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Everything posted by sonesay

  1. THanks for sharing, I've been meaning to look into a PHP framework sometime in the future but its only because I'm still learning the ropes with it now. A framework will obviously make coding alot easier if its easy to use and understand. Is this the only php framework you've tried out?
  2. Heh the simple answer is not all broswers will render the page the same. They have their own style of buttons, scroll bars etc. This is one of the problems you have to face when building websites intended for use by different broswers. Not only the visual apperance will be different in some cases loose coding can lead to functionality of the website being slightly different across broswers.
  3. Just the frames / border looks funny with the nav, makes it look like a nav dosent belong there thats all. This is just looks not a big deal, I didnt know you could remove the fames/borders well I guess iframes is abit better then I thought. This would be practical for people who arnt able to use server side scripting or just starting off. I think from my own experience I had the same issue with the navigation spread across all the pages. I only just recently moved on to php and include methods so yeah this is definitely something anyone building pages should be fimilar with.keep up the good work
  4. This is where pure HTML only has its limitations. The only other method I can think of that can provide you with a similar effect where you need to update only in one place to update your menus is combining HTML + a server side scripting language. For example PHP and include files.The concept isnt too difficult and the benifits are no need for iframes, You just create a template and include your navigation in there. Use your template for as many pages as you like and when you update the navigation you only need to do it in one place. In fact the end effect is similar to what you've shown with this example. I have not worked with iframes at all but your guide is nicely written and easy to understand. I am getting tempted to dl it just to see what it looks like. edit : I just looked at it and I would say it does its job but iframs and menuts are not that nice looking. I would say its more suited for content then holding a menu. But overall a nice example for us to see. thanks
  5. Being a past smoker I can tell ya as simple as that is the addiction is strong thats why its called an addiction. It may be easy for some people to quit depending on their addiction level and willpower. When I eventually stoped smoking It took me a preiod of 1 year I think. Every time I was out during that period I would give in to my cravings and have a smoke. The day after I'd feel disgusted by what I did so eventually saying no to smoking just got easier and easier as the more I disliked the taste and feeling afterwards. I had all kinds of addictions growing up smoking, weed, drinking, and playing video games. Lol it seems as of now I've been clean from almost all but I still give into having a drink once in a while. I do want to beable to just say no to alcohol once and for all but its still tough, The attraction of wanting to get drunk is still there and also the taste. This year I think I've drank 3 times still I'm still trying to give up all together as it will be better for my health and pocket.
  6. Yeah I dont think its very practical, but the concept was cool. Having a crash in that would end up very nasty with wood splitting and slicing through everyone inside it. I think your actually stepping backwards in time trying to create cars out of wood. Isnt there better materials out there to try and make cars out of.
  7. They are having some problem with the servers. Its affecting alot of people it seems so dont worry your not the only one. I just hope it gets fixed soon.
  8. Ok I got this problem where when ever I talk to someone my eyes cant stay focused on their eyes for long. Keeping eye contact for me is so hard, Eventually it will go over their features including face, body parts depending on who I am talking to. This is serious I know its rude to stare at people yet I still do it, I'm wondering how many of you do it out there.It seems I do this to everyone I talk to friends, family, strangers. I feel so bad after the conversation is over and hope I didnt offend them. I know no ones perfect in looks but somehow I just do it. I'm not perfect looking myself, far from it yet I do it to others. The one annoying thing I notice is always looking at peoples teeth. My teeth isnt 100% white, clean and pefect but I still examine others for a second when talking to them, and if its slightly dirty I feel myself going "eww". And if their breath stinks its even worse I'm sure my reaction shows some sign of disgust. I dont mean to judge them but somehow I seem to do this and at most times I cant seem to stop it. Like I said these are everyone, random people, my friends and family. what are your thoughts on this? please share.
  9. Thanks for the heads up on javascript injeciton, I never knew you could do that. Its a good think Its only intent is to try and keep the applications from users to join clean and valid as possible from user input. The applications posted to join will need to be approved by an admin or leader later on so I think it should be ok. I'll reemmber not to rely on this method for real important information being outputed back to the broswer.
