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(sex) duz age matter Does Age Matter?Replying to velma.. Ryght ime 16 and my girlfrend is 15 and we love ethuther alot I love her that mutch I got her a ring and asked her to get ingayged to me and she sed yes ..Then she wanted to have sex ferthor on in the relationship I didnt no wat to do and wat to say soo we waited for a bit bare in mined she waz still 15 tutchng on 16 and she wanted to have a baby and I want a baby to we both share the same feeling,s and we both love ethuther very mutch all I want to fined out is ..Wat wold happen if she got pregnont at the age she is (15) and wud I get done and we both give consent to it and ime 16 ?-reply by chris
99 Facts About Guys! Believe It Or Not...
iGuest replied to wizardmasteralucard's topic in Dating And Relationships
this is dumb...99 Facts About Guys! Believe It Or Not...look I'm a girl and this is crap. I am not married and don't have a boyfriend I have alot of guy friends and none of this is true. So who ever wrote this needs a serious reality check. No I'm not gay I like men. So if you are a chick and rote or agree with this you are dumb and need to get out more. Do not base your whole out look on men by one or a couple bad experiences. I'm NOT A GUY AND I'm OFFENDED BY THIS. -reply by char bear -
Cmd Disabled By Administrator - How To Re-enable It?
iGuest replied to cyber_electrons's topic in Operating Systems
Remote ShutdownCmd Disabled By Administrator - How To Re-enable It?go to notepad and type this @echo off Start command.Com then save to your desktop as a .Bat and save it as all files open on your desktop Guaranteed to work for a little fun -reply by SILENTHACKER -
What Is The Best RPG You Have Ever Played RPG=role playing game
iGuest replied to bridenhosen's topic in Computer Gaming
Best RPG IWhat Is The Best RPG You Have Ever PlayedProbably either Final Fantasy VII or Chrono Trigger. I wouldn't consider myself a real hardcore RPG fan, but I really enjoy these 2 games. Would Starcraft count as well, because that's one of my favorite games of all time. -reply by Slithe -
Neopets.com *old* Players! Do you still like it or not?
iGuest replied to Thorn's topic in Computer Gaming
I agree. I'm an older neopian myself (9 years). After returning I can admit I was a bit disappointed, but I made the best of it. I decided to try and bring back the "old" feel of neo. I would like to be able to choose the older or newer version, but since Adam and Donna left I doubt that'll ever happen. Neo = money ; such is life /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley6.Gif -reply by Dream -
Humanity Should Be Destroyed!
iGuest replied to triple6fistdestructionsoulhammer's topic in Science and Technology
I agree, humanity must be detroyed. Those who agree are those, like me, who were unrightfully or mistakenly placed in the body of humans by God, while we were meant for animal bodies. The other possibility is that God gave us human forms to complete a purpose (One that will put the world back in peace). The world is nothing more than a corrupted sphere that needs to be cleansed of it's filth (humanity). I realise now that our purpose is to eradicate the human race. We were given these bodies and thoughts to be able to fight back and destroy humanity. The world's leaders must be punished for their lack of control. Those who agree must join me. All of us, with the same ideas. Together, we'll be able to overthrow the world's dark invaders. God gave us the ability to create and use weapons, not for others to make wars with them, but for us to us agaisnt the human race. We must use humanity's disgusting weapons agaisnt itself to free the world. Some of you might call it killing innocent lives, but in the human world, there are no innocent. Please, those who wish to save the world for good, join me. Let us meet and unite so that we may prepare for humanity's destruction and the world's liberation. Find and save those like us who believe our same thoughts. Lets us unite and destroy all those lands that are currently at war so that others may see what our united powers are capable of. Join me please. -reply by Jerry -
uhmm, I'm a girl and I like mostertrucks,?? I love guys that have gotees and beards. As long as they don't let them get to long. although. The big **** thing is true. If you always talk bout it you knoe its not that big... -reply by jessica
Acer Customer Support Not exactly the best in the world
iGuest replied to rvalkass's topic in General Discussion
