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Everything posted by vujsa

  1. Most of the Bulletin Board systems are easy to install and administer. I suggest not using invision your first time out simply because of all of the options availible to the admin. It can be pretty overwhelming for experienced forum admins.I really don't care much for phpBB so if you want a free forum I suggest SMF. Most of the options are pretty self expainitory and the application can grow as you see the need for add-on packages which by the way most are automatically installed and you don't have to know any code. Just download the package and then use the package installer.By the way, Invision is not provided in Fantastico any longer.Hope this helps, :Dvujsa
  2. Hey thanks for the reply. That would be a good name. I'll look into registering it. Thank you, vujsa EDITED - ADDED Just checked and it isn't availible but thanks anyway. vujsa
  3. I'm working on a Volkswagen Community Web Site and I need some feedback. The Volkswagen Community Web Site will have a forum integrated with it but currently I am working on the content management of the Volkswagen Community Web Site. Volkswagen Community Web Site still needs the following issues resolved: Using My First Mambo Template As A Guide Create A New Template That Is More Colorful And Interesting. Create A Lite Template For SMF And Use As A Guide For A New Template That Will Match The Rest Of The Website. Create New Mambo Modules That Will Replace Some Of The SMF Functions For Better Integration. Decide On A New Website Title. Create A New Logo For The Website. Set Up User Home Pages To Help Promote More Of A Community Feel To The Website. Add Several Hundred New Web Links Find A Suitable News Source To Get News Feeds From Promote, Promote, Promote As you will see, the site is for Volkswagen Information. I need to know what everyone thinks so far. The site is far from being finished but I'm not too far behind schedule. Anybody have a suggestion for a site name? Here are the website name parameters: Must be relevent to the content of the website. Must have an availible .com domain name. Must be easy to remember. Must be easy to type, short and easy to spell. Although the forum description says to play nice, I really need some direct critisism and honesty. I'm a big boy and my feelings won't be hurt. The whole reason I'm posting this is to figure out how I need to change the website. I don't plan on having the finished website look anything like it does now so if you don't like the way it looks, I'm glad because neither do I. Suggestions for color schemes, menu appearence, and content placement are most important but any feedback will help. Thanks For The Help, vujsa
  4. Considering that Microsoft has own a sizable chunk of Apple for many years now and it hasn't become a software company, I don't see this changing things. Its too bad that all of the things that Mac users like to use their iMacs for PC's do better. For example, everyone says that Mac is the way to go for computer imaging but the number one imaging software runs slower on iMacs than comparable Win machines.iMacs are nice, don't get me wrong but they tend to talk about their top of the line Mac models a lot to get users to but the lesser iMac when for the same price a better widows computer could have been bought.I must say, most Mac users are very happy with teir computers and would never switch. I have no problem with that kind of loyalty. I hope that Apple will continue to provide quality products in the future to help stablize the computer industry. I think that a switch to Intel chip will ultimatly push the performance level of Mac computers up a notch or two.Just my opinion, :Dvujsa
  5. Mambo is far better than any version of PHP-Nuke in my opinion which is great because it has a bridge for SMF which is much better that phpBB. Of course IPB is the BB King, but SMF is very nice and a heck of a lot cheaper at $0.00. The only real drawback to Mambo compared to PHP-Nuke is that the default Web Links in Mambo is pitiful but the Bookmarks add-on makes up for that. Just my opinion. vujsa By the way, the BB King thing just happened without effort. Those of you that are lost right now, turn off the rap and start listening to music instead.
