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Everything posted by vujsa

  1. Well, Xisto's sister site has all of that. Xisto.com The same rules as Xisto but will require slightly more focused postings. Keep in mind that you can not be hosted at both Xisto and Xisto. vujsa
  2. $query = "INSERT INTO guestdb.Guests ( Name, Email ) VALUES ( " $query .= " '$_POST['Name']' , '$_POST ['Email']' )"; $query is the variable that you request when you want to perform the INSERT command.guestdb.Guest is the database name and table name for the data to be inserted into. (Name, Email) are the field names in the table that will be written to. $_POST['Name'] is the value of the forms text input field named "Name". <input type="text" name="Name"> $_POST['Email'] is the value of the forms text input field named "Email". <input type="text" name="Email"> Hope this helps, vujsa
  3. If I'm reading this correctly, you plan to have different page themes based on the time of day? If so, I would create a different CSS for each theme. Then using IF statements determine which theme to call and output the correct CSS link in the <head> tag. <?phpsetlocale(LC_TIME, "C");$tod = strftime ("%H%M");if ($tod > 500 && $tod <= 1159) {$theme = "theme1.css";} if ($tod > 1159 && $tod <= 1900) {$theme = "theme2.css";} if ($tod > 1900 || $tod <= 500) {$theme = "theme3.css";}?><html> <head> <title>...</title> <link href="http://mysite.astahost.com/<?php echo $theme; ?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> </head> <body>... Hope this helps, vujsa
  4. BBCode in the Shoutbox? We all want bbcode in the shoutbox. The shoutbox will parse bbcode correctly but the user has to insert the bbcode by hand. I posted a request for help on the SMF - Shoutbox forum, but only got one responce. An email from some guy that needed help with something kind of simple. The bbcode helper uses JavaScript to insert bbcode correctly in the text box. I haven't had a chance to get far enough into the code to figure out how to create a bbcode helper for the Shoutbox. The regular bbcode helper on the forum won't work well because it is too big and contains a lot of codes not suitable for the shoutbox. So, a new bbcode helper will need to be written based on the original. I'll keep you in mind and let you know if I find a solution or create a BBC helper. good luck, vujsa
  5. See, that's funny. m^e became an Admin and in a week we got a bunch of new bbcode. Thanks a lot m^e. I can't believe that I stumbled accrossed this post the day after we figured out the table tag. We now have: [ HIGHLIGHT] [ PICFRAME] [ HR=noshade] [ TABL] [ TROW] [ TCOL] A comment tag might be helpful. Keep up the great work, vujsa
  6. We're happy to help. Glad to hear that everything is working for you now.Now you can try to customize the script further for you specific needs.Alway backup the file you're going to work of first.Let us know if you run into further problems.[hr=][/hr]vujsa
  7. qwijibow, Your USB 2 may be right there in front of you but well hidden. Many motherboard manufacturers provide many features that are not usable right out of the box. Your USB 2 may not have a port, just a header. A header is an optional hardware feature on a motherboard that requires an adapter. So, in order to use your USB 2, you may need to purchase a USB 2 adapter. There are two types, rear mount and front mount. - Rear mount plugs into your motherboard with a small cable and attaches to your case in the back like your videocard, soundcard, or modem/network card. - Front mount also plugs into your motherboard with a small cable but it attaches to your case like a hard drive or floppy drive. Some newer cases have this adapter connected already in a special front I/O pannel. Check your motherboard diagram to determine where your USB 2 header is located. Antec Inc. Has USB and USB 2 adapters availible. Hope this helps, vujsa
  8. The username@yourpage.astahost.com is for additional usersIf you are the primary user, you don't need the @...But if you wanted a friend to help with your website, you couls add a username for him and he would log in like so:Server: ftp.yourpage.astahost.comUsername: mybuddy@yourpage.astahost.comPassword: ********Or if you had a subdomain named "members" and you wanted to access it only, you'd need to create an ftp user named "members" for the public_html/members directory, then log in like this:Server: ftp.yourpage.astahost.comUsername: members@yourpage.astahost.comPassword: ********Hope this helps a little.Happy FTPing, vujsa
  9. You can limit the dimisions of the avatar which would limit the file size indirectly. You can control The entire form very easily with SMF via the control panel. I haven't had a chance to really dig into the templates yet, but any template can be customized. I don't know how much room you have left, but you might try to install SMF just to play with it. Maybe in different directory. It'll give you a better idea of what to expect when you try to setup a working forum. vujsa