  10. Ajax is just javascript so it should be supported by any users using javascript enabled on their broswers. As for the part about support for back buttons I'm not too sure what effects it has since I've never really thought about it or tried it out.
  11. try this out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. oh when i tried a search on your blog it says post method not allowed. I dunno why but if you can change it to get instead of post.
  12. Yeah i used to play so much lol, Me and my mates at uni would smetimes skip class to go play this for hours. I think I played it for about 1.5 years. Its just one of those games where it usally only last 20-40 mins, Its a instant action type of game based around a mini RPG leveling system. being around kills give you expereince to level up getting kills give you gold to purchase special items that can be upgraded to a final weapon or item boosting your stats. You gotta use alot of team work as 2 vs 1 player is obvious who will win. I still think about having a few games now a days because its that much fun. What I am really waiting for though is SC2 to come out then I'm defintely getting back into RTS.
  13. I think mac os x is built on free BSD correct me if i'm wrong but I remember reading about somthing along the lines. so if your a linux user you can use that as well. I'm not sure what the limitations are on that. As with the handling of viruses and spy ware I dont even know if macs have them lol because you do get updates but they are security updates and theres no info ever that your mac is scanning for a virus or running one its not obvious I guess mac os x handles all that for you in the background. As far as an OS Its very stable. loads programs very well, I've only got 512 mb ram and I run almost all my apps pretty well including PS CS3, although When I'm running alot of things all at once I know theres alot of disk > memory swapping because I've got so little ram. I can upgrade to 2gig on my modle and its much cheaper now so I will do it soon. I think thats one of only a few downside I have on my laptop.The laptop it self is built to a high standard compared to other laptops that look bulky and flimsy. Its very thin compared to others and has a very solid look and feel to it. I personally like the grey metelic look. I think the keyboard on it isnt very suited for games as when I was playing dota on it for a while I would spam r key for a spell and eventually i messed it up lol. Now it acts funny but I dont like typeing on there anyway. I use an external keyboard thats much more comfortable. I would encourage anyone to try out a mac if you havent used one before and not take someones word for it. maybe what they dont like you can live iwth or better like. I just dont want people to miss out on trying something different just because of bad word of mouth from some peoples experence. I mean I like my mac and I've always been a windows user before that so I'm not bais Its just my peference. I think apple are a cool company and their vision is great. They bring out alot of cool products iTv iPhone, iPod. THeir new desktop looks awsome its very flat very elagent.
  14. I've only had my macbook pro for just under 2 years now I think. before that I've been using a regular PC with windows OS 95 to XP. I've got to say I like mac os x better then any windows so far. The only down side I have so far is certain programs wont run on mac, most annoying is alot of games wont run on mac so PC is still better for games.The user interface in mac is different from windows but once you get used to it you may or may not fall in love with it. I personally found it a change from many years of windows user interfaces. As for the difference in performace between mac os x and windows its debatable. But I personally think OS x runs more stable and better. I'll run my laptop 24/7 and it still feels like its just been booted up. I dont get as many errors as I do on windows again this may be due to many factors not really windows fault but who knows. I think required upkeep on a mac is far smaller then would be required on a windows. I havent had any major problems so far compared to windows where after an a year or so of installing and removing software something is wrong with it and the only quick fix is full reinstall of windows.I think the learning curve with any new OS is a few weeks or months. You cant just use it one time and expect to fully understand it so if you havent really tired using it you dont know what its about. I still havent tried windows vista, it looks great but I dont think my old comp would run it as well as xp so I doubt I would be able to try it out throughly untill i get an upgrade or new build. It all comes down to personal peference some people will bash an OS and not really know what its ment for. there are pros and cons to all of them. Linux is something I wish I had more time to play with. Try it out if you havent used an OS before you could be surprised at what you didnt know about it.