  6. Hey OpaQue. Great ideas so far. Like you said, we'll need a new topic for this discussion. I started a new topic in the Staff forum but think it would be better placed in a public forum to get the most input. Project Xisto Discussion vujsa
  7. Well, there isn't a way of doing that with javascript I'm pretty sure. It isn't something your browser can choose to do or not to do.To send email driectly, you can use the php mail function which may be more like what you want to do.This way, the server not the client is sending the email.Hope this helps, :Dvujsa
  8. Welcome to Xisto Free Web Hosting You will notice that the term "Free Web Hosting" is used on the site frequently but you will hardly ever see the term "free web space" on this site. This is because there is a difference between the two. Free Web Hosting at Xisto is the same kind of web hosting that is usually paid for. This means that you will have a complete and fully featured hosting account that will allow the use of any scripts you wish which means you'll have your own CGI-BIN, database creation and usage, multiple email accounts, multiple FTP accounts, multiple sub-domains, domain hosting, an IP address, and you will be the webmaster of your website. There will not be any advertising banners on your website unless you put them there. Free web space on the otherhand is were someone else is using their website to provide their users with a place to store and display web pages and images. Sometimes these accounts come with an email address. Generally speaking, all file uploades are done via a web based file manager and your web pages are altered to display advertising banners and whatnot. Rarely will you ever be able to host any server side scripts such as php or perl on one of the websites. If you are looking for the link to upload you files, then you have misunderstood how Xisto works. Here is the system at Xisto: Read the Terms Of Service, Acceptable Use Policy, Forum Introduction, and Forum Rules. Post quality posts in the Xisto forums in whatever subject best suits you. Earn hosting credits for posting quality topics where larger posts earn more credits than smaller posts. Once you have enough hosting credits for the hosting package you desire, request Free Web Hosting. Once your posts have been reviewed and your application approved, you will receive a full featured Internet Hosting Account for use as you see fit. Build your website for commerce, hobby, or knowledge, it's your website, not ours, so have fun with it. Continue to post in the forums to keep your hosting credits above 0. It might be easier to think of Xisto a a regular full featured Web Host where instead of your credit card being charged each month, you simply have to remain active in the forums. This is commercial quality web hosting free of charge, not a web space. If you don't feel comfortable with the technical nature of the categories in the Xisto forums, I would suggest using our sister site at Xisto instead. Xisto is less technically oriented and may be easier for you to post in. The hosting features are the same there. I hope that this clears up some of the confussion about what service is actually being offer here. Happy Webmastering, vujsa What Xisto Is Not! Music Sharing Service. File Sharing Service. Music Storage Service.* File Storage Service.* This is a Posting for Hosting system only. All other uses are prohibited. If you feel that this system may not allow for your needs, it probably won't. We are looking for quality forum members that provide quality posts and we reward them with free web hosting. If you have further questions about the system, please see the FAQ. Thank you for your interest. vujsa * Music and data files may be stored on your hosting account when used for the purpose of website creation.
  9. Well, it depends on the kind of wesite you are creating. Most content management systems and forums come with their own poll scripts already integrated. In addition to already having the poll integrated into the application, there are many features availible with these types on web systems. If you will be building you page from scratch, then there are many polling, survey, voting scripts avalible in a few different languages. For PHP scripts try: PHP Resource Index For CGI scripts try: CGI Resource Index You should be able to find something suitable there free of charge. You may want to research Content Management Systems (CMS) as well. They are like a website in a box. Please note, that in bigredrosen's post only the frontside script is given. You will still need the backend script (CGI) to actually calculate and formate the results. Hope this helps, vujsa
  10. Not to worry guys. The disk usage meter is updated every 24 to 48 hours instead of in realtime. This way your server isn't spending all of its time updating the disk usage meter instead of serving webpages to your users. There are a few things you can do to conserve disk space though. Make sure you remove your trash. This can be done in the File Manager by clicking the trash can. Remove unused databases. Fantastico has a hard time remebering to do this during uninstalls. Clear out unused template sets and skins. While you should always keep the default template or skin, keep only the templates you will use, uninstall all of the rest. Templates come with a large number of images that eat up space quick. If you are using more than one subdomain, for the same scripts, cross link images instead of having more than one copy. If you have 2 forums installed in 2 subdomains using the same templates, then point the one forum to the other to find templates. (Kind of advanced but will save space.) Get rid of unused files. We all test stuff then for get that we left it sitting on the server, Go through you directories and cut out the fat. Hope this helps, vujsa