  10. I don't know of any freeware for this but I would tell your friend to delete all of his shortcuts to nero except one and rename it. At least this will slow his sibling down. He could password protect the whole computer.vujsa
  11. Well, as to the first question, how much space is recommended, it realy depends on how big the forum gets. If you don't allow uploads of avatars and restrict attachment quotas, you should have plenty of space with the Full Hosting Package. Most of the data is neatly tucked away in the MySQL Database. So once the forum is installed, you won't have too much more data until your forum grows. If the forum gets big enough to outgrow the free hosting, you'll probably be if a position to pay for hosting. (advertising, fees, donations, etc...) The second question, any alternative skins, yes a couple of options are availible. I believe there are only two official templates availible but I have a feeling more are just around the corner. There are a few CSS's availible for the existing templates. It is possible to modify the template yourself or create a new one. Hope this helps, vujsa
  12. You're missing a closing quote. CODE ============================================================================== </div> </div>'; echo ' </td> </tr>'; // The "shoutbox" box. echo ' <tr> <td align="left"> <!-- // Shout Box Script Start--> ============================================================================== This should do it for you. Good luck to you. Once you get it to work, you'll be able to more easily see how you can customized the template to suit your needs. Happy Shouting, vujsa
  13. Simple Machines Forum - SMF SMF is a relatively new bulletin board script written in PHP and XHTML. Here is a list of features: Advanced User Management Multiple New Member Registration Methods Child Forum (sub-forum) Support Multiple User Levels And Permission Levels Multiple Templates Easy To Use Control Panel Calendar Built-in Modification Package Installer Many Modifications Availible With More Arriving Frequently Support Forum Multiple Language Support Very Fast Forum Parsing More Check out their website: http://www.simplemachines.org/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Opinion: SMF is one of the best forum (bulletin board) scripts availible and it is free. The only down side to SMF is that it is relatively new and doesn't have the vast number of Mods availible that older scripts like phpBB have. Fortunately, the out of the box product has many features built in that other scripts require Mods for. I foresee SMF gaining high popularity in the near future. vujsa
  14. Hi guys, you'll need to edit your template to include the shoutbox. Open: Themes > default > index.template.php Add in the template where you want the shoutbox: smfshout() =OR= ', smfshout() ,' Use the first command if you are not inside an echo command. And use thae second command if you are inside a echo command. Here is what I did: Find: // The "key stats" box. echo ' <div class="headertitles" style="width: 260px;"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/blank.gif" height="12" alt="" /></div> <div class="headerbodies" style="width: 260px; position: relative; background-image: url(', $settings['images_url'], '/box_bg.gif);"> <img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/', $context['user']['language'], '/keystats.gif" style="position: absolute; left: -1px; top: -16px;" alt="" /> <div style="height: 35px; padding: 5px;" class="smalltext"> <b>', $modSettings['totalMessages'], '</b> ', $txt[95], ' ', $txt['smf88'], ' <b>', $modSettings['totalTopics'], '</b> ', $txt[64], ' ', $txt[525], ' <b>', $modSettings['memberCount'], '</b> ', $txt[19], '<br /> ', $txt[656], ': <b> <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $modSettings['latestMember'], '">', $modSettings['latestRealName'], '</a></b> </div> </div>'; echo ' </td> </tr>'; Add After: // The "shoutbox" box. echo ' <tr> <td align="left"><!-- // Shout Box Script Start--> <div class="headertitles" style="margin-right: 5px; position: relative;"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/blank.gif" height="12" alt="" /></div> <div class="headerbodies" style="position: relative; margin-right: 5px; background-image: url(', $settings['images_url'], '/box_bg.gif);"> <img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/', $context['user']['language'], '/shoutbox.gif" style="position: absolute; left: -1px; top: -16px;" alt="" /> <div style="overflow: auto; padding: 5px;" class="smalltext">',smfshout(),'</div> </div><!-- // Shout Box Script End--> </td> <td align="center"> <!-- // blank table cell here --> </td> </tr>'; I actually use the blank table cell for a translation box from http://search.yahoo.com/?fr=altavista. This will give you a box similar to the News Flash box. You'll need to create a shoutbox.gif and place it in your images directory. Additionally, I edited the shout.template.php to customize the look of the shout box. Happy Modding, vujsa