  15. i need some bigger glasses <td width=80>Email: </td><td width='160'><input tabindex=1 type=text name=username value='$email' style='width:150;'></td></tr><tr><td>MSN: </td><td><input type=text name=password value='$msn' style='width:150'></td></tr><tr><td>Info: </td><td><textarea rows=\"10\" cols=\"45\" name=\"'info'\" id=\"'info'\">$info</textarea></td> change the name='' to the corret names <td width='160'><input tabindex=1 type=text name='email' value='$email' style='width:150;'></td></tr><tr><td>MSN: </td><td><input type=text name='msn' value='$msn' style='width:150'></td></tr><tr><td>Info: </td><td><textarea rows=\"10\" cols=\"45\" name='info' >$info</textarea></td> man this is what happens when you ignore the obvious
  16. the query update looks ok to me. The only reasons it wont update is if there is no record to update, If there is error because of wrong field names etc the error should return.I would check and make sure $username is assigned when used in your query, and check your database it self. say if you want to update user 'bob' check if 'bob' exist in users and 'bob' is assigned properly to $username before doing query, maybe output it just to test on the screen. I cant think of any other reasons why it will not work if its not givng back any errors.Also try to remember to assign your variables before attempting to use it. It wont work if you try and use $username and you actually assign it futher down the code because it will be blank when you are calling it before.
  17. what do you mean delete? I only see an update statement and a select statement for displaying. If you get empty fields maybe the mysql database table is empty.maybe try move the echo after the query is done $username = $_SESSION["username"];$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'");$all = mysql_fetch_array($query);$email = $all['email'];$msn = $all['msn'];$info = $all['info'];echo "$email";echo "$msn";echo "$info";
  18. try this $username = $_SESSION["username"];if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $email = $_POST['email']; $msn = $_POST['msn']; $info = $_POST['info']; $updateemail = "UPDATE users SET email = '$email', msn = '$msn', info = '$info' WHERE username = '$username'"; mysql_query($updateemail) or die("culd not edit your info"); echo "info updated";}// Display logout linkecho "<p><a href=\"member.php\">Click here to go back to info page!</a></p>";echo "$email";echo "$msn";echo "$info"; $username = $_SESSION["username"]; before the if statement
  19. post your other code too include "database.php"; include "edit.inc.php"; and also include your database table layout
  20. try moving $username above before your update query like this $username = $_SESSION["username"];$updateemail = "UPDATE users SET email = '$email', msn = '$msn', info = '$info'WHERE username = '$username'";
  21. Yeah wear an all blacks shirt and go into an aussie pub see what happens . within a few mins some sheep jokes will probably start coming your way and if you happen to object to those comments your probably in for a few fights lol. Too bad we ddint win. I think we lacked a solid strategy against france, They played well against us and come off the better side that day. There was other things too that sucked like that forward pass by france not called and that resulted in a converted try, but thats the way it goes you gotta play the game and try and account for referees calls going against you eventually.
  22. Thats a pretty good site man. Theres alot of content there I was distracted for abit lol. Did you build the site from scratch? Anyway keep up the good work I'm sure the site can only improve.
  23. I jsut had a quick look, the content seems to be good there so thats always a good thing. Nothing worse then having a nice looking site but no content. I personally dont like those types of gradients for footers and for your navigation bar. I'm no designer but I think it can look abit better and probably make your site that bit more professional. The colors seem very good overall. I think whats left really is just gradual(cant spell i know) fine tuning, making changes here and there when you can untill your satisfied. Nothing major of course it looks pretty solid as it is.