Tech support people messed up my notebookAcer Customer SupportWhen I bought this ACER notebook...I was excited; it instantly connected to WIFI and I also have a router at home; it seemed convenient. 2 months later; oh, how I regret. Each time I'm away from home and need to use my notebook in an area without WIFI, I have to call tech support to have this setting changed from WIFI to internet connection, it doesn't happen automatically. When I need to use my notebook in a WIFI area; I have to call tech support again to have this reset. This is so F***d up. Today was most frustrating: Two techs assisted me with all the wrong information. First one keeps me waiting for 15 mins and doesn't return to complete my call. Second one made me uninstall some drive and now I cannot connect to WIFI and then he tells me I need to back up my files before I can restore my settings. ***! My notebook doesn't have a disc drive. He tells me I need to purchase a disc drive and do a backup on whatever. He screwed it up so bad. I'm so livid I can't get this piece of crap to work. Their online tech support is the pits. I would never, ever and never recommend anyone to purchase any ACER products. I should have listened to my friends in the first place when they told me not to purchase ACER products. I heard about the tech support people screwing up instead of trying to fix up. Now I read the reviews and I believe them. What a f***and mess. I now will get my husband to call in and have them fix this I'm too frustrated to deal with them right now. Wish they all spoke English clearly. Well thats my frustration with this messed up ACER tech support. -reply by Adrianna -
Javascript Slideshow Tutorial How to make a slideshow in JavaScript
iGuest replied to andrewsmithy's topic in Programming
Loop wonJavascript Slideshow TutorialI don't understand what I've done wrong but the loop function refuses to work in the nextpicture and lastpicture functions. The code is identical to above but after the last slide it just draws a blank page and then hitting previous doesn't bring it back to the last slide and vice versa with going the other direction. Been puzzling at it for hours and I can't see the problem which probably means its blindingly obvious. Any ideas? -
HTC/Google Nexus 1 VS Aplle IphoneGoogle Nexus One PhoneHaving only had my Nexus 1 shy of a month I have to say the ease of use is incredibly simple, the screen is larger than the Iphone and remarkably clear, so much brighter and crisper detail than the Iphone not to mention quite a bit faster as well but put all that aside I would take any phone over the Iphone as Iphone is designated to be used only on the AT&T network and well, that speaks for itself. AT&T is the worst for customer care and tech support. AT&T does not disclose the fact that it restricts Banwidth but states "Unlimited" when it truely is not! It will take years for customer service to correct any billing issues as their service personal are on a sales commision and will be docked in their pay if they credit a mistake. They will say yesI'll go ahead and take care of it but in reality they won't becaue, as I stated, it will then reflect on their personal paycheck. It'll be like ground hog day for you the consumer, every month as you spend countless hours repeating yourself over and over to yet another customer care rep who says, I'm sorry, I don't see anything noted here but I'll go ahead and take care of that for you... And next month... Stay away besides that AT&T is running on an antiquated network with numerous flaws, is over loaded and will soon come crashing down. Basically AT&T SUKS ! "FACT" HTC/Googles Nexus one is an awsome Phone as is the Iphone only u get to choose who your network is making it SoooooMuch better! -reply by Justin
Zymic probably died in pain with all our accounts!!!!Zymic HostingSo I made my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ that doesnt response cause there is an Proxy 502 error.I thought it's my fault for2 weeks, but they aren't responding, their admin either died - dorry for that - or they don't have money to support it. I would gave anything when it comes for cash, but how? I cant paywhen they discourage me by not solving the any, and any problem. I'm frustated, my visitors too, I'll say goodbye if they do so further ... Or I'll pay them if they need to solve it, but guys,do something, translate our wishes in english via translator if you don't can undertand us, cause you're chinese or somethin' ... Just do it, now. We'll be grateful. Rather to pay, than to fight with 1000 sites that go down!! -reply by Mike
Splinter Cell Series Vs. Metal Gear Solid Series Opinions?