  15. Here is the subforum used to request an upgrade to the full hosting package. Free Web Hosting > Advanced Free Professional Web Hosting > FREE WEB HOSTING REQUESTS > FREE WEB HOSTING : Upgrade Request "Annoying" Opaque will upgrade you for all of your credits, to ensure you stay active. Not a problem in your case. vujsa
  16. Well, Macs are pretty expensive so I'd stay away from them unless you have the money and are a Mac fan. Dell seems to have pretty decent computers. They'll make anything you want. eMachines is cheap but I think that they have some internet service promotional thing: --> Sign up for internet service and get a free (cheap) computer. I wouldn't worry about PhotoShop installations. Any new computer will have both the speed and capacity needed for several large programs like PhotoShop. If your not a computer geek, doesn't sound like you are, I wouldn't worry about processor brand or speed. As long as you get a Pentium 4 or AMD XP processor, you'll be ok. Intel also has new generation Celeron processors that are good entry level chips. Item: Reccomended: My system Memory: At Least 128MB: 512MB Hard Drive: At Least 80GB: 200GB+ (combined 5 drives) Check your desired Operating System's minimum system requirements. Usually, there will be a suggested system requirements listed as well. You want the suggested or recommended minimum system requirements at the least. Additionally, there is a way of speeding up PhotoShop by adding a second hard drive. Ask me if you want more information about the second drive setup. Laptops will work fine for most computing needs. Happy PC Shopping, vujsa
  17. php has a built in ID function that generates an alphanumeric value based on microtime. See Also This Topic Otherwise, if you really want 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ... You'll need to create a count file with one line in it. The line will just be the current number of files saved. each time you save the comment file, you'll need to open the count fill, read the value, add 1 to the value, write the new value to the count fill and add the new value to the end of your filename. This would create something like: comment1.txt comment2.txt comment3.txt A little php formating would allow for leading zeros. Like this: comment001.txt comment002.txt comment003.txt ... comment025.txt I suggest leading zeros because sorting generally requires this because the following computer sorting issue: 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 20 21 ... 28 29 3 30 Leading zeros eliminates this proble up to the number of leading zeros. Example: 0001 is good up to 9999 before sorting problems occur. 001 is good up to 999 ... 01 is good up to 99 ... 1 is good up to 9 ... So you'll need to kind of guess how many files you'll have. This is kind of basic explaination of what to do, if you need more specific information like code samples, let me know. I always feel better when I figure it out on my own than just being told. Happy Scripting, vujsa
  18. Original problem solved. PM's sent to users experiencing trouble. Topic Closed vujsa
  19. Actually, php allows multiple comment tags. All of the following comment tags work in php: // JavaScript single line comment tag. /* JavaScript multiple line comment tag. */ # Shell style comment tag. See Also -> Good Comments Make Good Scripts. vujsa
  20. Definitely SMF. Trekkie101 is right! I feel that SMF is better that phpBB right out of the box. I would say that SMF is nearly as good as Invision Power Board (used for this forum). The only down side to SMF is that it is farely new so there aren't nearly as many Mods (Modification and Add On script) as phpBB but new Mods are availible every week. Remember, that because SMF is newer, it already incorporates many of the features that phpBB requires Mods for. So fewer Mods are required for SMF to get the same functionality as phpBB. Of course most forum scripts have their own support forum which comes in handy when you have a question. I think that the best forum script is actually Invision Power Board but it is not free and kind of expensive. SMF also has a Mambo Open Source (Content Management System a.k.a. web portal) bridge. This way, you can use Mambo as your News, Links, FAQ, etc.. website with SMF embedded in the site. Very Cool. Happy Posting, vujsa
