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Everything posted by 9block

  1. Lol last night me and a couple buddies were drinking (i know i know, this has to do with harry potter... relax) and we got dropped off near a book store. Not sure why we were, but my other buddy who was driving ditched us there and didnt come back. We chilled in front of the book store for bout 30 minutes, and this was just after midnight, so people were buying books and stuff. Lil kids, middle age people, and old people. We were possibly drunk at this point, so we were laughing so hard at the people cause there was an old man in a wizard suit.Seen two "gangsta's" run up, and one ran in the store... we were chirpin the other one and sayin how if his buddy came out with a harry potter book. dot. dot. dot. Guess what happens. Just Harry Potter is teaching street thugs to read. It was definately fun ripping up a bunch of HP fans though, and their parents. lol. Thats my HP story.
  2. Live with it. How do you move on? You simple move on. Depends what you have to do, find another crush, get heavy into sports/hobby/whatever you do to keep your mind off it. While some people would say there is no simple way, the concept is fairly simple overall. You'll move on and live on, and you'll probably feel silly if you make to big of a deal. Just relax and do whatever you do. Go out and have fun - everyone is there own independant person, so you shouldn't need someone else. Reality sucks though. I'll give ya that.
  3. 9block

    Php Update

    Well, I googled around a bit, and the cron option seems the most popular. I seen someone mention a perl script that runs periodically. I don;t know much (actually, almost nothing) about PHP, but could you simply run a second PHP script with a timer or schedual that would trigger a class to update the mySQL?
  4. i think the systems we will be using will be completely different. With search:Microsoft's Surface being revealed, ect... (you definitely have to check that out), it'll most likely be compared to typewriters to computers... Not specifically Surface, but some technology will take over and replace home computers. I believe there will be another great jump... Like carborated to fuel injection, or rotatory phones to cordless. Home computers as we know them will change. And obviously if you were the only one, or only few, the technology would only serve as maximum speed you would be able to download from. But you would also be able to have hundreds of incoming connections without your speed altering (if you were only one). For example you could be download 15 movies from various {legal} sources and loading web pages with out noticing a glitch. And there are lots of 100mbit sites to download from, so you would be able to download a movie at 10MB/s(10,000kb/s). but in reality, it would be more useful if everyone had this type of connection. Tera byte harddrives would also become more popular seeing as filling your HDD would be easy. Images probably wouldn't be compressed seeing as it would be useless to save space over quality with both speeds/space upgraded. Alot would change in technology and how it is developed (on the software front).
  5. It takes time, a couple weeks and your site is not going to flourish. Perhaps the challenges should last a month with a greater prize. Because 10 creds is not much of an inspiration. Make challenges non trivial... because google will answer any trivia question.Here are some challenges that might work...-Guess the font (have a simple image with the background and font matchin colors (vaguely) and distort the font with a simple PS distortion method... like twirl)-Signature competition - best signature that would benefit yourself. That way you are getting something out of the site aswell.-Banner competition - site may or may not need a new banner.Also, with your competition lasting longer, you'll have more users seeing the thread and post. It might be worth a bookmark with some more work... just some ideas to improve... your idea is great, just needs to be fine tuned.
  6. Well, I conducted two various tests on two sites using the same servers... These are the results for the modified setting... and these are the results with the default settings... As you can see from my results... i didn't get any boost. Someone else try.
  7. lol it is interesting, but i was hoping to start at 0. I had problems finding it too and usually IPB has it posted somewhere i think. edit... thanks buffalo help. I found it!
