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Everything posted by vujsa

  1. Well, if you do find that there is a problem because of traffic from that site, you can block or redirect traffic from that domain! Add to your .htaccess file: RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} (digg\.com) [NC,OR]RewriteRule .* - [F] That will effectively block and visiter coming from dig.com. I think that is all you really need but if you need more, try: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ vujsa
  2. You are more than welcome to try again just be sure that you actually have something to say before you post something here. Like I said before, the size of your post (number of word) is what determines the number of credits that you will earn. Maybe this will help:Get The Most From Your Post. vujsa
  3. Well, there are .htaccess options but it you just want the file contents moved then there is a better option. Delete intivoyage/ and then rename alex/ to intivoyage/ If you require a cgi-bin in intivoyage/, then simply add a folder with that name there. If this isn't what you want to do, then we'll investigate other options. The server just looks for intivoyage/ as the root directory of intivoyage subdomain. Usually when I do a reinstall or difficult upgrade, I just rename the original folder and create a new fresh folder to start from. Then if there is a problem, I can always revert to the last good website by renaming a couple of folders. Hope This Helps. vujsa
  4. The same script we use at Xisto is used here as well but the script never got updated with the Xisto name instead of Xisto!vujsa
  5. If you set up a subdomain with the name of "forum" as in forum.TavoxPeru.com then your subdomains folder is /home/username/public_html/forum/ You cannot set up another folder since the server will only read /forum when that subdomain is requested. As a result, your subdomain contens are also accessable via http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you want to create an ftp account for this subdomain only, that can also be done. If this doesn't aanswer your question, please give more information. vujsa
  6. Yeah, in the future, upload the zip files and decompress with the cPanel File Manager! Saves a lot of time and bandwidth. Fantastico is great and generally works very well. The email problem has something to do with a conflict with the anti-spam program and is being worked on.Enjoy your hosting!vujsa
  7. You might want to get a prewritten script to help with your forms. Check out http://php.resourceindex.com/ They have listings for hundreds of scripts one of which will probably help you!
  8. Yeah, now that you are hosted, I am pleased to inform you that we have other problems as well. The new cPanel which really is the endtire OS for the hosting server has some setting in it that has created an error when trying to send email with PHP. This isn't always true and seems to very much depend on the way the script was written that send the email. My site also has this problem but some of the emails go through and others don't depending on which feature I am using. I can send a email with my comments and suggestions script but not the mass mailer! This is like the third or forth topic about this!vujsa
  9. Well, I'm not going to read that particular article becasue I know what needs to be done and that article confused me pretty quickly.In most situations, you have two drive channels and each channel has a master and a slave drive for a total of 4 possible drives.To set up mirroring, RAID 1, you have to set up identical drives on the Master drive connector of each channel. They have to be on seperate channels.For the striping, RAID 0, the two drives need to be on the same channel. One as the master and one as the slave.If you want both striping and mirroring, RAID 1+0, then you will usually need 4 hard drives. All 4 drives should be identical but you can use 2 sets of 2 like so 40GB + 70GB on channel 1 and 40GB + 70GB on channel 2! It would show as a 110GB drive with a mirror!More than likely, the user will need to reinstall the OS if striping is desired since the data is stored on two drives. The RAID installer will format both drives for striping! All data will be lost on a drive that is formated in such a manner.Now it is possible with a four drive RAID 1+0 setup to set the striping up on one set then use them as the mirror for a single drive with the existing data on it. The move the striped setup to channel one as the active drive and install the other two drives in channel two. Then you can duplicate the active array onto the mirror array.Like so:[drive3] -> [drive1 & drive2][drive1& drive2] -> [drive3 & drive4]Where drive 3 is the existing drive with the OS etc...This is kind of a lot of work cause you physically have to swap cables and open and close the case several times with system startups inbetween!You can also to a 3 drive RAID 1+0 system where you may have two smaller drives and a larger one.For example:2 X 40GB HDD and 1 X 80GB HDD!if you strip the two 40's and have them mirror the 80, then it would work but your usable hard drive space would be about 70GB since each of the 40's will lose about 5GB in the process and the 80 cannot be larger than it's mirror.If the user only has two drives, then the best he can hope for is one or the other, not both. Some RAID software allows for some pretty tricky stuff where you can mirror a partition only or strip two partitions on seperate drives. This type of software RAID can be useful but varies with each program.Once the array(s) are set up and working, the user can do all of the normal drive operations including defrag, disk check, and partition and for the most part, the OS will never even know that there is an array set up. The only time it is ever an issue is if a drive fails!There are some pretty tricky installation issues with WinXP for some RAID controllers. I've aleays had to install the OS then swap all of the cables around and duplicate the drive to get it to work since WinXP would install directly to my RAID controller with the set up I prefered. But my controller was an add-on so it may be easier with a MB that is RAID ready!LEt us know what kind of set up the user wants and we can give you a better idea of what you'll need to do!vujsa