  24. You can test it out for yourself at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I've been working on this page locally and it seems to be working fine but when I upload it to my Xisto account the post variables dont get saved properly. Fill in some fields and submit it, the form will come up as a empty field yet when you resubmit it without any modifications and the data you entered in orginally will now magically appear, resubmit it again and it will be gone. This is really annoying as I have no clue why it would be doing this when it seems to work fine locally. application.php // page settings $title = 'Application'; $location = 'application.php'; $lu_title = 'Login'; $ru_title = 'News'; $lp_title = 'Navigation'; $cp_title = $title; $rp_title = 'Events'; $content = 'includes/application_content.php'; include('_core.php'); ?> linenums:0'><?php/*Application page===================uses _core.phpuses includes/application_content.php for content*/session_start();include('db.php');// page settings$title = 'Application';$location = 'application.php';$lu_title = 'Login';$ru_title = 'News';$lp_title = 'Navigation';$cp_title = $title;$rp_title = 'Events';$content = 'includes/application_content.php';include('_core.php');?> _core.php <?php// output pageecho "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns='http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' /><script type='text/javascript' src='ext-1.1.1/adapter/yui/yui-utilities.js'></script><script type='text/javascript' src='ext-1.1.1/adapter/yui/ext-yui-adapter.js'></script><script type='text/javascript' src='ext-1.1.1/ext-all-debug.js'></script><script type='text/javascript' src='jquery-1.2.1.min.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='date.js'></script><!--[if IE]><script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.bgiframe.min.js'></script><![endif]--><script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.datePicker.js'></script><link href='nexus_main.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='datePicker.css'><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='demo.css'><title>$title</title></head><body> <div id='upper_bg'> </div> <div id='outer'> <!-- main container --> <div id='header'> <div id='upper_left_pan'> <div id='upper_left_title'>$lu_title</div> <div id='upper_left_content'> <div id='login_section'> <p> Not logged in, Please login below <br /> Username: <input type='text' /><br /> Password: <input type='password' /><br /> <button disabled='disabled'>Login</button> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div id='header_right_pan'> <div id='upper_right_title'>$ru_title</div> <div id='upper_right_content'><p>No news to display</p></div> </div> </div> <!-- content container --> <div id='content'> <div id='left_pan'> <div class='side_panel_top'> <div class='side_panel_title'>$lp_title</div> </div> <div class='side_panel_middle'> ";// include navigationinclude('includes/nav_list.php');echo " </div> <div class='side_panel_bottom'> </div> </div> <div id='right_pan'> <div class='side_panel_top'> <div class='side_panel_title'>$rp_title</div> </div> <div class='side_panel_middle'> <div class='side_panel_right_content'> <p> No Current events to display. </p> </div> </div> <div class='side_panel_bottom'> </div> </div> <div id='middle_pan'> <div class='center_panel_top'> <div class='center_panel_title'>$cp_title</div> </div> <div class='center_panel_middle'> <div class='center_panel_content'>"; // Content includes if($content != '') { include($content); } echo" </div> </div> <div class='center_panel_bottom'> </div> </div> </div> <!-- main container end --> </div> </body></html>";// end page?> application_content.php // 1. FUNCTIONS function ck_app_username($uname) { global $link; // check if user already exisit $user_ck_query = "SELECT u_name FROM user WHERE u_name ='" . $uname . "'"; $user_ck_result = mysql_query($user_ck_query, $link); $ck_result = "Default"; $pattern = "/[!|@|#|$|%|^|&|*|(|)|_|\-|=|+|\||,|.|\/|;| linenums:0'><?php/*Description------------File contains an application form for users to register, Is used by application.phpContents----------1. Functions2. Application Form // Part 1 2.1 Display Empty form 2.2 Check and Dsiplay form with any ERRORS if any 2.2.1 display form with errors 2.2.2 display from with no errors, user has to confirm info then moved to Part 2 // Part 2 2.3 display details from part 1 (just for display pruposes making sure details are stored.)*/$s = $_SESSION;include('includes/class/userClass.php');// 1. FUNCTIONSfunction ck_app_username($uname) { global $link; // check if user already exisit $user_ck_query = "SELECT u_name FROM user WHERE u_name ='" . $uname . "'"; $user_ck_result = mysql_query($user_ck_query, $link); $ck_result = "Default"; $pattern = "/[!