reply by jackaroonieandcheese
Sims Pet StoriesThe Sims Pet Stories ErrorIf I quit pet stories and try to re enter I get no response. If I try to enter again it says pet stories is already running. If I then restart my computer the problem is solved until u quit. Please help!! -question by Tony
CDMA vs GSM Which will rule the world
iGuest replied to solankyno1's topic in Science and Technology
CDMA Is Better then GSMCDMA vs GSMCDMA is Better CDMA is nothing small they are world wide. http://www.cdg.org/worldwide/index.Asp -reply by Vorless Darkchaos -
cosmos collisionThe Mayan Predictions21/2012 the end off our world that what the mayans mite have thought , well the mayans were star gazers they had seen and witness a lot of things they they had seen in there night sky , not like us today because we have light pollution , so we are blind too see our true haven up above , all I know is we that we are going too be hit with a very big space rock and there nothing we can do about it , the tail signs are there already and our beautiful jupiter has shown us the facts , must I say , so there a very big astriod belt around our solar system , so may be something outside our own solar system will cause something too happen too the astroid belt and all that rock will hit us , then hey ...That all I'm saying...So switch off all the lights at night so we can see our beautiful universe...The way our mayan friends seen the havens ...Bye the Slochieman -reply by graham wiseman
$_post Without A Form Trying to post a value with using a submit button
iGuest replied to fffanatics's topic in Programming
Reply to iGuest$_post Without A FormJust add: if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERRER'])) { die "you should not go directly to logout.Php"; }You can just spell out the message or just redirect them to the index or login page using header. -reply by Fandi -
Why Are People With Darker Eyes Considered Less Atractive?
iGuest replied to Mermaid711's topic in Health & Fitness
Why Are People With Darker Eyes Considered Less Atractive?Why Are People With Darker Eyes Considered Less Atractive?Eye color has NOTHING to do with intelligence; as only a feeble-minded idiot would actually believe so. I'm of black, puerto rican and indian decent and have light brown/gold eyes with a dark blue ring around them, whenever I'm outside, they get VERY LIGHT like a brown/green color. I never noticed it until one day while outside talking to my father; he gave me this odd look saying; my goodness; your eyes, they change colors! I get compliments on my eyes all the time, I have no need to change them for anything or reason. I love my large deep-set almond shaped eyes. Being black with features that are not considered 'black' will get you stared at and stupid questions asked of you. There is no real standard of beauty. People like Mermaid 711 is clueless to say the very least. -reply by idalis