  11. I guess it depends on how you want to use it. If you are looking for an easy way to add additional features to the website while keeping everything tied together, then a CMS like Mambo might be a good idea. I must warn you that the current IPB-Mambo bridge is pretty thin. All it really does is share the user log in system for seamless transition from one application to the other. It still needs a search bot for Mambo to search IPB and better menu options. Unlike you, I am building my website around Mambo so it is pretty straight forward. Adding Mambo after the fact leaves a few unknown variables in the equation. Additionally, I don't know much about IPB. But I do know that dumping the Mambo user control panel for the IPB one is best. Give me some ideas on how you might implement Mambo and I'll let you know what I think. vujsa
  12. I'm not sure if it is what you need or not but if you need to have your applications share a database and the databases are already create, I wrote a tutorial for that. This is for when you have installed two scripts with Fantastico but need to merge the two resulting databases. See: Merging Sql Databases In Cpanel With Phpmyadmin - Using SQL after Fantastico installs Hope this helps out. vujsa
  13. Haven't used Xoops but I love Mambo. For a general CMS, Mambo is the best while other CMS's may be better for specific uses.The Mambo templates are about 95% HTML so editing new templates is very easy for you own look. Additionally, there are more templates availible than you could ever fully try out so tweaking one of those may be your answer.Much of the site layout can be controled without the need to modify the template or CSS. Editing the CSS and images will also provide a more unique look.Mambo has a full open source project development site where new components, modules, and bots are being added everyday. Addtionally, there are several websites that offer new and modified components, modules, and bots free of charge as well as a few commercial sites that sell new modifications.Mambo developers have already written several bridges for many applications such as SMF and phpBB bulletin board scripts.Hope this helps a little. :Dvujsa
  14. Mambo Open Source (MOS) is a Content Management System (CMS) that is very easy to use. The templates are about 95% html/xhtml based so they are easy to create. More unique templates can be created with some knowledge of PHP. Mambo is an open source application so it is free to use. There are hundreds of modifications available for Mambo as well. Here is the default list of features: Number of members and guests online. News Flash box on front page. Newsfeed Configurator. Menu Manager for multiple menus in either vertical or horizontal listing. Site Search - All areas via individual search bots. HTML Editor. User Manager. User submitted news items. Multiple content addition methods. Categorized Web Links. Categoriezed Content. Categorize New Articles. Archive for news and content. Polls. Easy Server, Database, and Site Configuration Screens. Module, Component, and Bot Installers. Easily turn off or on any module or component. FAQ. Multiple user levels available. Member or Admin only options for all items. View on certain pages only option for all modules and menus. Module position control without editing template. Copy, Create, Edit, Delete Modules more... The first modification I suggest it to turn off the default Web Links and use the Bookmarks component instead. the Bookmarks component uses Yahoo style hierarchical categories for the links and you can even set your links (bookmarks) as private or import all of your bookmarks or favorites from your browser. A single link can be shown in multiple categories as well without the need to submit the link several times. In fact, each link may only be used once. Auto validation of the link makes keeping track of dead links easy and the link description can be set to automatically get the meta description from the target webpage. If you are an Simple Machines Forum (SMF) user like me, you'll be happy to know that there is more than one SMF-Mambo bridge availible. I suggest using the one from MamboHacks.com. If you want to use Mambo and SMF together with this bridge and you use Fantastico for installation, read this first. There are many other great components availible as well as modules and bots that will make your website unique and interesting. Give Mambo a try, I'm sure you'll like what you see. Happy Content Managing, vujsa
  15. Actually, I have heard of it and have been a member for some time now. I even posted the information at Xisto.com. In case anyone wants more information about LigandFit and grid computing, check out my post. It covers all kinds of grid computing but the real topic is GRID.ORG a.k.a. United Devices. I would like to point out a couple of things from mbd5882's post. It is true that if you set the software to run all of the time, it will slow your system down even though it is suppossed to be low priority and yeild to active applications. The application can be set to only run whill the system is in standby mode either as a screen saver or just in the background. Yes United Devices charges for their grid computting services, but it is much less than the charge for using a super computer which takes longer and difficult to find. Thus far, the only projects they have adopted have been for medical research by either drug companies, universities, or the U.S. Government (Bio-Warfare Defence). There are other fully non-profit grid computing projects available on the internet so do some research and donate your unused computer cycles. Happy Computing, vujsa
  16. Here is a tutorial I did for Antilost.com. Thought it might be useful here as well. Original Post
