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The Beatles songs,is a long live song.-reply by ide s rachman
Submit button>>to >> EmailDestination Address For "submit" ButtonI have same problem I have form code. I have emailTemplate I have thanks to submission page I have php code for submit ..But I don't know how toArrange them to work,, when I upload all data.. When I press SubmitButton ..I'll receive the download promp for my PhP files and noRedirect to thanks page . I want when visitor fill the form , and press submit .. all filled information send to my email address andVisitor redirect to Thanks.Html pages. 2 notes: 1-Do I needTo have a temp mail sender? something that I give one Email username and mail password (SMTP) then php code will login to Temp email .. CopyFilled information from fom to compose part then send to my DestinationEmail 2- is it necessary to have Data base for my purpose? Warm Regards -reply by Amin
Why are the game companys going to Steam ?Steam Does any one know why so many game companys are going to steam? I like everyone else on this thread also have had nothing but frustration using steam I try to ovoid it as much as I can but lately maney of my favorite games all seem to be giong to steam. If this keeps up I going to just stop buying computer games altogether. Has anyone heard if their was ever any type of consomer legal action taken against Steam? -reply by Dogface
Why Do I Keep Seeing The Same Person In My Dreams?
iGuest replied to Mermaid711's topic in General Discussion
DreamsWhy Do I Keep Seeing The Same Person In My Dreams?I'm having reoccuring dreams about the same person, we used to be the best of friend but we had a bad falling out, this person reconnected with me at one point and we were starting to reconnect our friend ship then out the blue refused to talk to me, I'm not sure why it's extremely fustrating plus everynight I have dreams about like us hanging out like we did in high school but now, and just doing whatever, so no matter what I'm doing in my dreams shes always there with me. My friends are sick of me talking about her, and I don't know what to do, it kinda seems sick to me that all I do is think about this person and I don't know how to stop, because sh wont answer me when I'm asking her why she is avoiding me? I just don't know what to do? -question by Untaintedhate -
RenterIs It Safe To Run A Computer Off A Non-grounded Line? Well here is my problem. We just experienced a large stormHere inNew England. My business Computer wasToast once the powered returned. I though it was on a grounded plug and had itOn a top of the line Belkin surge protector. Still it took the hit. (my businessMachine) So I now have my machine in the shop with a new power supply on theWay. Simple fix. So I test the plug and I find that even though it is a threePronged outlet. So I asked my new landlord (that was notified upon move in thatI needed proper power for my office) that I need the plug replaced. So sheCalls her "Master Electrician" and he tells her that the planetsWould have to line up just right for a non grounded plug to cause the failure.And that I could not hirer my own electrician to do the work either. We just signedA new lease so I?m screwed. Renter beware. -reply by Scott
the hd 5870 by ati does 4.3teraflops so in otherwords you can simply off set alot of the work to the gpu even previous generation gpu will work pretty well -reply by nomad
I have easy Actionscript tutorialsI Want To Learn How To Action Script To Make Games In FlashReplying to (G)VladimirI have just created several tutorials that teach Actionscript in a very easy way. I just don't have a place to post them. I have used 3d Flash Animator to test the examples in the tutorials. I wrote them using Microsoft Works. -reply by Ramon
Net surfing restriction of selected site.restrict internet user in a workgrouphi! I do have 6 computers connected to the internet without server. My connection is simply ISP DSL MODEM > Router > Network Switch. The thing is, how will I block number of website that I want? Please help... Jose -reply by Jose
hi my name is shakira and I have a rap about my haterz please give good comments!! yo I walk the halls of richneck elementary,all my haterz wanna be jus like me,u touch meh I'll mess u up completly,when I come around kids get scared of meh,I'm illy,my haterz know day cant beat meh,I'll rearrange your face seriously,my swagg so fresh I walk right pass u,your scared to death,u try to run,u can run but u cant hide and when I find u be ready to die,I know I'm a very young girl but dats how it is in my world I'm a gangsta girl,don't hate meh becuz I wasnt who u thoght I was or who u wanted meh to be cause from start to finish u never knew the real me,haterz on hate the things thay cant get and the people day cant be cuz like I said my haterz wana be like meh,girls lookin meh up and down and don't have nothing to say but its funny how the words come out when I walk away yea she think she all dat yea dats wat dey say but I don't worry about it cuz dae don't have the guts to face meh anyway...If u hate me or wat I'm reppin then hit d door and get the steppin.