iGuest replied to squeaky's topic in Computer Gaming
Replying to huskerYou've never played it!? Or heard of it!? Wow when it comes to stealth games MGS is where it starts. I don't know how anybody can rip on this game it is sick in ways I haven't seen in another game. The strategy and patience it takes to pass this game is far beyond anything I've seen. If you don't think so than I guess you've never played MGS on extreme difficulty if I didn't have the bonuses from passing Metal Gear on the normal and hard settings I wouldn't have come close to passing MGS on extreme. -
Make is easierHow To Open The Cmd Prompt When Blocked By Admins.Ok, I have seen those issues, but the best way it by making a .Bat files with command.Com init. This allready has been told to many of you.Typ there at TIME /interactive cmd.ExeTIME means the hours and minutes so enter something like this 9:32 the cmd will open at 9:32...When you are in there, you can call up Services.Msc or Regedit.Exe in those files allot of things could get turned off, like... The message you get when opening cmd.Exe on the normal way. Also services.Msc could work...If you want to know how to put this message off? Search google...FOR THE PEOPLE THAT WANTS TO HAVE FUN!Typ into cmd.ExeShutdown -IEnter a name of a pc there.Fill the form in...And let the pc with that name shutdown =D -reply by Screw
How To Tell If A Girl Likes You A Guide to Being a Player
iGuest replied to cgrim29588's topic in General Discussion
no way!~!How To Tell If A Girl Likes YouThis would never work. I'm a girl and your whole theory is all wrong. Don't go for being friends with her friends, that would just give her the wrong idea. Man, you don't know what girls want-reply by Billy Joe -
CAN I POST AN ADVERTISEMENT ON YR WEBSITE FOR ASTROLOGY?Put My Google Ads On Your Website, Get Paid With Paypal.I am an renowned astrologer ,I want to post an advertisement on your website to promote my new ideas of astrology on professional basis.Charges are 1000/-rs per person .Gaurenteed solution regarding any problem.To contact email me on nikhil.Killer@yahoo.Com -reply by ARVIND.R.WAGHELA
Whats Going On With Weather Predictions?!The Weather ManI dunno...I grew up in Pennsylvania and when our weatherman said we were going to get a foot of snow...Guess what? we got a foot of snow! When they said a bad storm was on the way...Guess what? a bad storm came! Now...This was all before we had all this technology , doppler radars etc...Now, you tell me...Why can,t they get it right up here in Connecticut? Last week we all sent our kids to school on the busses to only have the school system call all of us apologizing because noone predicted the snow and icy conditions they went to school in ...Apparantly alot of students didn,t show up to school so they ended up cancelling it after our kids allready had ( thank goodness ) safely arrived! Just a week later we are told...We are getting 8-16 inches with near blizzard conditions, so the schools closed the night before ( which is unusual to begin with ) but this was predicted about 100%! Guess what?...We all woke up the next morning to a dusting...And to make it worse...There was barely ANY accumulation all day, when the kids couldv,e gone to school. Little later..We maybe got an inch...Far cry from 8-16 inches?! What in the world is going on? Maybe they should study nature more than rely on their ultra sophisticated technology because something doesn,t seem to be working! -reply by Karen M
I need step by step on placing my whale picture on my stage as my upstage then when I hover or mouse over it enlarges, but I need it for Flash CS4. Can you help. Need fast, have to turn in project by next week. rocki Keywords: step by step tutorial on creating pic buttons that enlarge on hover in flash
Cheating Runescape Ban Appeals how to get unbanned
iGuest replied to threesix's topic in Computer Gaming
banned forever?Cheating Runescape Ban Appealsok so I was banned for macroing and I sent my appeal about 3 weeks ago and still it's still "pending" can someone please help me? ill be checking every 7 hrs thx alot btw thx whoever you are that said this: I have a question. But here is my story. I got banned. Then unbanned it. Got banned again. Unbanned it again. Then one more time, and got perm last chance appealed it and got it unbanned again. Then I said the word and got perm banned with las chance appeal denied AGAIN. I heard that if you wait a year or so they'll ive it back, is this true? It has been bout 5 months now. I will check in in a year if noone replys /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley2.Gif thanks -reply by k0 cook1e 0k -
Most Stable Windows Version What do you think was the most stable...
iGuest replied to cragllo's topic in Operating Systems
I'm not to sure what versions are more stable but every time I switch my OS to a newer one I feel Pretty good exccept when I changed from XP to Windows 7. I think that windows XP is very stable. I've never had a problem with it untill I get an imcompatable software -
FAFSA is an income redistribution tool of the progressivesWhat Does Efc Actually Mean?I am in JoeF's shoes...Make a decent income, living in a very high-cost area of the country, with 7 dependents. The fact that this is a very high cost area of the country doesn't seem to factor into the FAFSA calculation. We live frugally, but are not in poverty like you see in Haiti. We consider our family as solidly middle class, nothing more. $80k/year income might provide a lot in many rural parts of the country, but in many urban parts of the country, this is barely enough to put a roof over ones head, and food on the table. We have two children entering college next year and our calculated EFC made both me and my wife laugh---what a joke. We are not expecting hand-outs for our children to attend college, just an opportunity for some help, like work-study or low interest loans. No handouts expected here. Anyways, we have no expectation of any need-based help now. We both have come to the conclusion that the FAFSA is simply a tool by the progressives of this country to redistribute income, and not to provide true help to those who are living responsibly. -reply by spidermonkey
Replying to FeelayRefresh your router firmware, here is the fresh firmware for it:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
Large numbersThe Definition Of Google Number [aka Googol]Just watched a programme on TV about infinity which touched on large numbers. Yes Google Yes Googleplex But what about Graem. A Gream (calculated by Matthew Gream) is a number so large that we don't even know what or how many digits it has other than the last one is 7. Something to do with sending internet information. -reply by Mark