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Everything posted by vujsa

  1. Sorry for the long absense, been offering support for a couple of scripts which was rather time consuming. Hope I have the stamina to get through this bit of code! What I'll do here is write three sample scripts: Page1.php, page2.php and page1and2.php! page1.php: <html> <head> <title> Sample Page1.php Script </title> <meta name="description" content="PHP Assignment"> <meta name="keywords" content="PHP"> <meta name="author" content="vujsa"> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080"> <form action="page2.php" method="post"> <input type="text" name="text1" size="30" value="<?php echo "Test 1"; ?>"><br /> <input type="text" name="text2" size="30" value="<?php echo "Test 2"; ?>"><br /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"><br /> </form> </body></html> page2.php: <?php if (isset($_POST['text1'])){ $text1 = $_POST['text1'];}else{ $text1 = "";}if (isset($_POST['text2'])){ $text2 = $_POST['text2'];}else{ $text2 = "";}$output = "You typed : "$text1 . " " . $text2 . "<br />\n>;?><html> <head> <title> Sample Page2.php Script </title> <meta name="description" content="PHP Assignment"> <meta name="keywords" content="PHP"> <meta name="author" content="vujsa"> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080"> <form action="page2.php" method="post"> <input type="text" name="text1" size="30" value="<?php echo $text1; ?>"><br /> <input type="text" name="text2" size="30" value="<?php echo $text2; ?>"><br /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"><br /> </form><br /><?php echo $output; ?> </body></html> So to combine those two is rather easy actually. Since they are so similar to begin with. page1and2.php: <?php if($_POST['submitted'] == "yes"){ // Do the following if the script was requested by itself! if (isset($_POST['text1'])){ $text1 = $_POST['text1']; } else{ $text1 = ""; } if (isset($_POST['text2'])){ $text2 = $_POST['text2']; } else{ $text2 = ""; } $output = "You typed : " . $text1 . " " . $text2 . "<br />\n";}else{ // Do the following if the script was NOT requested by itself! $text1 = "Test 1"; $text2 = "Test 2"; $output = "";}?><html> <head> <title> Sample Page1and2.php Script </title> <meta name="description" content="PHP Assignment"> <meta name="keywords" content="PHP"> <meta name="author" content="vujsa"> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080"> <form action="page2.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="yes>"> <input type="text" name="text1" size="30" value="<?php echo $text1; ?>"><br /> <input type="text" name="text2" size="30" value="<?php echo $text2; ?>"><br /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"><br /> </form><br /><?php echo $output; ?> </body></html> You should recycle as much of the HTML as possible to cut down on the size of the script which will make it easier to manage. Then, use inline PHP tags to fill in the dynamic parts of the HTML like the <?php echo $text1; ?>. The Main PHP does whatever functions that your second page would have done plus it now checks to see if the request was from the submitted form or if this is a new page load altogether. If it is a new page load, display the blank form or a form with default values prefilled. If the request was from the form being submitted, display the form with the new values inserted and at the bottom display whatever it is that the script is supposed to process! Here is an additional consideration: Only display the submit button if the form is blank! page1and2.php (optional): <?php if($_POST['submitted'] == "yes"){ // Do the following if the script was requested by itself! if (isset($_POST['text1'])){ $text1 = $_POST['text1']; } else{ $text1 = ""; } if (isset($_POST['text2'])){ $text2 = $_POST['text2']; } else{ $text2 = ""; } $output = "You typed : " . $text1 . " " . $text2 . "<br />\n"; $submit = "";}else{ // Do the following if the script was NOT requested by itself! $text1 = "Test 1"; $text2 = "Test 2"; $output = ""; $submit = "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"submit\"><br />";}?><html> <head> <title> Sample Page1and2.php Script </title> <meta name="description" content="PHP Assignment"> <meta name="keywords" content="PHP"> <meta name="author" content="vujsa"> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080"> <form action="page2.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="yes>"> <input type="text" name="text1" size="30" value="<?php echo $text1; ?>"><br /> <input type="text" name="text2" size="30" value="<?php echo $text2; ?>"><br /> <?php echo $submit; ?> </form><br /><?php echo $output; ?> </body></html> In addition to this, you could even display the submit button after the form is submitted if a field was left blank so the user could fill in the blank field and resubmit! Highlighting or off color text could also be used for blank fields. I hope that this has provided you with enough of a sample to get your script finished. I tried to offer as many options as possible in a small space. From this I think you can determin which parts to make static and which to make dynamic. If you need more assistance, let me know. vujsa
  2. I see that your instructor is teaching you very pretty PHP dispite what others may think. The style of coding that you use is hard for some people to read which is why it isn't very common. I personally prefer to use the easy to read method for future debugging but this is very nice code that you have here. Please continue to use this more sophisticated style of scripting.You should place you data handling code from your second file in the conditional statement that checks to see if the page called itself. You don't need to worry about any of that stuff if the page wasn't called from itself so it shouldn't be used if the page is the blank form only!So I would place it in your curly braces right after $err_msg = '';.I hope this helps and I'll try to check back in on this topic for awhile.vujsa
