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Airfare.com, Novatravel.com, Orbitz.com are they trustworthy?
iGuest replied to seanooi's topic in General Discussion
dont book with them Airfare.com, Novatravel.com, Orbitz.comhi don't book with that company airfare don't nah cheap the price will change that company is run by 1guy he say he the onwer and the supervisor and everything and he charge more than what he suppost to. so don't be like me and please don't waste your time with airfare -reply by pucky -
Realm Crafter -a Mmorpg Creator whats evry1 think of it?
iGuest replied to Twulz's topic in Programming
SERIAL / CRACK / REALM CRAFTERRealm Crafter -a Mmorpg Creatorhey u can get the full version if u download uTorrent then go to thepiratebay.Com and search realm crafters,the only thing that will pop up is the serial crack. I hope this information was useful! /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley4.Gif -reply by Tyler -
1 problem with this process...3 In 1 Dvd TutorialOnly problem with this, your using DVD Shrink to shrink the newly created dvd video to fit on a dvd 4.7gb disc, which actually has roughly 4.3something gb of actual space Then after it shrinks it to fit a dvd, your opening it in ULead Dvd Moviefactory 5 AGAIN, to make the Menu... After making the menu you will once again go over the alotted space on a dvd. Good luck making a menu with the limited amount of space remaining on the dvd. Unless you just use some text and still pictures for your menu, your gonna exceed the amount of space available again. DVDShrink shrunk the video files from 6,7,8,9 gbs to 4.3gb You won't have any extra room to make a dvd... Might as well forget step 3 and burn it right after step 2. Unless you purposly DVDshrink the videos even further to 4.0gb or something, to leave yourself some room for a fancier menu. The video quality will suffer... -reply by Zach
Tip from (G)I Cannot Embed A Google Video In A Joomla Post It worked for me now...Tks God GO TO Content -> Article Manager -> Parameters (up-right near help) Scroll down to filtering options, select only the Public Front End stuff, leave Blacklist checked under the box. Scroll up and save. You should be able to embed. -reply by Allex
Sonic Adventure 2 : Battle Its all about the Chao raising.
iGuest replied to Dart-kun's topic in Computer Gaming
What is a chao? Sonic Adventure 2 : BattleUm.. Hi. This is going to sound stupid..But I was wondering. What is a chao? I have the Sonic Adventure 2 Battle videogame, but I am unaware of what a "chao" is. I'm thinking that they are the small animals that you can find in the levels, but I'm not sure. When I go to the chao garden, all the animals pop out of me. In the chao garden, there's an egg, but I don't know why it's there if the little animals are chao. I think maybe I have to feed it to the animals, but whenever I leave, and then come back, my animals dissappear! I'm really confussed. If any of you can help me and my problem, it would be really appriciated. -question by Marylin -
People Who Put You Down And Think They Are The Best.... Punks :(
iGuest replied to BaSsMaNjR5's topic in The Vent
I hate these peoplePeople Who Put You Down And Think They Are The Best....I know a guy who is like this...He always is a jerk. Hes friends with my best friend and one night when I was at her house they were talking online and he was talking all bad about me. He was saying I was lame and dumb and that he was such ha better friend than me. But instead of sticking up for me my friend agreed with him. To say the least I was pissed so I confronted him and her about it. I couldnt believe everything they said...Well I'm not friends with them anymore and believe it or not they both got some karma back. Like I always say...Karmas a *****!-reply by Madison -
I use JailBaitJenna for myself. Just make sure that whatever it has a G. GiselleGerosious. May not be how you spell it, but everyone knows what it means -reply by JailBaitJenna
My best friend is a guy and I am a girl. Neither or us are bi or homosexual. We have been best friends since the sixth grade. I liked him for the first two weeks of school while he did not reciprocate the same feelings. Yet, he liked me off and on for years, while I plainly did not reciprocate his feelings. But by sophmore year he had accepted thoroughly that we would only be friends and he felt that it would fit best as being friends. He chose this relationship rather than to not loose me as a friend since we had been friends for many years. He eventually moved on and fell in love with another girl while I moved on with another guy. Through our relationships with other people we have been able to maintain the closeness of friends without any misleading components to us being best friends of the opposite sex. Our significant others and mutual friends understand that we have chosen for ourselves that being friends is best and what we want. By being able to be open about having had feelings once for each other at a young age, we understand each other better and realize that we can be honest about anything without fear of judgment, awakwardness, or mislead statements or actions. We have matured in our relationship with ourselves and others and have come to realize that the immature feelings we had have now passed and we are simply best friends. He has been with me through everything and I have him and four other girl friends as my considered best friends. I believe whole heartedly that a person can have a best friend of the opposite sex without fear of judgment and inaccurate assumptions from other people and a clear, honest, and pure relationship with each other, while still having a real love or significant other. We have been assumed as more than friends simply by those who do not know us or what we agreed to or been through together. That is there right of an opinion but I can tell you honestly that for some, not all, but for some having a person of the opposite sex be their best friend is of great value. It allows a completely different insight from a different gender and makes things more interesting. Especially for me, who has always been more comfortable to be around guys, having my best friend be a guy was inevitable. Those who know us like our significant others, friends, and families understand the uniqueness and genuineness of our friendship with the opposite sex.
