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Everything posted by bishoujo

  1. * So what do/did you like about school?Learning interesting things, making friends and being with them, knowing that as long as you are still in school, you have an excuse not to work lol* What makes/made you stay in school and keep going/finish?Knowing that I need an education to get a decent job, in my country, that is. My country stresses very much on the importance of education.* How can schools make it more enjoyable?Through the use of multimedia instead of the boring old blackboard, teachers should also try to be more interactive with the students. Teachers should not segregate themselves from the students. Only by trying to integrate with the students and showing compassion and understanding will you be readily accepted by your students. More group work and discussions during class also helps to encourage students to think and share too.* What is your most memorable experience in class, good or bad?The time where my class had to put together a play about racial harmony in the society was very interesting. We put our heads together to write the script and create the plots. We learnt a lot from each other.Good luck with your goal. Teaching is stressful work. I can just tell from observing my teachers lol But if you are really passionate about it, you will be a good teacher.
  2. Oh goodness it really is annoying! Especially since I can't just close the window. To those who want to try this out, open it in a new windwo, not a new tab. At least you can ignore it if you don't want to go through all that clicking.
  3. LOL! It is funny after you get over the shock! I wonder if any one ever got past that dreadful first page. It would be quite a remarkable achievement. Someone should tell the poor webmaster that his efforts are wasted.
  4. lol calm down! They are sharing links to Webhost Review websites, not links to webhosts! Personally, I swear by Free-webhosts.com In fact I found out about Xisto through there!
  5. Oh yea I've used it before. But it only allows you to download a small amount of the stuff you store monthly unless you get a paid account right? So I don't think it's good at all if you lose your stuff overnight and need to retrieve all of them in one shot.
  6. I think the prices for their domains are all right. Also, you can get coupons that allow you to purchase their services at a discount.
  7. I have heard pretty good reviews of FreeHostia too and was in fact, inclined to create an account with them before I discovered Xisto. My only issue with it is that it does not have fantastico and I was having problems installing phpbb.
  8. The image link no longer works, but judging from responses to this thread, they must have said some really awful things. I hate it when webmasters of free webhosts are really rude. Yes, they are providing a free service, but so what? If they want to provide a service, free or not, they should make the most of it, and that includes providing good customer service and support. Being rude to a user only reflects on how unprofessional they and their service is. You are better off without them.
  9. Well you see, he still got the job done properly. The main point about this is that he had the full capability to do the work, but he chose to be pessimistic about it. I'm not saying that we should allow our superiors to be slavedrivers, but bosses obviously like their work done with as low a budget and time limit as possible. If you have the ability to do what the boss's wants without overexerting yourself, then why not show your confidence and professionalism by accepting it cheerfully? Also, notice the boss said 'Get them solved!' So if the employee really needs extra manpower, he can always ask Human Resource to get him some extra help, or get help from his colleagues, instead of complaining about it. It is better to show how to solve your problems without complaining, rather than complaining first, then solving them. However you are right that employees have to speak up if the task is really too huge for them to manage. Instead of using a warning advice, one could make it seem more like a suggestion, such as 'Could I get some extra help? The task may be too complex for me alone to manage within the time limit.' Notice how different the tone sounds from 'This is too difficult for me. You should get some extra help.' The key is never to use assertive words or present yourself as someone who is afraid of difficulties.