|@|#|$|%|^|&|*|(|)|_|\-|=|+|\||,|.|\/|;|:|\'|\"|\[|\]|\{|\}]/i"; // check for input if($uname == '') { $ck_result = "<span class='error_header'>Required!</span>"; $app_errors['username'] = true; } else if (preg_match($pattern, $uname)) { $ck_result = "<span class='error_header'>illegal characters</span>"; $app_errors['username'] = true; } else if (preg_match("/[0-9]/", $uname)) { $ck_result = "<span class='error_header'>No numbers in username!</span>"; $app_errors['username'] = true; } else if (strlen($uname) < 3) { $ck_result = "<span class='error_header'>3 Characters minimun!</span>"; $app_errors['username'] = true; } else if (mysql_num_rows($user_ck_result) > 0) { $ck_result = "<span class='error_header'>User Exist!</span>"; $app_errors['username'] = true; } else { $ck_result = "<span class='ok_header'>Available</span>"; unset($app_errors['username']); } return $ck_result;}function ck_app_password($pwd,$cpwd) {// version 1.0 $app_password_result = "default"; // check password if($pwd == '' || $cpwd == '') { $app_password_result = "<span class='error_header'>Enter password and confirm!</span>"; $app_errors['password'] = true; } // user submitted something else if ($pwd != $cpwd) { $app_password_result = "<span class='error_header'>Passwords do not match!</span>"; $app_errors['password'] = true; } // check for minimun chars for password 6 else if (strlen($pwd) < 6) { $app_password_result = "<span class='error_header'>Passwords must be 6 characters or more!</span>"; $app_errors['password'] = true; } // all checks done password ok else { $app_password_result = "<span class='ok_header'>OK!</span>"; unset($app_errors['password']); } // return result return $app_password_result;}function ck_name($name) { $ck_name_result = 'Default'; $regex = "/[^a-zA-Z]/"; if($name == '') { $ck_name_result = "<span class='error_header'>Required!</span>"; $app_errors['name'] = true; } else if(preg_match($regex,$name)) { $ck_name_result = "<span class='error_header'>Error. a-z A-Z only!</span>"; $app_errors['name'] = true; } else { $ck_name_result = "<span class='ok_header'>OK</span>"; unset($app_errors['name']); } return $ck_name_result;}function ck_email ($mail) { //default $ck_email_result = "Default"; //pattern $regex = '/\A(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+' .'(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@' .'(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+(?:[a-z]{2}|' .'com|org|net|gov|biz|info|name|aero|biz|info|jobs|' .'museum)\\Z/i'; if ($mail == '') { $ck_email_result = "<span class='error_header'>Email Required!</span>"; $app_errors['email'] = true; } else if (preg_match($regex, $mail)) { $ck_email_result = "<span class='ok_header'>OK!</span>"; $app_errors['email'] = true; } else { $ck_email_result = "<span class='error_header'>Invalid Emai!</span>"; unset($app_errors['email']); } return $ck_email_result;} // END FUNCTIONS =======// 2. APPLICATION FORM ============================================================================================ // 2.1 DISPLAY EMPTY FORMif(count($p) == 0) {echo " <h1>Personal Details - Part 1 of 5</h1> <p> Fill in all the fields below. Make sure you have read and understood the <a href='rules.php'>rules</a> before posting an application to join the Linkshell(s). </p> <form name=\"app_form\" method=\"post\" action=\"application.php\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"app_stage\" value=\"1\" /> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Desired Username</li> <li><input type=\"text\" name=\"app_username\" /></li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Password</li> <li><input type=\"password\" name=\"app_password\" /></li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Comfirm Password</li> <li><input type=\"password\" name=\"app_cpassword\" /></li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">First Name</li> <li><input type=\"text\" name=\"app_fname\" /></li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Last Name</li> <li> <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_lname\" /></li> </ul> <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'> $(function() { $('.date-pick').datePicker({startDate:'01/01/1950'}); }); </script> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">DOB</li> <li><input type=\"text\" size=\"10\" name=\"app_dob\" class='date-pick' value='' readonly='readonly' /></li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Gender</li> <li> <select name=\"app_gender\" /> <option value=\"m\">Male</option> <option value=\"f\">female</option> </select> </li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Email</li> <li> <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_email\" /> $email_result</li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\"></li> <li><button>Submit</button></li> </ul> </form> ";}// 