  17. Since you are using your own domain Name. Should be: FTP server: ftp.karlshipp.co.uk Username: enve19 Password: ******** That's it, no other way for the root account. If you set up a second or third account, then it would be as follows: For user named "testuser" FTP server: ftp.karlshipp.co.uk Username: testuser@karlshipp.co.uk Password: ******** For user named "sample01" FTP server: ftp.karlshipp.co.uk Username: sample01@karlshipp.co.uk Password: ******** If you continue to have problems with your FTP account, log into cPanel and ensure that your password is correct and that your root user is activated. When you used : enve19@karlshipp.co.uk , it was trying to handle you as guest user but there is no password stored for that user. Hope this helps, vujsa
  18. The Mambo wysiwyg is great for user contributed news etc. But for most admin uses, the wysiwyg is insufficient. It automatically strips out any advanced code preventing the use of most scripts. It is a nice security feature but I just turned it off. I also have had many problems with cookies in Mambo. And as described above, I worked around it. By the way, I found a better link directory system for Mambo called Bookmarks. You can find it at the Mambo development site. The Bookmarks component uses an hierarchical directory system like Yahoo. The original Web Links supplied with Mambo is pretty basic. Hope this helps, vujsa
  19. Just an update:NetBux is no longer using PayPal because their PayPal account has been suspended. Additionally, NetBux is no longer paying $0.02 per search but instead is using a share system where each search is worth 2 shares. So if there are a million outstanding shares and the company profit-shares $1,000.00, you'll get $0.001 per share. :)But as they are advertising now, if they profit-share $30,000.00, you'll get $0.03 per share.Basically, using the formula above, NetBux would need to profit-share $10,000.00 for every one million outstanding shares to continue paying what they originally advertised. Under this new system, they control the amount to be shared so if they feel that your searches have not made them enough money, then they can choose to decrease the amount that will be shared with the members.The bottom line is that until I see some real results from this, I will not be to entusiastic about the new program. It simply give NetBux too many way to not pay out.vujsa
  20. Using the spilt() function on $text will insert the contents of data.txt into an array if you use the linebreak as the delimiter for the split() function. This would give you an array like so: (Simplified) $arrayname[0] = data.txt $arrayname[1] = satu@mon.com, $arrayname[2] = combo@bakso.com, $arrayname[3] = special@monyong.com, $arrayname[4] = kuya.batok@forever.and.ever.com, $arrayname[5] = special.pake.telor.2@tolong.jangan.lama.com Of course this would only be possible if you can predict where your delimiter is located. You can skip the first array entry several ways depending on whether or not you want that data to be used. Then to output the data, you'll ned to cycle through the array and output each item idividually. This isn't a very detailed explaination but I hope it will get you pointed in the right direction. Try the PHP Site for more information.http://php.net/ Hope this helps, vujsa
  21. Are you using a switch or hub, or are you using a direct connection (crossover cable) or wireless Ad Hoc?I gathered from your post that you are using wireless but you didn't specify if you were using a WAP (wireless access point). If you are not using a WAP, then I am sure that I can not help you as your installation will require specific information to be entered into both computers and I can't do that. Sorry. Usually, if both machines were windows based, windows would take care of all of the settings for you then you save it to diskette and go to the next computer.With linux, I'm not entirely sure how to install a network but will help as I can. With the WAP, you should be able to use it as a DHCP. The DHCP will automatically assign an IP to each computer on the network and will allow for better security.Leave a little more information about your setup and I'll see what I can do.vujsa
  22. While attempting to install a bridge between Simple Machines Forum (SMF) and Mambo Open Source (Mambo), I had to install SMF manually because the two applications had to use the same database. When an application is installed using Fantastico, Fantastico automatically creates a new SQL database for the application. As a result, if Fantastico is used for both Mambo and SMF, then there will be two databases. This guide will explain how to merge two or more SQL databases in cPanel using phpMyAdmin. First, you'll need to decide what database will be the target. I usually create a new database and then copy the two original databases into it. There are a few things to consider before deciding which database to use as the target. Will your application allow you to change which database it will use. (Check your global configurations or server / database settings in your admin control panel.) Does one or more of the applications need to be installed manually. (If an application is to be installed manually, then insert the appropriate database information for your existing database.) Do you already have a database that is shared by two or more applications. (If so, then this might be your best choice because you won't need to change your configurations for as many applications.) If you want create a new MASTER database to insert the two source databases into, then you'll need to do so with the MySQL Databases tool in cPanel. Your username will automatically be added to the database name like so: username_data1 or username_smf2. So when creating your new database, just use the extention like data1 or smf2. Give your new database a name that is descriptive but short like masterDB1 which will become username_masterDB1. You'll