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Everything posted by vujsa

  1. So I just tried you script on my home system and my hosting account and everything worked fine with the sample data I used which was just a username. Are you looking in the right place for the saved file? It will be in the exact same directory as the script that saves it. It will not be in the root directory or any other place. So if your script is /scripts/save_guestbook.php then your XML file will be /scripts/guestbook.xml also! Other than this, I have no idea what might be wrong! The script works unless there is somethin in your XML file causing problems. Try changing $raw_xml = file_get_contents("php/input/;); to $raw_xml = "Test Data"; Hope this helps. vujsa
  2. I believe that this was caused by the recent cPanel upgrade. The new cPanel wasn't allowing new accounts to be created but I think it is okay now. Please try the process page again and see what happens. vujsa Wow, that was quick! vujsa Yeah, that isn't the username you requested! I'm not sure if that is the problem cause I'm new to the account creation process but you requested a different username which I think you cannot change.
  3. Well, in your cPanel, do as follows:Goto: cPanel > File Manager > Click on Filename > Change Permissions > Read All, Write All.Do the same for your directory except click on the directory name instead of filename and it should be execute all as well.Be sure to click the name and not the icon. The icon takes you to that directory while the name gives you the options for that item in the upper right side of the window.For files, 666 is read all and write all.For directories, 777 read all, write all, and execute all. [/hr]With your FTP manager, the process is probably much different.Ususally, your local files are on the left side and the remote files on the right side. RIGHT Click on the remote file or directory name to display your options. Select change permissions or CHMOD! Use the same setting as above.Hope this helps.vujsa
  4. Well, I wasn't able to find any decent free domain name systems but I did manage to find a referal / offer company that gave away credit vouchers for a small domain registrar company. Basically once you earned enough credits, you could redeem them for a certificate that was for a dollar amount equal to the amount of a .com registration at that site. The registrar is Optinom the referal company is difficult to earn credit through though. I redeemed a voucher for a HANDYPHP.COM. An best of all because bought the domain name using a voucher, the name is mine. I can transfer it whenever I choose and have full access to every aspect of my domain name. Will probably transfer to GoDaddy next year when it is time to renew. I'm sorry, I cannot post the link to the service in the forums. I don't mind requests for such information in a PM as I don't think that violates the TOS, AUP, or forum rules.
  5. The only thing I can imagine that might be wrong is you file or directory permissions.If you don't set the directory and the file you want to save to write ALL, the file won't save and I don't think PHP will return an error. chmod to 666 for the file and 777 for the directory. That should solve the issue. If you already have your permissions set correctly, then I'll have to further evaluate the problem.vujsa
  6. There a many Mambo / Joomla templates availible to choose from. I suggest going to MamboHut and see it there is one that you like already there. If there is one there that is nearly what you want, then you can edit the CSS file for that template. IF you cannot find one you like or can't simply change the CSS on, you can locate one that is roughly what you want and edit the index.php file along with the CSS to get hte results you want. The templates are about 90% HTML and the PHP portion is relatively basic unless you want a more dynamic template. Here are a couple that I have been working on here: VW One - It is nearly complete graphic wise but the CSS still needs work. Handy PHP - This one has nearly all of the CSS issues complete but the graphics are still being developed. I created both of those from scratch using the default graphics and CSS as my guide. They actually use the same index.php file and everything else is different except a few of the graphics. So look at a few template and study their index.php files to get a better idea of how to write the required script for it. As for the "Powered By Mambo" statement, as I understand the license for the system, you may remove that line. It should be in the footer.php file in the includes directory. The file has a statement that it may be edited for your needs. It might be nice to have a creidt s page somewhere though where you mention your use of whatever products are used for your website developement just to be sure that you haven't removed the wrong copyright statements! Enjoy your website.
  7. That is pretty good I think. I think that the foreground will need to be a little larger since the site banner area is 800 X 150. I think that the overall design will work well on my website. The background should be more defined and technical looking. Perhapes geometric patterns. I don't know for sure. If you don't mind, I think I'd like to play with your concept a little on my own. Please continue to share you thoughs and talents with me.