2.2 Display form with any errors ============================================else if((count($p) > 0) && ($p['app_stage'] < 2 )){ $app_username = strtolower($p['app_username']); $_SESSION['app_username'] = htmlspecialchars($app_username); $_SESSION['app_password'] = $p['app_password']; $_SESSION['app_cpassword'] = $p['app_cpassword']; $_SESSION['app_fname'] = $p['app_fname']; $_SESSION['app_lname'] = $p['app_lname']; $_SESSION['app_gender'] = $p['app_gender']; $_SESSION['app_dob'] = $p['app_dob']; $_SESSION['app_email'] = $p['app_email']; if ($p['app_stage'] == 1) { // check results if(!isset($s['app_errors'])) { $s['app_errors'] = array(); } $app_errors = $s['app_errors']; //username $username_result = ck_app_username($s['app_username']); if($username_result == "<span class='ok_header'>Available</span>") { unset($app_errors['username']); } else{ $app_errors['username'] = true; } //password $password_result = ck_app_password($s['app_password'],$s['app_cpassword']); if($password_result == "<span class='ok_header'>OK!</span>") { unset($app_errors['password']); } else{ $app_errors['password'] = true; } // names $fname_result = ck_name($s['app_fname']); $lname_result = ck_name($s['app_lname']); //email $email_result = ck_email($s['app_email']); if($email_result == "<span class='ok_header'>OK!</span>") { unset($app_errors['email']); } else{ $app_errors['email'] = true; } // 2.2.1 Display application with ERRORS ========================================== if(count($app_errors) > 0) { echo " <h1>Personal Details - Part 1 of 5</h1> <p> There are <span class='error_header'>errors</span> please correct and resubmit. </p> <form name=\"app_form\" method=\"post\" action=\"application.php\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"app_stage\" value=\"1\" /> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Desired Username</li> <li><input type=\"text\" name=\"app_username\" value=\"{$s['app_username']}\" /> $username_result</li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Password</li> <li><input type=\"password\" name=\"app_password\" value=\"{$s['app_password']}\" /></li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Comfirm Password</li> <li><input type=\"password\" name=\"app_cpassword\" value=\"{$s['app_cpassword']}\" /> $password_result</li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">First Name</li> <li><input type=\"text\" name=\"app_fname\" value=\"{$s['app_fname']}\" /> $fname_result</li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Last Name</li> <li> <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_lname\" value=\"{$s['app_lname']}\" /> $lname_result</li> </ul> <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'> $(function() { $('.date-pick').datePicker({startDate:'01/01/1950'}); }); </script> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">DOB</li> <li><input type=\"text\" size=\"10\" name=\"app_dob\" value=\"{$s['app_dob']}\" class='date-pick' readonly='readonly' /> </li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Gender</li> <li> <select name=\"app_gender\" /> "; // check if gender selected if($p['app_gender'] == 'f') { echo "<option value=\"f\">female</option> <option value=\"m\">Male</option> "; } else { echo "<option value=\"m\">Male</option> <option value=\"f\">female</option> "; } echo " </select> </li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Email</li> <li> <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_email\" value=\"{$s['app_email']}\" /> $email_result </li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\"></li> <li> <button>Re-submit</button> </li> </ul> </form> "; } // 2.2.2 Display application form with 0 ERRORS ========================================== else { echo " <h1>Personal Details - Part 1 of 5</h1> <p> Please confirm details and submit, If there are any changed needed to be made hit the back button now. </p> <form name=\"app_form\" method=\"post\" action=\"application.php\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"app_stage\" value=\"2\" /> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Desired Username</li> <li><input type=\"text\" name=\"app_username\" value=\"{$s['app_username']}\" disabled='disabled' /> $username_result</li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Password</li> <li><input type=\"password\" name=\"app_password\" value=\"{$s['app_password']}\" disabled='disabled' /></li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Comfirm Password</li> <li><input type=\"password\" name=\"app_cpassword\" value=\"{$s['app_cpassword']}\" disabled='disabled' /> $password_result</li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">First Name</li> <li><input type=\"text\" name=\"app_fname\" value=\"{$s['app_fname']}\" disabled='disabled' /> $fname_result</li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Last