  8. If you relate these to a general stereotype.. alot of these remain completely wrong and dumbfounded me... like Zabb said... Lets go over the first twenty... the ones out of the first twenty that were wrong anyways..1. Guys like good looking girls. period. 3. If a guy likes you for a minute, then forgets you. I really wonder what you did that second minute to make him forget you. 4. No, when a guy says he doesn't understand you... its because your running mixed signals. 5. If a guy manages to blurt this out to avoid stammering... id suggest he stammers some. 6. trust me, hes thinking of the hottest girl he met or seen that day. 7. If a guy really likes you, you dont have any bad characteristics. 9. Maybe the desperate ones. 12. Guys tell you lies and make you think your hearing what they can't tell you sober. Were smarter than you think. 16. guys usually try hard to make the girls that dumped them regret it. Eg, Going out with someone hotter. 17. If you touch a guys heart, double check to make sure hes a guy. 19. Guys go crazy when you touch something else. 20. That guy, needs to game up. Those are a couple inconsistencies and the truth about each. Curtosy of myself.
  9. What are you thinking... this question does suck but it gives good conversation in some cases. Usually I don;t answer it because im thinking off that nice bum that previously walked by or seen on tv.Do you think.. is cute? I always answer that truthfully to my girlfriend... well almost. If she asks ill tell her if shes ugly, cute, pretty, really hot, ect. And usually she doesn;t get jealous. Were open. Im open anyway.Can we talk about "defining" the relationship? - never had that asked and if i did i would tell her to... nevermind.Hanging out with guys. I would tell her, most likely, and i have, that it depends. I enjoy holding her down (in my case she practically lives with me) and sometimes i need to have a boys night out.Where were you last night? Lol! If you have a close relationship this question is rarely asked. Its usually where did you end up and the answe is i dont remember.Why dont you call more often? "Well, if you ever left my house, id love to give you a call" and before we were so close.. "Im not a phone person, you should know that"
  10. Well im sure you can describe where it hurts and how. The program, as stated above, also checks previous records and your age to self-determine where on the priority list you can be. As for how the system completely works, I would think that the machine would only do so much processing before sending the query to a priority list that a monitoring nurse probably regularly modifies.
  11. I know what they are, they rank you depending on your post count. But I was curious what the post counts were for the rankings. Right now Im a member [level 1] and I assume you recieve that at 50 posts. I was looking around the help section and I couldn't find anything to do with rankings. So far there isNoobie [level 1] (i think 0 posts?)Noobie [level 2] (i think 10 posts?)Noobie [level 3] (wild guess at 25 posts?)Member [Level 1] (50 posts)don't ask me why im asking, I am just curious what the ranking are
  12. I believe diseases are good and natural. they control the human population - and they will never wipe out earth. that is a very well put point. Were trying to save ourselfs and prevent tornados, weather patterns, diseases. These are natural and of course it is natural to try and protect yourself. This I believe in a flow in "god's" creation because to natural things are trying to go against each other. Of course the weather storms, ect, are getting worse because of pollution but thats besides my point right now. As for the end of the world.. only time can tell and so far time has told us that alot of predictions are wrong. Final thought: Don't predict the end of the world, enjoy it while you and it are here.
  13. You have to assume that, as an exmaple we will use 1960, the earth was inhabited with both species, information, artifacts, ect. everything from homes to people. While a person may be 50 years old on that day of creation and his home could be 100 years old. But in reality they were just created with that generic look and with that information planted in peoples minds, know-hows, memories, and in objects/structures. So while you have "proof" that cloth is from 1200a.d. - it is simply information that has been planted as of 1960. The ways of discovering that was also planted in 1960. Ect ect. What if we haven't been been created yet? What if we don;t actually become a creation until 2020 and this is simply a form of life before the main life? A pre-school to life. Or even more so, a stage in the cycle (and im not talkin bout reincarnation)
  14. 9block