  3. <?php include ('pagerank.php'); ?>this is the correct way to code this. Other ways may work but it is best to get in the habit of doind it right. Try moving that include from the top of the file to the bottom of the file. That is why your HTML isn't parsing correctly. Too much trash before the <html>! Without seeing the source to the pagerank.php script, I can't tell what other problems you are having. It seems like the script isn't working correctly. vujsa
  4. Well, I always pronounced it scuzzy SCSII. It is even how all of my books refer to its pronounciation. GNOME is like the little garden guys or the name of the Alaskan city. We have a sillent "G" in English when it preceeds "N". So it would be "nome"! Linux - that is an odd one since I have always heard it pronounced with a short "I" sound. The same "I" as in window! What is odd about it is that it was devloped by a guy named Linus! Linus uses a long I sond like "like". Even more confusing is that he named it for "Linus Unix" so shouldn't it be "linix"!@!$#@! emule is just emule. Never thought anything about it. It is like email or ecommerce! I can't believe all of you people that have been taught the wrong way to pronounce "character"! Not "chr", "character"! What is a "char" "actor" or even a "car" "actor"? The word is pronounced with a long "a" "r" like care. Like "care" "actor" so it stands to reason that the abbreviation for character is pronounced care! The "H" in this case is silent. For some reason, somebody mispronounced chr some time ago and it stuck it seems. I could go on and on but I won't. vujsa
  5. Well, the last couple of days have seen some pretty odd behavior from the server. Files won't upload, files won't edit, and then of course there have been a few server outages all together.Well, I have the reason behind the issues. In an effort to better enable himself to offer all of the services that he provides, OpaQue's company has aquired another hosting companies assets. That is Xisto - Web Hosting has bought shothost.com which means that he basically took over the hosting accounts for shothost.com. As a result, all of the shothost customer hosting accounts are being transfered to the Xisto servers. Since OpaQue already has the needed servers, there wasn't any reason to keep the overhead the shothost had invested in servers. The strain of transfering all of that data to our servers has caused a few issues to pop up. In the first place, during the transfer, in order to reduce data errors for everyone's account, the server goes into read only mode for the "ACTIVE" accounts. Believe me, this is best for all of us. We don't want new data that we thought was saved being discarded in the process. Once a set of transfers is complete, I believe that the server has to restart or at the very least, the server has to re-catelog all of the domain information for the accounts as well as other file association tasks. Now, thus far, all of these transfers have been performed at non-peak internet times and has provided irritating but generally harmless outages. So if this is for Xisto - Web Hosting, then why is Gamma server effected. Well, it seems that some of the paid hosting accounts are being hosted on the same server as the free accounts. This shouldn't effect us in the end nor should it bother the paid accounts. So why is Xisto buying another hosting company? Well, Xisto is really just paying the previous shothost owners for the hosting accounts they had. These accounts will now pay their monthly hosting fees to Xisto and this really effects our free hosting account in a very positive way.The advertising on the forums doesn't come close to covering the cost of our free hosting accounts here. As a result, the "PAID" hosting customers are the ones paying for our hosting here. So the more paid accounts Xisto has, the more free accounts we can offer here and the more likely we are to keep all of the great hosting features we have.I'm not sure how many accounts were aquired nor how long it will take for the server to be back to normal operation but as stated before, these operations are being performed at a time that should impact as few users as possible. vujsa
  6. Wow, 4/10, that's pretty good. Xisto.com and Xisto.com are both 5/10 while ipbgaming is 4/10 I think. I gives you an idea of how well linked your website it. Most of the major websites are 9/10 while google and a few other mega site are 10/10! The higher your rank, usually the better commission rate you can get from advertisers. It should also give you an idea of how big you are in the grand scheme of things. There is more to it than just having a lot of links to your page. Internal links don't really help and links from higher ranking websites help more than links from lower ranking websites. SO if you can get MicroSoft to put your link on their index page, you'd be doing well. vujsa
  7. Well, I'm a caring person so I pronounce it care. But that is how I pronounce character as well. Since I knew that char was an abbreviation of the word character, that is how I have always pronounced it. I guess people not living in the Midwestern U.S. might pronounce character wit a car sound instead of a care sound. I would use the phontic alphabet to explain the difference but I don't remember all of the special characters needed to do so.Charcoal should be left at the Bar-B-Que. Fire and computers don't really mix well.vujsa
  8. Well, they must have had some kind of outage over the weekend I guess because the links are working for me again. I have a page that I list several website pageranks on so I can glance at them for an overview. I was worried that since I had been using so many at once, the site owner decided to ban my IP for leeching or some other offence. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong so I won't worry anymore. I can see the website fine now as well. Just thought after so many days I should ask. Thanks for the reply. vujsa