  8. Well, the file names are examples only. If you hade several weeks worth of files, you may have 10 "Monday" files, 10 "Tuesday" files etc... The file name isn't as important as being able to sort the data. The day names are replaced with numbers to allow for sorting the days in the order they are in through the week. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday is the correct order that the days appear in a week. Friday, Monday, Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday is the alphabetical order that normal sorting would place the day in. In this case, the user wanted all of the Monday files together and wanted then to come after Sunday and befor Tuesday. So we substituted the daynaes with numeric values like so: Sunday = 0 Monday = 1 Tuesday = 2 Wednesday = 3 Thursday = 4 Friday = 5 Saturday = 6 Once the temporary array has been built with numbers instead of names, the original array is sorted by the order that the temporary array should be ordered. Thus placing the day names in order of occurance on the calendar. As I understand the need addressed here, the user received data files with sports scores. The filename determines the content of the file. So Friday08GP.htm might mean somthing like The number eight game at Grant Park! If you wanted to have a website where all of the league scores were posted daily this would be a great way for your officials to update the website. The end user can view the scores in order of the days the games were played. So when displayed, the scored would be in a block for the week and each day 's scores would be group together. Otherwise, the Friday scores would always be at the top of the list and the Wednesday scores would always be tat the bottom. I hope this better explains the way the script works and the task that it performs. I have created a more flexable function version of this script. You can find it here: Handy PHP Functions : Array Sort By Day
  9. Well, I use PrimoPDF to create PDF's. It is kind of neat. You use whatever progran that you like and then select print. In your printer list select PrimoPDF and it will print your document into a PDF file where you tell it to. Pretty handy I think. Has some problems with webpages sometimes but other than that it works well. As for converting from PDF to Other, I don't have a need for that so I don't know of any software for it. Hope this helps. vujsa
  10. This is a really nice function mastercomputers. I'm kind of glad to see that your base method is generally the same as mine. What I mean to say is that your central sorting method is done with pattern replacements and then sort the original array by the values of the second array. Other than that, it is completely different except that it returns a nicely sorted array of data. You pointed out a flaw in my original code which in certain situations would have missorted the data. I have modified the code to perform more consistantly but the numeric method I used could still cause problems. I like the $days_pattern method that you used with the regular expressions which greatly reduces the overall size of both the search and replace arrays which should generally increase the effiecency of the script. You had asked about whether or not to preserver array keys and allow for sub-sorting. I'm not sure what is best here. Adding further flexability to the script could also make it more difficult for users to use the function. Since more flexability usually results in additional parameters being entered by the user or at least more options for the user to consider, the user could be overwhelmed by options. It could be argued that the user could run additional functions on the array after the function is done but if the user was capable of these operations then they should be able to manipulate a more complex function. I can't believe that in just 2 days this piece of code has been rewritten 4 times on 4 different websites. BuffaloHelp wrote a script that perform this action which I rewrote for him to make it more efficient. I then modified that script to be more flexable and eventually converted it to a function which I submitted to Handy PHP. This newest version again has increased the effciency and effectiveness of the task. So I guess this is the 5th version or 3rd generation of the idea. Things happen so fast on the web. Anyway, I'm glad to see that an interest has been taken in this subject. I guess Handy PHP has managed to fulfill one of its goals only after a month of existence. Thanks for the wonderful post mastercomputers. vujsa
  11. You have no idea how hard this really is if you don't think it through. What to do if a topic is moved, edited, deleted, merged... What to do if the same happens with a post... How do we figure a proper score for a post. Words per post, sentences per posts, words per sentence. Average syllables per word. etc, etc, etc... Then how do we keep track of the credits, by user or by post? I could max out the credits on this post with all the questions that you'll eventually have. One additional thing. This is like the third or forth version of the xisto credit script. It works very well but it took a lot of time and energy to get this far.
  12. Once again, this is the Xisto - Web Hosting forum! It is more than likely that the users PAID account is completely different than our free accounts. It is possible that the user has the $3.33 / month plan or better. The $3.33 plan comes with 2.1GB storage an 33.3GB bandwidth. So it is possible to use 99+ subdomains without too much effort! Please don't comment if you cannot provide this user with positive support.
  13. We're in the Xisto - Web Hosting forum! The reason for 99 subdomains is because the server requires that some number be entered. Since it was unlikely that any account would ever actually use 99 subdomains, that was the nice round number that was used. Pretty sure if you need more, you need only ask but that is up to OpaQue.
  14. Did you remove the add-on domain setting in your free account? You'll have to do this before the server will release it. You'll have to access the cPanel via the IP address I think. Try this link and just use your old cPanel username and password: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This should be all you need.
  15. Of course the script would require adaptation to you specific need which is why I decided to convert the script to a function. Then you could simply do the following to sort your $unsorted_array array: $sorted_array = my_sort_function($unsorted_array); Also, this particualr script doesn't allow for human error! You should add a validation routine to ensure that your refs are using the correct naming convention when uploading their files. Just let me know if any bugs pop up but there isn't much room for bugs here.