Best Fps Ever! what do you think is the best fps ever?
iGuest replied to iGuest's topic in Computer Gaming
Best FPS Ever! (and the 2nd best too)Best Fps Ever!Modern Warfare 2. No doubt. Stunning single player campaign. Amazing multiplayer. Awesome graphics. Clear controls. The campaign is a little on the short side, but the multiplayer is where it's at. 2nd best FPS is probably Battlefield Bad Company 2. I got the PS3 exclusive BETA and it's really good. However, it has unrealistic graphics and glitches at times. But it is really addictive. -reply by Shockwave4Keywords: -
Do You Know Where To Download Free Chess Game
iGuest replied to circlemodeling's topic in Computer Gaming
free chessDo You Know Where To Download Free Chess GameLovechess is now a free game if you fancy a more twisted chess version, the chess engine is pretty God btw. You can grab it from gamershell or filefront. -reply by fronty -
i read the booksCirque Du FreakI have read all the way to book-8. I'm not the kind of person who likes to read. So I was at the school libary and found it. It was addicting,I read all 8 books in 7 days. I recomend this book to people 12+ really a great book... -reply by Jinksta
I HATE CHAVSI Hate Chavs And Chav ScumI absoutley hate ALL chavs amd gangsters.The school where I go to is 98% chavs. Thank God that I am one of the 2% that are emo/scene/punk/goth .All day they go around playing there crappy music acting like there so hard.Its just the way they walk,the way they act even the way they talk just pisses me off so much.Just because they can spit faster than the speed of light they think they are better than everyone.In fact there so pathetic I saw two of the scumm having a spitting contest and nearly died laughing then they just turned round and saw me and just shouted'you f***ing emo why don't you go home and slit your f***ing wrist' which made me laugh even more then they just got pissed off and left ALL CHAVS SHOULD GO AND DIE
Eset - KasperskyNOD32 vs. Kaspersky: Which Is Better?I have been using KIS 2010 for 10 months and last week it let in a worm called Sohnad which completely screwed my computer. I could not even restore my computer in safe mode.So a fresh install was done, windows xp sp3.Totally disappointed with KIS. I have just downloaded a free trial with Eset NOD32 IS.My license with KIS runs out in Feb 2010 and I will not renew - that's for sure. Anyone had good/bad experiences with NOD?I know none are bullet proof, however, this worm that KIS let in has been around a while, so that angered me somewhat.I may trial Bit defender as well. PC World staff keep going on about Norton 2010, but then they would as they seem to be their main stockists.Any suggestions would be appreciated? ThanksGary
Hello, Yeah, there are still a dozen mods on the net you just have to look for them. And there are many whom play them as well. Me myself played Ancestrall Recall (full mod, some skill modifications, different monsters, no dungeon has level 1-2-etc, you just get to the bottom, BUT all these levels are chained in a single, really hard dungeon, with a surprise boss at the bottom , new reciepes, etc etc) Ancients (kinda full mod, with different skills, I can't really remember what it does, but it should be fun...) Retro (as I remember, no major mods, just harder) And now I'm playing Battle for Elements. It's a full mod, new maps (graphically) and like Andariel should be summoned from a book, harder enemies, new, hell good reciepes (extract the properties from a weapon and put it into a socket of another weapon... Ow and... Socket with socketer components, just buy as many as you want from a vendor, and put as many as you want into your expanded horadric cube (limits are maximum 6 or the dimensions of the item). So you can put together really powerful items. Just imagine a set of high level stuff max socketed, with extracted unique items... (I have some ) And many more! Although it is a hard mod... Have you ever died in D2 by a fireball spitting chest? Or were beaten with a single hit (I have paladin, about 1000 HP, 2000 if enhanced with a vitality potion, and my death was caused by a hell bovine minion of Cow Queen). I was looking for a mod which is like diablo 1! Happy to hear about Back to Hellfire! -reply by Coyote
You are all wrong and it is funny thatyou thnnk you know what you are talking aboutHow To Fast Your Ping.A ping time is how long it takes to get a packet of a CERTAIN SIZE to complete a round trip. That trip is not always the same route and the size of the packet can change. How many people are taking the same route, how much data is taking that same route all have an affect on your latencey. The mb (megabit) speed of your internet means that at most youcan transfer say 5 mb = 5 megabits. That is the amount of data in a cycle. A 10mb connection would do double the data in the same time. Thats all. At most an online game will require 256kb to play. Most ISP's provide that. If you are running other traffic from your PC, say downloads, they are now competing with your game for bandwith. So yes you will see a reduction if you run out of bandwith. Games use unacknowledged packets, or UDP for communication. Therefore, it only goes in one direction to or from. When yousee lag, youare seeing some packets getting lost (dropped) due to congestion. They are not retransmitted. So you will see someone go from right in front of you to far away like a blip. This is congestion at your ISP, your house or on your nic on your PC. There is a huge difference in how UDP and TCP packets work kiddies. If you reduce your resolution and your "ping" goes down, then you need a better viseo subsystem. A better video card will fix this since a better card will offload what your CPU is making up for with a "weak" video card. There is certainly a strong tie between video performance in games and cpu cycles. Don't listen to these morons. Software firewalls use cpu cycles to inspect packets, as do other products. As a general rule in computer science, once you start hitting 50% utilization on any computer device: network card, hard drive, cpu, RAM, whatever ... It will begin to underperform. Anything else that is written here is total BS and probably written by some kid that thinks he knows what he is talking about. Want to learn for yourself ? wikipedia these things: ping, tracert, UDP, TCP, IP, latencey. You will then understand for yourself. And morons please note that it is TCP or UDP then IP. TCP and UDP are controls for the IP protocol and are totally different.