  9. Closing this junk topic. Nobody seems to have anything to say about this subject. Never seen such a collection of oneliners and junk in my life.In the future, topics like this will be deleted and everyone active in the topic will have their credits removed times 1.5. This is exactly the kind of junk we don't want here.vujsa
  10. Hi guys, I was just wondering if anyone else was having trouble seeing http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists Anyhow, if you guys could check and let me know, that would be great. vujsa
  11. This is a warning for the members to be aware of what they are replying to as well as a statement of action taken against those that post such junk in the first place.Yes, there are places I can move junk and spam to. When possible, the unwanted material is placed there but at the end of the day, it is just easier to delete the trash. The credit system dictates that a suitable number of credits be taken away when your content is deleted. Otherwise we'd get loads of junk here that would get deleted and then have to manually update credits which at this time is only possible by the server admin.The system is set up to punish bad members but occasionally, a good member gets stuck in the middle. This is true in the real World as well so I have a hard time getting upset about it. My job is to keep the forum tidy, approve/deny hosting applications, and deal with members problems (good and bad). I do my job as well as I can and as fairly as possible. If a significant number of quality replies follow an unwanted post, arrangements may be made to preserve the discussion. Usually, a junk posts is followed by more junk replies with maybe a couple of decent replies in between. In which case the lesser evil is adopted. I understand that this may not be the most popular course of action but I think that most of the members understand the reasoning and realize that they do have some control over their own destiny. Please be assured that every effort is taken to ensure that quality members are impacted as little as possible when any action is taken.vujsa
  12. vujsa


    Is the movie file getting saved? My guess is that your problem is with the max_file_size! without seeing your code, it is hard to tell for sure but here is the PHP link for such things: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.php Now, there is another thing that you have to consider. You set your file upload form to use the POST method. All of your file attributes are retrieved using the $_FILES global variable BUT your other form input variables are retrieved in the usual way with the $_POST global! There is a set_time_limit function but I'm not sure how it is used. I've not needed it in the past. Most of the user notes on that page seem to be from confused users. Doesn't really clear things up much. I hope this helps some. vujsa
  13. Well, let me see here. In the past week, I have used phpMyAdmin for the following activities without any problem Not a single error with the cPanel installed phpMyAdmin script: Moved tables from database to database. Created copies of tables on various databases. Created backups and restored databases and tables from those bakups. Imported and exported data. Edited field information. Added / deleted fields. Optimized and repaired databases / tables. Now I'm not sure what errors you are seeing but this doesn't seem to be a problem with the script. I don't mean to minimize your problem but I can't resolve an issue which I can't duplicate. I tried this as you requested without any problems:
  14. Yes, the Xisto and Xisto hosting accounts are on the Gamma server. The MySQL error is a normal part of the servers operation. The error message is given in one particular situtation. It is triggered when there happen to be too many connections to MySQL at the same time! As I have explained in other topics similar to this one, the MySQL server has a limit on the number of simultaneous connections to it.Lets say that the limit is 100 simultaneous connections! That means that if there are 101+ connections requested at the exact same moment, the error appears! Since most connections only last hundredths of a second, this allows for thousands of connections per second. So it really takes a lot of people on the server at the same time to cause the problem. Even if you had 3000 people viewing material on the Gamma server, what are the chances that all of those pages even required a MySQL connection and if people are reading content, what are the chances that they all would choose to load a page at the same time?My point is that several thousand pages can be viewed at the same time before the server notices any problems.Now lets consider other variables in the equasion. I'm guessing that you posted this article at the time of the outage. It happens that the time that you posted this topic is also one of the busiest times on the internet each day.So we got a whole lot of people viewing our pages all at once and then we got one too many MySQL requests at the same instant and bang!