    New Rpg

    I would re design the website to offer a more appearance friendly project. you are going to want to sell the game, and with a simple website like that, it is very hard unless you get some popular sponsors. Perhaps give the main charatcer a 3d graphic rendering - a good image people will like so it doesn't matter that he is actually a quarter-inch pixel figure in game-play. A better designed website, with more screen shots and an outline to the plot will allow users to want the game when it does come out. You will need to sell the plot as though it is a book. Give the details and main problem that you will over come so gamers will want to play the plot, and beat the problem. just some tips. good luck
  15. Hes dead. It is a crack pot theory and while I respect the man, let it be known he is dead, while under suspicious circumstances. Look, if my alias was 9block and the corners office never released my body, perhaps I am actually LIVING 9blocks from the murder scene. Im sure you could rearrange nineblock to spell something else and sell that off as a metaphor. Give it up, the man is dead and biggie was better.
  16. I would, with my 17 year old mentality, nail every hot girl I could bag in a day. Lol, of course I wouldn't, I have a girlfriend. But how's this plan sound.Rob a large bank with heavy weapons... but instead of taking the money out the front door, transfer it to a swiss bank account inside of the bank. Then have an accomplish transfer the money too two seperate swiss bank accounts. One for him and one for you. Then give yourself up, with only a previously hidden note for your closest loved one to find. While you are being held in jail, you won't live to see tomorrow, and you have made your family richer.But, I would enjoy a day long party, with music, drinks and BBQ in which all my friends and family were invited. To celebrate and die joyfully. (Wow, that sounded religious - it wasnt)
  17. Well im young, but with todays marriages not lasting very long I have already determined that I don't plan on getting married right away. Me and my girlfriend have been together for over a year now, and we both have said if we make it through college and stay together, we are going to continue to wait until we are financially stable to have children and get married. My parents were together over twenty years before they got married, and her mom has never been married - so I guess thats where I get the idea. i don't think marriage is anything but a party (well more than that, but you get the point), whats one man going to change by saying a few prayers? Fine, we have two peices of expensive metal wrapped around a finger specifically designed to hold that metal... hmm I feel more in love already .final thought: Vegas weddings? A profitable business - but a sham.
  18. Obviously the problems arent that simple, but if you do have a problem with the machine, im sure a nurse will help. Its like self-check ou at grocery places, you can still choose to goto the nurse and there is always a teller nearby to help out. And yes, at the beginning of every technogoly, there is problems, thanks for pointing that out. If you were to go to the link and read about that, you would realize that the first photo you see, the nurse is helping that fella out. (Ironically, the system doesnt look all too wheel cheer accessible (jokes)) Now I am not sure how much faster the service would be, because i would rather talk to a nurse that is typing it than typing it myself (well, not me, but most people). While it has probably been made easy to use, I could see first-timers taking there time making sure they are doing it right, where as if they were to deal with a nurse the process would probably most like go quicker. Im not sure if the article mentioned this, but another good point is having more nurses ready to help those in need and take care of patients, rather then checking patients in. it is eliminating a job for the nurse, giving her more time to do other things on her checklist. Over all, it is a very debatable topic, and while I love the idea of a computer, i also hate seeing it slowly consume human jobs (i know it doesn't here). I don't think this type of technology is ready to be implemented for another 30 years when there will be a higher percentage of tech saavy population.
  19. Thats very interesting, I actually seen something microsoft is doing that kind of fits in this field. While it isnt anything to do with organics, it does have to do with advancing technology... http://www.microsoft.com/surface/de-de There are three videos on that website. It is working on a computer that you use anything as a mouse/keyboard... type with your fingers on the screen, or use a brush/pencil. And its made as your coffee table. They thought about using it in resturants and you can "touch" the table and order the food you want. You can put your phone on your table, and itll store the phone numbers... or you can put your camera on the table and itll store the photos. You can them send those photos through the mail. I think this is incredible idea, and the OLED's reminded me of it.
  20. Well, i enjoy Beer. While I drink laker because its only a buck-a-beer (and im on a small budgets) and it tastes fairly ok (don't mix it up with Lakeport), Coors Light is more of my drink. Bud is alright aswell as Moosehead.Onto liquor... I hate whiskey, but whiskey and apple juice (wapple) is an alright drink. Rum and coke has been my favorite since I started drinking, but occasionally I like a ceasar (vodka + motts clamato juice) but not too spicy. Usually just the two drinks work fine, sometimes the rimmer, seasoning salt, lemon juiceto add some extra flavor. But I'm a beer man, always have, always will.
  21. I always enjoyed the earlier mustangs... I also liked how they brought the style back. Now if you look at the original 65' here... you can see how close the actual look is... considering its been 42 years?
  22. There are too many games to list that are amazing games. But if I had to narrow it down to one favorite game I would have to say GTA. GTA3 was amazin when it came out, and GTA Vice City was even better. San Andreas blew both of them away and IV looks like the best game i've ever seen in my life. I am so impatient for it to come out I want to buy a PS3 just to get those stunning graphics!!!! Anyone want to donate one of the PS3's they won on those sites? I would be so grateful :DAs for PC, im a counter-striker... preferably condition zero.
  23. Why don't ya start over. Lets see how grammatically correct you can manage a small personal profile. I am actually looking for help with a website I'm working on, but I wont give away the details.
  24. I'm still runnin highschool and i really dont see it being any different from the stereotypical image of highschols back in the day. There were drugs, knives, fights. Only difference I see is when the kids get caught for drugs its in the local newspaper, cops are tougher, and fwhen you get in a fight you get suspended, expelled and or charged.. compared to forty years ago ya pops woulda told you to go back and kick his *bottom* if you came home with a bloody nose. Always has been weed in school, coke & e in most aswell -whether or not you see it. Kids have always and will always have a drink or two at school. Heres a question for anyone... how many people or times have you known someone to have a drink at school. I've done it, my brothers done it. Brother used to tell me this one kid was known for havin a flask and doin it while teacher was turned around. Pretty sure you can ask your parents andthey will say "the odd" kid or trouble maker did.Face the facts, the only new variable that has been introduced in the schools in a lethal weapon known as the gun. Otherwise, everything is the same ON THE STUDENTS PART... while precautionary like "code red" and metal detectors have been added, but thats on the authorities part.As for my school, weed is everywhere, least 50 kids holdin down a session at lunch. Coke is there, but not boosted. E exists, shrooms, fights ect... I've faught and had a knife "pulled" (wasnt straight up pulled, buddy had it in hand ready to go tho). Lol on my phone I had a video of the principal wrestling a ex-student in halls. crazy fight but principal tuned him. My school aint even bad.
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