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Everything posted by Trekkie101

  1. Also Rebeca, does she REALLY need to do ChanServs job, all night shes caused my trouble with NBot, and she caused others trouble to, could that module be unloaded please!
  2. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Is helpful for our IRCness check that out!
  3. Right, we have IRC so for read this for info on how-to use it. Quick Start Network: DALnet Channel: #Xisto Service: ChanServ So your new to IRC well thats fine too, its a great tool, IRC is Internet Relay Chat. You connect with a chat client similar to MSNM, now if you have firefox your uber-lucky if not then your uber-lucky to Ill explain Firefox Way Meet ChatZilla your new room mate http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Now install that by clicking install now. Then close firefox and open it again Then Tools -> chatzilla Click on the Dalnet blue text in the window and then give yourself a nick when it asks and then let the text scroll for its mile. then type /join #Xisto and it will load up a nice screen with us in it. NBot will welcome you and then we can all be merry! Just type and hit enter to talk. Normal Users - long term users Youll need a client, now my personal fave is HydraIRC, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so download that when you open the program there should be a plug, click it and then in server address type irc://irc.dalnet.com and then it will connect you, in the chat box type /join #Xisto and you will then be in the chat! any probs, please post! (We need a better category for this stuff)
  4. the ad doesnt work, so it just gives a horrible white bot with an error in it. You can see it more than anything else. Also I dont like browsing in full screen. I like normal. Firefox gibes me what I want. So ill just stick with it. Sorry
  5. One thing that bugs me, they need to make it so its not like a new install, they need a code patcher really. That would me much better. then updates would be a lot faster.
  6. This will be ace for showing people the differences and values of linux. Good work I say. *Ponders hijacking school bootup
  7. Now we have multiple bots, use Trekkies :)NBot - The best :(Just type !menu
  8. Whey! Isnt mine Teh Leet! anyway, I cant do anything arty so I wish all those who can do art, good luck!
  9. Sounds cool, although the more the hotter they would become? I would hate to have it over heat on me, also the price aint bad for the technology behind it. Pentium 6 here we come! Super fast! lol
  10. You can add a domain on. But cant remove the sub.
  11. Pity were not using SMF :)That has a cutom BB code mod. Pretty sweet to use. I made a hulk tag that amde thingas bold and green. LOL and a few search tags like ebay, google, msn etc.
  12. When you log into cpanel press cancel three times then you will make it to a landing page, that will have a password reset button.
  13. Read all the source code of SMF, its like learning php, it comments everything, it tells you what everything does and why its there, I too have only changed the graphics of SMF and changed the CSS havent really done anything major.
  14. erm nothing, nothing there. I took it out but its well blank apart from saying Pentium 4 on it.
  15. Which forum system would you say had the best skinning options and easiness. I know from expeirience that the SMF theme engine is very unique and easy to use. In fact its very close to plain HTML. I dont want to know what you've seen, I want to know what youve done and thought about it. Thats more useful.
  16. Why not try open office, its a very nice program apart from the presentation package and its free. http://www.openoffice.org/
  17. Im nearly finished fixing up NBot who will become AstaBot (Just a name change) and that should be an automatic support feature also maybe tell chanserv to op us, it just deoping when we leave.
  18. Ive been bouncing about that for ages!Maybe on chatchannel or aceirc.org Im on both and there great people. and small
  19. It places an ad, thats just about why I hate it. Ads are pointless and shouldnt ever be included but then you get what you pay for, I pay nothing for FF, maybe it does have less features but no intrusive adverts....
  20. The best way isnt to submit your site, let the engines find you. I waited three weeks and at the end I still get bots daily, taking up 300MB of my bandwidth in total and ive never submit my site.
  21. *Googles Sub7 but only finds reports from security firms. The worst Visual Basic program I wrote and I suppose it was a virus of some type or description printed the number 7 and didnt stop, it gave a pentium 4 a hard time. Pretty silly mistake really.
  22. If the alt isnt working then probably not, notepad is built to be very small and only support the bare minimum, eg printing, saving, opening, typing thats why it can only use 1 font throught.
  23. I dont have patience so long tutorials would bore me to death. Code is a lot better, you can start wherever you want and get where your going a lot faster.
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