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The error message starts popping up for everyone. So what is their first instinct?"Click Reload!"So now the server is kind of overwhelmed and then a couple of thousand people click reload at the same time. Now the server is completely overwhelmed. It can't even process all of the error messages as fast as the errors pop up resulting in connection request lasting longer and using up the time that could have been used for an actual connection. So we get another reload request which then makes things even worse. etc...Maybe the MySQL server needs some kind of queuing system but I don't know of one. The best possible solution is for software developers to write their code to respond differently to the "Too Many Connection" error. If the script forced the user to wait 30 seconds before displaying the message, then the server would have time to recover before a barrage of page reloads.Basically, once this happens, the problem usually grows out of control until enough users are discouraged and break the cycle by not reloading.It would be nice if you could add code to your robot.txt file that would allow you to specify the time of day that it is okay to crawl your website which could at least reduce the number of connection requests by eliminating the bots during peak hours. Some web software allows a website to be dynamically generated once a day and then the visitor actuall sees a static page. This doesn't really work for many dynamic websites like a forum or blob but for a link index or daily news site, it would be fine.Really, all we need is for users to analyze the situation wait a minute and then reload.Long story summarized this happen very infrequently and is only a problem during peak internet hours. Not only is this problem compounded by users not reacting to the problem in the logical manner, the way that scripts handle the error and the number of connections a script requires to load a page are also major issues. The server produces the error message so that it doesn't need to be restarted. Basically, there isn't much that can be done to resolve the issue when it arises.Hope this helps.vujsa
  15. Yeah, sorry about the page load problems. That is usually a pretty good time to use the server but some bot stopped by this morning and index 169 pages on my site! So I sent them a nasty email. Who programs a bot to index an entire website all at once? Probably slowed the entire hosting server down. Thanks for stopping by. I hope next time you can see everything.
  16. Well, this isn't too hard to do actually. First you'll set up your database as usual. database: accountname_databasename Then add a user for this database. username: accountname_username password: 1234abcd5678efgh When you install you phpbb, it will ask you for your database information. More than likely, you'll be using the localhost and where it asks for a database table prefix, there should be a default value filled in already. phpbb_ is usually the default value for phpbb! If you wanted to use the same database for several phpbb installations, then just modify the prefix accordingly: phpbb1_ phpbb2_ phpbb3_ etc... Now this is important to remember since you wiki will probably have it's own default prefix. Lets call that prefix wiki_. If you has a user table in phpbb it would be called phpbb_user whereas the wiki user table would be wiki_user! This is how you can run multiple applications on the same database without the data getting mixed up! As for you specific neds, we would need to know what kind of server interface you are using. Different systems allow for different methods of setting up and maintaining databases. Here at Xisto, we have the cPanel system and unlimited databases so we can have a different database for each application! Hope this helps. vujsa
  17. Well, that is the correct code but it will not work on windows machines and you have to have PHP4.3.0 or higher. Since that is the correct code, I think it is better to use that instead of number_format if your system allows for it.The code I gave you will use money_format if available but if not, it will use the number_format method!I generally think that you should always use the correct code for the situation which isn't always possible so you have to have a backup plan. That is what my code will do for you.But you are correct, if that was what was required to format a number, it would be a lot of code. This has a lot of optional code.It is of course possible to format you numbers manually in several ways which WOULD require a lot more code and gets kind of tedious. My point is, there is always more than one way to code something!Hope this helps.vujsa
  18. hmm... Not sure what you saw the first time. Perhapes the css file didn't load on your first visit or something because the buttons haven't changed since I started the website except for color. I did have to make a few adjustments to the css to get some of the colors to work better together and some of the spacing was off before. Anyhow, you aren't the only one that doesn't care for the colors that I have decided to use. I think that I don't mind much though. I may do a few teaks here and there but I'm pretty happy with everything except the site logo. I was able to get a forum added to the website. It is a very basic forum system with very few options but it allows for the posting and replying of messages so it is enough I think. Basically few problems to deal with later I think. The only real issue with the forum script I used was that the template was hard coded for the most part making it very difficult to adapt it to my website. Most of the forum templating is done now so I went ahead and activated it for public use. You must register to post in the forum but anyone may view it. Integrating the forum into Joomla was quite simple. Joomla takes care of about 90% of the usual forum operations so having a complex forum system isn't needed. I still need to design a new set of forum buttons to better suit my taste. The phpbb buttons match ok I guess but I would prefer something better. I guess at this point in time, I really need to worry more about the content on the website and start attracting more visitors. So far I have submitted 3 of my functions to The PHP Resource Index and it has really boosted my number of visitors. My average number of visitors has tripled in the past 30 days so I guess I am on the right path. Anyway, feel free to continue to bad mouth my site becuse I find it the most helpful way to make it better.