  10. Thank you for your review of Handy PHP. I always appreciate honest feedback. As for not liking the layout, I have a question. Is it the position of information and items or is it the color and graphics to which you refer? As far as the ads are concerned, it is really just a fact of life. The large Amazon ad is displayed for guests only. Registered members see a much smaller ad. The ads will hopefully generate enough income to pay for additional features which cost money and eventually, I hope the site will get big enough to require paid hosting. I'm not sure how the ads screw up the layout, I've checked the positioning of everything with multiple screen sizes and resolutions and haven't had a problem. The template was specifically designed to be to be a full width variable size template which oddly enough is difficult to find for Joomla or Mambo. Most of the templates are 800 width templates that have empty space all around in screen resolutions higher than 800 X 600. I prefer to use as much of my space as possible. Since there weren't any variable width templates for me, I had to create one but that also required me to create the graphics and colors as well. So my point is that the colors and graphics may not be great but the template will work for any screen resolution 800 X 600 and up. If you are using a lower screen resolution, I think it might be time to trade that 486 in for a modern computer with a Pentium III or better! The site is best view at 1280 X 1024 which is what my screen resolution is but still looks very good at 1024 X 768. The site probably looks its worst at 800 X 600. But I have to assume that people have either upgraded their monitor in the last 5 years or soon will. As for the "Sample Data" / "Under Construction" warning, it has now been removed. Everything on the website is ready for public use but the user resource submission system is still being developed. Coming soon, I'll have a full external links and resource index set up where developers may list their PHP scripts and webmasters may list their PHP websites. Additionally, a forum will be set up for the website which will allow greater user interaction and provide a place to discuss the website's resources as well and give users a place to ask questions and offer answers. One other feature will hopefully get added in the next week or two is an FAQ. Actually, there will be at least 2 FAQ's; one for the website and one for PHP. The Website FAQ will deal with questions like "I didn't get my validation emal, what should I do?" and the PHP FAQ will deal with questions like "What is the difference between include() and require()?". In addition to being a PHP resource exchange, the website will hopefull answer most questions before anyone can ask them again! I want to provide as much easy to find information as possible. So much of the information for PHP is very difficult to search through to find an answer to your question and if you don't already know PHP, the manual isn't very helpful. It is a good resource for people that have a pretty good idea of what they need to do but need to know the exact syntax required. The user contributed notes for the functions are very helpful sometimes but only after you find the right function! I did manage to get some website promotion taken care of this week. I submitted one of my functions to a resource index and have gotten an increase in traffic as a result. I just submitted two more functions today so I hope that this will be a big boost to traffic. Oddly enough, I also got my wife to add my link to her signature at a coupon forum and have gotten a few hits from that as well. Didn't know that coupon clippers were into PHP! Anyhow, please keep the feedback coming. Thanks!
  11. I would love to help you out here but I have no idea what your problem is. Please explain exactly what it is that you are trying to get, where you are trying to get it from, where you are trying to put it, and what information the user is supplying.Telling us that the method that you are using doesn't work doesn't help us help you. It could be a problem of you using the wrong method in which case we really need to find the right method.The problem could be elsewhere in your script as well. Right now I just don't have enough information to assist you.vujsa
  12. Well, I started a new website in September 2006 to try and answer some of the most frequently asked PHP questions I have come accross. The website is Handy PHP. The website is ultimately designed to be a PHP resource sharing medium. Currently there are several Handy PHP functions which I have written that are available to everyone to use and a tutorial on converting from HTML to PHP. I will add more tutorials and functions as I get time but currently, I am working on the website's other features like the ability for members to submit new resources. I chose to use Joomla as the CMS for this website as it is easier to concentrate on my website if I don't have to worry about building a CMS first. Joomla is quite easy to manage and has a lot of features and add-ons. While Joomla has the ability for any memebrs (if set) can submit an article to the website, the system doesn't allow for formating an article according to a set of fields. As a result, as I mention earlier, I am adding a system of forms that members can use to submit a function that will allow for a uniform appearence of all functions submitted. Another set of forms will be used for submitting tutorials. Basically, the forms will take the users raw data and create a formated article out of it for submission. Otherwise the submitter would have to try and mimic the HTML used to format the articles. I seem to have the template, graphics, and css under control with the exception of the site banner. I can always use input on the look of the website but I need ideas and suggestions for the content and features of the website. Features Coming Soon: Link Directory User Submitted Resources Newsletter Features Coming Not So Soon: Full Open Source Script Downloads. Open Source Projects. Commercial PHP Script Downloads So come take a look and let me know what you think.Again, the address is: Handy PHP Thanks,
  13. Send me a PM with your desired Username. When you log in again, you may have to try each name to see if the name has been changed yet. vujsa
  14. I'm pretty sure that you have a free email account waiting for you to set up at GoDaddy.com. Not sure what all it includes but it should fill your needs until a better option can be found.Again, aren't you glad that you used GoDaddy?vujsa