Name</li> <li> <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_lname\" value=\"{$s['app_lname']}\" disabled='disabled' /> $lname_result</li> </ul> <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'> $(function() { $('.date-pick').datePicker({startDate:'01/01/1950'}); }); </script> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">DOB</li> <li><input type=\"text\" size=\"10\" name=\"app_dob\" value=\"{$s['app_dob']}\" disabled='disabled' /> </li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Gender</li> <li> <select name=\"app_gender\" disabled='disabled'/> "; // check if gender selected if($p['app_gender'] == 'f') { echo "<option value=\"f\" >female</option> <option value=\"m\">Male</option> "; } else { echo "<option value=\"m\" >Male</option> <option value=\"f\">female</option> "; } echo " </select> </li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Email</li> <li> <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_email\" value=\"{$s['app_email']}\" disabled='disabled' /> $email_result </li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\"></li> <li> <button>Continue to Part 2</button> </li> </ul> </form> "; } } }// 2.3 Display stored personal details from part 1else if (count($p) > 0 && $p['app_stage'] == 2) { $post_count = count($p); // 2.3.1 int User $app_user = new user; $app_user = $_SESSION['app_user']; $app_user->username = $_SESSION['app_username']; $app_user->password = $_SESSION['app_password']; $app_user->fname = $_SESSION['app_fname']; $app_user->lname = $_SESSION['app_lname']; $app_user->gender = $_SESSION['app_gender']; $app_user->dob = $_SESSION['app_dob']; $app_user->email = $_SESSION['app_email']; echo " <h1>FFXI Game Details - Part 2 of 5</h1> <p> Part 2 </p> <p> $app_user->username <br /> $app_user->fname <br /> $app_user->lname <br /> $app_user->gender <br /> $app_user->dob <br /> $app_user->email <br /> </p> "; }?> [hr=noshade] [/hr] After a V drink and having another go at it I find the solution. Instead of printing back out $_SESSION['var'] into the form fields value, I changed it to $_POST['var'] and it works. I guess I cant rely on the sessions vars being asigned properly even though it works on my localhost. Ah another PHP problem of my programming career out of the way.
  25. Yeah this is something I'm sure most people will have to decide on when trying to and get skills experience under your belt. The one thing that is clear is you dont have enough time to be an expert in all fields so your going to have to pick either be good(ok) at all round IT stuff. or be very good in one area and ok in the others. Me personally I would rather be very good at one thing then ok in everything. I think being very good in one area would give you an advantage over others when going for jobs that require those skill sets. I think thats what your asking right? Depending on some companies they may only want to hire people just qualified enough for the job and not get some super geek to do some basic work. So its pretty much down to what company and what they are after.So if you have generic IT skills and arnt looking to specialize in one area then there should be no problem getting generic IT jobs. I dont intent to put down anyone doing these work, hell if your already in IT business and getting paid your set if you wish to learn more you can. I think you have to with the IT field. There always seem to be new technology coming up and if you dont keep up your skills arnt going to be good for very long unless you work in an area where nothing changes as much. I see alot of high paided IT roles on offfer but they are only looking for the best. This tells you one thing you must be very good so having just generic skills wont help as much IMO.I dont know about everyone else but I think if your able to be very good in one area you'll probably be good in others too because you've been working long enough to pick up knowledge here and there. I mean eventually you gotta pick things up that you didnt know just by working in the IT area anyway. But the idea of trying to learn everything and be good at everything is a very hard task IMO. How many expert graphics designers and expert web developers do you see out there? Those skills takes years to build and they are in almost two completely different areas.I dont really know what you mean by generic either. It can mean just basic skills of IT? networking, office software.... You gotta assume that if not already most people will know these things and it wouldnt be considered as valuable as many years ago. I dont know about you guys but I'm counting on the fact that I'll eventually be very good at something rather then ok at most things and that will count for something when I go for a job.
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