  19. As far as I know, the system was fixed on October 24th. If it is true that there are still problems then you need to update me with a PM as soon as possible.Please try your creation process once again and let be know what happens. Other members have been getting their accounts created without any problems.vujsa
  20. Well, there is a very nice function that will format your monetary number for you if you have PHP 4.3.0+ and if it has been set up properly for your server. If not, you have to use number format preceeded by a dollar sign. I wrote this for you and will use use the money_format function if enabled on your system otherwise, it will use the number_forumat function: <?php$number = 1234.56;if (function_exists(money_format)){ setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'en_US'); $money = money_format('%(#0n', $number);}else { $money = "$" . number_format($number, 2, '.', '');}echo $money;?> Take a look here for more information: money_formatnumber_format Now for your error checking, there are a couple of ways you can do it. The first is short and to the point but not very user friendlt I think. if($this){ echo $that;}else{ exit('Form incomplete! - Go back and fill the form out completely please!");} Your users won't like that much I think! Your second option is probably better but more difficult. It records which form items were missed or incorrect then redirects the user back to the form prefilled with highlighting for the missed filleds or a message of which items need attention. Basically, if the item needs some attention, we add it to an array then use that array later to list the problem fields! <?php $item1 = 1;$item2 = 2;$item4 = 4;if (!isset($item1)){ if(isset($error_array)){ array_push($error_array, "Item 1"); } else{ $error_array = array("Item 1"); }}if (!isset($item2)){ if(isset($error_array)){ array_push($error_array, "Item 2"); } else{ $error_array = array("Item 2"); }}if (!isset($item3)){ if(isset($error_array)){ array_push($error_array, "Item 3"); } else{ $error_array = array("Item 3"); }}if (!isset($item4)){ if(isset($error_array)){ array_push($error_array, "Item 4"); } else{ $error_array = array("Item 4"); }}if (!isset($item5)){ if(isset($error_array)){ array_push($error_array, "Item 5"); } else{ $error_array = array("Item 5"); }}if(isset($error_array)){ echo "You missed the following items:<br />\n"; $error_count = count($error_array) - 1; for($x=0; $x <= $error_count; $x++){ echo "<font color=\"#FF0000\">$error_array[$x]</font><br>\n"; }// Here is where you need to add the reloading of the form and auto insert the correct data.}else{ echo "Congratulations, you managed to fill in all of the required fields!";// This would be where you insert your data into the database and inform the user that his order was submitted.}?> That would output the following: You would also have to reload the form and auto input the correct items from the last submission.If you wanted to highlight each of the missed items in the form, you would have to do more coding for that. The system can get kind of overwhelming if you don't try to break it up into smaller pieces. Again, using a loop and/or a custom function to handle most of your work would probably be helpful. Otherwise, you will have to individually type out all of that code for each item to be checked. Not sure what the maximum number of items there might be in your form but it could be several. Hope this helps. vujsa
  21. Well, for your phone number issue, here is what I would do. Since this will be a true/false situation, and since false will terminate the process, you should put the check at the beginning of the script like so: <?php if (isset($_POST['phone'])){ $phone_prefix = $substr($_POST['phone'], 0, 3); if($phone_prefix == 123 || $phone_prefix == 321){ echo "Good Number!"; } else{ exit("Error! - Bad Phnoe Number!"); }}else{ exit("Error! - No Phone Number Entered!");}?> Now what that does is check to see if the phone number starts with 321 or 123. If it doesn't start with 321 or 123 or if it isn't set, an error message is returned and the script ends I'm not sure what it is that you need for your number format question. If you give me an example of a number that you start with and also provide me with an example of the returned number, then I can tell you how to do it probably. vujsa
  22. Yeah, exactly as I suspected.. In your form find on line #9: <form id="MyOrder" action="process_order.php" method="POST"> If you use the "POST" method in your form, then to be able to used the passed variables in your "process_order.php" script, you have to use the "POST" method there as well! So you need to change ALL of your $_GET in your script to $_POST! OR Change your form from "POST" to "GET"! vujsa