I have been using gmx for over a year now and I not sure what problems you are having but I think this is a great web based email. I do not get flooded with junk/spam email as I do on yahoo or msn/hotmail/live. Do not get flooded with advertisements on the page. And you can't beat the 2GB of free space. Just my 2 cents
Why Are People With Darker Eyes Considered Less Atractive?
iGuest replied to Mermaid711's topic in Health & Fitness
I think you should go out on a date with your boyfriend, and forget your contacts. Don't say, hey, I don't have my contacts in, just be subtle. If he notices, that means that he pays attention to you, and if he pays that much attention, then hes not going to break up with you for something as stupid as eye color. -
cannot log into my gmail, Gives " certificate expired or invalid.Cannot Sign In To GmailPlease help, I cannot log in to my gmail account from " my " computer at work. It gives the message " certificate expired or invalid." But, I can log in from co worker's computers. What is wrong with my computer? The internet browser it will not even pull up the google mail page at all. PLease help! -question by kELLY CAMPBELL
Written in a Day or so.Rap LyricsNobody stands me, Nobody f***ing understand what am I saying. My family knows when thet left me alone in the streets. From Brooklyn to Manhatten, and all around the New York state, and the end of the night is coming, the sun is rising up on its way. Before you know its too late, I`m gonna jump from the Empire State, I`m bringing my old life back, without breaking somebody`s neck. I`ll be playing by your rules just to get you, and then you will be playin` by mine. I feel like I`m in a small place just about to hit the ground, the myspace, and you know I`m not crying over you. At least when we finaly meet again, I`m gonna tell you to carry on with your life. The life witch doesn`t envolves me. And in the end of the day... I`m walking... Like a hero. Witch doesn`t make any sence. Like this song... It`s all just written in a day.. Or so. 1st LYRICS MADE BY ME... Tell me what you think... Other coming soon. -reply by Mr. Solo Dolo
HELP!!The Art Of Islamic Calligraphyhi! I see that you are a POSSIBLE native arabic speaker, and I was wondering if you can help me out a bit, and determine which one sounds better when I want the phrase: Life is worth living because there is love الحياة تستحق العيش لان الحب موجود .1 or, 2. الحياة تستحق العيش لأن هناك حب and to the one that is better, is the "spelling" and grammar used correctly? THANKS A LOT! -reply by annie
I would like A trialArsenal Youth Club Academy Currenly Recruting Players ! !I have played for lots of teams in Scotland I played for heart of midlothian since I was 10 to 14 then I went to livingston because I wasnt as physical as some players but I have skill love playing football I'm fifteen at the moment playing under seventeens for livingston fc I play just behind strikers or Striker I would like this opportunity because I know arsenal want players that are good with the ball not just speed and power demons because that is what scotland teams look for thanks for looking at my reply -reply by Liam Gray
Replying to AOS111Hey(: I see that you do great arabic writing.Do you think it is possible if you design something very simple and send it to me?It would be GREATLY appreciated! thanks!-reply by annie
I've been using Game Maker 7 since it was released and am quite good with all aspects of it including coding. (Don't be asking for help from me though-I'm not good at explaining any of it) -reply by Otacsom
Is there a CSS script for changing backgrounds on webpages (i.e. slideshows)?Centering Background Image In Css I have a homepage 'profile page' on Singsnap.Com, a karaoke community site. One can load on the profile comment area HTML webcode to design and customize each user's page to their liking. Due to problems with malicious and resource-intensive javascript code on people's pages, they have disabled the use of javascript, but will still allow the use of CSS and DHTML. I am a digital artist who wants to use my art images as backgrounds on my webpage, as a full-page background slideshow beneath all other web content, images cycling through my art images. Is this possible to do in CSS or DHTML, or can javascript code be embedded in CSS so the process can be enabled yet not disabled by the server as javascript? I thank you for your looking into this for me. -question by Coconut Dave
All things are a waste of time...depending on perspectiveVideo Games Are A Complete Waste Of Time, Face It!Your opinion is just that, your opinion and mine is mine...And this leads to the idea that each person will express that which fits their own mold. You could tell me that video games are a waste of time...I will tell you foot ball is a waste of time...Do I really need to run around doing physical harm to my body but butting heads with another...Do I want to slap asses with another man..No particularly...I will ask you this question to every sport...As they are all a waste of time in my mind...And all of these occupations if you are fully involved are paying occupations...As for books, movies, etc. Essentially most books that are read these days are stories...What is a video game...A story..But instead of being a passive watcher you are an active participant...There are games out there that are changing the way people