  15. Man, I don't even know what to say. It just seems like nothing is working for you now. I think maybe we should just ask you to leave an never come back again. We never had these kind of problems until you got here.:PI have no idea what is wrong with Xisto.net since it doesn't use cPanel so the upgrade wouldn't have been an issue. I really wish that there was something I could do but all of that is server ROOT access only. There is only one person with that level of access and he has mid term exams coming up soon which is the reason for he=is absense with this problem. I'm sure he will fix the system as soon as he has the time but I don't know when that will be.vujsa
  16. Okay, here is the problem. Your account creation cannot be executed until the cPanle issue is resolved. Even if we manage to reset your username, the system isn't working. Here is what I suggest. Goto http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and get an ad supported hosting account there and upload your website to it. Then go to GoDaddy and set your domain name to forward to your temporary website until we can get your hosting account fixed here. It won't be the best solution but it will get your fans a place a go. I'm sorry that I didn't think of this option before yout release date. You'll have to change your nameserver back to GoDaddy and repark your domain there and then set your forwarding service to whatever your temporary url is. If you choose to, you can also use a doamin mask which will always display your domain name instead of the username.trap17.net url. Lucky that you registered with GoDaddy since these options are free there but ususally charged for at most registrars. Hope this provides you with a suitable temporary solution to your problem. vujsa
  17. While I'll attempt to concele my opinion of homosexuality, I will express my opinion of sin.When a person sins it is an issue that they must resolve with God. It is not for us to judge them unless they engage in an activity which negatively impacts our lives. Even then, the final judgement is left to God. While many commandments regularly dismissed in todays world, many people seem to put more focus on homosexuality being a sin than adultry. What about hateful speach toward your fellow man? Isn't that sinful as well? If you want to express your opinion, please refrain from using harsh language and hateful comments. This usually is a sign of ignorance and immaturity! You will never convince others to see you point of view if you can't refrain from insulting your audience.
  18. I bet it is your browser cache. Try saving something then clear your cache to see if it is there afterwards. If that is the problem, I'm not sure how to fix that without setting no cache on the entire website.Since this isn't reallt my area, I can't help too much but I know that PHP isn't waiting to save your file. The process is real time. There isn't any file upload buffer on the server for PHP to use other than the "temp" folder but that clears out when the script moves on to the next task. vujsa
  19. If that was the answer, I so totally didn't understand the question. The special characters are used for formating text only. They are generally used in PHP to format the outputed HTML like so: This PHP: echo "<body>\n\t<table>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\tContent Here!<br />\n\t\t\t\tMore content here!\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</table>\n</body>"; Would output this HTML: <body> <table> <tr> <td> Content Here!<br /> More content here! </td> </tr> </table></body> Which after the browser displays it would look like this: I use this to format my HTML in a way that makes it more organized and easier to read later. Makes debugging much easier. This is also used for line breaks and tabs in the HTML textarea object. Hope this helps.
  20. Well, it could take a little time since the error isn't consistant. Some emails from my site works fine but others do not. So there must be omething incompatable in in the non-working email code with the setting in the new cPanel.As for the SMTP settings, I haven't tried them.vujsa
  21. Well, it looks like you are right, the sendmail system is down. I'll inform thoose that need to know.vujsa
  22. Oh no, you can display various sized ads by item number. For example, if you has a list of reccommended books that you wanted to show ads for, you can build a direct item link ad which actually earns you about a half a percent better commission. Th standard ad generation system is very versital and I think would probably suit all of your needs. The only time you would really want to use the XML option is if you had special needs. If you wanted to have featured pages automatically generated on your website with detailed information, you could do that with XML. If all you need is 120 X 240 sized banners, then you can simply use the ad build system they provide.
  23. The Amazon Associates Program is pretty good. I use it at VW One and Handy PHP! The program offer several ad options right out of the box so to speak but even more options if you tap directly into their database. The standard options are Amazon Banners, Amazon Search, Amazon Categories, Random Item Based On Keyword, Direct Link, Buy It Now, and various methods of Text Links. They also offer e-store solutions and are working on a content based ad generator much like Adsense I believe. They offer direct access to their XML database where you can literally build whatever type of ads you want if you know how to do some programming. I need to finish up a script that pulls information aboutevery book for a keyword and adds it to my link database. Kind of got sidetracked on that one. The commission is multilevel so the more you refer, the higher your comission rate. It doesn't cost anything to give i a try and Amazon isn't nearly as fussy as Adsense so you don't have to worry about getting booted out just because your site isn't finished or has too little traffic. Might as well give it a try. Hope this helps.
  24. Oh man, I can help all day with the PHP but the AS is not my area of knowledge. Never used it before. If you problem is on the AS side of the system, I won't be able to help. I'm really sorry.vujsa
  25. I'm sorry, there isn't anything I can do to assist you with this problem. I have requested help from another Admin whom may have an idea.I hope this can be resolved soon.vujsa
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