  23. Yeah, so no major problems with the code provided!If you manually input variables in the url, everything works fine. :Dginginca.php?item_1_product=Baseball%20Cap&item_1_price=$1.00&item_1_size=XL&item_1_qty=200This url correctly displayed "Name", "Price", "Size", and "Quantity" for item one in the table. Try a manual url entry to see for yourself!The real issue must be in the form that submits the data. I'm guessing that your form uses the "POST" method and your script uses the "GET" method! Can't be sure until I see the submisstion form.Now on to the basics. :)In your table HTML, you never close many of your <font> tags. I'm guessing that that will be considered by your professor.By the way, not sure what your original assignment was but it seems like a lot of work to set all of your variables this way. Have you considered an array and a loop? Your PHP code would be about 10 lines long instead of 90. Just a thought.vujsa
  24. Recently, I have notice a large amount of junk posts here that seemed to slip by our staff. As I see this junk, I will be deleting it unless it negatively affects the flow of the discussion. When I delete these posts, 1.5 times the number credits that the post earned will be deducted from the users account. This is automated as a punishment for posting junk. I have no control over your credits and I cannot manually adjust your credits up or down. Junk: one line or very small posts or posts that are off topic or make no sense! Spam: Unsolicited or inappropriately submitted links or any referal links posted! Junk posts are deleted. If there are enough of them we ban you or suspend your account. Spam posts are deleted and you will be banned! "But I didn't spam and my post was rather large!" This happen when the topic that you posted in gets deleted. I hate when this happens since it punishes good members for the bad behavior of bad members. PLEASE, don't reply to junk or spam! Use the report this post button or PM a staff members. If you really want to be a good neighbor, you can simple add a one line post like so: [quote]This topic is junk, do not reply to it.[/quote] This won't cost you anything in credits when deleted because quoted material is ignored by the credit script! Pointing this stuff out to staff and other members will greatly reduce the amount of spam that we have here. As a result, we will be better enabled to provide you with the assistance you need when you need it instead of trying to sort through all of the junk! One additional thought, if you think that there is a possibility that an article has been plagiarized, don't reply to it. Again, these topic or posts will be deleted and your post may go with it! Thank you for your cooperations in this matter. vujsa
  25. Well, I've never done this with SATA so I can't say what the controller is capable of. I'd really need to see the spec. for the MotherBoard to be sure of anything.You shouldn't need any SCSI drivers. WinXP may identify certain RAID drivers as SCSI but they will be IDE or SATA. As for combining the IDE and SATA, I don't know if it can be done! Really depends on the BIOS.If all 4 drives aren't 320GB which they probably are not, then I think that two seperate arrays would be best. As I understood you, he wants his two old drives in a RAID 1 configuration. One old drive as the active and the other drive as it's mirror. Is this correct?If so, I would set those up on IDE1 master and IDE2 master. I wouldn't put them on the same channel since it could really slow the system. The bus can write more quickly to two seperate channels than to the same one!I would then put the two new drives in a seprerate mirrored array. SATA1 master and SATA2 master.With that large of HDD's, I don't see that striping will really be useful. Most people use striping to artifically create a larger hard drive. Otherwise, you'll have to strip one old with one new and mirror it with the other old and the other new.If he has 2 X 80GB hard drives and buys 2 X 320GB hard drives and wanted RAID 1+0, this would be the configuration:[80GB & 320GB] as the active[80GB & 320GB] as the mirrordepending on the user interface for his RAID drivers, this could be very easy to do or nearly impossible if even allowed by the system.I'm sorry, I personally don't have any SATA drives and I'm a little out of practice with RAID setups. That and all of the unknown variables really makes it hard for me to be specific about what to do.vujsa
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