  16. Looks pretty good actually! A couple of things though. Might be a good idea to change "happy" to "handy". I could stick with it but I'd have to edit all of my posts here and at Xisto as well as buy a new domain name. I think I would prefer a teal (#009999) background since the banner should blend into the overall header of the website. The background could have a bit of texture to it as well. As for the logo, the pie graph oval is kind of nice. I like the simple look. The website isn't really about complexity and intricacy so the basic look is in. Keep in mind that Y! dosen't really convey search engine but it worked for Yahoo for a long time! I think that if noth else is done with the image, it will still serve as inspiration for me as I continue to tweak my website. By the way, I see that you use photobucket! Did you know that the owner of this site now has an image hosting site at ImageFilez Thanks for the help.
  17. Yesterday BuffaloHelp asked if I knew of a function or script that could sort filenames by the day of the week. He has files with names like so: Thursday567.htm Wednesday345.htm Monday123.htm Friday789.htm Sunday234.htm If he reads the filenames from a directory and sorts the only by name then the will end up in this order: Friday789.htm Monday123.htm Sunday234.htm Thursday567.htm Wednesday345.htm The required result should be like so: Sunday234.htm Monday123.htm Wednesday345.htm Thursday567.htm Friday789.htm There isn't just some nice simple function or method to sort these based on the days of the week. Here is the first version of a script I came up with for him. <pre><?php $days = array("Monday123.htm","Wednesday12.htm","Friday52.htm","Tuesday4556.htm","Sunday789.htm","Monday321.htm","Monday6321.htm","Wednesday654.htm","Friday987.htm","Tuesday741.htm","Saturday852.htm","Thursday963.htm");$day_name = array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");$day_number = array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6');$temp_array = str_replace($day_name, $day_number, $days);array_multisort($temp_array, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $days);echo "Output Values:\n";var_dump($days);?></pre> Basically, the script reads the array of filenames, creates a temporary array from the first but replaces the weekday name with a numeric value instead. Then the array of names is sort in the order that the temporary array would normally be sorted in. I'll explain in detail: We use the <pre> tag in order to use the preformated output the the PHP parser sends to the browser. Otherwise everything would try to be on the same line or wrap around lines instead of a nice column of information. The $days variable holds the data for the array of filenames that would be generated by reading the directory contents. This is just all of the filenames in the directory. In this case, I manually created the array since I'm not going to actually read a file directory. The $day_name variable holds the data for the array of weekday names. This is basically our search array meaning we will later search the $days array for these names. The $day_number variable holds the data for the array of weekday numbers. This is basically our replace array meaning we will later replace the $days array with these numbers. $day_name and $day_number are related to each other in that the Name in $day_name must correspond to the Number in $day_number. We create $temp_array by substituing the $day_name in $days with the corresponding $day_number! Now we should have something like this in our $temp_array: $days = array("1123.htm","312.htm","552.htm","24556.htm","0789.htm","1321.htm","16321.htm","3654.htm","5987.htm","2741.htm","6852.htm","4963.htm");In otherwords, Sunday becomes 0, Monday becomes 1, Tuesday becomes 2, etc... array_multisort() is a powerful function that can sort multidiminsional arrays as well as sort one array based on the data in a second array! With this function, we will sort the $days array with the values from the $temp_array array. So if the 4th position in $temp_array should go to the 1st position, then the 4th position in $days should also go to the 1st position! The end result is that the files are sorted in order based on which day of the week comes first. The var_dump() function simply flushes all of the variable information about $days to the browser in raw form. The end result should look like this: [/hr] As I said, this is the first version of the script I wrote for BuffaloHelp. He has asked that I write about it so that he can add it to the code repository he is working on for Xisto. The second, more powerful version, I'll convert to a function an submit it to my new PHP code repository for public use. I simply don't think that code should be posted in multiple places so I will only post it on one website. This script stays here and the other one in function form with be added to Handy PHP I won't add it right away since there are a number of other issues I need to take care of first but it will get there soon Enjoy.
  18. Yes, you can setup a document upload script on an account here as long as you are not file sharing illegal content like copyrighted material.Do you have a home network? If so, you can set your printer up on the network so you can print from your laptop to your desktops printer!vujsa
  19. Well, something simple and clean since the website is for programmers. We tend to not need a lot of flash unless we are Flash programmers. I think the website will probably remain pretty dry and techie so maybe something along those lines. Anyhow, here are a few descriptive phrases to describe the website: PHP Tools PHP Resources PHP Library PHP Web Design The site will need a logo which can be translated into a favicon later. Not necessarily the same image for both but one as the inspiration of the other. Other than that, I can't really give too much help since I have no idea what I want. I guess I would suggest that you not work too hard on finish product but instead a rough idea!
  20. That's strange, everything is working on my end. Handy PHP hasn't had any outages that I know of. Did the VW One link work? The two websites are on the same account...