fun games in oblivion!Oblivion The Elder Scrolls Iv Favoriteswhat game I like to play is what I call it is mercinaries what I do is I quick travel to imperial city and then I go to the market district and attack one guard and kill everyone while they are attacking me if you do it right around closing time the shop owners will comeout and attack you and when you kill them you get there key to there shop! another game I like to play while playing mercinaries is called big bounty I go to my imperial sity house drop all my stuff except my best weapon and play mercinaries but I pick up the guards armor it will take alot of damage so when you kill all the guards in one place take there armor and it should be around 100% health take it put it on drop the old [duh!] and go to the next area of the imperial city if you manage to survive you will have a high bounty and probly cant play it off to armond christoff so I suggest to do this on an account that you don't care about or save before any attackings! I hope you can survive I was level 2 when I was doing this so I think just about anyone can do this! -reply by chris canet
Europe with her leader Germany.The Next World Super Power? I think that this 100 years,will show the regeneration of Europe as the world's super power with her leader Germany.As we now Germany is the biggest and strongest economy in EU.Today Eu is one of the biggest economy.2 world wars happened in Europe and as we can see,today eu in some economic sectors is the leader.This means that eu has a big potential.The final step for being the biggest economy is that eu countries must act as one unit,something difficult but not impossible.Germany is the country that can guide this event.Germany is the second industrial power after USA and the third biggest economy after USA and JAPAN.USA has invest in Germany more then 100 billions of dollars.This is the biggest amount that any country has invest to an eu member.The same goes for Germany that has invest over 100 miliard of euros in Usa. This century will be the battle betwen EU,USA and Japan for the biggest economy. -reply by Dari
thanksRegistry Tweaks For Windows Media Playerliked the one for removing the radio and tools options from media player> I have a constraint to use only Microsoft products and working at an educational facility the little ones love the music and choking up the training network listening to radio... Amongst other things. Eventually got to try this worked a treat. Thanks very much for the info and time to post this, saved me a few grey hairs - cheers. -reply by necro61
Reply to (G)LoriPanasonic Lumix - Problems With Movie FilesHi! I have exactly the same problem as you.The video files do not appear on the memory card and I can't find away to transfer those files onto my computer, even though I can play them on the camera. Have you een able to solve the problem??? -reply by Nath
13 Ways To Find Out If Someone Likes You
iGuest replied to OpaQue's topic in Dating And Relationships
yea i can relate13 Ways To Find Out If Someone Likes Youyea I can relate I like this guy at my school and whenever we see each other its like we stare at each other for a second then say hi . Like today he was at the dallas cowboys cheerleader show and he was taking pictures(I didnt know) and when I came up to take pictures we stare at each other and then said hi and had a little convo -reply by jessica -
Inserting Images In MailHow To Create Embed Image Mail In GmailReplying to D.BOYAfter signing in gmailGo to Settings link in Gmail.Go to the Labs tab.Make sure Enable is selected for Inserting images. (scroll down it will appear almost end of the page)Click Save Changes.-reply by Abdul Hameed Basha
CS 1.6 for me, its beacuse that source... Well just doesnt feel the same :S, I rarley enjoy playing source. 1.6 just seems better to me since it has more mods, skins... I see source just lifeless CS with pretty graphics -.- CS 1.6 !- reply by Shotta 1234
Marzipan vs Almond Paste3 Layer Rainbow CookiesIf you use marzipan in this recipe, you need to half the sugar and add more marzipan or it will taste too sweet and you won't taste the almonds. Almond paste and marzipan are not the same thing and are not really directly interchangeable. Marzipan is made of about 1/2 almond paste, 1/2 sugar, egg whites and sometimes rosewater for flavor. You wind up with an almost entirely different taste if you exchange marzipan for almond paste, and almost 1.5 times the sugar.When I use marzipan to make these cookies, I use 18 ounces, 1/2 cup sugar and barely get the right flavor. I don't know how you do it with 7 ounces and a full cup of sugar. I guess it's down to preference, but in my opinion, this would be way to sweet. -reply by Sarah
Privacy preserving queries on encrypted data Excerpt From Final Year Project On Searching The Webhello, can u help me ? my project title is "privacy preserving queries on encrypted data " . I could not able to proceed further .. I just know , how to convert from plain text to cipher text .. But my main aim is to encrypt entire database using sql server .. Pls help me if u know about it thank u -question by ravindran