need to create a new user for this database in the same MySQL Databases tool in cPanel. I suggest using the same system for database usernames as Fantastico uses which is the same name for the database name and user name. So in our example, create a user named masterDB1 which will become username_masterDB1. Create a password that is random but not one that you would use for any of your personal accounts. Something like abc123def456ghi789 would be an ok password for an SQL database. You'll need to remember your password or write it down because you won't be able to retieve it ever and changing the password is much more difficult than any other procedure in this guide. Grant ALL Privileges to the new user. Now, once you have a target database, you'll need to create a backup of the target database unless it was newly created. Using the Backup tool in cPanel, choose the SQL database that needs to be backed up and downloaded. Just save it to your hard drive and leave it alone. OK, so far we haven't done anything that will disturb the operation of any database or application. Many of the steps that follow can leave your website unusable. Please make a full backup of your website now. You can do this with the same Backup tool in cPanel by clicking on the link that reads "Generate/Download a Full Backup" Be sure to wait until it finishes the backup and sends an email to you before downloading. (This file can be left on the server but may be rather large and use valuable hosting space) In the following screen, where it reads"Backup Destination:" choose Home Directory. Enter your email address in the correct field and leave everything else blank then click the Generate Backup button. After You receive your backup complete email, you can return to "Generate/Download a Full Backup" and download your newly backed up website file. Okay, we are done with all of the preperation work, lets merge those databases. Using phpMyAdmin, select the first source database. Click on the Export tab at the top of the page. Check Save as File and check "gzipped" as the Compression option. Click the Go button. If asked, choose Save to Disk and remember where the file is. C:\downloads\backups\ for example. Repeat for all of the source databases. Now you have all of your source files ready to be merged. Using phpMyAdmin, select the target database. Select the SQL tab at the top of the page. Where it says "Location of the textfile:", Browse to the location of the databes source files and check Auto Detect for the Compression option. Click the Go button. Repeat for all of the source databases. Your newly filled / merged database is now done. All you have to do now is to change your settings in your applications to point to the correct database with the correct username and password. Hope This Helps, vujsa
  23. Cuurently one or more of the servers that host our websites is down. This is the reason for the notice. Additionally, the banner ads run off of that server so all of the advertisements display the same message.What few members know is that our hosting accounts and the forums are spread accrossed several servers. This allows for better performance and expandability. You may notice that our sister site is cuurently down as well. I am confident that the issue will be resolve quickly.vujsa
  24. Well sirknight, you're lucky I'm around tonight, been away for a few days. I guess I'm the resident shoutbox guru. A few questions first: Did you download the shoutbox package to you package manager? If you did download the shoutbox package to your package manager, did you apply the package? If you applied the package, did you get errors? Do you have a shoutbox tab in you Admin > Edit features ... page? What SMF theme are you using? Did you copy and paste code from this topic or manually edit your index.template.php file? Get this information back to me and I'll see what I can do for you. vujsa
  25. The section of css that you need to be concerned with is listed above.#myMenu is the reference to <div id="myMenu" ... > This means only apply the style to the html between <div id="myMenu" ... > and </div> only. Next, lets specify even further which html code to apply the style to. #myMenu a { specifies that the style described between #myMenu a { and } is only for anchor tags (<a ... >) inside the <div> tag with the id of myMenu. This applies to every anchor tag without consideration to any other parameters included in the tag. To specify even further, we'll select the state of the anchor tag. When it just sits there and the link hasn't be visited, doesn't have the mouse over it and isn't active, then it is just a link. #myMenu a:link { Specifies the state of being a link. So the background color is light gray (#CCCCCC) ==> background-color: #CCCCCC; And the the font color is BLACK (#000000) ==> COLOR: #000000; *NOTE: Colors in all capital letters are actual browser recognized html colors Additionally, active and visited links are the same. So on to the highlighting. #myMenu a:hover { Specifies the state of being a link. So the background color is light blue (#54A4DE) ==> background-color: #54A4DE; And the the font color is WHITE (#FFFFFF) ==> COLOR: white; * NOTE: Either use hexadecimal color codes or color names, using both results in messy code. Additionally, a background image can be used instead of colors. Playing with border colors can also produce some interesting effects. For example if you set the top and left border to a lighter color than the background and the bottom and right border darker than the background will produce a raised button type effect. Then when you hover over it, reverse the colors and it looks as though the button was pressed. A lot of really cool effects can be obtained using CSS properly. Hope this helps. Good luck. vujsa
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