  10. Caution: Image-Heavy! Please be patient for the pictures to load! What is Cosplay? Cosplay is the fusion of English words 'Costume' and 'Roleplay' and literally has the same meanings. The people who engage in Cosplay are known as Cosplayers. Kospure is the romaji of Cosplay, the way the Japanese pronounce it. Cosplaying is a subculture originated from Japan, which involves cosplayers dressing up as characters from manga, anime, computer games, and even characters from books, movies and Visual-Kei rock bands in Japan. This hobby has expanded to other parts of Asia and even Europe and America. Examples: Cosplay of Sailor Jupiter from the anime/manga Sailormoon Cosplay of GoGo Yubari from the movie Kill Bill Cosplay of Alice from the book Alice in Wonderland Getting the look To dress up as their chosen characters, cosplayers must of course have the relevant costumes, make-up and props. The greatest aesthetic value of Cosplay is that cosplayers sew their own costumes, make their own props and wigs, and do their own make-up. Make-up is not just about looking good, but is more often used for enhancing cosplaying accuracy: Notice how pastel white this cosplayer's skin is. She probably used a type of powder to make her skin look pale to reflect the fairness of the character Chii from Chobits. Notice that she is also wearing a wig because Chii's hair is blond-white wheareas her own hair is black. Notice the use of green contact lenses. They help her attain eyes exactly the same as those of the character Al Azif from Demon's Bane. Cosplayers who are less artistically inclined may commission other cosplayers or tailors to make their costumes, or purchase ready-made costumes and props from stores catering to cosplay products. I do not wish to carry out any advertising for these websites, but if you do a google search for cosplay costumes or cosplay commissions, you should find relevant listings. If cosplayers wish to cross-dress (Male cosplayers cosplay female characters and female cosplayers cosplay male characters), they may have to get additional items to such as fake boobs and bandages for binding breasts. What do Cosplayers do? Anime/Cosplay Conventions In some countries where cosplaying is recognized as a significant hobby, conventions are hosted, where cosplayers gather so that these like-minded people may meet and interact. There may be competitions at these conventions to select the best costumes, and even skits where cosplayers act out scenes involving the characters they are cosplaying. Photographers attend these conventions to photograph these fascinating people. Cosplayers on stage for a skit Photography Private photography sessions are sometimes arranged where cosplayers are photographed with a backdrop or theme relevant to the character they are cosplaying. This is usually done to retain memories of the cosplay. However, in Japan, top cosplayers create compilations of their cosplays and sell them. These photo compilations may tend to be slightly sexually provocative to boost sales. Cover of cosplay compilation for sale Cosplay of Princess Tomoyo for a Private Photoshoot. The photographer/cosplayer chose a royal and oriental setting for the backdrop. Controversy Cosplay Pornography Just like how the school girl and maid costumes appeal sexually to some cosplay has its place in pornography too. This is most noticeable in Japan, where some Japanese pornography (AV) actresses don costumes in their movies and photoshoots. Some AV movie productions even create spin-offs of popular anime. However, sex and cosplay pornography should not be associated with the hobby itself. Pornographic Parody of the Anime/manga The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya featuring AV actress Kousaka Yuri Original Characters / Lolita Subculture There have been debates about whether Lolita fashion and original costume designs can be classified under cosplay, since it is also about costumes and dressing up. This may be because this does not really require acting and bringing out the personality of specific characters. However, one might argue that dressing up as an elegant lolita would require one to behave like a maiden from the victorian era, and dressing up as a fairy would require one to behave like a fairy too. Hence, it is difficult to reach a conclusion. Snow Fairy costume Lolita oufits Emphasis on Cosplayer's Appearance Since most characters are beautiful and thin, some people feel that good cosplaying can only be achieved by svelte and beautiful/handsome cosplayers. No doubt everybody likes a good-looking cosplayer, and a good-looking person will look more like a good-looking character. However, cosplaying really centers around the process of transformation - creating the costume, putting it together, sourcing for resources, studying and understanding the character... Cosplaying is not a fashion show. To hold such a superficial view is as good as identifying with cosplay pornography. Conclusion Cosplaying is a wholesome art. It is not simply about dressing up. It involves research on the characteristics, costumes and era of the character cosplayed, aesthetic abilities to replicate the character's appearance, and the capability to adopt the character's speech, pose and actions to reflect the character's persona. In my opinion, good cosplaying is comparable to theatre art! Disclaimer: The above are based on my personal knowledge and experiences with cosplaying. It may or may not apply to the entire cosplay community in the world. If you have any comments or information to contribute, please do!
  11. Thanks for sharing! I always find the arabic script very artistic and intrinsic! This is a very interesting read. Very nice selection of beautiful pictures too.
  12. I have a colleague who is very capable and gets his work done. However, he is a pessimist. Every time his superior has a job for him, he will 'warn' the boss, "I'm afraid this is quite difficult. We have a shortage of time and manpower..." Without fail, his superior will get angry and impatient even before he finishes speaking, "If there are problems, get them solved! Whatever it is, get it done by next Monday!" My colleage would accept the task grimly, but complain incessantly about it. However, he will work hard to finish the task and always completes his task within the designated deadline. Although he never failed to meet the deadline, his boss was displeased with his pessimism. At the year-end review, he failed to reap what he sowed and complained about the injustice of it. I told him, "In your superior's opinion, completing a designated task is your duty. You will not be given additional bonus for that. However, if you adopt a pessimistic attitude, he will deduct points for your poor attitude. No matter what duties you are given by your superior, you must be prepared to complete it. Since this is the case, why not adopt an optimistic attitude and accept it readily?" Superiors never like hearing things like 'I can't do it' or 'It is very difficult'. Even if it is true, they do not like to be 'warned' about it by their employees, as it only implies that their employees think they are stupid and do not understand the difficulty of it. If you use a warning tone to reject your superior's proposal, he may feel embarassed and provoked to use his power to force the task on you instead. Work has to be done, so unless your superior is a very compassionate and broad-minded person, do not attempt to defy him under such circumstances. I hope you have learnt something useful from this!