think...Recently a game came out that upon completing the first game and using your saved game for the second game will continue your progress and all of the decisions you made..The moral choices you made will have effects on the second game..Thats an impressive peice of information to be able to process that...So in a broad spectrum...Each individual who plays the game will have a different experience and different adventure...You can't tell me every book or movie does that. Its a complex subject this idea of video games being a waste of time...I think its more of a problem for people who even start forums as this...I don't go running around saying...Foot ball is a waste of time..Foot ball makes people violent..Football does this that and the other thing...I just enjoy my games and let the world around me get swallowed up in incredible sound effects and worlds created...So come off it...Stop fight a battle you don't need to fight -reply by Eric
I want to join arsenal academy.Arsenal Youth Club Academy Currenly Recruting Players ! !Hi my name is damilare am a nigerian,I have zeal and passion for the game of football,am an attacker with good goal scoring abilities,response and techniques are my characteristics which allies with efficiency and elegance am a very goodplayer with the ball at my feet.Pls make my dream live on so you can all I possess.I pray and wait to recieve your call up letter.My email (dammylarel007@hotmail.Com) my contact +2348137443254 or +2348072777044. Thanks God bless the academy.-feedback by Damilare badejo
Scammed as well for $139What Is Google Cash Machine?When I read the ad, it stated that I would receive an information packet by mail for $4.95. I waited and no packet. I called to cancel, and I got the representative telling me over and over, that I had exceed the 3 day free review of the software. This was not clear from the advertisement. I had not set-up an website and progressed, because I wanted to evaluate the system, and the website seemed to want you to sign-up for more services for a fee. I only wanted to spend the $4.95 for the information. So my credit card has been charged $139, 3 days after on-line submit of my order, which they will not refund. I sent a response to support email, and was instructed by automatic response, that cancellations will not be executed by email. They seem to have every corner covered. Don't do this, unless you intend to drop everything that you are doing, and jump in with both feet, because you will be charged, and there is no getting your money back with these aggressive and unreasonable marketers. My credit card company has suggested that I cancel my card and get a new one, to prevent further charges to it, which I will do. I received no value from this "business", and they have taken almost $140 of my money. A real bad deal. Take care. Rich
gee, I've experienced the same thing with w7 ultimate. I used an acer 6292 which the ram has been upgraded to 2.5 gig... my intel core 2 duo with 2.0 ghzand 800 mhz fsb, seems not to be the problem... I partitioned my hard drive to dual booting with my original windows vista business that came with my laptop, which every body knew that vista is quite slow for booting. But compare to my w7 ultimate which is also original and been activated at first installation, I left it behind for a while and use my vista business as well. This problem had appear since I used the beta version, rc, and now the ultimate. I like w7 for it's fast booting and exploring. But when it get hangs which quite often and bugging, I think, I'm gonna erase this os from my laps. I've tried several things to fix this I.E, always updating my windows, erase all anti virus program, avg and smadav, clean my ram, change the ram position, I used a ddr2 2 gigs, and 512 mb... Any body please help, because I like this w7 ultimate./ -reply by John
how do i continue?Never Give Up Your FightI have been living where I am for about 14 years. I'm hated here by almost everyone. People pick fights with me all the time. I'm tired of fighting with them. I want to quit. I know I cant but to save myself that seems the only option. How do I put that fight, that fire back in me, to continue and go on to do the things I need to do? any advice would be helpful. I'm a strong guy and ive dealt with alot in my life. I just wonder will the higher spirit continue with my bull **** life, or will it start to get better anytime soon? help-question by anonymous
Valve And Anti-cheat System. Hallife and Steam powered Games.
iGuest replied to chizeled's topic in Computer Gaming
i want 2 talk to a person not a prerecorded emailValve And Anti-cheat System.is there a site I can go to for steam I lost my password . I have been sending 4 new password and it tells me wat to do but it dony seem to work.Is there a phone no or asteam site to go to . Been to steam support for 9/10 days -reply by captaincaffinee -
what does it mean when you see a died person in your dream but the are died for reall?What Does This Dream Mean?I keep having dreams about died people and the over day I saw my nan wanting to die in the water and then I woke up I didnt see it again but the next day I saw loads of died people walking about on the streets and some women handded a glass thing to me and said look through that and you'll still that person their on that spot so I did and I could see that man. what does it mean? -question by M**A