  21. To begin with I was a Boy Scout. The Boy Scout motto is: "Always Be Prepared." That being said, most of this article is about how to prevent data loss. The very first thing I do is partition the primary hard drive into at least two partitions. 10 to 15 GB for the operating system (C:\) and the remainder for personal data (D:\) If possible, use two hard drives instead of two partitions. Most computer problems come about from corrupt data, conflicting settings, or misconfigurations in the operating system. As a result, most problems can be fixed by simply reformating the hard drive and reinstalling the operating system. The down side is all of the lost data. So I place my data and as many settings away from the OS partition. This way if I reinstall the OS on the OS partition, only the data in the OS partition will be destroyed. I use Netscape and Netscape allows you to specify where your settings and data is stored. I specified D:\mynetscapedata\ Here all of my mail, history, passwords, bookmarks, settings are stored. As the D:\ partition is not affected by reformating the C:\ partition, I don't lose my data. With this setup, if I have to reinstall the OS, I keep my data but will need to reinstall all of my software. --> I keep downloaded install files on the D:\ partition. To save me the trouble of having to reinstall all of that software and having to call Microsoft to reactivate WinXP again, after I got a basic setup of my computer with all of my software installed, I made a backup of my C:\ partition. This way, I just reinstall my basic setup instead of just the OS and each application. I use Symantec's Norton Ghost for backups and recovery. There are many backup options availible so look around. The next step to data security is to make system back ups on a regular basis. At least twice a year. More like once a month is reasonable. This way if something happens, you'll minimize the data loss. I suggest using optical media like CD-ROM or DVD-ROM for storage as it is compact and durable. Water won't destoy the media, stands up slightly better in fire than magnetic media, and is not effected by electrical fields. Additionally, I highly recommend the real time data backup feature provided by a mirrored RAID configuration. Basically, your computer writes to two identical hard drives at the same time with the exact same data. If one drive has a mechanical failure, the other one just takes over until the bad drive is replaced. Using a mirrored disk array like this only protects your data in the event of a random hard drive failure of a single drive. Natural disataters such as fire which may destroy or severly damage both drives will negate the benefits of a mirrored disk array. RAID won't protect your data from user errors such as "accidentally" reformating the hard drive. So if you follow all of thesteps I've taken thus far, you'll probably never need the following information. In the event that you have lost ALL of your data, including a quick reformat, you can get that data back for the most part. Deleteing and quick reformating only tell your OS that that area of the hard drive is availible if needed. Unless you have defragmented the hard drive or completely filled the drive up, your data may still be 100% intact. In fact sometimes even then, your data can be recovered from a working hard drive. There are several data recovery applications availible at a reasonable price. Some are availible as a free trial. If you need it a second time, then perhapes computers aren't really for you. R-Studio Data Recovery Software - Recommended These few precautions will give you the protection you need. Let me know what methods you use. Happy computing, vujsa
  22. Ryan,I recommend that you contact OpaQue directly via Personal Message.While your page may be setup for education or entertainment, I could very easily become a problem. The domain name screams trouble.Good luck.vujsa
  23. Well, programming languages are always evolving so it is difficult to say which direction you should go. If you are proficient with a language, you'll be able to program almost anything you need. It is true that some newer languages can speed up some tasks but really it is user preference. I have a friend that still programs all of his work in Fortran and Cobalt. Additionally, you'll want to consider what type of programming you'll be doing. Some languages are better suited to certain applications. For example PHP was specifically created for internet programing. Finally, all of the languages have overlaps and similarities. The for statement for perl, php, C, Java is still pretty much the same as it was in BASIC 20 years ago. So learning any programming language is beneficial in that it will make learning additional languages easier. So pick your language now, it will only help later. Good luck and happy programming, vujsa
  24. Hey, no problem here. you'll need to change the name of you main page to index.htm or index.html. This will be the page that automatically opens when you type http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Additionally, you can always point directly to the file: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/index.html hope this helps, vujsa
  25. Well, if it works, then you've got it else let us know. The only problem that you could have is broken links to your images. If that is the case, you'll need to manually edit the html to point to your images correct location. Basically, point here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png or: /image.gif Not here: file:///C:/My%20Documents/image.gif Good luck vujsa
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