  21. Well, once again I am here requesting help for my website. Previously I was looking for a site banner for my Volkswagen website VW One but now I have another site to work on which is Handy PHP. Handy PHP is just what it sounds like, a website for sharing PHP resources with anyone that visits. Among the featured content of the website is Handy PHP Tutorials and Handy PHP Functions that I have written. I have designed the website using teal which is what I'll be sticking with. For the complementing and additional colors of the website I used the Color Scheme Generator 2 as my guide. Like I said, I will be staying with the colors outlined in that link so please keep that in mind. The current website banner is temporary and is just a place holder for now. What I really need is a site logo and or a site banner with that logo. I think if I have a logo idea I can manage the rest on my own but I'll consider any input or graphics submitted. Take a look at the website and see what you think would be a good banner / logo for it. I'll also review any other suggestions that you may have for the website.
  22. Well, I'm glad to hear that I'm pointed in the right direction now.The "Under Construction" banner is really just to deter people from copying my content until I finish the legal statement which is a real pain in the butt considering I'm not a lawyer. But I have found a couple of really good "Terms Of Service" notices from some major websites which I am using as inspiration. I guess I don't really need a TOS since people will do whatever they want in the end but it will let my visitors know what it is that I will won't allow on my website. From that point, it is up to them whether or not they do the right thing!I'm planning on doing a few more PHP functions and a couple of tutorials before I really begin promoting my site heavily. I figure if I can get my website listed a few times on 2 or 3 highly ranked websites it will really help my traffic. Basically, I'll submit my tutorials and functions to websites that index such material. Most of these websites have a page ranking of over 5 so it should help in the end.Right now my traffic consists of Xisto members reading this post and reviewing my website and a couple of hits from people researching my domain name.I hope to get some decent advertising soon. Probably Google Adsense and Amazon. Since Amazon offer such a lerge selection of PHP books and other website related publishings, it may do well in the end for me. The only problem is the difficulty involved in trying to add dynamic ads to Joomla. I think that there are a couple of modules now that make the process easier but they weren't written for content targeting options.I think I'll stop in over at Xisto where they seem to have a bunch of graphic design freaks around and ask for ideas for a site logo which I can base the site banner and a favicon on. Of course, it won't hurt to have my website address posted a couple of times over there as well.The only other promotional item I'll work on is a new signature image. Probably a dynamically generated series of signature images with stats from the website like the number of tutorials or functions.Now for one further question of all of you. Is there anything that you feel that the website should have that it currently does not have now?Thank you for your input.vujsa
  23. You seemed to have a hard time coming up with the right word... Anyhow, thanks for all of the input. I've tried to implement some of the suggestions given to me by everyone in this topic. The site banner still needs to be redesigned but I modified it slightly to give it a little more color. Seems to be a little less boring now. I still have a few tweeks I need to perform here and there but I think things are looking better now. So I've changed things a bit and I hope everyone will stop by and take another look and let me know what I made better and what I made worse. Handy PHP Thanks a lot everyone. vujsa
  24. epsilon is the server that the Xisto account is hosted on.gamma is the server all of the free web hosting accounts are hosted on.I don't know what server Xisto is on.Looks like OpaQue forgot to reset the expiration date on the Xisto account. See, epsilon is the server which hosts web accounts like our server hosts our accounts but each account has a billing cycle on it which in our case is controlled by the credit system. The Xisto account is hosted on epsilon but the server administrator has to input that the account is current with billing. Since the account holder in this case is also the server administrator, there isn't any billing but the system wants that input anyhow. I believe all OpaQue has to do is unsuspend the account when he realizes the problem has occured. By the way, this isn't actually the first time it has happened. Seems like it happens once a year. Maybe the maximum period of time an account can be billed is once a year and OpaQue simply forgot to reset the billing cycle.
  25. Well, this is a lot of information to take in at once since I'm not very artistic and haven't had any art classes since the eigth grade (like 20 years ago). I studied music instead. Wish I had taken an art class in college now. I understand the concept of the color scheme and basically why those colors would be grouped together for the scheme but I have no idea how to use them. Here are the colors that work best for me which is what you described before: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ So I have a few questions for you: Are these 16 colors the only colors I should use on my website?- Can various shades of these colors be used or just stick to the 16 that were generated? Should these colors be used equally or should one shade be favored? Can black, white and the various grays be used with these schemes? Should all of the 16 colors be used or should some be excluded? Should text always be in direct contrast to the background or should it sometimes complement the background? Finally, what colors would you use where on the website? I know this is a lot of questions but I really don't have any direction to go in right now. I think if most of the questions were answered for me, then I would have a better idea of what I need to do. Thanks for the link to the color scheme tool. I wish that website provided a little more insight as to how to use the colors. Yes, the yellow is too much. Everytime I look at it, I think I should change it but it never gets done. Well, thanks for taking the time to look at my website and give a few pointers. vujsa
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