  13. Wow it looks simple, but I bet it needs loads of practice. Especially at the part where you loosen your hair from the bun. I bet I'd make it go out of shape or pull everything out. lol Thanks for sharing the tutorial! It's a cute hairstyle.
  14. I agree that Gmail is missing folders. Although it has this 'tags' feature which is supposed to replace folders, my emails look very disorganized cos' they aren't hidden away in their respective folders when I don't want to see them. Also, I don't know if it's just me, but I can't seem to add contacts from my address book when I wish to forward emails, cos' I can't find the address book link. Also, it's full of spam, though most of it ends up in the spam box, but still, getting a few hundred spam mails in a week is quite a turn off!
  15. This method to stop hiccups works like a charm for me. Not sure if it will help you, but it's probably worth a shot.1. Prepare a glass of water out (can be normal temperature or warm)2. Hold your breath for 10 seconds, no less. If you hiccup halfway, you'll have to start all over again.3. Gulp down the glass of water after the 10 seconds and the hiccups should be gone. Normally, only once is sufficient. If you are still hiccuping, try the procedure again. And if it still doesn't work, you might have to find another method for yourself.
  16. In my opinion, they messed up the whole movie, not just the character L. They changed the entire plot and Light appeared less intelligent in the movie. I'm glad I didn't waste money in the theatre. I watched part 1 on Youtube, and as you can guess, I didn't watch part 2. I heard that in the end, both L and Light died together. So no Near, Mello etc. WTF? The manga is still the best. The anime is good too cos' it followed the manga closely. But i only got to watch until chapter 20.
  17. Manga for me. Firstly, in most cases, if there isn't the manga, it's anime counterpart won't exist. Another point is, since most anime are adapted from manga, the manga progresses faster than the anime, so obviously I prefer to read the manga, and then there's not much point watching the anime since I already know the plot. Also, there tends to be changes made to the anime, such as replacing certain sub plots or adding fillers, which can be really annoying if you read the manga and are a fan of the storyline. Some good manga have been ruined by their anime counterpart, such as Houshin Engi and GetBackers.Anime is also good though cos' it allows you to visualize better, there's drama, and the art is usually nicer. I would watch the anime if I knew it followed the manga storyline closely.
  18. bishoujo


    I love manga! Most manga I read have intrinsic plot and great character development, especially the long series with more than 10 volumes. Some manga, especially the one-shot romance ones, are a bit sappy and crappy, but can be forgiven for beautiful art style.
  19. I read Kafka on the Shore. It's a bit too deep and philosophical for me. I think he was trying to use events in his stories to talk about life, but some parts don't make sense to me. Still, I like it because the writing style is beautiful and the story was quite mysterious and interesting.And to answer chewy123's question, yes he is a Japanese author.
  20. bishoujo

    My Braces

    I did braces about 2 years ago. i don't have much problems with food cos' I had a permanent diet of mashed potatoes. It wasn't so bad cos' I ate less and I lost some weight. My problem with braces was that they kept giving me ulcers at the beginning of every month when I changed them. And of course, they looked horrible. I'm glad I went through it though, cos' I have nice straight teeth that are less prone to plague now, and I can floss my teeth properly : So it was worth the pain and trouble!
  21. You should stop this bad habit as soon as possible! It is true that it will cause arthritis. I read about it in the newspaper. Also, it can freak some people (like me) out. If you feel the urge to crack your joints, maybe you should get a squeeze ball to squeeze instead.
  22. Thanks for sharing! I like social networking websites, and being able to make money is a good bonus. If I join it, I'll write a review about it.
  23. Clearasil works pretty well for drying up pimples. The problem for me lies with the aftercare. My pimples sometimes leave blotches of redness or dark spots that take time to go away I guess the key is not to touch or scratch your pimples or risk scarring your face. Sadly, I never listen to my own advice
  24. You can also try falsies (fake eyelashes)! They are pretty fashionable in Asian countries like Taiwan and Japan. Shu Uemura has really fanciful ones, but you can also get them cheaper in some accessories shops that do sell costume jewellery and make-up. Some falsies look natural, just longer than your own lashes, so you can wear them to do everyday day stuff. Others come with things like sequinnes and feathers and are great for parties or a night out. And you don't have to bother with mascara if you use fake lashes.And let's not forget colored contact lenses and defining contact lenses that make your eyes look bigger. Acuvue Define is a fine example of a contact lens that gives the illusion of larger eyes.
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