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Everything posted by Trekkie101

  1. Google Talk is fantastic, ive been Talking to a lot of others using it and its great quality and speed. It puts MSNMessengers silly audio feature to absolute shame and gives it a kick and then some. Its missing some key features ill admit though, such as file transfer and perhaps webcam. Font colour, avatar and the such would be very nice to actually have. Although its very basic it is a far better client than any of the mainstream ones (#MSNM, YIM, AIM or ICQ) and its voice encoding is second to none. I love Google Talk!
  2. Gotta remember, its beta, its not supposed to be supproted yet and half the net arent supposed to have it before its out :DWhats been bugging me, is people that think IE is gonna grab back its amrket share, yeah it will, but its not ready for another war, maybe it will take firefox down to 5%, maybe only some of us will stay with Firefox, but after a while, Firefox, Opera and Safari are all going to be advancing Microsoft will sit quiet for another 4 years and loose more market share. Yesterday I had a look at XUL, I built a very basic browser in it, but it was easy, No C code, no hard stuff, just this really simple language that I wouldnt believe was so simple. If the firefox developers can use such a simple language and make it available to everyone like they do, IE just wont be able to compete, Firefox can have every single feature ever dreamed up and is built to be able to do that. IE wont win forever, the Fox will take over the web as planned, or atleast even the field out a lot more
  3. Apple = StyleApple = BeatutyApple != stableApple != helpfulApple != cleverApple = UselessApple like to go for a specific nice looking style, usually quite low colours and usually not a lot of black, lots of white, they like beauty and dont want people going out and buying another PC, they want to sell you their beauty and show you how nice it is. They only want their hardware because thy know it works and cant be bothered supporting anything else.Apple isnt stable, I hate people saying it is, everytime I use a mac, it never crashes granted but it never performs at any speed, its anti-crash system stops that I guess. It detects crashes apparently and prevents them, while a good idea if it reduces the speed of the mac by about 40% I dont think its worth it, macs always perform slow for me, even in the apple marketing table, the big machine still didnt compare to my middle range pc.Mac isnt helpful, fair enough I havent spent nearly as much time as I should trying to learn to use it, but it confuses hell out of me, middle and second click are important, I learned to use the basics of KDE in about an hour. Was configuring gnome after only a few hours of it, and FWM95 was fully configured and running an XP skin and all withing about 20 minutes of using it. Aqua and Mac classic, both scare me and I find them pretty useless to anything that actually needs done, its built for beauty and widgets not for anything useful.Apple doesnt seem to know what customers want, if they bought an apple PPC then they want to use an apple, next the bring out an Apple x86 and will only let you use the hardware they choose, tell me, how is this a step up in any book?Apple in conclusion is absolutely useless, I can do anything a mac can with Windows and Linux, on hardware of my choice and get it working right and not have to crack hell out of it. I cand esign and update my PC as I choose and have as many OS's as I want in it, apart from one, and yep you guessed it, Apple.
  4. /html/php/php/logic/php/junk/css/images/other Is how I work. As much logic and understanding for anyone else as I can make it and im happy, as if someone else can understand it, then its a logical system and logical systems always prove to work the best
  5. Then it can shorten it to about 5/10 minutes, if you mean just uploading the files then it'll only take about 3. Its a really nice way of doing things and it gets it done using as little bandwidth as possible. Since I found it, I cant imagine uploading big packages any other way.
  6. Thats sort of like the new SMF 1.1 login system, apart from its using SHA-1.Basically, hashes the password using lowercase letters, and then mixes it with the salt,. which changes daily IIRC, and the password hash looks different every day, so even if you broke the hash once, the salt would change and the password in the DB would be updated to use the new salt. And it comes with a really big and weird script to do all that.
  7. 2.1 is a huge update but your right in saying its a lot of user improvements including AJAX prefectching so you dont have to reload certain pages to get data.It also supports MKPortal and will be releasing its own paid portal aswell to be used.
  8. From what I see, its very basic, not that many features to use, but then its a huge board, its probably unbloated to try and keep speed up which is does well.Im not a great fan of the skin of very limited javascript though. A lot could be improved but they run pretty fast and seem very search engine optimised to deal with things.
  9. Is it windows XP pro edition by any chance?Also have you loaded in SP2?Ive noticed a few more people reporting this on other sites aswell, but on my XP Home SP2 its working a dream and doesnt cause trouble unless I try .7z which just eats memory and crashed the machine.
  10. Shop Mod for SMF has the same functionality as the cash mod and shop mod in one package. Up to you ofcourse if you want to try SMF. phpBB just getting a very bad reputation.
  11. lol I only wish I could take credit, OpaQues the man behind it all Glad you are all happy though, I personally like it a lot better.
  12. Its a plain install thats given via cPanel, wont be any different to a normal install.
  13. I wouldnt wait for phpBB3 or use the insecure phpBB2You might wanna look for a better free script IMO like SMF (http://www.simplemachines.org/)
  14. What about now?Asta is loading an a REALLY fast pace for me now, fantastic.
  15. Right im flagging the message, an admin should see it very soon.We'll get this sorted :DAlso .tk dont really care too much about the count, they've never killed my domains before.
  16. Its limited on what ammount of connection can reach it, so if there was a lot of traffic trying to get to the asta server, it would do this.If you try again later, it should be fine.
  17. The server did crash, it came back shortly afterwords, but MySQL took a five minute break, but now everything seems to be back in working order. Sorry about that
  18. Yeah file manager works perfectly, I tried that actually at the same time as the mod stuff, it worked, sorry for not rmemebering to say. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ was my test site Shop mod was there, along with arcade, but there gone again. Also, when your going to attempt, could you load MSN Messenger, so I can watch
  19. Right, the Shop hasnt been updated for 1.1 Beta 3, ill make a post about it at Simple Machines. I dont know why the arcade isnt working, but I know how to fix it, Install it, ignoring the warning. Then Open "Souces/Subs.php" and find if (allowedTo('manage_smileys')) $context['admin_areas']['config']['areas']['manage_smileys'] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=smileys">' . $txt['smileys_manage'] . '</a>'; and just after it, add this if (allowedTo('admin_arcade')) $context['admin_areas']['config']['areas']['admin_arcade'] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=arcadeadmin">' . $txt['admin_arcade'] . '</a>'; And thats the thing that failed done manually. Happy Modding, ill chase up the shop
  20. Thank god you reminded me, thanks!Ill have it doen within the hour, im starting uploading SMF now
  21. A subdomain is something that is added to a domain, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is a domain http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, arthurt is the subdomain.As for the error, yeah I see it, ill notify an admin when I see one
  22. It will be for everyone at home when its fianlly released in 2006/7 its going to be the biggest upgrade we've ever seen apaprently, I actually believe this may take away some of Linux's advantages like improved stability and higher security. Microsoft have been working har don this baby.
  23. I believe Microsoft were fully removing the refresh and stop buttons, the stop button because more than half the world have high speed access and usually load things fast enough that a stop button wouldnt help too much.The refresh button I have no clue, but I do remember reading that it wasnt going to be there.
  24. Right, ill install a spare copy of SMF today and have a go with the mods and see whats up. Yes that tool shopuld do it, and 777 isnt a secuirty risk at all. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You might wanna read that. As for the File Manager, I dont have a clue, ill test that aswell Ill have answers here later on once ive done the tests
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